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Contra Returns Gameplay Trailer (Mobile Game)


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

A group of heroes have assembled once again. Their mission? To protect the Earth from a sneaky alien enemy…
They saved Earth countless times, but their names were forgotten in time. With you, they can win again: call out their names, and get ready to shoot.
Contra Returns - Pre-registration Now Available.



lol at that thumbnail


Gold Member
Ontra Returns.

I wish they put at least half as much effort on the last console release than this mobile trash.
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judging by the random overly noisy overdesigned character style ( a fucking pirate? Dragon armor?) this has to have been shopped out to a shitty chinese studio so Konami can spend as little as possible.

Could have been given to Wayforward and they would have made an amazing game but that would have costs 4 dollars more

I can already see the gacha gun roulette
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Contra 4 on the original DS was amazing by WayForward ....., why Konami didn´t put those guys to make Contra 5 with actual sprites in place of tasteless 3D graphics?

It´s this or nothing I guess, it doesn´t look that bad actually.


Gold Member
Contra III is the best hands down.

I had Contra Hard Corps. Decent game, but too cheesy and weird. Playing it after awesome Contra III, it was a disappointment.

Even worse. Sold it to a flea market guy for probably $20. Now worth $100+. lol


Let us fight to the Death.

MUAHAHAHA, you weak pathetic fool!


on another note, QooApp already had the Korean and Chinese version of the game btw! currently downloading it... let's see if it's any good

edit: only the Korean version is downloadable, but I can't get into the game. there's an error (which I have no idea what it says, cuz it's korean) and you can either retry or close the game.


I wonder if it geoblocks you... but I tried a free Korean VPN and that didn't work (could be blocked cuz free VPN)

edit2: ran it through a translator app


how the fuck did this guy play the game 2 years ago? MOBILE GAMES ARE SO FUCKING CONFUSING! their weird limited releases in some weird ass regions... like... what?

edit4: I am now downloading the chinese version off of TapTap.
and the game legit has a 2 year anniversary event going on currently! THE FUCK? this game has been out for 2 years already in some regions... this is wild... mobile games really are a completely different beast, this is so weird

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I miss the old Konami, straight from the 'Go Konami
Chop up the soul Konami, set on his goals Konami
I hate the new Konami, the bad mood Konami
The always rude Konami, spaz in the news Konami…


MUAHAHAHA, you weak pathetic fool!


on another note, QooApp already had the Korean and Chinese version of the game btw! currently downloading it... let's see if it's any good

edit: only the Korean version is downloadable, but I can't get into the game. there's an error (which I have no idea what it says, cuz it's korean) and you can either retry or close the game.


I wonder if it geoblocks you... but I tried a free Korean VPN and that didn't work (could be blocked cuz free VPN)

edit2: ran it through a translator app


how the fuck did this guy play the game 2 years ago? MOBILE GAMES ARE SO FUCKING CONFUSING! their weird limited releases in some weird ass regions... like... what?

edit4: I am now downloading the chinese version off of TapTap.
and the game legit has a 2 year anniversary event going on currently! THE FUCK? this game has been out for 2 years already in some regions... this is wild... mobile games really are a completely different beast, this is so weird


update numero 6,
the chinese Indonesian version on TapTap is completely localised into english... and seems to work.

2 year anniversary is going on and apparently Lance is dead and Bill was framed for his muder... this is so weird lol
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I want a Probotector character in the mobile game! Contra 4 had them, even as an enemy! and Contra 4 made Probotectors canon!
it ironically never released in europe...
I played Probotector on Nes in europe, Probotector had up up down down left right left right select start cheat. Also remember BlasterMaster?!? Cowboy game where you shot left with B, right with A. Ikira Warriors A B B A for xtra lives.

I think we got Probotector instead of Contra. Europe got Probotector because of German censorship laws. (Wiki)
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Looks better than Rogue Corps, but that's not saying much. Will try it if it has controller support, playing these type of games with the touchscreen is awful.
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update numero 6,
the chinese Indonesian version on TapTap is completely localised into english... and seems to work.

