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Waypoint: The Dying Man Who Found Hope in 'Breath of the Wild'

  • Thread starter Deleted member 465307
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Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
There are a lot of Zelda threads on GAF today, but I thought this article was worth making a thread for. It tells the story of Gabe Marcelo, a man with a terminal illness for whom gaming and Zelda in particular were very important, and his quest to play Breath of the Wild before he died. The article is written by Patrick Klepek.

I encourage you to read it because I think this story highlights how the experiences and possibilities of virtual worlds can be significant. It also profiles and pays respect to a person I'm sure many on GAF can understand and relate to in various ways. Finally, it's a well-written article.

Here's the link: https://waypoint.vice.com/en_us/article/the-dying-man-who-found-hope-in-breath-of-the-wild

Last July, Gabe Marcelo wasn't sure he could attend PAX Prime. This wouldn't normally be a big deal, but the 26-year-old's lifelong heart condition had taken a turn for a worse, and he'd been stuck in the hospital for a while. The problem: PAX might be his one shot to play The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, the newest game in his favorite series, before he died.
I was pretty down when I read that this morning and mentioned it in one of the other Zelda threads.

I am, however, moved by the way gaming can enrich a life, and the essay captures it in a way that few gaming stories have.
I'm glad he got to play it, and I wish he'd lived to see the full release.

Makes me feel blessed just to be able to have the patience to see this game come to market.


paid requisite penance
I'm glad he at least got to see what is imo the greatest trailer for a video game ever. RIP.

Word. In a way, he left at the 'right' time - there's no such a thing as a right time for these things, but you know what I mean. The trailer let him reach the peak of excitement and joy. Not experiencing the full game, but getting an incredibly well made condensed experience that left a huge place for his imagination to go wild.
I could only skim the article because I'm trying to hold back the tears. Reminds me of the dying Star Wars fan before the force awakens.
That was incredibly hard to read due to how emotional I was. Very happy he got to see the trailer. Videogames are so much more important than the average person believes. RIP Gabe.


It isn't fair that good people have to experience such a tragic situation. Really saddening.

I'm glad at least part of his wish was fulfilled.


Gold Member
I guess gaming is like any hobby, but there just seems to be another "gear" with video games.

Something that is so individual yet so social at the same time.

And perhaps, something that provides a distraction up until the very end.

I dunno.

Fucking onions man...


That was a very hard read... I had tears in my eyes... We really are fortunate to be able to play the game, it doesn't matter if it is good or bad o average, but we have the chance to play it.


If you're a pretty healthy person, who will not experience things like this for potentially years, reading articles like this are crushing. Poor guy.


get some go again
"The night before he died, he called me into his room," she said. "He wanted me to see the two-minute trailer he had downloaded. He teared up as the colors and sounds and snippets of action were coming across the screen. At the end, it said, 'coming 3-3-17.' He looked at me and said, 'I'm going to make it!' I really have to think about how happy he was, and not that he did not make it. I did remind him, that night, that he had already played Zelda... and yet I knew what he meant."

man that part got me.


"The night before he died, he called me into his room," she said. "He wanted me to see the two-minute trailer he had downloaded. He teared up as the colors and sounds and snippets of action were coming across the screen. At the end, it said, 'coming 3-3-17.' He looked at me and said, 'I'm going to make it!' I really have to think about how happy he was, and not that he did not make it. I did remind him, that night, that he had already played Zelda... and yet I knew what he meant."

Damn! this really affect me! :(
That's such a touching story. I'm really glad reddit (and then Nintendo) came through for him. True joy is such a rare and magical thing.

Rest in peace, Gabe. I never knew ya, but now I won't be able to forget ya.
"The night before he died, he called me into his room," she said. "He wanted me to see the two-minute trailer he had downloaded. He teared up as the colors and sounds and snippets of action were coming across the screen. At the end, it said, 'coming 3-3-17.' He looked at me and said, 'I'm going to make it!' I really have to think about how happy he was, and not that he did not make it. I did remind him, that night, that he had already played Zelda... and yet I knew what he meant."

Fuck. ;;_;;


This is so sad. I wish Nintendo could have some how got the near final release to him sooner so he could finish it :/
Damn...tough but great read!

Glad Gabe was able to experience it at least a little. Reminds me how lucky most of is will be to play it in less than a month, assuming we make it that long. Take nothing for granted. RIP Gabe!
That shit hit hard, my grandpa passed away from cancer a few weeks after twighlight princess for the GameCube came out. I swear he stayed alive longer just to play what he could of the game.
Jesus if I was his brother I don't know if I would be able to play Zelda for a long time (speaking as someone who has also lost a family member). Great article Patrick. RIP.


Reminds me of the Star Wars Story, sucks he never got to play the full game.

Edit: Thought I was okay but the tears caught up with me, that part about the release date really got me.

I hope his brother can stay strong, I know what he is feeling and don't know where I would have been without my other siblings. His mother also sounds Like an amazing woman, they deserve all the goodness in this world and then some.

RIP, we will all be playing Zelda for you.


Good share, and there's some wonderful perspective in this thread.

We are living in the golden age of video games, but even if we weren't, so many of us take so much for granted. I need to remember this the next time something relatively trivial goes wrong.
I hadn't shed a tear in a long time, but I did when I read this. It's so very sad he never got to see the game released, but at least he got to play it and I'm so pleased he got that chance before he sadly passed. People underestimate what video games can mean to people who are ill. My nephew has cystic fibrosis and well it's getting to the stage his health is failing very quickly, he lives for his games and I'm glad we had so many gaming sessions together.


Unconfirmed Member
This is incredibly sad. It's very nice that he had the opportunity to play the demo, and was also surrounded by a loving family who cared for him a lot, but 26 is way too young :(
I'm not crying I was chopping onions :(

"The night before he died, he called me into his room," she said. "He wanted me to see the two-minute trailer he had downloaded. He teared up as the colors and sounds and snippets of action were coming across the screen. At the end, it said, 'coming 3-3-17.' He looked at me and said, 'I'm going to make it!' I really have to think about how happy he was, and not that he did not make it. I did remind him, that night, that he had already played Zelda... and yet I knew what he meant."

"Gabe will be my Navi, helping to guide me through the game the whole time. I really love that thought."


Holy shit I'm bawling in the middle of class

I'm gonna attempt to beat BotW in one sitting in memory of this man.

A really touching story, thanks for posting OP


What gets me the most is not the tragedy of it all, but that he stayed positive and hoping through most of it. Such a great person, I hope he was happy until the very end. RIP Gabe.


This made me tear up.

Wishing him peace and his family strength. Thanks to Nintendo for helping him live out his dream to the end, very touching story.


Not gonna fuck around with any jokes about manly tears or onions; fuck it man I'm crying. Great story and very inspiring, but fuck dude this shit hits me hard as a parent. Beautiful that he got to experience it at least, but I hate that we live in a world where he didn't make it. Shit...I wish life was more like a fairy tale. I hope his mother and brother are doing all right. Thanks for sharing OP.
Amazing article, the last bit just broke me down completely. Sad that he died so young, but I'm glad he at least got to have a taste of what his most anticipated game was like.
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