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PlayStation to broaden line-up, but won’t abandon roots, studio chief says


Flashless at the Golden Globes
This is the kind of thing that Xbox One got roasted for when in reality all MS was doing was promoting other features. Just because they promoted plugging in an HDMI to run cable tv through Xbox and do NFL polls on Sunday afternoon doesn't mean they were abandoning gaming. MS actually did hardly any Kinect V2 stuff on Xbox One. But people grilled them for it and Sony sat back doing that YT video while Spencer or Don Mattrick were putting out flames doing Q&A.

The same can now be seen with PS. Sony is surely still making SP games, just like MS was still going to have games for One. Spiderman 2 and Wolverine are coming out and they already got sequels of GOW, Horizon and GT released (or just about to), and also R&C and DS too. But their marketing lately makes it seem like they arent doing any SP games and all they care about is GAAS and PC and PSVR2 (with no BC) or buying up small studios to make GAAS or PC ports. Its the same thing now with pissed gamers, Hermen Hulst doing Q&A. And all MS does lately is sit back and issue out Game Pass news.
Was it though? Kinect was lambasted because it ended up increasing the price of the console by $100. It also forced them to go with a then 1.2 tflops GPU making the PS4 50% more powerful. Then they had 10% of those 1.2 tflops reserved for Kinect. Phil had to remove kinect from the packaging, remove the kinect GPU allocation and increase clocks just to get xbox in a better shape. He righted the ship but only after Don had crashed it straight into an iceberg.

I have always held X1's launch lineup in high regard. Don had the lineup. So yes, he did not abandon the core gamers, but he did put kinect casuals above the core gamers by handicapping the console specs and especially the price. The DDR3 was chosen specifically to give them enough RAM to do the fancy OS multimedia features which meant they simply ruled out GDDR5 early on.

Those decisions cost them a generation. One could argue it cost them $83 billion in Zenimax and CoD purchases because if they had held the lead, CoD wouldve continued to have Xbox timed exclusive DLC and Skyrim and Fallout wouldve sold the most on X1. Sony abandoning their core audience in favor of fortnite casuals, PC gamers and PS4 owners is going to have the same effect sooner or later.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Someone posted some chart in the Microsoft/Activision thread and it showed how console gaming has barely grown in the last decade and people were blaming Sony for that being the case (funny that, considering Microsoft and Nintendo have also been involved in the very same industry for that time period). The whole idea that there's this whole massive untapped market for the console gaming industry to go after is a laughable one.
This is something Ive brought up myself. Console userbase almost never goes above 200-250 million. MS execs wanting to chase a billion gamers with the X1 and Jimbo wanting hundred of million of gamers to play his first party games is a pipe dream. Just total up sales of PS2,GC, Xbox, and PS3, Wii, 360 and PS4, X1, Wii U and it will always be around the same 200-250 million mark. Nintendo had to literally give up the console business because they realized their handhelds were far more popular, and reliable as a revenue source. N64, GC, Wii U all failed to sell more than 30 million units.
So here's what will happen - games will start to be made with mobile/portable controls in mind. We will also start to see games being made (or at worse, built around) the idea of cloud gaming. We will also see the negative feedback loop really take hold in the AAA/AA space - whereby less gamers are spending money on games overall, which leads to less revenue entering the industry, which leads to less innovation/risks being taken, which leads to less gamers seeing value in purchasing said games, rinse & repeat.
I think thats already happening. Check out the NPD and especially the Sony quarterly report. Their sales went down from despite them releasing HFW and GT7 just a month before the quarter started. Why? These are two MASSIVE games and they dont have legs? I think its because the audience is simply done with these incremental upgrades. HFW looks amazing but plays mostly the same with no new genre defining features. GT7 is literally a copy pasta with the mode from the PS3 games added back in. People simply are fed up and are not buying any of these cross gen games.

Halo didnt enter the top 20. Forza landed at 20. behind Back4blood and mortal kombat 2019. Maybe thats the gamepass effect, but sales are down for both Sony and Microsoft.

its crazy to me that sony admitted that their sales were down by a huge margin (down from 14 to 6 million units quarter to quarter and down 10 to 6 million from same quarter last year) and yet they chose not to have an E3 show or be at gamescom or have their September showcase to show everyone who is mentally checking out of gaming that HEY WAIT A MINUTE, this is what we got planned!

