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(Empty) Promises Based on Demand: "We will do/bring over X if you buy Y."


It's no surprise that if we show demand for a franchise they'll give us more. I don't see why saying that is a problem. Don't look at it as a game being held hostage, it's more just a direct statement of fact. If we don't buy DQ Heroes, why in the world would a company risk more money on the DQ franchise in the west? Just because we think there is demand isn't enough -- sometimes a company needs to see the receipts.

Because Dragon Quest Heroes is not Dragon Quest.

This conclusion would be "people didn't like a hack and slash so let's not give them RPGs anymore."

They need to stop thinking in terms of brands and look at the game they are selling. Did it maybe not perform well because it was not a typical game in the series? Was it maybe simply trash? Was it already available elsewhere and is now super cheap to get otherwise? Is it lacking any features/content present in other versions? Did we market it?


Concerned about dinosaur erection.
Where does Mega Man Legends 3 fall?

1. "Buy enough Prototype and we'll bring the real game!"
2. Canceled Prototype.

It was more of "this many users have to sign up on our poorly advertised forums" for the Prototype to come out. IF the Prototype does well, then we'll do the real game!
Not a fan of this messaging, honestly. Sometimes its creators telling people how the boardroom sees things. Still doesn't sit well with me.
I do what I want.

Nyoro SF

The only time I ever note the honesty is when the promise is more direct. For instance, it is obviously not tenable for XSEED to localize and release Trails in the Sky SC without sales success of FC, so they came right out and said it. Buy FC to make it financially tenable for us to localize SC.

But these honest requests are held back by the huge dishonest promises made by other publishers. When I heard that UNIEL couldn't come to Steam until they judged the sales success of Guilty Gear +R on Steam, I internally facepalmed so hard that my consciousness broke. An entirely unrelated fighting game, a classic that was released on console years prior... yes, that is the perfect metric to use to choose where to release your modern, completely unique fighting game.


It was more of "this many users have to sign up on our poorly advertised forums" for the Prototype to come out. IF the Prototype does well, then we'll do the real game!

Wasn't that their excuse after the fact, though? From what I recall, the forums were pretty active and membership was rising. I think it was Inafune's departure that sealed that and Mega Man Universe's fate, ultimately. Or maybe that was coincidental, I dunno.


I've bought many copies of Chrono Trigger DS. I have two, one opened and another still sealed, plus one for my brother, plus one for my then-fiancée. I've gifted at least four copies to friends who were interested.

Where is my Chrono Break, Square? ç_ç
Wasn't that their excuse after the fact, though? From what I recall, the forums were pretty active and membership was rising. I think it was Inafune's departure that sealed that and Mega Man Universe's fate, ultimately. Or maybe that was coincidental, I dunno.

I think it's evident that it had nothing to do with the fans and everything to do with Inafune leaving. He was championing all things Mega Man, and his departure resulted in Capcom implementing a scorched earth policy to the franchise.


Tatsunoko vs Capcom actually sold above projections in the US, but Capcom still never did a sequel. Namco also said they would consider doing Klonoa 2 on Wii if the first one did well enough... Welp...


There's a reason to why publishers say that, they need to justify spending money in developing and localizing games. So basically money talk and internet petition don't.

However in case of Dragon Quest Heroes saving the series in the west is silly and unrealistic as that's a spin off and not a game in the main series.

[*]Reggie continues his one-man crusadeto troll Amir0x and every other Mother 3 fan. Buy Earthbound Beginnings -- and maybe the volumes will be metric enough!?

We got Mother 1 due to sales of Mother 2 being good.

You also have to remember that Nintendo would need to justify spending money on localizing a GBA game for the Virtual console on the Wii U.

So if you want Mother 3, speak with your wallet.
There's a reason to why publishers say that, they need to justify spending money in developing and localizing games. So basically money talk and internet petition don't.

However in case of Dragon Quest Heroes saving the series in the west is silly and unrealistic as that's a spin off and not a game in the main series.

We got Mother 1 due to sales of Mother 2 being good.

You also have to remember that Nintendo would need to justify spending money on localizing a GBA game for the Virtual console on the Wii U.

So if you want Mother 3, speak with your wallet.

Of course, I'm not arguing that we shouldn't speak with our wallets. Quite the contrary, we absolutely should. It just becomes problematic when the expectations and intentions are not clear, which is, more often than not, the case. Or, when a publisher leverages fan hope to bolster sales for quasi-related products (the Dragon Quest Heroes conundrum).

In the case of Chrono Trigger, for example, Square said that the DS port underperformed, and so, there was no demand for the series. Mind you, that version allegedly sold a million+ copies. So, uh, what exactly was the invisible demand threshold that was not met? 1.5 million? 2 million? 10 million?

In the case of Earthbound Beginnings, we will never get sales figures for it. We just have to have blind "faith" that it sells enough -- and maybe Papa Nintendo will give us Mother 3 somewhere down the line.

I am absolutely sure that there are enough people willing to buy the prerequisite number of copies necessary to green-light a Mother 3 localization, but without transparency, you get people like me that are too cynical about it. Or, you get people that drag their feet on making their purchase of Earthbound Beginnings cause life gets in the way. Or, they want to finish Witcher 3/(insert other game here) first. Or, those that own the original cart and don't feel particularly compelled to re-buy on the VC. But, if we had any sense of what qualifies as enough demand, you bet your ass those feet-draggers and fence-sitters might be coaxed into action, sooner rather than later.

Point is: this "do X and maybe Y will happen" thing is too easy to exploit.
Came to post about Darkstalkers, I see I don't have to do that.

Basically, the logic of companies expecting people to rebuy releases of old games (and new audiences to magically care when you're barely advertising it, and not bringing anything too fresh to the table) is a little ridiculous. We do like the rereleases of games not currently available to us, but they shouldn't be a measuring stick for anything.
Shenmue 3's kickstarter was the last example I know.

The KS still has 10 days left, why are you using past tense? And no shit they're promising more Shenmue games if this one is successful, that's the entire point of telling single story across multiple games.

Jesus christ people.


Gamers have been way too burned on this. With the exception of things like Trails in the Sky FC and SC (two halves of the same game) it's unreasonable. McDonald's doesn't say "want the McRib? Maybe if sales of Mighty Wings go up". We often don't get that game we wanted anyway. No, we want Game B and we will not buy Game A on a half hearted "promise" of Game B.


Namco: "If you buy Tales of Hearts R, we might consider Tales of Innocence R"

Tales of Hearts R physical is completely sold out and digitally sold pretty good. There's still no word from Namco.


Or as I like to call it Third Party Wii games the thread. Unfortunately for Wii test games led to more test games, people got fed up with those games and stopped buying them in turn devs said well I guess there is no interest and stopped.
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