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Blizzard Banning Users on Forum for Helping People With Warcraft 3 Reforged Refunds



Released yesterday, Warcraft 3 Reforged has been met with mostly negative feedback by gamers due to technical glitches, gameplay issues and more. If you’re one of the people who want a Warcraft 3 Reforged refund and need help, you might not want to talk about it in Blizzard’s official Warcraft forums.
Multiple reports have surfaced that Blizzard is actively banning people on the official Warcraft forums for helping other people get a Warcraft 3 Reforged refund!



Gold Member
Have to protect poor charity companies

Wonder how many refunds they are making. I'm guessing this whole situation only increases the amount.


Blizzard is dead. Let them rot.

In recent memory this may be the fastest I've seen a darling company go sour. The only other contender may be Bethesda (which happened in a similar time period).

In the span of like 2-3 years we've seen both become reviled by a once rabid fanbase and the gaming community at large. They deserve every bit of it.
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We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Really is sad to see. Similarly, this is the state of their GM staff for WoW Classic after sacking hundreds of experienced people in favour of minimum wage workers: the guy who opened the ticket in this picture is 100% correct.



I see Blizzard are following the footsteps of Glitchesda. How to be a cunt 101
A certain company that sells TV and consoles did about the same a while back on their official forums, whole thread was deleted as well.
Didn't want to mention it because even speaking of things that happen daily have lead to 2x ban in the past month alone on this site.
Yet this is the 3rd site I'm seeing this article, relevance = shit happens to even the best of them [captain obvious.gif]


Played it on release, only few missions in so far but its weird since so far only the opening Cinematic is redone, the rest is literally only 720p cleaner upscales etc...
It's really a shame what they did to this wonderful game...

Really is sad to see. Similarly, this is the state of their GM staff for WoW Classic after sacking hundreds of experienced people in favour of minimum wage workers: the guy who opened the ticket in this picture is 100% correct.


Off topic but what's the context with that one?


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Off topic but what's the context with that one?

From what I can gather, a guy accidentally sold or deleted certain gear from obtaining a specific PVP rank. In WoW Classic you unlock better and better gear the higher rank you are but you do not need to stay at that rank to actually use the items. So the GM is basically telling him that he can't restore the item for whatever reason, but that it wouldn't matter anyway, because the guy couldn't equip them if he tried, which is outright false. Some of these GMs straight up don't understand how the game works.


Not a good look. I mean, aside from it being kinda scummy, what do you think this is, Blizzard suits? This is the internet. You can prevent a few people from getting refunds.. those that don't know to just google whatever it is they're looking for if they can't find it on the official forums, but you're also absolutely inviting reports like this against your brand.


Tears of Nintendo
I knew right from the start that I shouldn't care about / buy this POS. Original will always be better, same goes for Star Craft.


First step of getting out of that hole is to stop digging, Bliz. This game should have been an easy homerun for them. Modernize a game that fans already love. Don't change what makes it good, just make it prettier and give more. Get some sales and positive word of mouth.



Unconfirmed Member
Maybe Blizzard should wake up and stop being assholes before they drive themselves entierly into the ground?
the Blizzard of old is long gone. what's left right now is a mere shell being puppet by Activision. I have a few games on their launcher and the only one I still have installed is Overwatch. and that's only because a rl friend of mine is still playing it and wants to drag me on to play with him from time to time. I had already written off Blizzard even before the whole Hong Kong thing. when they push that whole Diablo mobile crap out, I knew the Blizzard I used to love is no more.
This boycotting will amount to fuck all when Diablo 4 release and the consumers rush to buy their new shiney product.

Then the cycle of "this game sux fuk blizzard!!" will start all over again.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Fallout 76 finally getting a break from the shit spotlight after what was an eternity.

Based Blizzard.


really sucks because warcraft 3 is among my favorite games of all time. I wasnt paying attention to reforged and was tempted to buy it but not after this kinda news


Rage Bait Youtuber
Really is sad to see. Similarly, this is the state of their GM staff for WoW Classic after sacking hundreds of experienced people in favour of minimum wage workers: the guy who opened the ticket in this picture is 100% correct.


Um, GMs have always been close to minimum wage. I don't know about when they moved the support department to Austin, but the average rate for an in-game support person for ANY MMO (not just WoW) is about $12 an hour.
and people will still defend Blizzard even though the one we used to know no longer exists.

The current Blizzard is basically no different than EA or Bethesda. The passion for making the best games is dead. It's all about milking you dry and making stockholders happy.


Blizzard is dead. Let them rot.

In this recent memory this may be the fastest I've seen a darling company go sour. The only other contender may be Bethesda (which happened in a similar time period).

In the span of like 2-3 years we've seen both become reviled by a once rabid fanbase and the gaming community at large. They deserve every bit of it.

They aren't dead. In 5 years they will still be raking in the cash.

The problem is everyone bitches, complains, calls for boycotts, says they won't ever buy "company x" product ever again, blah blah blah. But those same companies keep making tons of money which means 1 of 2 things. 1 is all those kissed off people were only just a tiny few but were very vocal. Or 2 all those complainers are still buying the products and are basically just telephone tough guys with no conviction.

So no, blizzard won't rot or go anywhere.


They aren't dead. In 5 years they will still be raking in the cash.

The problem is everyone bitches, complains, calls for boycotts, says they won't ever buy "company x" product ever again, blah blah blah. But those same companies keep making tons of money which means 1 of 2 things. 1 is all those kissed off people were only just a tiny few but were very vocal. Or 2 all those complainers are still buying the products and are basically just telephone tough guys with no conviction.

So no, blizzard won't rot or go anywhere.

Thats fine, they dont need us, we dont need them


Played it on release, only few missions in so far but its weird since so far only the opening Cinematic is redone, the rest is literally only 720p cleaner upscales etc...
It's really a shame what they did to this wonderful game...

Off topic but what's the context with that one?

Looks like it's about some PVP items. You can only equip ranked PVP gear that is your current rank or lower. Or at least that's how it's supposed to work. While I'm not sure what that players specific issue is, it seems he could at least equip gear above his current rank despite the mod repeatedly saying 'nah'.
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