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Trump picks Reince Priebus as Chief of Staff, Steve Bannon as senior advisor

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We should have always called them what they are. They are the far right. the racist, sexist POWERFUL wing in the Republican party now.

Even something as politically correct as "deplorables" made them lose their shit, so I look forward to their reaction when people start telling it like it is.


Just the term "alt-right" is proof that liberals have been coddling the special snowflakes with economic anxiety - but of course, not enough to actually bother learning anything about economics or to care about coherent policy - for years. We gave those people an out, they still aligned with the "alt-right", and now they have the audacity to try and move the goalposts?

As the conservatives say, it's time to fuck political correctness. Not the bastardized "calling out racism is politically correct" tripe, but the actual definition of "we can't call self-avowed white nationalists exactly that because of they're acute economic anxiety and opinions, etc."

For the record, I'm for the approach of not ceding any ground on minority rights and just lying about magically getting the jobs back from the grips of automation while secretly putting forth reasonable policy to adjust paradigms in the background.


By the way, Steve Bannon will now have access to the entire NSA apparatus.

Yes, but as a white working class citizen, I have nothing to fear. Now I love my Jew friends, but if the administration starts to investigate them, I'm sure it's for a good reason.


Yup, Massive Duck was right. Some of the mainstream media "whitewashing" Bannon:

CBS News:
Bannon, who holds anti-establishment views, has drawn repeated heat over the course of the election for his connections to Breitbart News, the conservative website that heralded the rise of alt-right ideologies this campaign cycle.

Bannon represents bare-knuckle style politics seen as appealing to Trump's most inflammatory instincts, and his initial hiring prompted a raft of criticism from Democrats accusing Trump of embracing the "alt right." [...] Bannon is a former Navy officer and Goldman Sachs investment banker and has been an executive in the right-wing media for years. He joined Trump's campaign in August alongside new campaign manager Kellyanne Conway, after Paul Manafort was fired as campaign manager.

Washington Post
President-elect Donald Trump's decision to appoint Stephen Bannon as his chief strategist in the White House has drawn a sharp rebuke from political strategists who see in Bannon a controversial figure too closely associated with the “alt-right” movement, which white nationalists have embraced. [it wasn't founded and then white nationalists came, the site was created by and for white nationalists]

but the reassuring gesture was tempered by his decision to name Steve Bannon, an insurgent firebrand, as his chief strategist. [...] Bannon, Trump’s campaign CEO and leader of the so-called alt-right movement, is a savvy but controversial figure who has collided bitterly with the party establishment, particularly House Speaker Paul Ryan. He will take on the title of Trump’s chief strategist and senior counselor. [it does mention the racism later on in the article, but the wording in these first two mentions of him are concerning]

NY Times is a bit better:
Mr. Bannon’s selection demonstrated the power of grass-roots activists who backed Mr. Trump’s candidacy. Some of them have long traded in the conspiracy theories and sometimes racist messages of Breitbart News, the website that Mr. Bannon ran for much of the past decade.

The site has accused President Obama of “importing more hating Muslims”; compared Planned Parenthood’s work to the Holocaust; called the conservative commentator Bill Kristol a “renegade Jew”; and advised female victims of online harassment to “just log off” and stop “screwing up the internet for men,” illustrating that point with a picture of a crying child.
I never bothered acknowledging the "alt" portion anyway. They are all cut from the same cloth. It's the same republican garbage talking points wrapped in different paper. That is it.

Yeah but the right, especially the evangelical right is generally super supportive of Israel and Jews.

It'll be interesting to see how that plays out.


A real machiavellian play here would be to pair off objectively terrible appointments to important positions with horrifying ones to advisory and symbolic roles. Walk back from the latter as a conciliatory effort with no real effect and benefit from people having settled with the former. Too bad that is somehow better than what we are probably going to get.
Yeah but the right, especially the evangelical right is generally super supportive of Israel and Jews.

It'll be interesting to see how that plays out.

Like I said, it's largely the same thing with a new coat of paint. Change a few things here or there. They are still bat shit insane.


Yeah but the right, especially the evangelical right is generally super supportive of Israel and Jews.

It'll be interesting to see how that plays out.
Evangelicals don't give a shit about Jews. They support Israel because they think it will lead to Jesus returning.

Don't think pro-Israel doesn't mean anti-Semitic.


So, straight up, as a jew, should I leave?

Wait until you think it's necessary for your own safety (but that's just my suggestion, you know it better yourself). Until then, help out on your local level, volunteer and support organizations that combat anti-Semitism, donate to initiatives that help you out, spread and disseminate love and knowledge to the ones who aren't fascists, go to school and help out during Holocaust day, etc.

Maybe: http://www.adl.org/ ? (but not well-versed in their practice - maybe they're zionists or have done other heinous shit)


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Yup, Massive Duck was right. Some of the mainstream media "whitewashing" Bannon:

CBS News:
Bannon, who holds anti-establishment views, has drawn repeated heat over the course of the election for his connections to Breitbart News, the conservative website that heralded the rise of alt-right ideologies this campaign cycle.
I guess that's one way to undersell his involvement. That's kinda like saying Obama has connections to the White House.
Yes, but as a white working class citizen, I have nothing to fear. Now I love my Jew friends, but if the administration starts to investigate them, I'm sure it's for a good reason.