Instead they have this suit go do interviews in Japan and in french to slide in all the bad news about more cross gen games and more day one PC ports. Clueless.
I'm really happy about Sony expanding in the PC space. This is the first Sony console I haven't picked up, and due to that shift in focus, I'm not feeling like I'm missing out. I know I'll have to wait for some games I'm interested in, but I expect to see most everything I'd want to play sooner or later, and who doesn't have a backlog to ease the wait, ha.


What's even more concerning for me is that the industry as a whole is increasingly pandering towards the cheapos. Pretty soon the industry won't be able to sustain itself, the negative feedback loop has already begun. The race to the bottom has already started and most people haven't even realised it yet.

"The industry will end not with a bang, but a whimper". It will sustain itself but going more and more towards live service and mobile as big studios either fail or adapt.

People engage in these live service games. They shit on a lot of the big single player games as not games, they complain about it being too expensive compared to their f2p crap. The big publishers and big games have already succumbed to this. Their output has dropped significantly and they've been reduced to mostly 1 GaaS game studios.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: GHG


These are two MASSIVE games and they dont have legs? I think its because the audience is simply done with these incremental upgrades. HFW looks amazing but plays mostly the same with no new genre defining features. GT7 is literally a copy pasta with the mode from the PS3 games added back in. People simply are fed up and are not buying any of these cross gen games.
This is simply glossing over the real problem that game sales are declining regardless of it being crossgen or not.

using your logic Returnal, Ratchet and Clank, Destruction Allstars, and Demon's Souls should have had better legs than HFW and GT7. The opposite is true. None of those games had legs even comparable to HFW and GT7.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
This is simply glossing over the real problem that game sales are declining regardless of it being crossgen or not.

using your logic Returnal, Ratchet and Clank, Destruction Allstars, and Demon's Souls should have had better legs than HFW and GT7. The opposite is true. None of those games had legs even comparable to HFW and GT7.
None of those games are doing anything remotely next gen though. Ratchet and DS look good but one is literally a PS3 game while Ratchet is a very safe by the numbers sequel.

Just making games like Deathloop, Ghostwire and TLOU remake PS5 only SKUs cant hide the fact that they are last gen and conservative in design and ambition. People want that MGS2 moment or Half Life 2 or Crysis. They want to be blown away like they were when GTA came out. or COD 4. More of the same simply isnt going to do it.


None of those games are doing anything remotely next gen though. Ratchet and DS look good but one is literally a PS3 game while Ratchet is a very safe by the numbers sequel.

Just making games like Deathloop, Ghostwire and TLOU remake PS5 only SKUs cant hide the fact that they are last gen and conservative in design and ambition. People want that MGS2 moment or Half Life 2 or Crysis. They want to be blown away like they were when GTA came out. or COD 4. More of the same simply isnt going to do it.
How exactly do you propose they achieve that (the bolded)? It seems you want some revolutionary game but aren't really saying what that would entail. The fact that something is next gen only doesn't make the next MGS2, HL2 or GTA3 as is already evident.

If anything I would argue that the studios that sustain are those who follow the latest MP trend, make a lower budget B game, release on everything out there including mobile and switch and add mtxs.
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We still need to wait and see which games may be cross gen. It could just be mlb and smaller stuff. I hope so anyway. Imagine if they backtrack on spider-man 2 and it becomes cross gen! they kinda did that with GT7, didn't they?
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I dont mind Herman, and like alot of Dutch people he is straight forward and no BS.
However, you have to love the double take.
"Our campaign games are our most profitable bit we have decided to put a shit ton of effort and development resources into developing not as profitable GAAS games."
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Kagey K

I do think mind Herman, and like alot of Dutch people he is straight forward and no BS.
However, you have to love the double take.
"Our campaign games are our most profitable bit we have decided to put a shit ton of effort and development resources into developing not as profitable GAAS games."
They dont really have any GAAS out right now.

I guess Destruction All Stars, so of course single player games are going to be more profitable.

