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Why is GAF overwhelmingly white?

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Considering the tone of the message board on a wide range of social issues, why is GAF so overwhelmingly white and male? The number of women is pitifully low even compared to other online message boards. The number of ethnic minorities seems to me quite lacking and confined to a few confined threads (in fact, this seems the case for several minority groups).

The board's culture seems to hinge entirely on white guys with self-serving agendas latching on to the social cause of the day under the guise of so-called "allies," surrounded by more allies who look, act and talk exactly the same, speaking, sometimes loudly, on the behalf of us actual minorities on how outraged or upset they are about the next big thing.

It's funny (not really) how now that social issues have become center stage at last with a measure of seriousness and coverage from the mainstream that we are once again drowned about the white boys' club speaking up on our behalf. It just seems so crummy and fake, especially when one considers the Internet at large is not as homogenous as GAF.

Even among certain minority groups like gays and concerns of gay marriage, who are the faces and outspoken voices here and in the public? White men, followed closely by white women (and PoC in the distant background). This is basically GAF.

To be perfectly blunt, what can be done to reduce the number of loudmouth white guys crowding this board and drowning out the people who should be at the center of these discussions? No wait, that's "toxic." I'll speak more politely. What can be done to increase visible diversity on this board?
I don't recall seeing the gender and ethnicity poll, but let's run with it.

Gaming - historically male dominated.
NeoGAF - American and European dominated.

Maybe I have my demographics wrong, but these regions are majority white. Gaming is majority male. 2 and 2.


society discourages people who aren't white and male from growing up and joining gaf

welcome to the anglosphere


A lot of women hide their gender on the internet. The same for GAF probably, so how do you really know?


Most people don't use their ISP, work, or school emails, which is a requirement for getting an account here. You're gonna diminish your user base pretty big with that requirement.

I understand the reasoning, though. It's a moderation tool and it also helps keep the board from being overrun by idiots.


I have the exact opposite view point. I'm actually always surprised how multi-cultural and diverse the gaf community is. I don't know why race or gender plays a role to you tho.


Gaf needs something like affirmative action, women and non-asian minorities need priority when getting their accounts approved. Cut the waiting time from a year to a week please~

LT Snoshado

I want to know where these statistics come from... When I'm on here, I see a bunch of like-minded (or not) nerds (or..not) hanging out and having a good time together.


Wait, you guys are seriously denying the overall demographics of this message board? Do we need a published study for every basic, obvious observation?


I'm not sure where you're going with this thread.

Wait, you guys are seriously denying the overall demographics of this message board? Do we need a published study for every basic, obvious observation?

I don't think anyone is denying it. This just seems like a really pointless OT.


You seem to be assuming a lot considering the vast majority of GAF has probably never disclosed their race or gender on the forum.


So. Just assuming everyone is a straight white male unless stated otherwise. What could go wrong.


Wait, you guys are seriously denying the overall demographics of this message board? Do we need a published study for every basic, obvious observation?

Overall demographics...? Based on what data?
Assumptions are not data.


When was the race draft? Was there a census taken or you are just guessing most are white?


I'm always surprised by the diversity here. It's actually opened my eyes to many social issues that don't affect my white privileged ass and I'm very thankful for it.


Wait, you guys are seriously denying the overall demographics of this message board? Do we need a published study for every basic, obvious observation?

Show me your evidence. If you have something we don't, I am genuinely curious.
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