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Cabal me excited - Destiny 2 Gameplay today!

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I'd be in the dick
One thing I just though of in regards to technical details is that, because everyone has armor and helmets on most of the time, it doesn't have to worry too much about human skin and facial detail. I think if they did aim for 60 and added a PBR pipeline, better AA, some mild improvements to post processing, and dynamic res that the art style could carry it into looking noticeably improved from the first game while still hitting a higher performance level.

The environmental scale that Shinobi mentioned though is the big point against 60fps, as is the enemy counts. Something like the Black Spindle quest would be really hard to maintain 60fps during due to the sheer number of enemies in a small area.

I just plain don't know. I'll be happy either way, Destiny feels better to me at 30fps than a lot of 60fps games do, but I would really love to see it at 60. I think the gameplay would shine and in first person games I'm much more sensitive to the improved motion clarity. However if it is still 30 it could have a really substantial visual boost, which would be nice. I'll just be bummed I don't have a gaming PC LOL

One thing I don't think will happen, is a split framerate between PvE and PvP. For better and for worse, Bungie has been adamant about both elements feeling the same and two different framerate targets would go completely against that.


Neo Member
It really isn't. Trials is by a country mile the #1 reason Destiny has maintained its popularity over the last 2 years.

Trials is one of the only parts of Destiny that people watch, but it's not the most popular aspect of the game. People watch Trials because they can see players better than them destroying the opposition, but everyone can do the raids, which is what keeps a large portion of the fanbase coming back every week.


I'd be in the dick
Trials bums me out because Osiris is my favorite character in the lore but I can't visit The Lighthouse because I'm not amazing at PvP. I doubt most hardcore Crucible fans are as invested in the lore as primarily PvE players.


It's not.

Hopefully the game is 60 fps. it has to be, but i totally understand why it might not be. As long as it's unlocked on PC it's all good.

Destiny is not a competitive game, people need to stop pushing that idea, tomorrow will finally know if Bungie gives a crap about that or not, but so far, they don't care and it's fine.

I'm just saying the PvP is a big part of the game. I think it's pointless to argue what is the most important since that's going to be very subjective but it's obvious that the PvP has a big following. It's what I spent well over half of my time in the game doing, but that's doubtful to happen again with the sequel if it is 30FPS again.


You drunk?

Its the raids.
I don't think we have numbers to back these up so it's speculation on both sides. I personally have a hard time imagining people play Raids all that much vs. guaranteed week after week 2-5 hundred thousand players in trials.

At any rate Trials is definitely what drives Destiny stream viewership.
I don't think we have numbers to back these up so it's speculation on both sides. I personally have a hard time imagining people play Raids all that much vs. guaranteed week after week 2-5 hundred thousand players in trials.

At any rate Trials is definitely what drives Destiny stream viewership.

True. But that said, I can still find raiders at anytime on lfg the whole week.

I'd be interested on those numbers tho.


PvP is definitely what has kept Destiny as one of the top directories on Twitch, but I wouldn't go as far as to say it's the number 1 reason people are playing the game.

I think there is also the factor that there are tons of players that have never raided, or have only raided once or twice, but still grind PvE hard because that is their jam. Same on the PvP side, might do a few matches every night, might do Iron Banner, but never touched Trials.

If we had the numbers we'd know for sure but I don't think that data is just out there.
It really isn't. Trials is by a country mile the #1 reason Destiny has maintained its popularity over the last 2 years.


I am terrible at trials, and I am not alone. It has become completely pointless to play with all the tryhards and sweaties dominating.

Are the sweaties really the majority in Destiny? I don't think they are.

On balance I would say that there is no single Destiny activity that drives it's popularity. Most of all, I think people just love the gunplay and they can find it in raids, patrols, strikes, etc. In fact I'd guess strikes are easily the most popular activity because people can play they all the time without needing a friend to do it.

If something like Trials continues to be a thing in D2, I am hoping Bungie has truly figured out a way to keep people competing with others at the same approximate level. I'd love to be able to play with people who are as good (bad) at it as me. :)


I don't think many people expect it, but it would be good. I'd be fine with it looking identical to D1 and being 60fps because that looks and plays better. Some extra effects mean jack shit to me. Destiny has good art design and that alone is huge for looks, as Nintendo displays constantly. If they can't do 60 because of huge, wide open areas with lots of NPCs or something like that, that's a different story. Will be a moot point by tomorrow once we know though.

This would be an absolute massive disappointment to me.

I want a beautiful looking game. If that means 30fps instead of 60fps, I'll be happy.

Thankfully, I don't believe that's how Bungie looks at game development either.


Nah, raids.
Yeah probably, although pvp was a big contributor to the game's longevity. I mean, I've been pretty active in the community since day 1 and specially when the drought seasons are in full swing PvP tends to get way more attention at places like YouTube and Reddit, I know those 2 places may not be the best representation but that's just how I experienced it.