Yeah, after all, we don't have anything to hide! Nothing to fear because we have nothing to hide, not our sexual orientation, race, religion, ancestry, ideals, nope, nothing that matters at all. I'm just a red-blooded American White Male® over here, pick myself up by the bootstraps to work all day and happily shop at the company store while voting Republican, a yup.



Wait until you think it's necessary for your own safety (but that's just my suggestion, you know it better yourself). Until then, help out on your local level, volunteer and support organizations that combat anti-Semitism, donate to initiatives that help you out, spread and disseminate love and knowledge to the ones who aren't fascists, go to school and help out during Holocaust day, etc.

Maybe: http://www.adl.org/ ? (but not well-versed in their practice - maybe they're zionists or have done other heinous shit)

I've worked with ADL, they're generally good on this stuff. They have two missions, one is pro israel (generally middle of the road, not like AIPAC) but the other is pro civil rights for everyone in the US and worldwide. The ADL, ACLU, Planned Parenthood and the EFF will be very important in dealing with this going forward.
I never bothered acknowledging the "alt" portion anyway. They are all cut from the same cloth. It's the same republican garbage talking points wrapped in different paper. That is it.
It's a way for us to call them neo-nazis without the public at large rolling their eyes.

If it's a new group, people will pay attention.


It's going to be difficult to get people outraged about Bannon because there's no digestible 'smoking gun', no single quote caught on tape that makes it obvious he's a racist, misogynist, or anti-Semite. You have to look at the whole of his reign at Brietbart, and even then irs easy for people to say he didn't write those articles himself.


will learn eventually
It's going to be difficult to get people outraged about Bannon because there's no digestible 'smoking gun', no single quote caught on tape that makes it obvious he's a racist, misogynist, or anti-Semite. You have to look at the whole of his reign at Brietbart, and even then irs easy for people to say he didn't write those articles himself.

Take some headlines from his fucking homepage then:

"Would you rather your child is a feminist or got cancer?" is a good one to show how fucked up our standards are already. This is ridiculous. Bannon should cause a public outrage never before seen.


It's going to be difficult to get people outraged about Bannon because there's no digestible 'smoking gun', no single quote caught on tape that makes it obvious he's a racist, misogynist, or anti-Semite. You have to look at the whole of his reign at Brietbart, and even then irs easy for people to say he didn't write those articles himself.

There's a guy on GAF who was doing that just last night!


Donald Trump’s campaign manager wants to destroy the left. And the GOP nominee is just the most recent vessel of convenience in his consequences-be-damned crusade. Article was published in Aug 2016, but still tells you what kind of man Bannon is.
Stephen Bannon, who recently took over as Donald Trump’s campaign manager, once gave an interview, while promoting his 2010 film, “Fire From the Heartland: the Awakening of the Conservative Woman,” where he argued that Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, and Ann Coulter pose an existential threat to the left.

“These women cut to the heart of the progressive narrative,” he explained. “That's one of the unintended consequences of the women's liberation movement––that, in fact, the women that would lead this country would be feminine, they would be pro-family, they would have husbands, they would love their children. They wouldn't be a bunch of dykes that came from the 7 Sisters schools."
But the animating spirit of Bannon’s projects, including Breitbart.com, is anti-leftism. That is where his venom and animus most surfaces, whether expressed by lashing out at “a bunch of dykes” from northeastern colleges, or union organizers, or Barack Obama, or those who don’t fight leftists as Bannon believes they should. Like an eager Iraq War hawk circa 2002, Bannon is so dominated by a desire to wage war and vanquish his enemy that he cannot think clearly about damage wrought by his destructive, polarizing approach or the long term consequences.

In that sense, Bannon is radically anti-conservative, with no apparent regard for custom or continuity or prudence or the need to fear and restrain populist passions.
This anti-left focus was illustrated by Bannon’s telling responses to the 2008 financial crisis and the ensuing bailouts. Despite his Goldman Sachs past, he repeatedly harkened back to those events as if they radicalized him, aptly noting that they constituted unconscionable crony capitalism in a country where the middle class is struggling. He even expressed worry about young people, noting “70 percent of our college graduates are either unemployed or underemployed––we’re in a crisis.”

Yet the big banks were never the focus of his animus.

"Goldman Sachs isn’t the firm it once was when I worked for it,” he explained in a gentle 2010 critique, but “is still one of the building blocks of our capitalist society."

In contrast, the following autumn, when protesters outraged by the bailouts descended on Zuccotti Park in lower Manhattan, inspiring a movement that took hold around the country, Bannon did make the Occupy movement the subject of a hostile film.

Released just prior to Election 2012, it savaged the protests. “After making the Occupy movie, when you finish watching the film, you want to take a hot shower,” he said that October. “You want to go home and shower because you’ve just spent an hour and fifteen minutes with the greasiest, dirtiest people you will ever see.”


Starting to feel like at least this can't get much worse...





*googles Ingraham*

oh she's the nazi saluter


Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
A hack from Breitbart in a senior advisor role. Things just keep getting worse.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Continuing the Gamergate tradition I see.

"We are not misogynist or racist!!!!"
*use slurs & attacks women and people of color*
FWIW, Beaverton is satire (hence my "xD"). It's like the Canadian Onion.

But, I know it's easy to mistake satire for reality these days. You're the second person I saw that got caught in Poe's Law with this one. xD


but believes in Chael
Trump is creating the 24/7 cable news administration. I believe that is the only way Trump likes to learn so he doesn't know about serious people doing serious work.
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