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Cyberpunk 2077 Lead Quest Designer Says No Changes Based on George Floyd Aftermath; Game is “Not a Political Statement, [or] a Political Thesis”


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

During an interview, CD Projekt RED Lead Quest Designer Pawel Sasko has stated that Cyberpunk 2077 will not be changing any of its content based on the protests and subsequent riots across the US over the death of George Floyd.

Now Polish gaming news website Spider’s Web has interviewed Sasko about Cyberpunk 2077. Therein it was revealed that the game’s length was designed after feedback from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

However this meant doing the opposite of that game; providing non-linear quests, and using a “token system” to dictate when new quests would appear to the player. Events in side-quests can even alter the main storyline, or earn a new epilogue without completing the main story.

Players will also be able to complete the game without a single kill if they desire, though some fights will be inevitable. To prevent players from having a “bad time” players will not be given the opportunity to kill NPCs important to the plot; though other times it will be clearly telegraphed when players can resort to violence.

“It will be best if we look at The Witcher 3. We adopted a similar methodology as we used to work on Cyberpunk – in the case of the most important characters for the player’s characters – there is no moment for them to become our adversary or die for some reason. However, our philosophy is that if a player feels that he should naturally be able to perform an action, we try to make it possible for him. I think the perfect example is All Foods Factory and this quest where you meet Royce and Dum Duma – there we try to telegraph the player that at almost any moment he can reach for a weapon and go on the combat path, if only he wants to, and finish this quest in this form.

We approach it from the plot side – if as a player you feel that you would like to perform this particular action, it is usually possible. You know – when you meet Jackie who eats ramen and is your friend, and his intentions are purely social and he is a character who supports you, the game obviously does not allow you to attack him, because it does not make much sense and it would not lead to that. That the game would become more interesting or fun.

This is one of our history design principles. We always try to design the game so that the choices the player can make always lead to the game being fun and interesting. As a player, I am potentially unable to make choices that will make me have a bad time. Killing important, romance, story-related characters usually leads to this and I, as a player, could make my game less fun than other players I see, for example on YouTube or a journalist who tells what his perspective was, and I played a game that was uninteresting. We try to build the game so that this philosophy is always visible.”

The origin players choose will also dictate some elements of the plot (such as how they meet Jackie), grant new quests and dialogue options, and different “paths” the player can choose towards the end of the story. Certain choices can even change a player’s “lifepath,” allowing them to finish the game as an entirely different character to their origin.

Sasko was then asked about if any of the game’s content would be influenced by recent events; including the Black Lives Matter movement. Sasko stated the game was almost done, and changing the story would be impossible.

Sakso emphasizes most importantly the game is a piece of entertainment and art. While “elements in the game” touch on certain themes related to Black Lives Matter, “the most important thing is that our game is a closed work and it is not a political statement, a political thesis.”

“Have you had to change any content in the game, including in quests, influenced by recent events in the US and the Black Lives Matter movement?”
“The important point is that we already have the game recorded at this stage, actually for a long time. This is the last stage in which we do not change anything in the story we are telling, add nothing or remove anything. These events, as you yourself have noticed, took place very recently.

The second point is, for us, Cyberpunk and The Witcher are games that show our philosophy as studies. The game we are working on is a medium to a large extent entertainment, but for us it is also an art – a work that shows our vision. It is difficult for me to imagine the events that would have to happen for us to suddenly find that we are changing or moving something in order not to touch any specific elements.

Anyway, I think you saw elements in the game that touch it, so you could find out for yourself. For me, the most important thing is that our game is a closed work and it is not a political statement, a political thesis.”
R.I.P. George Floyd

Edit: Salty Xbox Fan can't take a joke 👇
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Gold Member
A not political Cyberpunk story? Worst thing I've heard about this gamd

Do they even understand their genre at all?


Usually people who defend games should be political do so as long as the developer sides with their political view. I hope games CAN be political if the developer wants to go that way, but saying they SHOULD, in my opinion, is to limit their creative freedom. It's a good thing CD Projekt are making the game they want to make.
Funny to see the woke brigade turn on this game

at first they were praising the game not forcing genders and assignments you can run with saying it’s open and free

CD project were like....yeah duh it’s a cyberpunk world...you can fuck a fridge if you want with your strap on toaster dick...it’s nothing to do with the current world

woke brigade.....reeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Fucking finally.

And after all the inevitable screeching takes place over this, and the game goes on to sell extremely well anyway, hopefully more companies come to the simple realization that the twitter screechers who are demanding this kind of dumb shit aren't even buying their products in the first place.


Gold Member
Dealing with political issues doesn't mean it has a political statement. There's no intention to influence any political party.
Cyberpunk has always been a political statement, strictly critical of capitalism, corporatism, and corruption of power

Learn t read please
"For me, the most important thing is that our game is a closed work and it is not a political statement, a political thesis.”


