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Milo Yiannopoulos is Going on Real Time with Bill Maher

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Important takeaway from this, that flaming dumpster fire crazy fuck Milo works at Breitbart, you know, Steve Bannons home turf. Think about it folks.....THIIIIIIIIINNNNNNK
Milo misgenders on purpose the trans woman he harassed, implies Trans women are men who are a threat to "real women and girls" in the bathrooms,

Maher's response?: That's not unreasonable....

Maher is fucking useless.


Subete no aware
Maher is fucking useless.
Maher no longer gets to claim to be a serious political voice anymore. Whoever posted that Fallon gif is right, he just became a joke.

Then the CIA guy told him to go fuck himself. Couple of 'shut the fuck ups' scattered from Bill after.
Malcolm Nance told him to go fuck off, too.
Although that was mostly in response to him finding out that Milo isn't American. lol


Just curious, why do people call Milo a Nazi? I get that he's a racist, biggoted, piece of shit, but where does the leap to Nazi come from?

He wears nazi paraphernalia, such as a third reich iron cross.

I'm glad the panel stepped up and ripped into that piece of shit, salvaged a small win there after Maher was too spineless to give him what he deserved.
Please don't frame an argument like this. As I said multiple times in this thread, especially a thread specifically talking about Milo, people have the ability to focus on more than one thing. On those who try to link vaccines with autism and a person who attempts to hide behind the veil of freedom of speech while harassing and endangering individuals.

If I have a headache, should I not complain because someone else has a migraine? Should a person with a migraine, not complain because someone else has cancer? Should someone with cancer not complain because others are dead? With the type of attitude you're presenting, it's like there are greater needs of focus, while ignoring interpersonal struggles that people deal with. The trans student who was directly targeted by Milo and forced to leave school matters, even though someone like Paul Ryan wants to privatize medicare.

In my opinion, the lackadaisical attitude people have regarding trolls (bullies and harassers) have emboldened them. People say it's just trolling while people get harassed or worse. The reason why it's an issue, is not due to victims raising concerns but by people who do the harassing and those who think, incorrectly that ignoring harassers works.

Ask any kid, ask me, if ignoring bullying worked. It doesn't. You know what they do? They escalate. That's on the bully not the victim and the sooner we get rid of this "ignore them and it'll stop thinking" we can actually come to grips with the real problem of harassment.

Well, I was called a faggot at HS, so I didn't really have a choice but to participate, unwillingly. The word has evolved from it's historial usage and it's a gay slur. A slur that, if I or other members of the LGBTQ community don't pay attention to, we can get killed or worse. It isn't just a word. I was targeted everyday by that word.

Sarah Silverman (who I don't care for) stopped using the word in her stand up because she eventually learned through interactions with the LGBTQ community that the word wasn't funny. That she was doing damage and ostracizing people. The word is still used, as a gay man, I would know.

Let's not do this. Using a word over and over again doesn't diminish the power of it. I think that's what you're implying here. It's not just that the word sucks, it's that South Park normalized a gay slur and people were targeted as a result of that. It ruined kids, and some due to homophobia have killed themselves. If I was older back then, my opinion would still be the same. Usage of the word was unacceptable. And some have given a tired argument that South Park is rated M, so kids shouldn't be watching it. But guess what, kids like animation, so they wanted it and internalized the dialogue used.

It's not productive to platform him, I and others have given examples as to why that is. I, who happen to share demographics of being black and gay, don't find this "tolerable abuse" angle to be a convincing one.

Twitter should have banned him and a lot of other users way before that. Tell me how Leslie Jones deserved to be continually harassed and her private nude photos leaked. The reason why he and others like him are emboldened is due to the fact that we don't take harassment seriously and instead call it trolling which undercuts the severity of it.

Ignoring bullies doesn't work, full stop.

Homophobia shouldn't be allowed to play out. And at this point I almost have to ask if you're Black or gay. Do you know what it's like to be targeted so personally? Do you know what it's like, to be like that trans student who was singled out and forced to leave her education behind?

