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May 1st or the true face of ANTIFA


Ok I do not know if this is also pretty common in other countries I know it is like this in Paris as well but today is May fist (Tag der Arbeit) in Germany and while there are a lot of protests about better working conditions more socialism etc which are fine and peaceful. ANTIFA will show their true colors tonight. This is how it will look again




Every year it is the fucking same. Store owners trying to barricade their stores. This year the police has over 5000 people Berlin and it will still end in Chaos and burning cars and maybe even buildings. A few Minutes ago some ANTFIA assholes have occupied a Hotel and demanding to clear it or it will end very violent. They also organize via social media to attack other protests and speeches by other politicians (AFD)

Even there is more and more backlash against these Idiots a protest against left extremism lead by the CDU the currently biggest political party in Germany had to be canceled because of security concerns.....

The 1st of May in which we normally should celebrate all the reformations and progress over these years has really become to a day in which you even should fear to go out during the evening/night because of these terrorists running amok
So How is it in other countries around Europe especially since I doubt this is happening in the US or non European countries.
Yeah in US they're mostly just pussys the ones in Houston had airsoft rifles and ran when confronted. I believe the same in austin and maybe dallas.
They're mostly women and over weight men(prolly just wanting some trim) too not that that means anything

You could take em all out with a few machine guns no one ever considers that so let them burn the place down
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Yeah in US they're mostly just pussys the ones in Houston had airsoft rifles and ran when confronted. I believe the same in austin and maybe dallas.
They're mostly women and over weight men(prolly just wanting some trim) too not that that means anything

You could take em all out with a few machine guns no one ever considers that so let them burn the place down
Don’t know if your just trolling but your violent/provoking rhetoric in most topics I have seen you in, would fit right in with
Antifa :p
May 1st here in Denmark, is about going to the park drink beers and pretend you are listening to politicians, making a speech..
There has always been anarchists doing stupid shit.. I haven’t noticed them being more violent here around may 1st..
But I haven’t payed much attention to what happens on may 1st here, because I’m at work :)
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There's always been protests and demonstrations on May 1st and that's a good thing. You know protests are a good time right. Why not go out and have some fun.
I always considered antifas as a kind of hooligans. Like football hooligans they don't actualy care about their team playing well and looking good. They just look for excuses to find fights.
Don’t know if your just trolling but your violent/provoking rhetoric in most topics I have seen you in, would fit right in with
Antifa :p
May 1st here in Denmark, is about going to the park drink beers and pretend you are listening to politicians, making a speech..
There has always been anarchists doing stupid shit.. I haven’t noticed them being more violent here around may 1st..
But I haven’t payed much attention to what happens on may 1st here, because I’m at work :)
Why does everyone keep calling me a troll? I really believe these things God damnit
Antifa are just anarchists, they don't have any real political position. If it goes against the grain and 'status quo', they will back it. A pathetic bunch.


There's always been protests and demonstrations on May 1st and that's a good thing. You know protests are a good time right. Why not go out and have some fun.
Yes and that is the good thing. But this has nothing to do Antifa is doing at this day. If you would live in these streets and your car would suddendly burn because of these assholes you would not be so accepting I bet. This has nothing to do with fun. This is straight up Terrorism.


I was about to say that usually in France those kind of people just cause some unrest at the end of demonstrations (mostly throwing stuff at the police), but it seems that this year they're much more organised, and gathered a group of 1200 persons in Paris, currently surrounded by the police.
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In America all Antifa is a bunch of college kids LARPING because they feel white guilt and want a reason to "make a difference". All they do is property damage and throw fireworks. They are literally all neo socialists. And still don't know how to deal with a Trump win.

Seems a lot more dangerous in other countries. I hope the police or counter protesters kick their asses. I would watch that.


Well here in Denmark they used to counter protest when the nazi Union was holding protest.. so even if they got into a fight with each other no sane person would be affected :)


Antifa actually doesn’t do what they claim to be/do. If they were rolling up on white supremacy or a nazi/kkk march I could respect the position on a basic level. At least you’re willing to throw down for your beliefs. But they seem more content to destroy property and just be a general nuisance in America. Mostly rich kids that have kind of drank the social justice kool aid in college.


