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Doom Eternal is exhausting to play


not tag worthy
So on switch with half the 60fps. It should be half as hard ?
Also it was half price on the e-shop. I think next time it drops. I’ll get it.
man , don't try and marathon through all the levels in one sitting... i play on i'm a pussy , rub me gentle mode, and still only do a half or hour at a time. feeds the need nicely for carnage at speed , then on to chivalry , to feed more blood lust , at slow speed. bang on fishing planet to wind down(real relaxing) , sorted.
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Imagine having to use just a little bit of strategy to advance, crazy. I feel like there's a whole group of people just straight up too lazy to play the game while thinking. Someday someone will have to explain to me why picking up random boxes is 10 times better than occasionally using the chainsaw.
Why? Because you use the fucking chainsaw every 25 seconds, it makes no sense and it's tiresome. Same with flamethrower and glory kills. You do this all the time asap as they charge. Otherwise you will loose or run out of resources. In 2016 doom i barely if ever had to use glory kills or chainsaw in 2nd half as you upgraded and felt powerful as fitting the narrative.
Doom guy is a brute. Not a strategic Olympian athlete zipping around.

Then there is sword, grandes, blood punch. All on timer. Wtf is the point of the sword? In 2016 chainsaw did that and ammo. You had a break by taking down bigger enemy once in a while
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Absolutely loved the high paced gameplay. Constant moving and weapon swapping. This whike utilising your tools properly to replenish on whatever you need, just so you don't lose the pace. Especially in the arena's where you did it flawlessly. Reminds me of the old Quake days where I had to do the same. I get it's not for everyone.
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Doom Eternal is a wanderful game. I play it on Hurt Me Plenty and right now I'm fighting at super gore nest. Indeed is mentally taxing but so was Quake, both single player and multi, and that's what I need from a shooter.


not tag worthy
Apparently the answer is yes.

Switch is superior version.
Reggie Fils-Aime Nintendo GIF by Mega 64
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Surprised this topic is still getting replies lol.

Definitely disagree with this. Bethesda as a studio and publisher is definitely declining. They shelved Dishonored, made two back-to-back awful Wolfenstein games, a Doom sequel that has less content than its predecessor... Mind you, they haven’t made an ES mainline game in a decade almost and the last couple of Fallout games barely function. I would call that a decline🤷🏿‍♂️

There is a clear dominant “strategy” to playing this game. It nukes creativity and turns the levels into a chore. For all the talks of freedom, it really isn’t all that open. It’s closer to something like Mass Effect 2 and not something like Crysis.

I’ll admit I’m no wiz kid, but the game isn’t so challenging that most people can’t complete it. Not to mention how op some of the abilities are.
Bethesda is the publisher.

ID software is the studio here and they're best FPS dev in the biz


DOOM Eternal showed me that my brain has a hard cut-off point on the number of things it can concentrate on at the same time. Think it might be three.

If I remember to use flamethrower, chainsaw, and sword, I forget to use the blood punch. If I try to focus on the availability of the blood punch, I forget about the sword. If I remember the blood punch and the sword, I forget to use the flamethrower. Etc etc. Uncanny.
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Playing on ultraviolence and done the first 4 levels. Just keep moving and nothing can stop you. Beat the two Doom Hunters on my second try.


Gold Member
I gave it an honest try, about 3 levels in I decided to stop trying so hard to like the game and put it away. I guess 2016 was an anomaly.

It's so jam-packed with un-DOOM like stuff it's exasperating. Just the fact that you can't kill the smallest weakest enemies with melee made me annoyed right from the start and the slights kept piling on rapidly.


ID software is the studio here and they're best FPS dev in the biz

Are they? Their latest game is pretty much all about traversal and executions, with shooting being moved onto second background. That's my biggest issue with Eternal, the original Doom1&2 were all about running fast and slaying demons, Doom 2016 did exactly that but at updated visuals, while in Eternal it's like they focused solely on expanding the movement while forgetting the part where you're shooting at demons... 2016 release already forced you to some exten to do the executions to replenish ammo, which got boring really really fast once you noticed it's the same animations done over and over, and Eternal pushed that much, much further, to an absurd level,which makes you wonder if it's a shooter anymore, let alone being the best in the genre.
Pushed myself to finish this game. Hoping the whole time it would get better. But man I really did not enjoy it at all.

