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Seeming surge of hate crimes, assaults, intimidation in wake of Trump victory

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I bet the Trump voters have no guilt whatsoever. I bet they're angry about being lumped in with the racist empowerment.

Sorry, you didn't vote for anything else.
No statistics on this yet, so yada yada selective filtering whatever this is from just five minutes of looking through my Twitter feed.

This is fucking terrifying






just different opinions.

only 4 years.
Congrats dems. You allowed this to happen by not showing up to vote.

Unity my ass. I'll never unite behind this.

It's fucking shameful. 7 million less than last cycle. We have completely fucked this.

The fact that people need to be subject to this sort of extreme terror to maybe consider voting in a damn election is the saddest shit ever.
I wanna see all these so called economically anxious non-bigoted Trump supporters come out in direct public protest of these incidents. Not just posting on message boards and social media. I wanna see you on the street with signs fucking up traffic.

Please prove me wrong about you. I'm sincerely begging you. Please.

If I saw it happening I would step in, but I was in the city all day and I didn't see anyone yelling White Power or attacking the LGBT community.

It was just a normal day in Seattle.


Protect yourself people. the time for talking is over when they throw bottles at gay people and scare the shit out of women pumping gas.


Black Canada Mafia
But guys, aren't you just being intolerant of Trump supporters' beliefs? You clearly aren't understanding them...
You think this sort of attitude, this lazy simplification is going to lead to any progress? Any more democrats in seats?



59,689,467 people are all exactly the same. Confirmed.

Yeah OK yourself. Prove me wrong. If your spreading poison then what does that make you?

EVERY TRUMP SUPPORTER IS A BIGOT. I even specifically mentioned that its not all equal, there can be varying degrees of bigotry.


JEsus christ! I genuinely did not expect things to ramp up so fast. America won't even survive the two months left in Obama's term.

59,689,467 people are all exactly the same. Confirmed.

As far as OP. That's awful and shameful. I hope those that do such things are brought to justice.

Or they are perfectly ok with the heinous shit trump has said and done.

Either ones just as bad.

But all the white moderates on NeoGAF said we just need to talk to these people and understand them and get over it.
Preeeeety sure those folks were talking about the typical Trump voter, not the fraction of shitheels that are now emboldened by his victory and doing this kind of shit. But that's cool.

Yes, Trump winning emboldened racists. Yes, Trump's platform included racism, sexism, etc. No, that doesn't mean that I believe everyone who voted for him voted because of those parts of his platform, though some undoubtedly did. Which is why that statement is typically met with outcry from the people being painted with that brush.

Regardless, this is completely fucked. The animals doing this crap need to be prosecuted. I had hoped for a Hillary win so this shit didn't happen, because I definitely saw it coming.
It's fucking shameful. 7 million less than last cycle. We have completely fucked this.

The fact that people need to be subject to this sort of extreme terror to maybe consider voting in a damn election is the saddest shit ever.

To be fair, voter suppression laws probably played a big part in this as well.
I wanna see all these so called economically anxious non-bigoted Trump supporters come out in direct public protest of these incidents. Not just posting on message boards and social media. I wanna see you on the street with signs fucking up traffic.

Please prove me wrong about you. I'm sincerely begging you. Please.

Maybe all those people yelling about muslims having to speak out against radicals will step up. Maybe the moon is made out of jello.
Boy I'm looking forward to Notch telling the three million kids who follow his twitter how these are all leftist false flag operations.



Guys, please. We can't allow this to be the norm. We can't let these bigots get what they wanted all along, to have their prejudice accepted into the mainstream consciousness.

It isn't about jobs or trade, this is purely about hatred of other cultures and races.


The one thing I appreciate about this, is that America won't quiet down on the BS that will come from this vote. It was way too easy for people to dismiss the fuck out of the Brexit shit.


Gold Member
To re-iterate: All Trump Supporters Are RACIST, HOMOPHOBIC, ISLAMOPHOBIC, BIGOTED cunts.