2 year anniversary is going on and apparently Lance is dead and Bill was framed for his muder... this is so weird lol

I played the first 4 levels now, and it's not bad... sadly it is a twin stick shooter... and I am not really fond of those, but it plays well enough on touchscreen.

will try if it has controller support next

Looks better than Rogue Corps, but that's not saying much. Will try it if it has controller support, playing these type of games with the touchscreen is awful.

it does have controller support.
I tried the Dualshock 4 and an Xbox SX controller.
the Dualshock 4 did not work correctly for me. the game detected L2 and R2 as if it was the right analog stick...

the Xbox SX controller worked flawlessly, but the button mapping is not perfect (and you can't change it)
B is jump, A is fire, X is grenade, Y is special attack.
the right stick is also used to shoot, it's a twin stick shooter. but you can shoot using A and it will auto lock on (you can set it to nearest target or weakest target)

also, if you try multiple controllers you have to reboot the game each time. when I first swapped to the Xbox controller it didn't detect any face button inputs
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Gold Member
There are so many potentially cool things about this, but it also just... looks odd, lmao. At least not like the Contra I'd want. But closer to it than further I suppose.

Hell, at least looks better than that last game they dropped. Eeesh.


I don't think a cellphone is appropriate for the intensity and precision a Contra game demands. Must be awkward to play or very toned down.

Contra is one of my most dear franchises. To this day I play the games with my childhood friend when we meet -we finished even the PSX titles.

Konami should stop messing around with Contra. It has as much potential as Castlevania, Metal Gear or Silent Hill. Give the franchise to Housemarque or Platinum to see what Contra can be!
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I don't think a cellphone is appropriate for the intensity and precision a Contra game demands. Must be awkward to play or very toned down.
True, but they're not trying to make a Contra that fans will like; they're trying to make one that will sell.

It's unclear why IP is valuable to kids who are 20 years too young to recognize the franchise in games that are made to deny the old fanbases they're built on, but for some reason, that seems to be the plan in some of these revival cases. You can't sell 'regular' Contra to a console audience anymore, even though a lot of 40-year-old dudes remember Contra as being the real shit when they were a kid. It's too linear, it's too 2D, it's too hard, and it's too of the past. (I'd like to say that everything I just typed is bullshit, but the financial history is not in our favor; for example, revivals like Mega Man 9 worked for a while, but MM10 had diminished returns and MM11 seems to have ended the run. We'll see how well all these Wonder Boys do, but those are easy and colorful, and Contra is not a friendly to pick up despite being rewarding.) You can come up with a new style to classic Contra, adding in nonlinear level progression or maybe adding in "Easy Mode" hacks, maybe that would work, but maybe maybe not? And then you can reinvent Contra, but the long history of Konami trying is not great. You used to be able to go the handheld route ala Contra 4 (and then sometimes you could take a handheld-made game and flip it to consoles/PC later,) but handhelds are pretty much dead these days (except for Switch, but then on Switch you're competing for "console-quality" games.) And I guess you could also just accept that Contra will only sell so many copies and try for the cheap-yet-satisfying route, but was Contra Rebirth really that cheap to produce? And if you did it today with "cheap" technology, you'd probably rely on Flash-style art ala Streets of Rage 4, which ticks a lot of fans off no matter how nice they make the designs and how hard they try to hide the vector animation.

So, the only hope for a lot of these franchises from the past is mobile games. And mobile games are mobile games. They can't carry a pricetag, because nobody wants to pay for mobile games. And they probably can't control too well, because they have to be playable on a touchscreen. And they can't avoid gacha and other MTX systems, because the games have to generate money somehow.

So, classics are rarely going to be perfect again. But companies keep trying, and that's not a bad thing. We can hope that some of the bad revivals to spawn enough interest that they get better or that they lead to good, more faithful revivals, or else we can just pray that whatever we get is good enough in some way. (This Contra Returns seems like bad blender batch of Contra grinded up in a mobile template, but taken on its own, I do kind of like the Season approach and multiplayer score leaderboards system plugged into run-and-gun play, that makes some sense to me as to why somebody would want to play it.)
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Unconfirmed Member
True, but they're not trying to make a Contra that fans will like; they're trying to make one that will sell.