I have a feeling everything will leak just hours before the presentation tomorrow.
I can see this happening.
I have a feeling everything will leak just hours before the presentation tomorrow.

What's the situation with the press? Are they going to be there tomorrow too? I was invited to an event once as part of a community and we saw the game the day after the press saw the game. If a similar situation is happening with this reveal, I could see someone 'accidentally' putting something up early.


Gold Member
He made a ME:A thread praising it to high heavens while only playing for 3h and not pointing out any bugs or flaws and he got called a shill and stuff and left the forum.

WTF, really? Man, people can be really awful. I remember that thread, he even did say that his impressions were more from a fan's point of view. And honestly, ME:A wasn't THAT bad. It's a shame really.


Just join DGAF for Destiny 2 and you´re all set.

We are super awesome, super nice and super inclusive.

I'm guessing most of DGAF will be going with PS4? I'm almost definitely getting it on PC initially but cross save would make me double dip.


Gold Member
Goodness, do I love me some Destiny.

Even if they game me the EXACT same game with new stuff, I'd be pleased.

Raids man...Raidin' with Gaf, friends, and even LFG are some of my favorite gaming experiences of all time.

Beating Crota on HM night one when everyone's tears were flowing with salt remains one of my favorite gaming moments in my life. It took hours...HOURS. It was a simple LFG. Nothing special but we came together in a grand experience.

Most of us have moved on now. I see some of their handles on every now and then. That was years ago now...

I tried to make it sound sappy


I'd be in the dick
I can't wait. CAN'T EFFING WAIT!
DGAF is good people.

I remember when King's Fall went live. I got stuck on Oryx for 10 hours rotating through groups. We knew what to do but couldn't ever finish him off. I made a post that I was bummed I couldn't finish it that first weekend and was going to lose my checkpoint after the reset and a bunch of people immediately volunteered to get me through it. We finished in 20 minutes LOL

Damn, that reminded me that I still need to do Wrath of the Machine before D2 hits.


Guys, remember the last 24 hours before Destiny went live?, we were all jumping like little children in the OT...
Anyway, i left Destiny last year, but im in day 1 for this, cant wait for tomorrow.


Listening to some tracks from the past two and a half years to get hyped for the reveal tomorrow. Some of my favorites:

- The Last Array
- Last Stand
- Aksis Theme (2:32 - 3:00 is my favorite part)
- Siege Engine
- Cabal Stomp
- The Shadow Thief

So many more epic songs than just those too, but listening to them brings back all the awesome memories of running these raids / strikes over the last couple years. People can say what they want about Destiny's shortcomings but man if it wasn't one of the most memorable gaming experiences I've ever had.


This would be an absolute massive disappointment to me.

I want a beautiful looking game. If that means 30fps instead of 60fps, I'll be happy.

Thankfully, I don't believe that's how Bungie looks at game development either.

Not a disappointment at all. It's not like D1 is a graphical powerhouse. If there are slightly fewer explosion effects or something and the game looks smoother and plays better, I'd sure as hell take that. A game at 60fps looks better too.

That said, again, I still expect it to be 30fps. D1 is my most disappointing game this gen and my opinion of Bungie as a dev isn't exactly high, so I'm keeping expectations in check for all aspects of it tomorrow.
It really isn't. Trials is by a country mile the #1 reason Destiny has maintained its popularity over the last 2 years.
Uh, have you seen Trials population numbers over the past year or so? Trials participation is at an all time low, no one wants to deal with getting fucked and teabagged over and over anymore.

PvE is absolutely the core of Destiny, why do you think the weekly reset is such a huge ritual for everyone? The raids are why most people keep playing.
Eye of the Gatelord is one of my favorites. Whenever i play the undying mind this music gets me pumped.

love destiny music. that theme especially. my personal favorite?


followed by:


listen to those horns and drums!!
Uh, have you seen Trials population numbers over the past year or so? Trials participation is at an all time low, no one wants to deal with getting fucked and teabagged over and over anymore.

PvE is absolutely the core of Destiny, why do you think the weekly reset is such a huge ritual for everyone? The raids are why most people keep playing.

PvP was still really popular, but you're right about Trials. It pretty quickly turned into a circle jerk with the same teams of people matching against each other. More casual players filtered out pretty early on.



from http://destinytracker.com/

Let people choose what they want.

For me, raids are well designed, I love the raids in Destiny much better than Blizzard did in WOW.
And PVP activities are well organized. Trials is the reason why Destiny is Top 10 on Twitch.

Bungie give lots of amazing gear set and weapons to both of the 2 type. They are all necessary, they are all loved by different types of players.
I probably play more pvp on average than raids because its less of a hassle, i have to coordinate with my friends schedules for raids
I have this unfounded fear that Bungie is going to screw this up, toss out what makes us Destiny players (still today) love the game for something that will attract new gamers.