If they ever release a good GAAS that might change in a heartbeat.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
How exactly do you propose they achieve that (the bolded)?
The first step is on us, the gamers, we gotta call these developers and publishers out and let them know when stuff isnt good enough. Or better yet, simply not buy shit that does nothing to push the medium forward or clearly isn't made with passion. When a game is ho-hum, or status quo, these studios need to feel it in their wallets. Gamers are so easily satisfied with generic bland empty open worlds, samey game design, and "good enough" graphics. Damn near every single relevant game gets at least a 70 on metacritic nowadays because not even journalists have the testicles needed to flop a game that does nothing above mediocre. You bet your ass if Saints Row 2022 was the exact same piece of shit it is, but published by Nintendo, Sony, or any publisher with clout it would score in the 70's
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
How exactly do you propose they achieve that (the bolded)? It seems you want some revolutionary game but aren't really saying what that would entail. The fact that something is next gen only doesn't make the next MGS2, HL2 or GTA3 as is already evident.

If anything I would argue that the studios that sustain are those who follow the latest MP trend, make a lower budget B game, release on everything out there including mobile and switch and add mtxs.
I am not a developer but its obvious to me that we've been stuck with PS3 era game design, physics and AI for the last 17 years. The only thing that the vram allowed devs to do was make their games open world or with bigger levels. With that came filler and just empty vapid worlds.

Now we need to fill those up. We need games to become an interactive medium again. Why cant I set the gorgeous world of horizon on fire like we could in Far Cry 2? why cant i take part in the epic final battle between hundreds of dinobots and alien robots in HFW? Why does Halo feel like Halo Combat Evolved did in 2001? Where did all that wildlife go from the trailers? Why is Watch Dogs predowngrade still the most immersive open world city? That blew minds. Anthem blew minds. We just had a generation of downgrades and while last gen is over, cross gen still hasnt come close to what Watch Dogs showed in 2012 and Anthem in 2017. Even ND couldnt match their downgraded TLOU2 gameplay reveal with a PS5 only TLOU.

Avatar devs have outlined all the next gen enhancements that ive posted well over a dozen times on this board. Its not about fancy graphics. Mark Cerny didnt go on stage and talk about graphics did he? He was talking about how the SSD and IO will change game design. He showed off the Spiderman fast traversal demo. We havent gotten that.

Avatar, Matrix, the first UE5 demo with that incredible flying demo are what Cerny was talking about. Sadly no one from sony or MS have gotten the memo.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
They claim these pc ports allow them invest more in to sp games, if so where are they then. What a load crap, if the live service games take off, we are going to see less and less sp games , I really hate this new Sony, if u want growth, they should focus and invest in the ps plus extra service.

A few are releasing in the coming months

Sackboy PC
The Last of Us Part 1 PC (2023)
Uncharted Legacy of Thieves PC
Spider-Man Miles Morale PC
God of War Ragnarok PS5

Returnal PC is getting announced anytime too
there was lots of concern when gamepass was created that it would all just be GAAS from Playstation fans wasn't there. now its cool to have GAAS
C'mon now, you make it sound like Xbox created Gaas, and Sony wasn't influenced by the likes of 3rd party games like Fornite, Fifa, Nba2k, COD, Destiny or GTAV. No, Gaas arent cool if that means less money is invested into games like Gow or Horizon.

Kagey K

C'mon now, you make it sound like Xbox created Gaas, and Sony wasn't influenced by the likes of 3rd party games like Fornite, Fifa, Nba2k, COD, Destiny or GTAV. No, Gaas arent cool if that means less money
These are all annual games that get the best from both worlds.

Fortnite took some time to find it's feet and almost got shut down.

Most Successful GAAS aren't great to start, but once they find thier feet they move.

Expect the same from most going forward.


I am not a developer but its obvious to me that we've been stuck with PS3 era game design, physics and AI for the last 17 years. The only thing that the vram allowed devs to do was make their games open world or with bigger levels. With that came filler and just empty vapid worlds.