And before anyone quotes bu-b-bub- stfu and accept that if you are a Trump supporter than everything I said is true on some level. You may not be screaming "fuck the N' or the fags" but you are equally guilty of spreading this vile poison.

Sad, this is the exact type of idiocy that lost Hillary the election and yet you're still too hateful/simple-minded to see it.
Yes, Trump winning emboldened racists. Yes, Trump's platform included racism, sexism, etc. No, that doesn't mean that I believe everyone who voted for him voted because of those parts of his platform, though some undoubtedly did. Which is why that statement is typically met with outcry from the people being painted with that brush.

Uhh, if they voted for him with all the racist bigoted swill he was spewing, they enabled this. There's no divorcing themselves from that (sizeable) aspect of his campaign.


Junior Member
Preeeeety sure those folks were talking about the typical Trump voter, not the fraction of shitheels that are now emboldened by his victory and doing this kind of shit. But that's cool.

Yes, Trump winning emboldened racists. Yes, Trump's platform included racism, sexism, etc. No, that doesn't mean that I believe everyone who voted for him voted because of those parts of his platform, though some undoubtedly did. Which is why that statement is typically met with outcry from the people being painted with that brush.

Regardless, this is completely fucked. The animals doing this crap need to be prosecuted. I had hoped for a Hillary win so this shit didn't happen, because I definitely saw it coming.
Your typical Trump voter doesn't give a damn about this stuff because he typical Trump voter is a bigot.

The Kree

Preeeeety sure those folks were talking about the typical Trump voter, not the fraction of shitheels that are now emboldened by his victory and doing this kind of shit. But that's cool.

Yes, Trump winning emboldened racists. Yes, Trump's platform included racism, sexism, etc. No, that doesn't mean that I believe everyone who voted for him voted because of those parts of his platform, though some undoubtedly did. Which is why that statement is typically met with outcry from the people being painted with that brush.

Regardless, this is completely fucked. The animals doing this crap need to be prosecuted. I had hoped for a Hillary win so this shit didn't happen, because I definitely saw it coming.

Not a fraction. His rallies were twenty thousand deep while he was championing violence and exclusion and regression.


59,689,467 people are all exactly the same. Confirmed.

As far as OP. That's awful and shameful. I hope those that do such things are brought to justice.

However many of those voters aren't racist doesn't really matter. Trump built his political brand and platform on racist, mysogynist, anti Muslim, and anti immigrant sentiments. White supremecists have been very vocal about their support for Trump. If you voted for Trump, and again regardless if you aren't racist, you have given your tacit approval and have helped to validate the opinions of these people.
This is terrifying, I don't know how so many people could be so willing to enable hatred by voting for Trump.

Stay safe, everyone.


The person you're quoting is agreeing with you in the most sarcastic and passive aggressive way possible.

Not sarcasm, not passive aggressive.

EVERY TRUMP SUPPORTER IS A BIGOT. Thats a fact. And every time I say that it will be bolded and underline because it is fact. Again its not an on/off switch. My mom is a homophobe but she isn't screaming "burn the fags" and never interferes via protest like when marriage equality was still a thing we had to fight for. But she's still a bigot.

Fortunately she didn't vote Trump.

All Trump supporters are bigots. Fact. I'm not saying KKK level bigotry but the more subtle, sinister forms of bigotry are just as damaging perhaps even more so.

Sad, this is the exact type of idiocy that lost Hillary the election and yet you're still too hateful/simple-minded to see it.

Sad, this type of useless post thats also so idiotic it completely ignores the fact that Hillary lost for a variety of reasons most importantly the low voter turnout. But I guess your too busy insulting me to see that ;(


Gold Member
And that'll probably be the last time one will breathe free air should one be anything but white and more so if one shoots at someone who is white.

I understand the sentiment, but you're taking the nuance and circumstance out of it. Self defense scenarios are vast and varied, and if suitably provoked and a threat of risk/harm substantiated, I do not foresee your prediction being the norm.

You have got to know your state laws, however.
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