I like a challenging game. But this one was such a chore to play. And the enemies types and the fact that they just keep spawning and spawning out of no where was ultimately more annoying than fun. It was all stick and no carrot.


Gold Member
I recently booted up Doom Eternal on Extra Life Mode(cleaning up for Platinum trophy) and man...now I realize why I shelved this game in the first place.

This game is mentally and physically exhausting to play. I can’t play more than two levels per day. It was the same way last year. The game has many niggling issues(ammo, too much damn platforming, getting stuck or overrun by enemies in tight spaces) but I’ve narrowed it down to the art style. It’s...garish? It makes my head hurt after long periods of time.

The game is good on an audiovisual level, but it’s fucking with me to the point where I don’t know if I ever want to play it again. Funny enough, I haven’t had a problem like this with any other game except Wolfenstein New Order.
I felt the same way. I was excited as I loved the first one.
The main things I found dumb and caused me to stop playing:
1. Story- wtf That thing I loved about the first one was how it disregarded the story and focused on plot action (which is what non fanficy game writing should be imho)
2. Game systems- Felt like they were shoving one unnecessary mechanic after the other to the point where I was like, I came to play an action game not an RPG wtf
3. The homebase - Why is this necessary? I don't mind having a hub persay, but it has multiple floors and I have travel all the way up and down!?

I think the first one protected the principles of good game design whereas they wanted to experiment and add more filler to the sequel . People who will play anything and can entertain themselves with a stick might like something like this, but I could barely stand the mundanity of it.

Kev Kev

Are they? Their latest game is pretty much all about traversal and executions, with shooting being moved onto second background. That's my biggest issue with Eternal, the original Doom1&2 were all about running fast and slaying demons, Doom 2016 did exactly that but at updated visuals, while in Eternal it's like they focused solely on expanding the movement while forgetting the part where you're shooting at demons... 2016 release already forced you to some exten to do the executions to replenish ammo, which got boring really really fast once you noticed it's the same animations done over and over, and Eternal pushed that much, much further, to an absurd level,which makes you wonder if it's a shooter anymore, let alone being the best in the genre.
well said. i remember going back to 2016, after hating eternal, and realizing that i never liked the chainsaw, or the glory kills for that matter. and then eternal goes and doubles and triples down on that kind of crap, and adds more stuff like grenades, swords, flamethrower and all of this other fluff that i hated.

my stance now is that they need to strip the slayer down and get back to their roots. all this extra flare is so NOT doom. doom guy sticks a double barrel in your face and blows your ugly demon head off. he doesnt do a dance of choreographed ability executions while aiming for a weak spot, managing cool downs and having to glory kill or chainsaw every 4th or 5th demon, because he doesnt need to. thats all a bunch of frilly, frufru bullshit and it doesnt fit the no bullshit attitude of a character like doom guy. its outrageous that they thought doom fans would want any of this.


Gold Member
Great to see a rare example of someone agreeing with your super minority opinion to a tee. Some of the most celebrated and revisited games of all time did was with an addicting core gameplay loop. In most games that gameplay loop is short, sweet, has room for small variances. Old halo, destiny, cod, and borderlands are good examples of this. Doom achieved this. Doom eternal extended the length of that loop by 2-3x, increased the difficulty of every second of said loop, and took variances away to where you cycle the same guns every time.
Dude, a lot of people didn't liked the new doom compared to the 2016 release.

Every topic about the new doom alwasy had some people not liking it.


I finished Eternal on hurt me plenty and ultra violence and am going through it at 120 fps on both PS5 and Series X on extra life mode (yes- I really like this game. No- I can't tell a difference in resolution between either console). Finished the DLC on Series X which is far harder than the normal campaign but was an awesome extension of the story.

I have to say I agree with OP- I can only play a level then i'm done afterwards. I really like this game and am decent at it, but after a full level I have had enough for one day.


Btw this is my first time I play a fps with controller and does not feel as good as keyboard + mouse. I also remember switching from keyboard only to mouse in Quake 1 and I had the same struggle.
Is this going to ever get near to mouse accuracy?


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
After the novelty wears off many players will prefer Doom 2016 because the gameplay loop is more satisfying and isn't about managing cooldowns. When you watch high end gameplay of Eternal it's more Parkour then shooting if anything.

Executions and chainsawing things breaks the flow of the gunplay IMO.

Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal are 2 very different games.