Now we need to fill those up. We need games to become an interactive medium again. Why cant I set the gorgeous world of horizon on fire like we could in Far Cry 2? why cant i take part in the epic final battle between hundreds of dinobots and alien robots in HFW? Why does Halo feel like Halo Combat Evolved did in 2001? Where did all that wildlife go from the trailers? Why is Watch Dogs predowngrade still the most immersive open world city? That blew minds. Anthem blew minds. We just had a generation of downgrades and while last gen is over, cross gen still hasnt come close to what Watch Dogs showed in 2012 and Anthem in 2017. Even ND couldnt match their downgraded TLOU2 gameplay reveal with a PS5 only TLOU.

Avatar devs have outlined all the next gen enhancements that ive posted well over a dozen times on this board. Its not about fancy graphics. Mark Cerny didnt go on stage and talk about graphics did he? He was talking about how the SSD and IO will change game design. He showed off the Spiderman fast traversal demo. We havent gotten that.

Avatar, Matrix, the first UE5 demo with that incredible flying demo are what Cerny was talking about. Sadly no one from sony or MS have gotten the memo.

I can see that you are passionate about wanting something to wow you but I also think it's a lot easier said than done.

Those improvements are happening it's just not as exciting as you or I think. TLOU pt 1 is a good example it has incredible physics and better AI but how do you turn that into something that changes gameplay dramatically where it doesn't look like an iteration? A physics based gameplay loop is difficult to come up with, what would you do?

Game design has changed too, Ratchet based its main thing on teleporting and shifting worlds in 0.5s. God of war would no longer need the world tree if it had a fast drive (the one where you run in some blue tree world towards a teleport door is just a disguised loading screen, stop anywhere and the door appears in front of you when loading has finished). These would be the design changes, but would you consider them revolutionary or even notice?

In BoTW you can set things on fire.

The UE5 flying demo wouldn't even get that much praise or sales if it were a game. It looks fantastic, so does Ratchet, HFW, GoW and TLOU pt 1 but it wouldn't wow people if it were to come out. Neither did The Order 1886. The closest thing I can think of when it comes to that demo is Killzone shadowfall. Incredible looking game for the time but not much fanfare. Even has a playable flying section very similar to that demo

Wasn't exactly the next GTA3 though. I don't think doing all those things, great graphics, good physics, fast traversal, and no loading screen game design is going to recreate the next HL2, GTA3 etc. Games like Fortnite, Minecraft, Rocket League, Among Us etc, are those games today, most GaaS and still lightning in a bottle.

It's just about creating something really popular/enjoyable as a package and I hope something releases that really wows you like GTA or HL did soon. In the case of CP2077, Watchdogs or Anthem I think expectations just go too high and it's this exact feeling that things haven't actually progressed even though they have, just not in a revolutionary way some might envisage. Maybe Starfield will be that game that delivers for you.


Gold Member
This is something Ive brought up myself. Console userbase almost never goes above 200-250 million. MS execs wanting to chase a billion gamers with the X1 and Jimbo wanting hundred of million of gamers to play his first party games is a pipe dream. Just total up sales of PS2,GC, Xbox, and PS3, Wii, 360 and PS4, X1, Wii U and it will always be around the same 200-250 million mark. Nintendo had to literally give up the console business because they realized their handhelds were far more popular, and reliable as a revenue source. N64, GC, Wii U all failed to sell more than 30 million units.

I think thats already happening. Check out the NPD and especially the Sony quarterly report. Their sales went down from despite them releasing HFW and GT7 just a month before the quarter started. Why? These are two MASSIVE games and they dont have legs? I think its because the audience is simply done with these incremental upgrades. HFW looks amazing but plays mostly the same with no new genre defining features. GT7 is literally a copy pasta with the mode from the PS3 games added back in. People simply are fed up and are not buying any of these cross gen games.

Halo didnt enter the top 20. Forza landed at 20. behind Back4blood and mortal kombat 2019. Maybe thats the gamepass effect, but sales are down for both Sony and Microsoft.

its crazy to me that sony admitted that their sales were down by a huge margin (down from 14 to 6 million units quarter to quarter and down 10 to 6 million from same quarter last year) and yet they chose not to have an E3 show or be at gamescom or have their September showcase to show everyone who is mentally checking out of gaming that HEY WAIT A MINUTE, this is what we got planned!