It's unclear why IP is valuable to kids who are 20 years too young to recognize the franchise in games that are made to deny the old fanbases they're built on, but for some reason, that seems to be the plan in some of these revival cases. You can't sell 'regular' Contra to a console audience anymore, even though a lot of 40-year-old dudes remember Contra as being the real shit when they were a kid. It's too linear, it's too 2D, it's too hard, and it's too of the past. (I'd like to say that everything I just typed is bullshit, but the financial history is not in our favor; for example, revivals like Mega Man 9 worked for a while, but MM10 had diminished returns and MM11 seems to have ended the run. We'll see how well all these Wonder Boys do, but those are easy and colorful, and Contra is not a friendly to pick up despite being rewarding.) You can come up with a new style to classic Contra, adding in nonlinear level progression or maybe adding in "Easy Mode" hacks, maybe that would work, but maybe maybe not? And then you can reinvent Contra, but the long history of Konami trying is not great. You used to be able to go the handheld route ala Contra 4 (and then sometimes you could take a handheld-made game and flip it to consoles/PC later,) but handhelds are pretty much dead these days (except for Switch, but then on Switch you're competing for "console-quality" games.) And I guess you could also just accept that Contra will only sell so many copies and try for the cheap-yet-satisfying route, but was Contra Rebirth really that cheap to produce? And if you did it today with "cheap" technology, you'd probably rely on Flash-style art ala Streets of Rage 4, which ticks a lot of fans off no matter how nice they make the designs and how hard they try to hide the vector animation.

So, the only hope for a lot of these franchises from the past is mobile games. And mobile games are mobile games. They can't carry a pricetag, because nobody wants to pay for mobile games. And they probably can't control too well, because they have to be playable on a touchscreen. And they can't avoid gacha and other MTX systems, because the games have to generate money somehow.

So, classics are rarely going to be perfect again. But companies keep trying, and that's not a bad thing. We can hope that some of the bad revivals to spawn enough interest that they get better or that they lead to good, more faithful revivals, or else we can just pray that whatever we get is good enough in some way. (This Contra Returns seems like bad blender batch of Contra grinded up in a mobile template, but taken on its own, I do kind of like the Season approach and multiplayer score leaderboards system plugged into run-and-gun play, that makes some sense to me as to why somebody would want to play it.)

I'd say there are two options:

a) try something like Shattered Soldier, but with the enhancements of today's technology.
b) make a 3D-Reboot, but keep the bullet-hell arcade-style gameplay. Something like Vanquish perhaps.

Making a more low-budget sprite-based game or something in the vein of SoR4 is always an option because a game like that doesn't need to sell gangbusters to make a return.
On PC and Switch it could definitely find an audience, given that there are already several indie games similar to Contra out in the wild.
True, but they're not trying to make a Contra that fans will like; they're trying to make one that will sell.

It's unclear why IP is valuable to kids who are 20 years too young to recognize the franchise in games that are made to deny the old fanbases they're built on, but for some reason, that seems to be the plan in some of these revival cases. You can't sell 'regular' Contra to a console audience anymore, even though a lot of 40-year-old dudes remember Contra as being the real shit when they were a kid. It's too linear, it's too 2D, it's too hard, and it's too of the past. (I'd like to say that everything I just typed is bullshit, but the financial history is not in our favor; for example, revivals like Mega Man 9 worked for a while, but MM10 had diminished returns and MM11 seems to have ended the run. We'll see how well all these Wonder Boys do, but those are easy and colorful, and Contra is not a friendly to pick up despite being rewarding.) You can come up with a new style to classic Contra, adding in nonlinear level progression or maybe adding in "Easy Mode" hacks, maybe that would work, but maybe maybe not? And then you can reinvent Contra, but the long history of Konami trying is not great. You used to be able to go the handheld route ala Contra 4 (and then sometimes you could take a handheld-made game and flip it to consoles/PC later,) but handhelds are pretty much dead these days (except for Switch, but then on Switch you're competing for "console-quality" games.) And I guess you could also just accept that Contra will only sell so many copies and try for the cheap-yet-satisfying route, but was Contra Rebirth really that cheap to produce? And if you did it today with "cheap" technology, you'd probably rely on Flash-style art ala Streets of Rage 4, which ticks a lot of fans off no matter how nice they make the designs and how hard they try to hide the vector animation.

So, the only hope for a lot of these franchises from the past is mobile games. And mobile games are mobile games. They can't carry a pricetag, because nobody wants to pay for mobile games. And they probably can't control too well, because they have to be playable on a touchscreen. And they can't avoid gacha and other MTX systems, because the games have to generate money somehow.

