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Virtous Employee Confirms ‘Unannounced AAA Remake’ Amid Metal Gear Solid 3 Report


Well they didn't make it worse😂
Yes, to add insult to injury, I can't claim he looks objectively BAD.. Just conceptually wrong.

In my minds eye, he used to look like college or enlistment age.

In the remaster his face looks like that of a fucking middle schooler prep boy..!


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Yes, to add insult to injury, I can't claim he looks objectively BAD.. Just conceptually wrong.

In my minds eye, he used to look like college or enlistment age.

In the remaster his face looks like that of a fucking middle schooler prep boy..!
Well I'd blame SE for that


MGS1 would need to be basically a reboot. It's a short game for today's standards and, IMO, it didn't take well with the MGS2 mechanics. MGS is a great game but gameplay wise it does show it's age.

MGS2 would be a much better candidate but many people didn't like it because of the Snake controversy and (I think) the story was too crazy/convulted for most.

MGS3 is the perfect candidate because the gameplay still holds up OK and the environments could be expanded easier. It's much easier to add additional bases or patches of jungle than creating new rooms to do something in a base like Shadow Moses or Arsenal Gear.

If I was to decide what to remake, I'd go with 3 too.

Hopefully it will include a PC port as well.

I'd like them to give it another go with a MGS2 sequel that takes cues from 4 but basically just reboot it and remake it. I like the nanomachines part but stuff like the third act felt out of place. I think the game would be much better if it was about exploring different battlefields for different objectives, like V.


I’ve got a general question:

Why is it that we as gamers are always searching for leaks and stuff and if the day of the announcement comes we don’t feel anything ?
I’m not that long on Neogaf but this forum is clearly taking my enjoyment when it comes to announcements. I’m simply not surprised anymore

yeah yeah why did I click it.. it’s literally in the title lol


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

Rumors of a Metal Gear Solid revival of some sort have been around for some time, and a potential remake has been brought up more than a few times these last few months. Recently, in fact, a report claimed that a Metal Gear Solid 3 remake is in the works, with Konami collaborating on the project with the port and remaster specialists at Virtuos.

Of course, there's no way to know right now how true this rumour is, but like every Metal Gear fan in the world, we sure hope it is. And if it is, also like every Metal Gear fan in the world, there's a few things we'd like to see the remake do that, in our estimation, would give it a pretty good chance of living up to the immense legacy of the original game. Here, we're going to talk about a few of those things.


Gold Member
MGS3 doesnt need remade, at all. Its already nearly perfect. Who asked for that? Complete waste.
MSX's Metal Gear 1 and 2 need remade.
I agree completely with you. It’s a masterpiece. Yet, that doesn’t mean I’d kill for a freaking remake built specifically for current hardware.


MGS3 doesnt need remade, at all. Its already nearly perfect. Who asked for that? Complete waste.
MSX's Metal Gear 1 and 2 need remade.

I agree completely with you. It’s a masterpiece. Yet, that doesn’t mean I’d kill for a freaking remake built specifically for current hardware.

Just remaster it with modern sensibilities (no, not mtx's and the ilk..).

..and add the cutscenes from the pachinko games..!


Kojima should have just remade MGS instead of 4. It was exciting to return to Shadow Moses in a newer engine.

Legolas bothered me in the 2nd game and 3 was great at the time but I find it tedious now. I don't need or particularly want any of them remade, but the first MGS is the most interesting to me.


Gold Member
I hate that I was reminded of this and doubly that I was reminded of this because of necro shitposting.


Why MGS3, when MGS1 should be first? I feel MGS1-3 all need to be remade with a full-range camera ala MGS4 & 5.


MGS3 is the first in chronological order. Of course, that doesn't change the fact that we need ports and a translation of Kojima's best games more: Snatcher and Policenauts. Keep them away from China please.


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

The video, which was posted last week but began circulating social media over the weekend, promotes the studio’s Montreal office and focuses on the art team.

However, notably, during the video, the book “The Art of Metal Gear Solid” is shown in one shot, sitting on an artist’s desk.



