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Defaulting to crossplay between console and PC is a mistake (COD Warzone)


Gold Member
For competitive shooters. It is amazing to have the option of crossplay but... I tried out COD Warzone in solos and in the lobby before it loads, all I saw was people using mouse... So I bent over and took that L. Playing against a lobby full of PC players with M/KB is a significant disadvantage in a competitive shooter.

The game encourages crossplay by default, you have to manually disable it if you want to play PS4 or X1 only which most people won't do because they frankly probably won't even look at the settings. Because of that it takes a few minutes to find a non-crossplay PS4 only match and gives you less lobbies with low ping (i.e. longer and worse matchmaking) .

Also you can't just exclude PC for some reason; seemingly it can only be limited to PS4 or X1 only, why not console only crossplay for example?
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They/Them A-10 Warthog
I used to think this way, but having used both with warzone I have found most good console players can hold their own against mouse and KB just fine. The auto-aim is GENEROUS when using a controller. Its easy to tell if a consoler kills you.

DougisRaw was playing in a tourney with Dr. Disrespect and was dropping 20-30 kills a game with a controller against M&KB.

People who are not good and use a controller will get stomped more than usual though.

Also, an odd thing I have noticed, most KB&M users are bad at video games to begin with. Very few are like shroud skill.
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mouse and keyboard is not the issue here.
the real issue is that the console versions don't have any FOV settings and they are set to what seems like below 80°

Mouse and Keyboard have only a slight advantage against controller players if you're good on controller. plenty of long time CoD players play the game on controller on PC and have zero issues keeping up.

the FOV on the other hand is so damn low it literally made me dizzy.
and in a Battle Royale where it's important that you have a good overview over the situation it's an extreme handicap to have such an extremely low FOV, the lowest FOV I've seen in a shooter since Halo 3


Definitely happens. I have PC owning friends who have said they are matched against Xbox and PS controller players all the time.

It's also easy to spot yourself when playing.

There needs to be an option for cross play between consoles only, or even warzone without crossplay (defo enough players to support that)


Cross play is indeed a marketing tool.

It is good in theory if all hardware where equal.

Bad in reality.

Consoles could have an universal option to disable cross-play.

Said that CoD is the last game to need cross play in any platform... so it doesn’t even benefit from the “bigger” player pool of cross-play.
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I don't like the forced crossplay either but it hasn't been much of an issue so far. Crossplay is going to become a standard next gen.
Op, this just an outright crutch and excuse.

I’ve played around 300 matches of Warzone have multiple wins in BR. I’ve gotten a solo win with no fill on for squads before solo’s was a thing. I average around 8 kills a match will 16 bring my best. I play on Xbox with an Elite controller.

My biggest complaint/s about Warzone is the sketchy network. Sometimes I get insta melted with 3 armor and full health. It happens and it’s expected. And potential cheaters coming from PC but I expect them to be few and far between like they are now and dealt with.

People are gonna have better aim than you regardless of their preferred input method.


I think it’s a great thing for PvE co-op content
In PvE it works better because the unfair gameplay is put against the bot enemies that won’t call you unfair.

In PVP even more in competitive scheme I don’t think it is possible to fix the crossplay issues.
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I used to think this way, but having used both with warzone I have found most good console players can hold their own against mouse and KB just fine. The auto-aim is GENEROUS when using a controller. Its easy to tell if a consoler kills you.

DougisRaw was playing in a tourney with Dr. Disrespect and was dropping 20-30 kills a game with a controller against M&KB.

People who are not good and use a controller will get stomped more than usual though.

Also, an odd thing I have noticed, most KB&M users are bad at video games to begin with. Very few are like shroud skill.
Doug is an outlier though. His skill with a controller is ridiculous. I started watching him after he played with Doc in Blackout.

But yeah, if you are good with a controller you can hold your own against the average pc player. I have like 650 hours in pubg on pc and the vast majority of players are trash just like console. Pc doesn’t make you a better player.

