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WTF, is my PoP game bugged too? Screw you Ubisoft


works for Gamestop (lol)
Okay, I'm at the part titled "There's Something Glowing Up There"

The room has a little water fountain thing in the middle, and a button on the middle where Farah stands on. Right now, I have it saved in that room while Farah is standing on the button. I'm suppose to open these three gates/doors that lead to a switch. Two of these switches are on a wall, one of them must be pressed by pushing a statue against it, while the other button simply needs to be wall-run on. Okay, sounds simple. Except the last friggin door never opens! I'm assuming the last gate is triggered by the button that Farah is standing on but the fucking door is opening. More proof that I think my game is bugged is that when I open one of the doors by pressing one of the buttons, Farah says "That's two doors opened." Except only one of the is open. IS MY GAME BUGGED? WHAT THE FUCK! First Beyond Good & Evil, and now this? It's like Ubisoft doesn't want me to enjoy their games. I don't want to replay up to this point again since I'm 2 hours in already. SOMEONE HELP MEEEEEEEEEEE


The only way to get around this crap is to have multiple save files. I got caught by a glitch in the game as well, but I went back to an eariler save point and only had to replay 30 minutes or so. Pretty shitty, but that's the best you can do.


wario, this one's for you. it's extra big, because POP is so great and he's sad, oh, so sad you'll never play it.


the funny thing is i never ran into any problems with BGE or POP. then again, after the accidential deletion of my FF7 save years back, i always keep multiple saves...


LOL. That sucks dude. The only glitch I've encountered recently is the glitch in Psi Ops. And I just finished BG&E and PoP.


works for Gamestop (lol)
I rented this game from Gamefly too...I was planning to beat it by tonight and ship it out tomorrow, looks like that ain't happening



works for Gamestop (lol)
Deepthroat said:

But it's still worth picking up if you find it cheap?

Yes. I picked it up for $7 back in January and I don't regret it. Even if the game had a nasty bug that forced me to restart


Thanks Wario. But is there any way to avoid this bug? I don't feel like restart once I've begun, if it's not in the beginning, which I then can live with.


works for Gamestop (lol)
The bug in question is when your partner just simply disappears. Throughout the game, you have this partner that follows you along, who helps you solve puzzles and stuff. If the bug occurs, your partner will just simply disappear. Just make sure that every time you plan to save your game, you have your partner with you. Or just use multiple save files to be safe. You'll bet I'll be using multiple save files for Ubisoft's games from now on...


I always alternate my save slots. So you never have to go back very far no matter what happens. Save in slot 1 then 2 then 3 then go back to 1 it's pretty simple guys.


works for Gamestop (lol)
darscot said:
I always alternate my save slots. So you neer have to go back very far no matter what happens. Save in slot 1 then 2 then 3 then go back to 1 it's pretty simple guys.

I would do this but sometimes saving the multiple save slots makes the save file bigger. What's even dumber is that some games don't even have the option to delete your save games unless you delete the whole save file from the memory card (I'm looking at you GTA:Vice City and BG&E...)

For PC games though, I do it all the time


I've never had a problem with the size of save files and I'm mainly a Gamecube gamer and Nintendo is the worst for there bloody memory cards.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Well it took me a little bit over a hour, but I'm back at where I left off from. I sped through the game like a freak. I'm still pissed at Ubisoft

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
I had the exact same problem. I enjoyed the game immensely up to there, but I hated the fighting. I only had one save file, and didnt feel like going through all that fighting again. So I didnt finish the game. Too bad, since I really enjoyed the platforming.


There's another glitch that I got later on. It was where you has to swing and hit swtiches on the walls. Tip: Don't save there.
Synbios459 said:
While we're talking about PoP:TSoT what is the best version?

I think IGN determined the GC version to be the best oddly enough. But the Xbox version is no slouch. The PS2 version has a iffy framerate, and the PC is nice, but you need a good gamepad to truly enjoy it.


Dr.Guru of Peru said:
I had the exact same problem. I enjoyed the game immensely up to there, but I hated the fighting. I only had one save file, and didnt feel like going through all that fighting again. So I didnt finish the game. Too bad, since I really enjoyed the platforming.

Me too.

I just quit saying "What the HELL were they thinking?". I mean the combat was pretty fun, however fighting 30 + respawning enemys was rediculous, I couldnt believe that. Its one of the few great games that was ruined for me by some small thing as respawning enemys.

So its not the bug that kept me from finishing, it was the fucking respawns, I just couldnt make myself play through it again. /sigh

Ranger X

Wario64 it's good you're pissed and many more gamers should be. Games since a couple of years are WAY MORE buggy than before. Do you remember also the bug in Jak2 last year? That one gave me a urge to kill -> 92% complete and your next mission is not going to trigger on.