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Reseterror Resettler
"We'll approve 1500 new accounts,"

"Then our crowd plants will start making dumbass threads even though they created their account 20 years ago,"

"Others will necro bump several year old threads to give the appearance of buzz,"

"Then one of the Xbox Many will account suicide, and people will frollock down the e-streets, drunken and naked, glimmering with gold, and I, Evilore, will be God-King of the gaming forums!"

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Yes, to add insult to injury, I can't claim he looks objectively BAD.. Just conceptually wrong.

In my minds eye, he used to look like college or enlistment age.

In the remaster his face looks like that of a fucking middle schooler prep boy..!
Square just messed this one up. They changed his look in several games post release of FFVIII, and for some reason they've decided that the Dissidia look is going to be canon. They've tried to retcon this for the FFVIII remaster, but they didn't change any of the CGI cutscenes, so now the Squall in cutscenes looks nothing like the Squall in game.


Well I'd blame SE for that
Yes, to a high degree we can. But I do not blame Dissidia(?) per ce.. It's a spin-off, and I don't care as long it doesn't affect canon material. My fear is that they consciously wanted him to look younger, or that the supports devs had free reigns.

Square just messed this one up. They changed his look in several games post release of FFVIII, and for some reason they've decided that the Dissidia look is going to be canon. They've tried to retcon this for the FFVIII remaster, but they didn't change any of the CGI cutscenes, so now the Squall in cutscenes looks nothing like the Squall in game.

It's a sad state of affairs. It's not consistent between the characters either. I just don't think the remake devs got good direction.. or the decision maker is incompetent in their job.

I can't give SE the benefit of doubt that they made any conscious choice about the matter actually..


Y'all are weird.

Metal Gear Solid is basically Metal Gear 1 remake from the MSX. It's a 1:1 recreation in almost all aspects.

Then MGS1 from PS1 got a full blown remake in the MGS2 engine and mechanics, with Twin Snakes on the GameCube.

MGS1 DOES NOT need another remake.
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Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Y'all are weird.

Metal Gear Solid is basically Metal Gear 1 remake from the MSX. It's a 1:1 recreation in almost all aspects.

Then MGS1 from PS1 got a full blown remake in the MGS2 engine and mechanics, with Twin Snakes on the GameCube.

MGS1 DOES NOT need another remake.
Your justification for MSG1 not needing a Remake is because it got a Remake in the form of Twin Snakes nearly 20 years ago that was exclusive to the GameCube and not even up to par with the Original MGS3 and is looked down upon by most fans.....
Will Smith Reaction GIF


Gold Member
I'll take a look at any new MGS, but actually liking it... I dunno, we'll have to see.


Y'all are weird.

Metal Gear Solid is basically Metal Gear 1 remake from the MSX. It's a 1:1 recreation in almost all aspects.

Then MGS1 from PS1 got a full blown remake in the MGS2 engine and mechanics, with Twin Snakes on the GameCube.

MGS1 DOES NOT need another remake.

Nah Twin Snakes just wasn’t good enough.
Just like I’d love a another remake of RE1, MGS1 should get one too
Y'all are weird.

Metal Gear Solid is basically Metal Gear 1 remake from the MSX. It's a 1:1 recreation in almost all aspects.

Then MGS1 from PS1 got a full blown remake in the MGS2 engine and mechanics, with Twin Snakes on the GameCube.

MGS1 DOES NOT need another remake.
Not to mention MGS1 was mostly rehashed (for story reasons) in MGS2 too. So how many times do we need to keep revisiting the same gameplay concepts alone over the course of a lifetime?

Jeez, not everything needs updating every few years with modern mechsnics like some kind license renewal or dictionary revision. Jeez, why can't art just be left alone to be experienced how it was of its time. You can't always recapture that magic, that lightening in a bottle of it's social & technological time period, that's what happened to Robocop & it's soulless glossy remake that no one asked for.

It'll never make you feel the same way the original game did over 20 years ago.
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