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Apparently women's bodies are considered 'hosts', according to one US lawmaker

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I'm not sure I have the words to adequately convey my opinion on this, I'll let one of my other fellow Gaffers sum it up for me.

A US lawmaker has described pregnant women as "hosts" whose bodies do not belong to them.

Republican politician Justin Humphrey, from southeast Oklahoma, made the comments while discussing his bill requiring women seeking an abortion to first obtain the written informed consent of the father. The bill is scheduled for a hearing on Tuesday in a House committee.

"I believe one of the breakdowns in our society is that we have excluded the man out of all of these types of decisions," he said.

"I understand that they feel like that is their body," he said of women. "I feel like it is a separate – what I call them is you're a 'host'."

Humphrey said women need to be responsible after "pre-knowing" they are "inviting" a foetus into their bodies.

"When you enter into a relationship you're going to be that host and so if you pre-know that, then take all precautions and don't get pregnant," he said.

"So that's where I'm at. I'm like, hey, your body is your body and be responsible with it. But after you're irresponsible then don't claim, well, I can just go and do this with another body, when you're the host and you invited that in."



Fuck this asshole.

Also looks like the new marching order for bills is "consent of the father" to try and get around Roe v Wade again.
I mean, he's kinda correct? But it doesn't make him any less callous towards the women who are the "hosts". They're people too.


I mean, he's kinda correct? But it doesn't make him any less callous towards the women who are the "hosts". They're people too.

It's bullshit because there's no safe way confirm the father of a child until it's gone a full term and born

the whole point is to try and delay the abortions more and more so they eventually force women to carry full term just from basically holding them at legal gunpoint.

So if someone goes "hey that's my kid in there", you file a thing in court, the woman goes through the pregnancy, pays the body price, then it turns out it wasn't his kid, he goes "oh well" and walks away

there's just so many wrong things about this idea in the first place..


Fuck this asshole.

Also looks like the new marching order for bills is "consent of the father" to try and get around Roe v Wade again.
Said "father" could be a rapist btw. Imagine having to ask your rapist for permission to not keep his baby. Utterly monstrous.


I mean, he's kinda correct? But it doesn't make him any less callous towards the women who are the "hosts". They're people too.
He's not right given it's entirely framed under the pretense that the woman was careless and it's her fault for getting pregnant, once that happens she signs away the right to her body. My wife is currently pregnant and just watching her go through all she has these past 5 months, I can't help but want to throw dirt at men like this who assert any sort of dominance in a process they don't have to carry for 9 months at a time and all that comes with it.


ex: churches could file John Doe suits against pregnant women, legally forcing them to carry to term and then just drop the case once they're in the third trimester

Rapist files as revenge against their victim

woman gets pregnant, splits from her abuser, abuser files the suit, woman miscarries, now the woman is in legal trouble for what the court now views as abuser's "property".

Funny how macho men are all "women aren't equal" for sports or science and shit but suddenly in pregnancy they're like "oh man we're totally in equal standing here" for the one thing women definitely take 99.99999999999999999999% of the work and risk for.


Awaiting the defence force in three, two, one...

Please, cis men. Tell me why your feels are more important than my bodily autonomy. I really care about what you think.

fuck off


Another article:
Oklahoma Lawmakers Want Men To Approve All Abortions

Just the worst.

I think a lot of kids in the flowover states grow up kind of ashamed of where they're from, but get over it as they grow up. But here I am, still embarrassed by Oklahoma.
And the more I read this quote, the more it pisses me off...
”But after you're irresponsible then don't claim, well, I can just go and do this with another body, when you're the host and you invited that in."





Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Pro Life is such a crock of horseshit as none of these fuckers give a damn about the child once its born. After that its fuck'em, but at least they were born! Then they fight tooth and nail against programs to help the poor, children, education and anything else that could probably help said children and children in general.


How can anyone in their right mind support the fuckery that is known as the Republican party.

It's full of inbred rednecks, racists, and egomaniacal rich old fuckers who would not love nothing more than to fuck the middle class.

I honestly hate these people. They make me sick.
How can anyone in their right mind support the fuckery that is known as the Republican party.

It's full of inbred rednecks, racists, and egomaniacal rich old fuckers who would not love nothing more than to fuck the middle class.

I honestly hate these people. They make me sick.

Don't forget the religious crazies. This is why things like this happen after all.


this is when we don't let the religious guy speak. This is when we tell the religious guy to shut the fuck up and lock him in the bathroom.

I'm sorry but seriously, there is a time and a place for metaphysics in law, and this is not it.

How can anyone in their right mind support the fuckery that is known as the Republican party.

It's full of inbred rednecks, racists, and egomaniacal rich old fuckers who would not love nothing more than to fuck the middle class.

I honestly hate these people. They make me sick.

2 groups no one will claim. One group no one can claim. So they claim each other. In secret of course. they know they're ugly as shit in public. With the rich fuckers being the masterminds.
Pro Life is such a crock of horseshit as none of these fuckers give a damn about the child once its born. After that its fuck'em, but at least they were born! Then they fight tooth and nail against programs to help the poor, children, education and anything else that could probably help said children and children in general.

They don't even really care about the fetus before birth, either, otherwise they would treat fertility clinics the same way they treat Planned Parenthood.


I really miss Carlin. It's amazing how much of the shit he said was so properly conveyed during his comedy acts. At times it may have seemed a little preachy to some but he told it like it was and I think many, many people could relate to what he had to say.
the only reason a woman should ever have to tell anyone else about an abortion is if she wanted to be polite...otherwise it has nothing to do with anyone else.
The analogy fails anyway if I invite you in, I can ask you to leave whenever I want and you have to go. If ya don't go I can even call the police and have you forcibly removed.


Awaiting the defence force in three, two, one...

Please, cis men. Tell me why your feels are more important than my bodily autonomy. I really care about what you think.

fuck off
To be fair, men spend a total of 2, maybe 3 minutes awkwardly thrusting on top of a woman to make a baby. Thats a lotta hard work. /s
I kind of like this phrasing because it emphasizes that an unwanted fetus is a parasite, like a tapeworm.

The analogy fails anyway if I invite you in, I can ask you to leave whenever I want and you have to go. If ya don't go I can even call the police and have you forcibly removed.
Yup, it's really weird that it's being used in an anti-abortion bill.


You know, for someone so against the fact that men are kept out of the abortion conversation, he makes a damn good case for not letting them anywhere near it.


Unconfirmed Member
Yes, of course. Invite. Because you know, if she doesn't want to get pregnant, she can just shut that whole thing down and refuse to invite.
I really need to stop going on general side Gaf. Not sure how much more my heart can take this.

Tho it's nothing new. There was just that thread about that Arkansa law and some of the posters in there had the same mind set.
US lawmaker talking a lot of shit really, none of the shit he said is legal speak. None of it has any legal merit, like zero background test cases or legal precedence to support.

The "responsibility argument" has been done and dusted, it was all settled in 1973.

Fertilization is neither illegal nor negligent, so no obligations of the actors can be derived from it (i.e. IVF clinics are under no obligation to store eggs indefinitely).

Just backwater bar talk.

"I believe it's, derp, invited in, host herp".
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