Instead they have this suit go do interviews in Japan and in french to slide in all the bad news about more cross gen games and more day one PC ports. Clueless.
Yup. PC and mobile ate into the potential growth of consoles and dedicated handhelds. It was crazy back then how many gadgets Sony, Nintendo and MS sold.

Gaming has exploded. Gamers and revenue have both skyrocketed, but console maker hardware basically stays put. You'd think with so much industry growth console hardware should be at 500 or 600 million by now. And it's not a supply issue like today because last gen Switch, Xbox and PS systems (Switch kind of carries over into this gen muddying the waters) didn't exactly rocket past the gen before that. And there was plenty of supply.

As for game sales, maybe a lot of those big name franchises of 10+ years ago are simply too stodgy for modern day gamers. I said it many times on GAF, there is no way in modern day a game like Halo will be giant like it was during 360 days. The game style and setting is something shooter fans from 2000-2010 would love. Military games and all the crazy BR games blew past arena style shooters long time ago. Halo even sticks to the red vs blue team colours which is something old ass shooters did.

I think some of these big SP games or old timer franchises are simply long in the tooth. Modern gamers want GAAS, social aspects, quick hit and run gaming playing lots of sessions of short matches, vs slogging it through a big game. Ya, GTA and Elden Ring are giant games with big sales, but it just seems gamers now prefer GAAS kinds of games.

Gamers on GAF who have been around playing everything from the Atari era have seen it all. I think many of us just assume that modern gamers will like the same kind of stuff we were exposed to (which is the entire breadth of gaming from arcades/consoles/computers... which even includes zero graphics Infocom text games). We grew up liking all kinds of games, but when younger gamers (like my nieces and nephews) who grew up watching YT and playing whatever half shitty Switch or cellphone game is what they know, they couldnt care less playing Forza or Halo or slogging it out in some big action or RPG game.

I'd say it's even more skewed for console gamers because at least on PC that platform has always had a wider range of gamers. You get everything from arcadey games, flash games to hardcore WWII turn based sims or Factorio kind of stuff which you'd never get on console.
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Kenneth Haight

Gold Member

“won’t abandon roots”​

Well See Episode 7 GIF by Star Wars


C'mon now, you make it sound like Xbox created Gaas, and Sony wasn't influenced by the likes of 3rd party games like Fornite, Fifa, Nba2k, COD, Destiny or GTAV. No, Gaas arent cool if that means less money is invested into games like Gow or Horizon.

no the concern from Sony fans is that gamepads would change the industry and there would be half arsed games and most games would go GAAS but now Sony are doing GAAS people like that's cool lol


So in the last 24h Sony confirmed

  1. Gaas games will be day 1 on pc as well as playstation (4/5) - this actually make sense, gaas can only thrive if there is big enough audience
  2. More SP exclusives will be heading to pc sooner (approx 1 year)
  3. Cross-gen will last longer than expected (again, make sense, if you invest 100s of millions into game development you want it to reach the broadest audience)
  4. More mobile games

All make sense from business point of view (more revenues) but can imagine that hardcore fan base will not be impressed.


no the concern from Sony fans is that gamepads would change the industry and there would be half arsed games and most games would go GAAS but now Sony are doing GAAS people like that's cool lol
Based on Sony announcements it seems that they have got more gaas games in development than SP tittles. But as you said it is okay when Sony is doing this.


Based on Sony announcements it seems that they have got more gaas games in development than SP tittles. But as you said it is okay when Sony is doing this.

to be honest am more concerned that they still going to do more cross gen titles. what's the point in upgrading at this point?


to be honest am more concerned that they still going to do more cross gen titles. what's the point in upgrading at this point?
I hope he means live-service titles coming to PS4 which absolutely makes sense for the game itself, I'm gonna be disappointed if he's referring to other single-player titles (which I still think is unlikely after 2022). I'm surprised no journo just straight up asked him or Jim Ryan whether or not Ragnarok's gonna be the last single-player cross-gen game coming from PlayStation Studios.