Now the fact that the input based matchmaking isn’t working is a completely different story.


Gold Member
Yes especially that you get matched with Mouse and Keyboard players which shouldn’t happen. I should get matched with ONLY the people that are using the same input device as mine

Thats how they said it should work but its broken since day one

Figures. Its the same shit that happens with "pre-mades"(group of friends) that has a huge advantages over people playing solo.
They just want more people(suckers) to fill the gap for mouse-keyboard players and pre-mades.
Its one of reasons I quit LOL for good.
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Controller has aim assist and that is enough to balance mouse and keyboard users. Of course there are other factors to consider here.

A PC user may be playing at a higher framerate with a monitor that has less input lag. Most controller users will be on a TV which will have more input lag. There is also the sensitivity to consider. Mouse and keyboard are probably going to be a little quicker on the draw than a controller user using default sensitivity.

Those two things can give just enough edge for someone to kill you slightly faster than you can kill them.

So controller users start upping your sensitivity and get either a TV with equal input lag as a monitor or switch to a monitor.

IMO if we are talking about controller with aim assist against mouse and keyboard without any of the other factors I think it it is fair and even (unless your playing a pro).

I play shooters on PC with a controller and I don't have problems. Still I understand console players not wanting to play against PC users because typically PC users will have some sort of edge regardless.

Or there should be an opt in option.


Anyone that says it isn't an issue is lying basically. As a guy that has played unreal tournament most of his adult life, I'm pretty confident I would murder controller players on warzone. Anyone half adept with a keyboard and mouse would. Precision with a mouse is unbeatable, controller aim assist or not.

They need to sort it out. Controllers against controllers only. And the option to disable cross play in the first place.

Good point on FOV too above! That is another crazy advantage.
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Cross play is indeed a marketing tool.

It is good in theory if all hardware where equal.

Bad in reality.

Consoles could have an universal option to disable cross-play.

Said that CoD is the last game to need cross play in any platform... so it doesn’t even benefit from the “bigger” player pool of cross-play.
Did you play Blackout? Blackout was completely dead on PC, like couldn’t find a full lobby dead.

Now Warzone has the benefit of being F2P, but it’s not a guarantee that COD being COD means it doesn’t need a player boost.


The vast majority of people on PC don't hack. Everyone on console has aimbot enabled as a feature.

You do the maths.
If everyone on console has aimbot, than at least consoles are even.

All the more reason to split PC and consoles.
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If everyone on console has aimbot, than at least consoles are even.

All the more reason to split PC and consoles.

I actually agree with this.

I really enjoy the game but playing it for too long pisses me off when you see the techniques employed by console players to exploit aim assist on the killcam.


The vast majority of people on PC don't hack. Everyone on console has aimbot enabled as a feature.

You do the maths.
I'm guessing you're a PC player? For you're complaning an awful lot about aim assist!

Aim assist on a console if far away from being an aimbot.

Aim assist on console is also not an equalizer for mouse and keyboard. It's needed purely so people can actually hit each other.


I actually agree with this.

I really enjoy the game but playing it for too long pisses me off when you see the techniques employed by console players to exploit aim assist on the killcam.
Then it'd be a win-win.

Especially since PC brings a lot of cheaters and hacks to console MP.

* For the record: I don't play Warzone, so this wouldn't affect me either way.


I used to think this way, but having used both with warzone I have found most good console players can hold their own against mouse and KB just fine. The auto-aim is GENEROUS when using a controller. Its easy to tell if a consoler kills you.

DougisRaw was playing in a tourney with Dr. Disrespect and was dropping 20-30 kills a game with a controller against M&KB.

People who are not good and use a controller will get stomped more than usual though.

Also, an odd thing I have noticed, most KB&M users are bad at video games to begin with. Very few are like shroud skill.
On average pc gamers are more skilled than console gamers purely down to the fact they are more enthusiastic about gaming.


