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Adam Saleh, popular YouTube racist, kicked off Delta plane for being a jerk

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Update 12/22: Other passengers speak up and deny his accusations. Multiple stories that he was being obnoxious and possibly filming a prank. See page 15 for proof, I will update op as soon as possible

Update 2 12/22: Looks like several passengers have posted proof they were on the flight. Looks like Adam and his friend were raising their fists and shouting in Arabic, seemingly trying to frighten the other passengers.



Adam Saleh, an American YouTube personality, has published a video of himself getting kicked off a Delta airlines plane after being heard speaking Arabic on the phone to his mother.

At one point, other passengers on the plane can be seen waving him off as they shout “bye.”

Delta response:
In a statement, Delta said: “Two customers were removed from this flight and later rebooked after a disturbance in the cabin resulted in more than 20 customers expressing their discomfort. We’re conducting a full review to understand what transpired. We are taking allegations of discrimination very seriously; our culture requires treating others with respect.”

The NYTimes picked up the story:

Adam Saleh's response:

In a phone interview Wednesday from Heathrow before he and Mr. Albaher boarded a new flight, Mr. Saleh insisted this was not a stunt: “The only thing I can say is, I would never film a phone video. That’s when it’s really serious, and I must film.” His video camera was in his luggage.

More of what allegedly happened:
Mr. Saleh said he had just spoken to his mother on the phone, in Arabic, to tell her when his flight would land. After the call, he and Mr. Albaher continued to speak briefly in Arabic, when they were interrupted by a woman in front of them who asked them to speak English because they were making her uncomfortable.

They did not respond aggressively, Mr. Saleh said, but told her that they were speaking Arabic and asked whether she had ever heard another language. Then, Mr. Saleh said, a man with a British accent who appeared to be traveling with her swore at them and said that they be “chucked” off the plane.

“At this point, me and Slim looked at each other,” Mr. Saleh said in the interview. “We didn’t know what to do. We felt like we were terrorists.”

The situation escalated, Mr. Saleh said, and other passengers joined in asking that Mr. Saleh and Mr. Albaher be kicked off the plane. Some of them mentioned Monday’s terrorist attack in Berlin, he said.


Also (Read bottom to top)


As of 9:10 am est, delta released him from being detained. He has tweeted that he will be going to his lawyer once he arrives at his destination.

If you haven't heard of him, he does YouTube prank videos, so some think this may be a stunt gone wrong....

As a brown bearded dude, racism while traveling is real. I'm not even middle eastern but I can't imagine how many times I'd be kicked off the bus or planes. People won't sit next to you, and you get looked at or questioned. There are procedures at airports where staff try to spark up a conversation with you to see if you have an accent. It's anxiety inducing, and then there's always that small chance you're going to get "randomly" searched or detained.

This dude has a small amount of fame (2.2 mil followers) and even he isn't immune to this shit. The people just staring and watching, not doing anything is so shameful...


Can't watch the video, as I'm at work, but is it for certain, that he was only kicked off due to him speaking Arabic?

This is 2016. The year Donald Trump became President.

Racism (if that is the case here) has happened for hundreds of years. Stop making everything about Trump, please.


Delta is trash. They recently let some Trump loud mouth stay onboard as he verbally abused everyone on the plane that didn't vote for him, yet if you have brown skin you get thrown off, no exceptions.

That's a fucking problem, don't fly with them.


So not worth it
Can't watch the video, as I'm at work, but is it for certain, that he was only kicked off due to him speaking Arabic?

No. It's just a video of him shouting in the plane, there's no engagement from anyone of the staff about the reason he's being escorted out. He basically says he's being escorted off because he made a group of "white people" uncomfortable because he was speaking a different language.

Nobody's objecting, though, so there's no reason to not believe him, he seems sober and relatively calm under the circumstances.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
This is the type of person that labels his videos "KILLER CLOWN PRANK GONE WRONG!!!"

Idk what to think, they said 20 people expressed their concerns. If he was literally just talking to his mom, this is fucked up, if he was "pranking" the passengers, being removed is an appropriate response.

posting from other thread


No. It's just a video of him shouting in the plane, there's no engagement from anyone of the staff about the reason he's being escorted out. He basically says he's being escorted off because he made a group of "white people" uncomfortable because he was speaking a different language.

Nobody's objecting, though, so there's no reason to not believe him, he seems sober and relatively calm under the circumstances.

Perhaps noone is objecting, because he was acting like a douchebag before the video was filmed, and he decided to use this whole thing to his advantage. People will do anything for attention these days.

It's not the first time he's done shit to get attention, apparantly.

Nah, I'm sure he was making it up. It's okay, go back to sleep.

See link above.
This is terrible if it is true. Unfortunately because of the videos this guy makes including prank videos, some on airplanes, I'm expecting more from this story to be revealed (either narratives painting him as a trouble maker or him having to defend himself saying that he was actually discriminated against). Though having someone get kicked off a plane for speaking Arabic and being brown is not new.

I'm really hoping this is true; people should know that faking discrimination is the worst thing you can do in the coming years.


I'd rather deal with facts, instead of speculation based on what someone may have done in the past.

Which facts? There are no facts, except that he was escorted of a plane.

edit: That's not to say, that this shit isn't possible. My girlfriend, who's half-turkish, gets "randomly" picked out to be searched and checked for explosives/drugs/etc. every time she's flying.

And it's been denied for thousands of years. Denial (if that's the case here) happens at every step. I took from his post that we shouldn't be surprised. You are skeptical while others are unsurprised. Maybe we'll get a full confession on tape while some one is holdings a cross burning license to convince you.