And storywise I'm kinda bummed they made the Doomguy some superpowered entity instead of a regular dude that's just very pissed off.
Btw this is my first time I play a fps with controller and does not feel as good as keyboard + mouse. I also remember switching from keyboard only to mouse in Quake 1 and I had the same struggle.
Is this going to ever get near to mouse accuracy?

a controller? no of course not


DOOM Eternal showed me that my brain has a hard cut-off point on the number of things it can concentrate on at a the same time. Think it might be three.

If I remember to use flamethrower, chainsaw, and sword, I forget to use the blood punch. If I try to focus on the availability of using the blood punch, I forget about the sword. If I remember the blood bunch and the sword, I forget to use the flamethrower. Etc etc. Uncanny.
Lol same


I’m having a similar but different experience with Visage.

The art style isn’t garish but the scare factor is exhausting to the point that I’m not sure I have the endurance for it. I sort of got what I wanted with a “Pt” type game, and the first session really impressed me, but now I’m questioning how easily I’m going to jump back in. It’s pure punishment.


Go Go Neo Rangers!
well said. i remember going back to 2016, after hating eternal, and realizing that i never liked the chainsaw, or the glory kills for that matter. and then eternal goes and doubles and triples down on that kind of crap, and adds more stuff like grenades, swords, flamethrower and all of this other fluff that i hated.

my stance now is that they need to strip the slayer down and get back to their roots. all this extra flare is so NOT doom. doom guy sticks a double barrel in your face and blows your ugly demon head off. he doesnt do a dance of choreographed ability executions while aiming for a weak spot, managing cool downs and having to glory kill or chainsaw every 4th or 5th demon, because he doesnt need to. thats all a bunch of frilly, frufru bullshit and it doesnt fit the no bullshit attitude of a character like doom guy. its outrageous that they thought doom fans would want any of this.
I have completed over 1500 doom levels in my day and have even created my own WAD's. I enjoy Doom Eternal. Your hyperbolic assessment is laughable.

Scotty W

Time and time again we here the ammo issue but it is literally a button press on enemy fodder to get it. No different to ammo being somewhere on the map and you pressing a button to pick it up except you are chainsawing an enemy. The use of the chainsaw is completely different to Doom 2016. You had to select the chainsaw in Doom 2016 and then use it, this is one button press and not a weapon swap. All they did was put the ammo in the enemy and make you press a button that way to get. Seriously how easy do you want a game to be
I love this game, but I had the ammo complaint until anout 60% of the way through the game.

The problem was that I was using the chainsaw the same way as in 2016, to take out the heavies. Perhaps it was explained earlier, but there is a lot in the ui to grasp.

I am thinking that on a second playthrough ammo will not be a problem.


There is so much whining about this game on this forum overall. It's becoming the new Breath of the Wild.

" It's too intense"
" It's too exchausting"

Really? Yeesh take a break and play it in parts so. It is an intense game because Doom is supposed to be intense because it always was.

Even if you're not Into this game because of whatever reason you can come up with , it's an admirable effort with great soundtrack, great graphics and amazing controlling gameplay. There are no microtransaction, and it seemed to have a non crunch related development and overall is a positive example of a strong single player game in this day and age which is becoming more and more rare these days.

It absolutely deserves the high scores it got because it delivered on all it's promises, it's a game that's all about the shooting and action.

Maybe for some people it needs more cutscenes or something to break up the intensity.

Kev Kev

I have completed over 1500 doom levels in my day and have even created my own WAD's. I enjoy Doom Eternal. Your hyperbolic assessment is laughable.
Well excuuuuse me. Looks like the council has spoken 😂 shut it down folks, it’s over, Nikana Nikana is the voice of doom authority and laughs at your pitiful mortal opinions


Yeah except, this is not true at all. The way to play Eternal well is to actually use stuff your own way. The narrative around this game is amazing, since the release its like "YOU HAVE TO USE THIS TO BE GOOD" and literally one week after, the meta changed, and it changed again a couple of times after that with the power of ... personal thinking / experimentation

I gave that one away once but, the most jarring example is the cacodemon. At release the narrative was "you have to use the weak spot shot to kill it fast and efficiently", turned out that the fastest way to kill any is a locked on triple rocket burst (since it just melts it down and you dont have to rely on the glory kill animation either), then the whole quick weapon swap with the sniper mod on the battle riffle was found out and people managed to actually go through the whole game under 2 hours in ultra nightmare, by using this and the arbalest charged bolt to take out multiple enemies at once (and the yeet hook, between other things but you get the idea)

A bit later on, the whole ice grenade lobbed shots into a caco also was found out, and so on and so forth

Its just, fascinating. All that shit has been debunked yet keep popping in every single thread as if it was remotely true. There is no "one way" to play the game or some imaginary "the devs want you to play this way" thingie.