Start to think about that. If nobody complain or express frustration, no develloper will cease to shrink budgets and devellopement/testing time for their game. Many gamers don't fall on bugs even in the most buggy games but this is not reason to excuse poor testing. I want to pay for games and be entertained. But i want to make my money worth it's every penny. Lousy devellopement and cheap productions gives me the envy of copying stuff and devellopement houses should see it that way.

And by the way... i know a couple of people here in the POP team and Ubi soft Montreal and let me tell you something Wario64. I don't like rumours but this one really fits: They tend to shorten their testing time and then send the game at Sony's testing cycle earlier than supposed. That way, it's Sony finding the most bugs and Ubi saves times and money.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Well that explains why I've encountered two nasty bugs in both their titles. Ugh. It's not just Ubisoft too...I had a nasty bug encountered in GTA:Vice City. To make it short, my game was set right before the final mission, but for some odd reason the game wouldn't let me activiate this mission, nor could I do rampages, change clothes, do side missions, etc. I had to restart the whole game over. All 20+ hours, gone.

I know it's tough to keep games bug free and all but what the hell. I can't tolerate these friggin bugs anymore. At least not bugs that completely destroy my save game by preventing me from progressing through the game. It's just unacceptable

Also, I'm 75% through Prince of Persia now and I don't see what's so special about this game. Puzzles are easy, combat sucks. The game is average at best. Hopefully the last quarter of the game can change my mind


Wyzdom said:
Wario64 it's good you're pissed and many more gamers should be. Games since a couple of years are WAY MORE buggy than before. Do you remember also the bug in Jak2 last year? That one gave me a urge to kill -> 92% complete and your next mission is not going to trigger on.

Start to think about that. If nobody complain or express frustration, no develloper will cease to shrink budgets and devellopement/testing time for their game. Many gamers don't fall on bugs even in the most buggy games but this is not reason to excuse poor testing. I want to pay for games and be entertained. But i want to make my money worth it's every penny. Lousy devellopement and cheap productions gives me the envy of copying stuff and devellopement houses should see it that way.

And by the way... i know a couple of people here in the POP team and Ubi soft Montreal and let me tell you something Wario64. I don't like rumours but this one really fits: They tend to shorten their testing time and then send the game at Sony's testing cycle earlier than supposed. That way, it's Sony finding the most bugs and Ubi saves times and money.


This is a trend that needs to stop. As much as BG&E and PoP were praised for their charms, they definately should've been skerewed on bug issues. Hopefully Driv3r will represent a change with so many split reviews.

I know people get annoyed with delays, but they could be a wonderful thing. I think Miyamoto's saying that a delay a is temporary bu at crappy game will forever be crappy is sage advice and many publishers would do well to keep it in before they start releasing umplayable product.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Yusaku said:
PoP GC has horseshit sound.

So I wasn't the only to notice. It's like the sound effects/voices are really compressed. Like Shenmue bad.

Also, this game needs friggin subtitles. I can't hear like 80% of the dialogue

edit: hmm, why does my quote box look different?

Ranger X

And remember something Ge-man and Wario64: It's THEIR problem to find a way to have time and money to give us good bug-safe products. WE are the customers and them, as a business, are there for our wallet. So we're not supposed to be there and say stuff like i see in MANY other threads like "oh X compagny said they had to rush the game because of X publisher... and oh well, there's not so many bugs and the game is so great fun"

WHAT THE HELL???? we are the buyers and we don't have to take excuse of anything. EVERYTHING related to the product itself is THEIR problem. They all have a mother and father so i'm not there to forgive them and pity whatever the fuck.

Remember gamers --- It's you having the money and driving the industry and companies have to give you what you deserve in terms of quality assurance if they want your money.


not an idiot
Damn, sorry to hear about that Wario. Did you not have one of those giant GCN memory cards I've heard about (I ask because you were worried about save file space)? That really sucks though. See if you can find a cheat code that opens up the levels, or a god mode where you can quickly get back there or something. Maybe that'll help.

Good luck bud. Ubi definately needs to polish their shit more!


works for Gamestop (lol)
Actually I have a 251 memory card. I'm mostly complaining about BG&E for the memory card issue. I have the PS2 version for that game, and each BG&E save takes 500k, not to mention you CAN'T delete the save games if you create a new file (if you want to delete a save game slot, you have to clear the whole save file from the memory card screen). I only had 700k space free when I played it...so I was pissed when I encountered a bug in BG&E, forcing me to start over

I'm actually almost done with PoP, 90% done. I just ran through like a freak to get back where I encountered the bug. I didn't use multiple save files cause frankly I didn't expect to encounter game-threatening bugs. The only games where I use multiple save files are RPGs. Still, I think it's retarded that I have to use multiple save files cause I'm worried that the game is gonna screw me up. If online is here to stay (which it is), I wonder if next-gen we'll see frequent patches to fix game bugs. I think it's definately needed here...especially when you have buggy games like Driv3r being released


works for Gamestop (lol)
Well I just beat it. The game was alright. Best part was climbing that palace without the sands of time, totally ICO-ish
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