Honestly, I don't feel like you understand the thread or have read what Milo has done even though you just have to click a few pages back. Milo's actions break the law. Peteining ICE to arrest undocumented students is not something that should "play out".

Okay, you don't know what you're talking about. No one things that you can sweep right-wing insurgency under the rug. And you think Milo is a false flag even though we have verifiable evience of what he has done? WOW, who are you having a conversation with, really?

You don't get it.

So people should just have to grin and bare it? And thanks for reminding me that as a Black gay person, my life will continue to suck. I know that. But it would be nice if people recgonized harassment for what it is. And rather than believe in a false idealize look at the reality of people who have to deal with bigots and white nationalists being emboldened.


I don't think your being rational here. I'm someone who is from an effective demographic and I'm fearful of racist attacks that have amped up over this election cycle. If anyone has the more rational thought process, it's those who are directly effected by bigots like Milo.

I think you need to talk to those who were harassed by Milo. And I don't really take anything of value from what you've said here. You think that letting trolls run rampant and eventually people will come around, they won't. It'll get worse, and I think and I hate to say that, that some people won't start taking it serously until more people of my demographic end up dead. And in 10 years you'll say, Oh, I guess we should have addressed the radicialization factor, rather than ignore it. And to that, I say that's a damn shame.

I feel you're not getting what I am saying. I see a lot of pathos, and emotional anecdote and deconstruction quote wars you've taken out of context. I can only tell you that you don't get what I am saying at all.

I don't think it gives much to a discussion by you arguing through this lens. Many millions of people are being bulled and face cyber harassment every day. It goes without saying that advocating not taking troll bait is not the same thing as ignoring harrasment. That you're insinuating that gives me pause. I am genuinely puzzled as to why you'do something like this, but your entire post reads like an attempt to use emotional anecdotes as a leg to stand on.

It's a completely separate issue. You keep repeating that you can focus on two things at once, and I, and others have agreed. What I argued was that there is a semantic disconnect when Milos influence is so miniscule and insignicant compared to the many people whose danger is 1000x the output and who doesn't face any scrutiny. It betrays the levy of the way the argument is being presented. There is a leap of logic there.
I am not opposed to Milo being opposed simply because he is a small fry, I am opposed to the way the argument is being represented because it is flawed and no abstract logical construction justifies the level of outrage of Milo versus no outrage for the many many many people who exceed him. A better reasoning for not having him on would simply have been; "Milo should not be on because he is a smug cunt". That would have been more intellectually honest.

Of course I agree with a lot of the idealistic things you say. "Homophobia shouldn't be allowed". That is self evident, but we as humans are tribal and as long as we have these grouping structures other groups gains will be seen as their own groups loss. the glass is half full and others will encrouge on their own group. As a result I think it does a disservice if we talk about the morale and ethics of laws we need, but passed through down on a symbol. It's like a dog chasing it's own tail. Milo is not the cause of that. But focusing on Milo getting away with harramsent says more about a society that is inherently okay with harrasment. If you put it on Milo, you're by definition taking away from the overarching theme of harramsent and his crimes are a puddle. Think about how deep this problem go through all of society. It truly bothers me that people believe things will get better if you remove Milo.


Is it really worth watching the entirety of that Overtime segment? Because all I'm seeing is Milo getting normalised, not ethered lol.
I wouldn't say ethered, but how is he normailzed. At best he comes off as a flamboyant troll. Definitely not the intelligent, articulate type people were fearing.
What a fucking pushover. Milo had the crowd in his pocket and buttered up Maher at every opportunity, and Maher was totally receptive to it. Maher tried to get him on a few light zingers, but Milo is just too slippery. And of course they bonded over how much they hate liberals and love their own ideas about freeze peach. Milo got into a terribly ugly rant or two in the second half of it, and to Maher's credit, he let Milo hang himself, but if Maher had pushed back he'd be tarnishing his own brand.

Fucking narcissists, the both of them.


Pretty sobering that if this dude is normalized further he could easily be a youtuber generation's distorted vision of a rockstar.
Milo: Trans people are statistically disproportionately involved in sex crimes

Bill Maher can barely amount a shrug... because he didn't do any fucking research....