Guess you could make a case about the ammo replenishment tho, and thats fine
The game was difficult and people wanted a scapegoat. "I give up. Not a good game anyway."


Go Go Neo Rangers!
Well excuuuuse me. Looks like the council has spoken 😂 shut it down folks, it’s over, Nikana Nikana is the voice of doom authority and laughs at your pitiful mortal opinions
Oh stop. You are the one trying to claim "Doom Fans" as a whole don't want anything Eternal has to offer after trying to water down Doom to a Double Barrel Shotgun. I stated an opinion as a fan of the franchise. You stated an opinion and tried to say you are speaking for an entire fanbase. Theres a difference.

Kev Kev

Oh stop. You are the one trying to claim "Doom Fans" as a whole don't want anything Eternal has to offer after trying to water down Doom to a Double Barrel Shotgun. I stated an opinion as a fan of the franchise. You stated an opinion and tried to say you are speaking for an entire fanbase. Theres a difference.
lol i think were both just stating our own personal opinions, and thats fine. this thread shows plenty of other posters who feel the same as i do if your looking for the doom fans im referring to.

if you want to split hairs like ill just say i didnt say "all doom fans" i just said "doom fans" but that would be a really dumb road to go down wouldnt it? you like it and i hate it and thats that. but as far as i see, this game doesnt even resemble what doom 1 and 2 did gameplay wise, and its very different rom what made 2016 great. i dont see how that is even debatable. the game doesnt feel like doom anymore, which is why these threads are such hot topics filled with people saying exactly what i am.

furthermore... ugh you know what no im not gonna keep doing this. if i didnt like doom so much i would just ignore these threads, but they they gutted one of my favorite series and turned it into something i dont recognize and actually hate, and its one of the biggest let downs of all my years gaming.

hopefully the next doom can can find a middle ground between people like you and i.
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Go Go Neo Rangers!
lol i think were both just stating our own personal opinions, and thats fine. this thread shows plenty of other posters who feel the same as i do if your looking for the doom fans im referring to.

if you want to split hairs like ill just say i didnt say "all doom fans" i just said "doom fans" but that would be a really dumb road to go down wouldnt it? you like it and i hate it and thats that. but as far as i see, this game doesnt even resemble what doom 1 and 2 did gameplay wise, and its very different rom what made 2016 great. i dont see how that is even debatable. the game doesnt feel like doom anymore, which is why these threads are such hot topics filled with people saying exactly what i am.

furthermore... ugh you know what no im not gonna keep doing this. if i didnt like doom so much i would just ignore these threads, but they they gutted one of my favorite series and turned it into something i dont recognize and actually hate, and its one of the biggest let downs of all my years gaming.

hopefully the next doom can can find a middle ground between people like you and i.

Not really about splitting hairs. People can have their opinions, obviously, but your post came off very much as if you like Doom then Doom Eternal is not for you. Which I was simply stating as someone who likes Doom very much, evident by the pure amount of time I have spent with the franchise, this is simply false.

That sucks that you don't like it and as a fan of the franchise but to say its not Doom is a stretch. its different yes, but its an evolution of what ID did with the original Doom. This picture you painted of Doom simply being a Double Barrel Shotgun vs some demons is also not correct either as that would be completely ignoring the intricate level design that went into not only the official releases by ID but the vast community of map makers. There is so much more to Doom than shooty shooty bang bang.

Even as fan of Doom Eternal I can sympthaize that some things are taken in the wrong direction. I was not a fan of the over the top story that deals with gods and such as I think it takes away from the mythos and aura that surrounded Doom Slayer in Doom 2016 which I think was a very good return for the franchise. I also think while the locations were very robust and dynamic to keep the game interesting. Some of the map design was subpar compared to Doom 2016 and the games before it. Some levels were fantastic while others had one too many arena to arena moments.

But to dismiss Doom Eternal based on the fact its different in my opinion is silly because at its core its an evolution of what ID wanted to do with Doom in 93.
There is so much whining about this game on this forum overall. It's becoming the new Breath of the Wild.