I'm guessing you're a PC player? For you're complaning an awful lot about aim assist!

Aim assist on a console if far away from being an aimbot.

Aim assist on console is also not an equalizer for mouse and keyboard. It's needed purely so people can actually hit each other.

Frequently toggling ADS with aim assist on allows players to literally auto-snap to their targets with minimal effort.

It's not the great equaliser in the slightest, the game is not about player skill as long as this bullshit is there by design.



I play PC M+K but I've been paired with a lot of two friend parties that are one PC one Xbox and I was personally finding that awesome that people can play together finally.


Frequently toggling ADS with aim assist on allows players to literally auto-snap to their targets with minimal effort.

It's not the great equaliser in the slightest, the game is not about player skill as long as this bullshit is there by design.

Completely worse than this:


Pretty stupid they let PC players play with consoles with all the advantages they have. Not to mention all the hackers on PC. If you use M+KB vs controller you are a cheater, no ifs ands or buts.


Completely worse than this:

Are you joking? We're back at this again?

I will repeat myself. Hackers on the PC are rare and in the minority.

However this is a feature available for all console players:

It even works through walls/objects.


Throwing around the word aimbot without any statistics is an easy way of not having to admit you're afraid of playing with PC players. Here is a tip. Just because one uses a mouse and keyboard doesn't mean they can't be outplayed by someone with a controller. The added freedom of the control scheme means nothing if you don't know how to utilize it.

And considering that aim assist requires no skill to utilize, I would say a fair fight between a PC player and a console player could go either way and would ultimately be a result of who used their tools more efficiently.


All bollocks I'm afraid.

A slight aim assist is not comparable with aimbot hacks, and does not equate to, let alone exceed the precision of a keyboard and mouse. I would opt out of crossplay with PC users EVERY SINGLE TIME if the game would let me, as it is such an unfair match up.
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Last time I enable crossplay, one PC user was cheating. Unless he is writing Death Note and everyone around him die from heart attack.


Gold Member
Been this way since release 😂 and I mean of COD WD 2019. Does my head in as you can’t disable cross play if you use battleground 🙄 so you’re stuck with it. (Not sure if disabling it in warzone works)

but there have been quite a few fishy kills I had seen that have folk spinning instantly and headshot and dead.

One was lastnight against my pal, could have been just a over sensitive R stick and a fluke but this guy was killing it with a marksman rifle and the kill on my buddy was almost like instant > right 90° > kill. (He was shooting him at this point so he would have been almost dead)

Just some fishy crap going on in this game.

most matches we get in now are against PC players with pads and the odd mouse keyboard combo in the list. (One time it was the whole fecking list, I was the only console user 😂, done not to bad in that round)


I actually agree with this.

I really enjoy the game but playing it for too long pisses me off when you see the techniques employed by console players to exploit aim assist on the killcam.

then use a controller?
all systems this game released on have the exact same control options... all of them support mouse and keyboard and controller.


Pretty stupid they let PC players play with consoles with all the advantages they have. Not to mention all the hackers on PC. If you use M+KB vs controller you are a cheater, no ifs ands or buts.

you can use mouse and keyboard on console as well


Lots of people complaining about PC users having advantage of kb/m while convientiently ignoring the fact that the console versions of the game support them too.

I play on PC with a controller. Never once felt at a disadvantage. Feel like I do better with it in this perticular game. Same with titanfall.


The vast majority of people on PC don't hack. Everyone on console has aimbot enabled as a feature.

You do the maths.
While that is true for this type of games 1 cheater / 150 is already like having every single game ruined.
Cross play is indeed a marketing tool.

It is good in theory if all hardware where equal.

Bad in reality.

Consoles could have an universal option to disable cross-play.

Said that CoD is the last game to need cross play in any platform... so it doesn’t even benefit from the “bigger” player pool of cross-play.
the need the crossplayto fill the stupid big 150 players lobbys....

when in you Region are not enough controller players then they out you in to m&k lobbys....
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