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I'm being followed by a seagull

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There's been a lot of 'joke' threads on GAF recently so I want to make it clear that this is very much serious.

On Friday, when I was walking to the library, there was a seagull, with a distinctive red spot on the upper left eye, perched on the black hand railing outside the Law School. I remember thinking it looked a bit bizarre perched there. When I walked past it, it seemed to look at me and I could sense an intelligence behind those eyes. It followed me as I went past. Exactly 10 seconds later, I heard a flutter of wings and a dollop of whitish poo hit my Ralph Lauren coat. After swearing a lot, I made it to the library and gents toliets to clean up the mess.

Then on Saturday, I spotted a seagull hanging around outside the library. It was attacking a paper bag quite viciously and occasionally stopping to look around as if to non-verbally challenge the people going past. It looked a bit like a drunk cunt tbh. However, as I went past, it sort of just completely stopped to stare at me. It just sort of stood upright and cocked its head towards me. I got a good look at it and recognised the red spot on the upper left eye. In my head I pictured myself walking up to it and smashing its little face in but in the end, I gave it a knowing nod, you know, to form a non-verbal understanding like I've got your number bro and turned back to go home. Exactly 1 mile later, as I was approaching a busy crossing, I felt a splat near me. A flutter wings brushed overheard and I caught a glimpse of the seagull with the red spot land a few feet ahead of me.

On Sunday, I started having weird dreams and being woken up at 6am from knocking/pecking sounds at my window. But when I woke up, there was nothing there. I told my friends and family but they just laughed and looked at me like I was a nutter.

Monday (today): The seagull with the red spot on the upper left eye pictured below. Waiting for me near the bus stop which is nowhere near our last 2 encounters. ITS THE SAME FUCKER.





This reminds me of that thread where a guy was being weird and took a picture of a car and there was someone in it.
That's a were-seagull if I've ever seen one

An immortal being with the ability to transform from man [or woman] into seagull at will

At least that's my expert opinion on the matter

I assume he/she wants to turn you and have you join their colony
"Nevermore" quoth the seagull.

Exactly what I was thinking.
Edgar Allan Poe is a time traveller and a GAFfer. He's probably reading this thread right now with his time machine by his side, ready to go back in time around 170 years to write The Raven, which he chose instead of a seagull so that the OP couldn't call him out for stealing his story.


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
Has it had diarrhea on your car yet OP? There's pigeons in my neighborhood that made my left side-view mirrors the favorite shitting spot for a couple of weeks to the point that the paint on the spot was damaged :(
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