" It's too intense"
" It's too exchausting"

Really? Yeesh take a break and play it in parts so. It is an intense game because Doom is supposed to be intense because it always was.

Even if you're not Into this game because of whatever reason you can come up with , it's an admirable effort with great soundtrack, great graphics and amazing controlling gameplay. There are no microtransaction, and it seemed to have a non crunch related development and overall is a positive example of a strong single player game in this day and age which is becoming more and more rare these days.

It absolutely deserves the high scores it got because it delivered on all it's promises, it's a game that's all about the shooting and action.

Maybe for some people it needs more cutscenes or something to break up the intensity.
It definitely reminds of BOTW. The overhype, the lies, the slander. However, at least Id knows how to make a good dlc model. No need to “come up with a reason”. There are several valid reasons to not like or critique this game. Like, the fans of this game just can’t accept that some people don’t like the game as much as they do. There’s possibly no way that anyone can think of this game as less than perfect. JFL
It's challenge comes from lack of flexibility and an unnecessary layer of resource management. You have to play the "intended' way or you won't progress smoothly. I don't know if most people don't complete it but the few i know that did myself included (Hurt me Plenty only) found it a chore. Eternal's loop for me is not fun, can only take it in small doses. Even Doom 3 had more diversity in encounter approach.
What do you mean lack of flexibility? The combat potential is almost limitless.
The Ammo issue is my main gripe. You constantly hear that beeping...
While there is some correlation between running out of ammo and getting ganked, the beeping sound effect occurs when your health has dipped to critical levels.

There are audio cues for ammo depleting and depletion but none of them are beeps.
I played this last year and hated it the first day. I found the first stage of Eternal was about as hard as the last stage in Doom 2016. Instead of dropping it I slept on it, then day two I started it over with the mindset "this is not Doom 2016, it's a different game". I had a blast once I got that sorted. I considered it a solid 8.5/10 after I finished it.

I played the Ancient Gods expansion this year and was getting my ass handed to me so I decided to play a few levels of the main game again to shake off the rust. I ended up replaying the entire game again and found all the secrets/completed all the challenges. My score rose to a 9.5/10. The game is absolutely bonkers with how much it throws in your face all the time, but the control is so good and the performance so buttery smooth it's still fun to play and practice at. I die a lot, but I never feel it's unfair or that the performance of the game had a hand in it, I just need to improve. The combo system makes the game much more engaging than Doom 2016 where you are rewarded for playing smart and using strategy. Taking down enemies like the Marauder which at first is very difficult becomes a lot of fun once you're use to fighting them. It gets to the point you can fight a room full of multiple high-level enemies and instead of freaking out you immediately start formulating a plan then picking the room apart.


I don't think D:E is exhausting but on hard difficulty or higher it is hard to get back into the game after not playing it in ages.


It's one of the most adrenaline pumping games ever made.

The dark souls of the fps genre (except the gameplay is much better)

Most of the complaints here are that it's too hard.

Git gud.
I played this last year and hated it the first day. I found the first stage of Eternal was about as hard as the last stage in Doom 2016. Instead of dropping it I slept on it, then day two I started it over with the mindset "this is not Doom 2016, it's a different game". I had a blast once I got that sorted. I considered it a solid 8.5/10 after I finished it.

I played the Ancient Gods expansion this year and was getting my ass handed to me so I decided to play a few levels of the main game again to shake off the rust. I ended up replaying the entire game again and found all the secrets/completed all the challenges. My score rose to a 9.5/10. The game is absolutely bonkers with how much it throws in your face all the time, but the control is so good and the performance so buttery smooth it's still fun to play and practice at. I die a lot, but I never feel it's unfair or that the performance of the game had a hand in it, I just need to improve. The combo system makes the game much more engaging than Doom 2016 where you are rewarded for playing smart and using strategy. Taking down enemies like the Marauder which at first is very difficult becomes a lot of fun once you're use to fighting them. It gets to the point you can fight a room full of multiple high-level enemies and instead of freaking out you immediately start formulating a plan then picking the room apart.
Great anecdote about meeting the game on its terms and proceeding to own it.

However, your subjective assessment of the first level's difficulty is rather exaggerated and I think it might scare off potential players.

2016's first level on Nightmare difficulty is a steeper challenge than Eternal's equivalent. That said, Eternal does a much better job of ramping up all the way to the end, a big part of that is due to the expanded and improved bestiary.
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