I know it's stupid, in Luke Smith I trust.
Goddamn I feel like a kid again lol. I'm more excited to see what destiny 2 actually IS then I've been for a game in my entire adult life. Last time I was this hype was kingdom hearts 2. Destiny is my most played game on PS4 hands down.

Plz plz luke smith/bungie don't fuck this up!!

Also plz bring back red death or something similar. It was my first exotic drop and it carried me from week 1-2 thru Rise of iron. PvP or PvE it didn't matter. Legit best gun in the game. Pulse rifles are the best gun class and red death + void titan= fuck you I don't run.


- 60fps (from multiple first hand sources)
- PS4 and PC Cross-Save (not Cross-Play), and Microsoft is holding back the Cross Save for XBox
- Optimized for PS4 Pro, the next PS4, and Scorpio
- More exclusive PS4 content, again. Ugh.

Edited for the sake of clarification: The folks who told me these things might be wrong, but I'm sure the game runs at 60.

There is no next PS4 are you delusional lol , what the heck are you talking about Xbox always does cross saves ..other way around you mean Sony

The game won't be running at 60fps on the PS4pro that's a fact , I highly doubt it a lot but Scorpio won't have Pro issues
There is no next PS4 are you delusional lol , what the heck are you talking about Xbox always does cross saves ..other way around you mean Sony

The game won't be running at 60fps on the PS4pro that's a fact , I highly doubt it a lot but Scorpio won't have Pro issues
That's a fact ehh??
There is no next PS4 are you delusional lol , what the heck are you talking about Xbox always does cross saves ..other way around you mean Sony

The game won't be running at 60fps on the PS4pro that's a fact , I highly doubt it a lot but Scorpio won't have Pro issues

I don't get the whole "next PS4" thing, last thing they want to do is have three consoles with three specs. Especially when their enthusiast-level consumers already picked up the Pro.... But why can't Destiny run at 60FPS? It doesn't even need to be on the Pro.

This is just speculation but they've definitely retooled the engine since the last time we saw it and if they turned off vsync, I'd be very surprised if Destiny as of right now didn't run at a variable 30-40FPS on a base PS4.

Mikey Jr.

Lets go!

I am ready!

I had a love/hate relationship with Destiny. But my biggest problem is that you always felt so alone. You were surrounded by lots of people, but it never felt like you were part of something.

Like, why can't I chat to randoms in the tower? Honestly. If you don't want to see chat, make a toggle in options. But that sucked.

And out in the world, same thing. Can't chat to anyone.

And I hope they have BIG events. Like, once a day, this giant thing happens, and EVERYONE across Destiny wants to get to it. Make it feel like this huge battle and everyone is involved. Obviously not everyone in Destiny on one screen lol, but make it feel big. Like this thing has a TON of HP, and it takes just a fuck ton of damage to kill it. But every shot across all players is counting towards destroying its hp.

Just, I want to solo, but also feel part of a community.
There is no next PS4 are you delusional lol , what the heck are you talking about Xbox always does cross saves ..other way around you mean Sony

The game won't be running at 60fps on the PS4pro that's a fact , I highly doubt it a lot but Scorpio won't have Pro issues
Everything will be alright. There is no need to be upset.


Not a disappointment at all. It's not like D1 is a graphical powerhouse.

That's... the point? Destiny 1 is not a graphical powerhouse because it was tied to last gen hardware. So I expect much more this time around.

And if that means 30fps, I'm okay with it.
That's... the point? Destiny 1 is not a graphical powerhouse because it was tied to last gen hardware. So I expect much more this time around.

And if that means 30fps, I'm okay with it.
I think we will see a decent boost even with 60fps. Those last gen consoles really hampered Destiny 1.


I don't get the whole "next PS4" thing, last thing they want to do is have three consoles with three specs. Especially when their enthusiast-level consumers already picked up the Pro.... But why can't Destiny run at 60FPS? It doesn't even need to be on the Pro.

This is just speculation but they've definitely retooled the engine since the last time we saw it and if they turned off vsync, I'd be very surprised if Destiny as of right now didn't run at a variable 30-40FPS on a base PS4.

For the new ps4, it might not be a pro ++, it might be just a thinner version.
As we all know, PS3 has lot of versions... PS4 will be the same.
There is re leak that :" Taiwan’s Newspaper Claims Sony’s Working on a “Thinner” PS4 " http://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2017/03/26/report-sony-working-on-revised-ps4-pro-slim/

It's not slim, it might be PRO thinner version.

So no need to say there shouldn't be. There might be.


That's... the point? Destiny 1 is not a graphical powerhouse because it was tied to last gen hardware. So I expect much more this time around.

And if that means 30fps, I'm okay with it.

The last complaint people had about D1 was the graphics. The disappointment came from all the other stuff. Well, I hope you're wrong, but we'll see tomorrow.
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