On Wilmore speaks up
Just curious, why do people call Milo a Nazi? I get that he's a racist, biggoted, piece of shit, but where does the leap to Nazi come from?
On top of being a homophobic, transphobic, racist, misogynist bigot, which align quite nicely with Nazi idealogy, dude used to call himself Milo Wagner (Wagner was a famous antisemite composer), took photos of himself with Hitler books, wore an iron cross which is popular with neo-nazis, and writes some pretty wank antisemitic poetry at times. Called a Jewish Buzzfeed writer "thick as pig shit media jew". Oh, and Holocaust memes are the best!








All those combined are a bit suspect, but I'm not going to call him a Nazi because some people here get triggered that I'm not being politically correct :p
I wouldn't say ethered, but how is he normailzed. At best he comes off as a flamboyant troll. Definitely not the intelligent, articulate type people were fearing.

Agreed. I've seen Milo be far more tactical when he wants to be. There's been a few debates he's had where even though I disagree with him he does a really well job of articulating and making his points come across. (Even though they are of course bullshit)

Tonight was full on Troll Milo. He didn't seem to really feel like debating and just instigating people and making them angry. No idea if that was purposeful from him or not but not the stance I thought I would see from him.

I do believe however he was heavily normalized. I'm not sure how many people are going to come away from that, that may have not seen him before and actually actively disliking him. I think its going to be more of "Man that goofy Milo guy sure has some crazy opinions. He was kinda funny though"


I wouldn't say ethered, but how is he normailzed. At best he comes off as a flamboyant troll. Definitely not the intelligent, articulate type people were fearing.
Flamboyant troll sounds about right. Never having seen or heard him for myself before now, and having only heard of him through GAF, he had been built up as some sort of looming juggernaut, when he's little more than a skittering cockroach.
Well, Maher totally fucked up. Didn't push the guy at all. It didn't seem like he knew enough to do so. If you don't know anything about this guy, you'd be tricked into liking him.


Wow Milo is so desperate for attention. That Overtime bit where he was begging for a "go fuck yourself" from the republican guy was pathetic. He truly is the face of the alt-right.
WTF did I just watch...

I've seen videos of Milo before but he never appeared remotely as batshit crazy as he was tonight. I've been actually sympathetic towards him before on principles of free speech even if I disagree with him... But after what I witnessed just now, yeah he can go fuck himself.

Edit: I only watched the Overtime. Waiting for the interview to go on YouTube.
Flamboyant troll sounds about right. Never having seen or heard him for myself before now, and having only heard of him through GAF, he had been built up as some sort of looming juggernaut, when he's little more than a skittering cockroach.

It was a bit of a different version of Milo. He can for sure be dangerously articulate and well spoken when he wants to be. I'm pretty surprised he went for the more "Funny, troll" version here. I think it may have been 100% purposeful to be normalized with Bill's more liberal fanbase. To just seem like a "goofy guy with crazy opinions"


Well, Maher totally fucked up. Didn't push the guy at all. It didn't seem like he knew enough to do so. If you don't know anything about this guy, you'd be tricked into liking him.

Yeah this is basically it. Im now disturbed and i really hope Bill turns shit around on this. At least never have the guy on again.


Wow. Who would've guessed Maher would suck wind on this interview and offering that cunt an outlet just so Maher could stroke his own "liberal's give me a hard time" chaffed un-erect penis bit.


Subete no aware
Yeah this is basically it. Im now disturbed and i really hope Bill turns shit around on this. At least never have the guy on again.
Calling him the next Hitchens is basically Maher's equivalent of giving him a blowjob. I expect him to be a regular at this point.


I know a lot of people have strong feelings about Milo being on the show tonight. All I want to say is... if you did watch the opening segment with Milo and thought it was soft... at least watch the overtime (it's on their youtube)

They literally tell him to go fuck himself.
The interview felt like Bill was out on a date with Milo. He mentions his harassment campaign against Jones, Bill doesn't push him, and at the end of the interview they both bond over anti-black jokes that the late Joan Rivers said. I was disgusted.

Bill was completely enamored with him.