So, classics are rarely going to be perfect again. But companies keep trying, and that's not a bad thing. We can hope that some of the bad revivals to spawn enough interest that they get better or that they lead to good, more faithful revivals, or else we can just pray that whatever we get is good enough in some way. (This Contra Returns seems like bad blender batch of Contra grinded up in a mobile template, but taken on its own, I do kind of like the Season approach and multiplayer score leaderboards system plugged into run-and-gun play, that makes some sense to me as to why somebody would want to play it.)

I dont get how the only hope for these franchises from the past is mobile?


I dont get how the only hope for these franchises from the past is mobile?

Well, let me rephrase my summation then...

There IS hope for these franchises, but it's hard to get all the pieces right in a package that the fans will accept. (We are seeing a nice renewal in classic game revivals again, but we're also seeing some of them dead-end, like Crash and/or we're seeing them being revived in ways that some fans are not happy with, like SoR 4.) So if you love a franchise, try not to be too picky if you see a graphic style you don't like or a mobile entry in the franchise, because at least that's the company trying to make something with the brand. A brand that is alive has a better chance of living to be great again in a way that you might like as a fan than a totally dead franchise. (And if the version you don't like fails, don't be too quick to celebrate, because the company who owns that franchise is more likely to see "failure" written on the brand than they will see "mistake, try again".) Contra Returns may or may not be the Contra you want, but if you root for Contra to have a future, give even the bad-idea-seeming Contra projects a fair shake.


True, but they're not trying to make a Contra that fans will like; they're trying to make one that will sell.

It's unclear why IP is valuable to kids who are 20 years too young to recognize the franchise in games that are made to deny the old fanbases they're built on, but for some reason, that seems to be the plan in some of these revival cases. You can't sell 'regular' Contra to a console audience anymore, even though a lot of 40-year-old dudes remember Contra as being the real shit when they were a kid. It's too linear, it's too 2D, it's too hard, and it's too of the past. (I'd like to say that everything I just typed is bullshit, but the financial history is not in our favor; for example, revivals like Mega Man 9 worked for a while, but MM10 had diminished returns and MM11 seems to have ended the run. We'll see how well all these Wonder Boys do, but those are easy and colorful, and Contra is not a friendly to pick up despite being rewarding.) You can come up with a new style to classic Contra, adding in nonlinear level progression or maybe adding in "Easy Mode" hacks, maybe that would work, but maybe maybe not? And then you can reinvent Contra, but the long history of Konami trying is not great. You used to be able to go the handheld route ala Contra 4 (and then sometimes you could take a handheld-made game and flip it to consoles/PC later,) but handhelds are pretty much dead these days (except for Switch, but then on Switch you're competing for "console-quality" games.) And I guess you could also just accept that Contra will only sell so many copies and try for the cheap-yet-satisfying route, but was Contra Rebirth really that cheap to produce? And if you did it today with "cheap" technology, you'd probably rely on Flash-style art ala Streets of Rage 4, which ticks a lot of fans off no matter how nice they make the designs and how hard they try to hide the vector animation.

So, the only hope for a lot of these franchises from the past is mobile games. And mobile games are mobile games. They can't carry a pricetag, because nobody wants to pay for mobile games. And they probably can't control too well, because they have to be playable on a touchscreen. And they can't avoid gacha and other MTX systems, because the games have to generate money somehow.

So, classics are rarely going to be perfect again. But companies keep trying, and that's not a bad thing. We can hope that some of the bad revivals to spawn enough interest that they get better or that they lead to good, more faithful revivals, or else we can just pray that whatever we get is good enough in some way. (This Contra Returns seems like bad blender batch of Contra grinded up in a mobile template, but taken on its own, I do kind of like the Season approach and multiplayer score leaderboards system plugged into run-and-gun play, that makes some sense to me as to why somebody would want to play it.)

Yes, I'm aware of what you are saying. I love them but a traditional Contra would not have mainstream appeal in this day and age. But this is exactly why I named Housemarque and Platinum as devs which could make Contra more popular.

Do it 3D, as a third person shooter, like Returnal and Vanquish. Add some new mechanics to make the transition to 3D make sense, perhaps character/ weapon customization and upgrades since kids like this stuff but preserve the spirit, like the energetic action and the huge bosses.

I'm sure Housemarque and Platinum have the know-how to do it properly.

And to preserve the 2D legacy for the 30s years old like me, do Shattered Soldier 2. But then I think I'm asking too much.
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