I'm not.. what. So I'm skeptical about something on the internet, and all of the sudden I'm denying racism?


Junior Member
Can't watch the video, as I'm at work, but is it for certain, that he was only kicked off due to him speaking Arabic?

Racism (if that is the case here) has happened for hundreds of years. Stop making everything about Trump, please.
And it's been denied for thousands of years. Denial (if that's the case here) happens at every step. I took from his post that we shouldn't be surprised. You are skeptical while others are unsurprised. Maybe we'll get a full confession on tape while some one is holdings a cross burning license to convince you.


This is terrible if it is true. Unfortunately because of the videos this guy makes including prank videos, some on airplanes, I'm expecting more from this story to be revealed (either narratives painting him as a trouble maker or him having to defend himself saying that he was actually discriminated against). Though having someone get kicked off a plane for speaking Arabic and being brown is not new.

I'm really hoping this is true; people should know that faking discrimination is the worst thing you can do in the coming years.

I agree, there's reason to be skeptical, but it's not far fetched for a middle eastern person to be kicked off a plane for speaking Arabic.
This dude has a small amount of fame (2.2 mil followers) and even he isn't immune to this shit. The people just staring and watching, not doing anything is so shameful...
Why would he be immune from racism because he's in YouTube?

Being removed is bullshit.

But so is YouTube "fame". Get a real job


I agree, there's reason to be skeptical, but it's not far fetched for a middle eastern person to be kicked off a plane for speaking Arabic.

It's definitely happened before.

Reminds me of the story of the Candid Camera host's plane getting hijacked and everyone thought it was a joke for the show when in fact they were all being flown to Cuba.


So why immediately jump to "well, he probably was a cunt" instead of just waiting on facts that indicate he was one, if so?

Ray's just letting us know who this guy is.

YouTube personality could mean a lot of things. In this case it means he's one of those "prank" idiots.


That brazen waving and 'bye!'.

At least be ashamed of your racism.


Can't watch the video, as I'm at work, but is it for certain, that he was only kicked off due to him speaking Arabic?

Yes. Listening to the other passengers (the wavers) when he rightfully challenged them as to their reasons and nothing. In fact aside from a couple of idiots (and probably a few silent ones) everyone seemed to support the guy filming. There's no suggestion that anything other than paranoia and flexing those racist muscles occurred before the guy started filming. Crazy knee jerk reaction by the airline staff empowered the scum. Where the fuck are we heading with all this shit?!
So why immediately jump to "well, he probably was a cunt" instead of just waiting on facts that indicate he was one, if so?

Who said anything close to 'Well he probably was a cunt'? All I see is people pointing out that he has a history of exaggerating events like this for attention, which is an important detail here.


But so is YouTube "fame". Get a real job
This is a dumb thing to say. It's like saying having a show on TV isn't a real job.

You make video content, you get paid because of advertising dollars. Why does it matter if it's Youtube instead of whatever random low tier cable network you could get?


Why would he be immune from racism because he's in YouTube?

Being removed is bullshit.

But so is YouTube "fame". Get a real job

He actually makes a good living, like many others, off of youtube. It is a real job.

Also 90% sure this another one of his pranks, that sadly went wrong. Watch his vlogs, he's conscious enough to know what speaking arabic on a plane as a young man would do to trigger old people.
Why would he be immune from racism because he's in YouTube?

Being removed is bullshit.

But so is YouTube "fame". Get a real job

Because this is a good argument for anything. Are you going to tell actors, musicians, and other entertainers to get a real job also? You're this generations old-people-that-yell-at-youngins, you realize that, right?


This is a dumb thing to say. It's like saying having a show on TV isn't a real job.

You make video content, you get paid because of advertising dollars. Why does it matter if it's Youtube instead of whatever random low tier cable network you could get?
Because something something not fair something something bootstraps

Its literally just sour grapes


Racism (if that is the case here) has happened for hundreds of years. Stop making everything about Trump, please.

Fuck that noise.

This is about Trump and the people who voted for him.

All of them are stupid bigotry supporting scum.

No exceptions.

This is his vision of America.

This matters.

Why would he be immune from racism because he's in YouTube?

Being removed is bullshit.

But so is YouTube "fame". Get a real job

This is also dumb. Fame is fame and aint nothing not real about that kind of job.


His fame consists of posting pranks and being an ass. I don't believe his story untill proven otherwise.


Gold Member
it's sad what the terrorists have done to the minds of the general populace.

people are too fucking on edge about everything now. bringing out a lot of false fear.

this coupled with the fact that people feel entitled to be rightly honored if they are uncomfortable in the slightest is just a stew of awful


So not worth it
Who said anything close to 'Well he probably was a cunt'? All I see is people pointing out that he has a history of exaggerating events like this for attention, which is an important detail here.

I'm sorry, it wasn't "cunt", it was "douchebag."
Dunno why people are skeptical when this type of reaction to non-white customers has been shown to be a pattern with Delta Airlines.
idk if this is a social experiment or not but putting this situation aside, i find him and other youtube pranksters beyond obnoxious


I will be of the unpopular opinion of "two minds " here. Not that this couldn't happen because of racism, totally could and I can recall that case of the black person not being considered a doctor despite him (or her i don't remember) being one.

But the guy is indeed a known jackass who almost litteraly lives from attention so while racism might be a very real possibility separate from his behaviour, I might wait a day before casting a hasty judgement


This guy makes prank youtube videos, so I'm hesitant to jump straight to believing his reason for why he was kicked off.

The people shouting "bye" were gross regardless though.
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