I knew this would happen
All I can say is thank god for Wilmore and Nance because they're the only reasons Milo didn't leave completely unscathed...

Maher was willing to just let Milo claim trans folk are disproportionately sex criminals without any blow back.

He allowed Milo to claim that keeping trans women out of bathroom was protecting women and girls and Maher called that reasonable...

I know a lot of people have strong feelings about Milo being on the show tonight. All I want to say is... if you did watch the opening segment with Milo and thought it was soft... at least watch the overtime (it's on their youtube)

They literally tell him to go fuck himself.

They being not Bill Maher.

Please remember that... not Bill Maher. Maher said fuck and all.


Well, Maher totally fucked up. Didn't push the guy at all. It didn't seem like he knew enough to do so. If you don't know anything about this guy, you'd be tricked into liking him.

Maher doesn't like to push people unless it's about one of the central topics on the show.

Look at Jack Kingston. He didn't even fight him hard on the voter fraud, and Kingston is a hardcore climate denier.

I think Maher is very easy to the conservatives on his show because just going on seems like a bloodbath. He had the kid gloves for Tomi Lahren, too.


Overtime was absurd as well. Larry and Malcolm were the only ones with common sense, and honestly, Larry should take Maher's spot because Bill seems woefully uninformed.

Milo used that platform to confirm that he did abuse a transgender student, say's that he specifically misgenders her and accuses transgender people of being predators. So he literally confirmed everything that people in this thread warned about.

He specifically mentions that he's a part of the alt-right (which again people said in this thread) and people were like..is he really. Well, he said it here.

And unfortunately, because it's overtime many people won't even see this. Much respect to Larry Wilmore because that's how Bill should have approached him from the start.
Maher doesn't like to push people unless it's about one of the central topics on the show.

Look at Jack Kingston. He didn't even fight him hard on the voter fraud, and Kingston is a hardcore climate denier.

I think Maher is very easy to the conservatives on his show because just going on seems like a bloodbath. He had the kid gloves for Tomi Lahren, too.

Maher couldn't even bother to fight Milo on his claim that trans folk are more liekly to be sex criminals.

Maher didn't just not fight hard against Milo he didn't fight at all.


I wouldn't say ethered, but how is he normailzed. At best he comes off as a flamboyant troll. Definitely not the intelligent, articulate type people were fearing.
He doesn't need to come off as intelligent to be normalised. The playful tone with "why can't we all just get along ;D" underlying it results in Milo just being a guy with zany views. That they didn't immediately shutdown his gross transphobia to some degree legitimises it. And when Maher himself lets him continue calling it "reasonable" it normalises it then some.


He wears nazi paraphernalia, such as a third reich iron cross.

I'm glad the panel stepped up and ripped into that piece of shit, salvaged a small win there after Maher was too spineless to give him what he deserved.
Iron Cross isn't really Nazi Paraphernalia, unless it's one of the Nazi ones with a swastika on it. (I don't know what Iron Cross he was wearing)

Even if it is, I haven't seen much come out of him that would fall hard into the Nazi category.

As someone who doesn't pay a whole lot of attention to this guy due to writing him off as a piece of shit, this categorization of him tends to give off a vibe of ignorance and hyperbole that ends up tarnishing the opinion of the person calling him one.

But maybe I'm just a stickler for the literal concept of a Nazi, and dislike the idea of creating a figurative version of the word.


Overtime was worth the admission. Plenty of rightful "Go fuck yourself" towards Milo, while also agreeing he should be allowed to speak and respond. Perfect.


WTF did I just watch...

I've seen videos of Milo before but he never appeared remotely as batshit crazy as he was tonight. I've been actually sympathetic towards him before on principles of free speech even if I disagree with him... But after what I witnessed just now, yeah he can go fuck himself.
Well at least one person walked away with the right impression.


Pretty sobering that if this dude is normalized further he could easily be a youtuber generation's distorted vision of a rockstar.
I see no difference between Milo and people like Piers Morgan and Ann Coulter who have already been on Bill Maher. In fact, a lot people will see through Milo whereas they think Morgan & Coulter are fine as political commentators, which is dangerous.
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