Everything considered it seems the events in Paris were mostly kept under control. People where much more numerous than usual (more than one thousand, versus a few dozens the previous years), but it doesn't look like there was more destruction than usual. Maybe a few more cars had their windows broken.
They did get in the way of the regular demonstrators though, who had to change their route.


Everything considered it seems the events in Paris were mostly kept under control. People where much more numerous than usual (more than one thousand, versus a few dozens the previous years), but it doesn't look like there was more destruction than usual. Maybe a few more cars had their windows broken.
They did get in the way of the regular demonstrators though, who had to change their route.
If its like in Germany it will really start when it gets dark. So maybe in 2-3 hours and then the whole night.


Protesting is fine. It's the violent and destructive behavior that they actually engage in that's the problem.


Live Antifa March in Germany look how they most of them all disguised. Normally the police should stop this march until everyone is demaksed...



Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
Why associate out of work disgruntled youths with a political mindset? They certainly don't really care about anything other than anarchy to display their displeasure with the status quo. Give them jobs and they will not have time to protest.


Why associate out of work disgruntled youths with a political mindset? They certainly don't really care about anything other than anarchy to display their displeasure with the status quo. Give them jobs and they will not have time to protest.
They do not want t work. They live in occupied buildings and our police and politicans are too scared to get these people out of these houses


What you need to do is to cut these assholes of social welfare or even better completely from our normal society on some Island with a HUGE fence.

Looks like fireworks already starting soon it will escalate.
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In America all Antifa is a bunch of college kids LARPING....

That's pretty much it; it only gets volatile when you throw mob mentality into the mix.

I sympathize to an extent because I was once there. You have this weird mix of social media and children who perceive themselves as champions against all of these nebulously-defined injustices they're just waking up to. They're too young & stupid to put their energy in the right places, because they see adults as people who make rules rather than understand some of the responsibilities of being an adult. It doesn't help that the only narratives they grow up on is Harry Potter & Star Wars. The fear of trying to define "who they're going to be" for the rest of their life mixed with the contact high of LARPing freedom fighter is really all this is (well, in America at least). It's the 2018 version of tagging the windows of your local meat market after catching Fugazi at some shitty dive bar.

I acted like this until I realized that I was pushing 30 and not only was it not a sustainable way of living, but all I had were bitter, fairweather friends that cared nothing about bettering themselves because it was always someone else's fault.


Yes and that is the good thing. But this has nothing to do Antifa is doing at this day. If you would live in these streets and your car would suddendly burn because of these assholes you would not be so accepting I bet. This has nothing to do with fun. This is straight up Terrorism.

Stop being such a drama queen and go get some fun into your life.


Five-star ANTIFA veteran here!

I don’t understand your anger. All we want to do is beat the shit out of a few Nazis. Is that so awful?
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To me the group is pathetic for several simple reasons;

Lack of conviction.

If you are always covering your face your a coward of the highest order. Stand up for what you believe and dont hide. If its that important to you, you should be proud to show your face for such injustices.

Understanding of what your exactly protesting.

This seems to go hand in hand with point one. These folks don't seem to have a strong grasp of what they are protesting against and so out of fear of ridicule they hide their faces. If it got out that little johnny who's only 19yo, mom and dad pay for college, and has never held a job or has any real world life experience is out smashing cars "for the cause" they would become a pariah.

Ignorant cowards.

I have a lot more respect for people if they stand tall for their beliefs, even if I vehemently disagree with them. Ill take a listen. It also helps if your educated on what your arguing, not just a bunch of idiots breaking crap.

As the old saying goes;

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes"


Those people are terrorists and should be dealt with as such. American style policing is definitely warranted for such a rambunctious ragtag group of rapacious ruffians. Fye on them and all the two faced "liberals" that align with them.
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