Too soon, man, too soon.

i love offensive jokes that skirt the line but yeah, artless edgelord shit is just meh. anthony jeselnik (famously offensive comedian) once was asked how he gets away saying such offensive jokes and he said the responsibility is on the joke teller to make sure the funniness of the joke matches the offensiveness of the content or else the audience won’t forgive you. in other words, just be funnier and smarter with your offensiveness. i’m willing to laugh at a george floyd joke but an unfunny edgelord one will bomb the hardest and just make you look like an obnoxious incel tard
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Cyberpunk has always been a political statement, strictly critical of capitalism, corporatism, and corruption of power

"For me, the most important thing is that our game is a closed work and it is not a political statement, a political thesis.”
Have you been following the game? You already have gameplay footage of corporate workers putting the well being of their own company ahead of individuals. A statement is not the same thing as having political themes.
i love offensive jokes that skirt the line but yeah, artless edgelord shit is just meh. anthony jeselnik (famously offensive comedian) once was asked how he gets away saying such offensive jokes and he said the responsibility is on the joke teller to make sure the funniness of the joke matches the offensiveness of the content or else the audience won’t forgive you. in other words, just be funnier and smarter with your offensiveness. i’m willing to laugh at a george floyd joke but an unfunny edgelord one will bomb the hardest and just make you look like an obnoxious incel tard

It wasn't really a George Floyd joke though, it was a Halo grunt meme. It wasn't particularly edgy either.


Gold Member
Have you been following the game? You already have gameplay footage of corporate workers putting the well being of their own company ahead of individuals. A statement is not the same thing as having political themes.
That is a political statement. Criticising wealth inequality and capitalism and corruption is completely a political statement. Short of addressing that major political parties are guilty of fostering all of that


Yea.. starting to get tired of all this politic stuff and how it's constantly being brought up. It's a game made by people the way they wanted to make it.

Play it, don't play. Let's not turn any of this into something it clearly isn't. No ones trying to change the world through a fucking video game.
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That is a political statement. Criticising wealth inequality and capitalism and corruption is completely a political statement. Short of addressing that major political parties are guilty of fostering all of that
That isn't a political statement because CDPR is not trying to directly convince people to be against corporations. If people want to interpret it that way, that's up to them. Even the developer of games like Papers, Please is not trying to send a political message. They are games that deals with political/social issues, but aren't trying to be didactic.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Why would they? I doubt they have anything in the game that actually presents racism or unwarranted police brutality as an objectively good thing (even if plenty shady characters in the game partake in it and do think they're great, involve the player & even win) to need it. I'm sure there are people fighting for this or that cause in the game already, just as there are going to be people taking advantage and oppressing others, that's pretty much in any deep game with human (or human-like in personality) characters. What do people think was at risk of changing to even ask that, consider the possibility, or praise them for not changing it? That they'd remove all such racial and societal issues in the game and present it as some kind of Star Trek TNG utopia? Remove shooting and make it a walking sim? That's not in anybody's agenda. People are kinda doing the opposite, bringing that shit to the forefront in an attempt to discuss and improve things, not hide them, yet idiotic bigots think people are trying to hide it all which would be completely counter intuitive to the causes they perceive as the enemy and more in line with themselves, lol. Plenty racism in The Witcher as well, though Geralt obviously doesn't care about that shit and can be on good or bad terms with all the races just the same. That doesn't mean they can't also make a game where the player character does have such biases, optionally or not, without pushing it as the right thing, just another character. Even if that character switches sides at the end or something and fights for what he used to fight against that doesn't mean it's SJW agenda, just what they wrote the character as to begin with. Yet people here will probably flip out if that is in the game, more than they think others do if it's not!
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Why should any entertainment studio change anything on their products because of George Floyd? Fuck this forced SJW pandering

Police brutality has always existed (and unfortunately probably will always exist), people don't need to change their entertainment products because of that.

But of course some will end up doing it, the narrative needs to win in the end, right?
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Dealing with political issues doesn't mean it has a political statement. There's no intention to influence any political party.

Cyberpunk has always been a political statement, strictly critical of capitalism, corporatism, and corruption of power

"For me, the most important thing is that our game is a closed work and it is not a political statement, a political thesis.”

When they say it's not political they mean it's not about current events going on right now in 2020 like gender politics and BLM/racism.

The game is still filled with political themes but that doesn't make it "political". The distinction is very easy to understand. Why this needs to be explained everytime?

All this talk about "everything is political" is so tiring like...grow a brain and think for yourself. Stop following whatever Era is angry about.


When they say it's not political they mean it's not about current events going on right now in 2020 like gender politics and BLM/racism.

The game is still filled with political themes but that doesn't make it "political". The distinction is very easy to understand. Why this needs to be explained everytime?
I mean, for anyone that doesn't want to nitpick and rise any controversy, this is fairly obvious.
The game will be political, just nothing that might be connected to current real world politics.
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Jesus, why is this a thing in the first place? Just make the fucking game you planned to make.

Game studios are typically staffed by young creatives that have no place in shoehorning politics into entertainment. They're unlikley to do it justice and would then get shit on by all sides. This game is already dealing with oppressive totalitarianism, why would it be better in any regard to add or cut content due to ideological pressure and the current news cycle!?

People need to fuck off and leave developers alone. Don't like the game? Don't buy it. Want a game to line up with your personal politics? Go make it.

Good for CD Projeckt.


Players will also be able to complete the game without a single kill if they desire, though some fights will be inevitable. To prevent players from having a “bad time” players will not be given the opportunity to kill NPCs important to the plot



The Reeeeetards are up in arms about this.




Thank God that CDPR don't give a fuck about the vocal minority that seems hellbent on ruining video games. Everyone should stfu and let developers fulfil their creative vision as they see fit, as long as there is no racism. Besides, I only want to play Cyperpunk to have a good time, not to analyse any political undertones - and I certainly don't give two shits about them.
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