I hope he means live-service titles coming to PS4 which absolutely makes sense for the game itself, I'm gonna be disappointed if he's referring to other single-player titles (which I still think is unlikely after 2022). I'm surprised no journo just straight up asked him or Jim Ryan whether or not Ragnarok's gonna be the last single-player cross-gen game coming from PlayStation Studios.

I hope it is the last cross gen game but by the way people are talking there is gonna be more.

I think they see how games like fortnite and stuff is making mega miney


What's even more concerning for me is that the industry as a whole is increasingly pandering towards the cheapos. Pretty soon the industry won't be able to sustain itself, the negative feedback loop has already begun. The race to the bottom has already started and most people haven't even realised it yet.
Yep. I'm really concerned as I saw it happen to mobile gaming. Believe it or not, it was a viable platform. A lot of the games were built around the touch screen but were full, complete games. Quality games like Zenonia, Chaos Rings, N.O.V.A. 3, and Infinity Blade were being made. Even Angry Birds was quality. Then freemium happened and I saw such a quick decrease in quality and variety of titles. People though spending anything over $3 for a mobile game was too much. Even high production games like Chaos Rings which was near PSP quality at the time and cost a third of a game of that quality. Several years later, Nintendo tried to make a premium Mario Run title (It wasn't the best), and no one wanted to pay $9 for it. Nintendo saw a lot more success with Fire Emblem Heroes. Even the premium titles in the App/Play stores aren't as profitable as their F2P counterparts.

Now I hear people expecting everything to be on GamePass and expecting every game to give them 50+ hours of entertainment for cheap. Long are the days people being okay with playing a quality game despite how long it is. Every game needs to have RPG mechanics, looting, crafting, and anything to extend those hours because gamers can't be bothered spending their money on a variety of titles. Games need to be free to play and be updated constantly or else it is "dead". I love accessibility, but I do think there needs to be room for expensive, quality products worth their price.


I can't say I'm surprised by this personally. I had an OG 2013 PS4 so basically bought a PS5 to play PS4 games on newer hardware. PS5 for me was always viewed as a PS4 Pro 2, at least for thr next couple years. I get get the frustration though. But for me personally this is kinda what I expected.

I also think it's harder and harder to believe Sony's "We believe in generations" line. With cross gen going as long as it is its hard to believe they aren't taking an iterative approach like Microsoft and just using marketing and PR spin to frame it as something else. I guess we will see what happens in a couple years if they try to release an iterative PS5 console.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
  • More cross-gen titles could come (case by case) - “We certainly don’t want to forget the millions of active players on PS4, and we want to ensure there are great games for them as well,”

As a PS4 Pro owner, I approve of this.


Gold Member
Yep. I'm really concerned as I saw it happen to mobile gaming. Believe it or not, it was a viable platform. A lot of the games were built around the touch screen but were full, complete games. Quality games like Zenonia, Chaos Rings, N.O.V.A. 3, and Infinity Blade were being made. Even Angry Birds was quality. Then freemium happened and I saw such a quick decrease in quality and variety of titles. People though spending anything over $3 for a mobile game was too much. Even high production games like Chaos Rings which was near PSP quality at the time and cost a third of a game of that quality. Several years later, Nintendo tried to make a premium Mario Run title (It wasn't the best), and no one wanted to pay $9 for it. Nintendo saw a lot more success with Fire Emblem Heroes. Even the premium titles in the App/Play stores aren't as profitable as their F2P counterparts.

Now I hear people expecting everything to be on GamePass and expecting every game to give them 50+ hours of entertainment for cheap. Long are the days people being okay with playing a quality game despite how long it is. Every game needs to have RPG mechanics, looting, crafting, and anything to extend those hours because gamers can't be bothered spending their money on a variety of titles. Games need to be free to play and be updated constantly or else it is "dead". I love accessibility, but I do think there needs to be room for expensive, quality products worth their price.
Most people think of mobile as trash because there’s so much weird junk on there the good games get buried.

Also like everything in life, price matters a lot so for many people playing a F2P game or a $3 is good enough. Not every gamer wants to spend $20 on mobile for higher quality games when a shitty game which looks like was designed in someone’s basement is good enough for 30 minutes of thrills. And if it’s free the better.
Do you not think a lot of those 120 will have the ps5 and a lot of ps4 be put away now?
Noppe, they are aprox 20 mil who have a PS5 right now and a smaller part is going from PS4 to PS5. I swear that they'r are at least between the 90-100 people who are stil Playing on the PS4..

Kagey K

Noppe, they are aprox 20 mil who have a PS5 right now and a smaller part is going from PS4 to PS5. I swear that they'r are at least between the 90-100 people who are stil Playing on the PS4..
According to Sonys last quarterly report, mathematically it's impossible and you'd be wrong. Unless you assume that nobody is taking their PS5 online.

Monthly active PlayStation Network users reached 102 million in the recent quarter, down from 105 million year over year.

We will see later this month if the numbers changed at all.
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According to Sonys last quarterly report, mathematically it's impossible and you'd be wrong. Unless you assume that nobody is taking their PS5 online.


We will see later this month if the numbers changed at all.
Its an article of 4 months ago. That does not indicate that a lot of PS4 players are jumping to the PS5.... But whe will see whe Ragnarok and other third party games like Calisto Protocol and others are coming out.
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Damn Sony more cross gen games? I agree with some here PS4 pro 2 alright... still making games for oudated and slow CPU even in the 2013 and still making games for slow ass HDD.


I am not a developer but its obvious to me that we've been stuck with PS3 era game design, physics and AI for the last 17 years. The only thing that the vram allowed devs to do was make their games open world or with bigger levels. With that came filler and just empty vapid worlds.

Now we need to fill those up. We need games to become an interactive medium again. Why cant I set the gorgeous world of horizon on fire like we could in Far Cry 2? why cant i take part in the epic final battle between hundreds of dinobots and alien robots in HFW? Why does Halo feel like Halo Combat Evolved did in 2001? Where did all that wildlife go from the trailers? Why is Watch Dogs predowngrade still the most immersive open world city? That blew minds. Anthem blew minds. We just had a generation of downgrades and while last gen is over, cross gen still hasnt come close to what Watch Dogs showed in 2012 and Anthem in 2017. Even ND couldnt match their downgraded TLOU2 gameplay reveal with a PS5 only TLOU.

Avatar devs have outlined all the next gen enhancements that ive posted well over a dozen times on this board. Its not about fancy graphics. Mark Cerny didnt go on stage and talk about graphics did he? He was talking about how the SSD and IO will change game design. He showed off the Spiderman fast traversal demo. We havent gotten that.

Avatar, Matrix, the first UE5 demo with that incredible flying demo are what Cerny was talking about. Sadly no one from sony or MS have gotten the memo.
What blows my mind is that the true next gen games are from unknown indies, like Wukong and Project Stellar, meanwhile the multi-billions companies are the ones that are still stuck to lastgen. You would think would be opposite, but nope.


Gold Member
The entire generation will be cross-gen. Fuck this timeline.

Mark Cerny is crying alone in a bathtub somewhere. All that ingenious SSD and I/O engineering for nothing (except faster load times).
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Well I can tell you one thing, I will definitely never be an early adopter of a PlayStation console again. May as well hold onto my PS5 for three or four years after the PS6 comes out. I mean, what's the point?


Let's be real for a second here.

So glad we'll all be gaming exclusively on Netflix streams in 20 years.


So where is my Ape Escape game Herman?!
That's what I'm saying. Look, I'm all for Sonys 100 million dollar story heavy movie games because they're fun but God Damn edgy "adult" games aren't always the best to play.

I'll tell you for sure that Neon White on Steam was one of the most unexpectedly fun games I've pumped dozens of hours into this year while I barely finished Ghostwire and got bored with Horizon with it's ridiculous opening tutorial killing all my interest.
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Gold Member
Well I can tell you one thing, I will definitely never be an early adopter of a PlayStation console again. May as well hold onto my PS5 for three or four years after the PS6 comes out. I mean, what's the point?

While I agree that this generation feels a lot less exciting than pretty much all previous ones because of all the cross-gen stuff, you DO get a much better experience on PS5 in pretty much all games. Faster loads, higher resolution, 60fps, etc. I wouldn't want to still be stuck on PS4 even though it's still getting most games.
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