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DF Direct: Playstation 5 Controller, UI, SSD News Reaction + Analysis


Of all the theories the hole on the controller could be used for, you snooze us with a "microphone".

At least is the 'last' option in the case of battery hungry feature. My old guess was an oled panel, but this will kill the dualshock battery life for sure.


Gold Member
At least is the 'last' option in the case of battery hungry feature. My old guess was an oled panel, but this will kill the dualshock battery life for sure.

I just don't know why there would be a hole for a microphone, I would think it would be a plate much like a cell phone or the speaker now.

It still can be, but that is the most "safe" boring theory to talk about when the camera or headset already does that if one wants those features.
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I just don't know why there would be a hole for a microphone, I would think it would be a plate much like a cell phone or the speaker now.

It still can be, but that is the most "safe" boring theory to talk about when the camera or headset already does that if one wants those features.
Agree. This is a safe bet.
I just don't know why there would be a hole for a microphone, I would think it would be a plate much like a cell phone or the speaker now.

It still can be, but that is the most "safe" boring theory to talk about when the camera or headset already does that if one wants those features.

Looking at all my devices with microphones, they all have "holes". Not sure why it would need to be anything else.


Gold Member
Looking at all my devices with microphones, they all have "holes". Not sure why it would need to be anything else.

I guess I am describing it how it is on a phone or the controller now with a "screen" or "grille".

But the hole would be so tiny, I am surprised Sony even mentioned yet. They made it sound bigger and more noticeable. Or I may just be thinking that as well. We will see I guess.


Gold Member
Am i the only one that loves how the devkit looks?, especially the blue lights on the V.

After seeing this dual color render, this made it start to grow on me.


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Lol wut? I read somewhere it's most likely the final product hahaha. What a relief.
Oh come on lol. It may be V shaped but I sure won’t look like a 90s 28k Modem.
I mean it kinda would be awesome but they won’t dare.


Lol wut? I read somewhere it's most likely the final product hahaha. What a relief.
I can see it being a prototype to final product if they are research better cooling ways... if you look that design clearly focus on cooling the hardware not only from sides but from the center too.
That is what I think that V on center is for.

The DeepEnigma DeepEnigma pictures shows that cooling solution better than the drafts.

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Yeah, not that the final product is ever going to look anything like that devkit (or the renders, whatever), but I seriously would never keep something that atrocious and tacky visible in my living room. I would hide it inside a cupboard and pray that it wouldn't overheat.

But it would... 😥


Hands down the ugliest piece of hardware I have ever seen.

Yeah, not that the final product is ever going to look anything like that devkit (or the renders, whatever), but I seriously would never keep something that atrocious and tacky visible in my living room. I would hide it inside a cupboard and pray that it wouldn't overheat.

But it would... 😥
Exactly my thought.
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That shit looks like a late eighties walkman, not a good looking design by any means but why the heck are some of you thinking that it's the final one? lol cmon people, we are still 1 year to final release, they must be still working hard specially in the cooling system, and the Ps4 devkit is an ugly piece of plastic too, very different from the fanstastic design of the final console.

fake edit: Ps4 devkit, which was also "leaked" some 1 and half year before the actual release



Gold Member

Looks a lot like ps4 devkit. Its like a V shapped thing was dropped on it.

Also the mic in the controller. You guys know its going to be used for targeted marketing. Like most new appliances and stuff with mics. I hope it has a separate TOS for all that data collecting.


About the microphone I know it will be widely used in multiplayer but I also expect a lot of innovative new ways of gameplay in the vein of Dreamcast's Seaman.



Gold Member
Love me some DF Direct. Am I the only one who manages with my 500GB internal HDD? Yeah, it gets full quick these days but I just delete what I don't use if I need to, and I think that is probably fine for most average users. I know DF staff probably like to have more games installed to capture video and test stuff every now and then, so something like a 1TB SSD next gen might not be enough?

Is 1TB SSD even a realistic expectation for next gen? I am not up to speed with the costs. Anyway, I'm getting excited for PS5, but it's still a year away...

Loved the Crytek banter :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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Gold Member
Also the mic in the controller. You guys know its going to be used for targeted marketing.
This is always a great time to read forums, when nothing has been confirmed thus far but speculation runs rampant.

So far it has been confirmed that there's a "hole" in the controller. What's it for? It could be an expansion port. It could be a design choice or just a "feature" in a prototype. Or it could be a microphone. Or, it could be where they send the microwaves that really control you.

Let's just wait until we find out what that "hole" is really for, shall we?


Maybe a upgrade version of the existence touchpad on PS4. Wired mention the PS5 dualshock being very very similar with actual dualshock 4.


I was of the impression that the V console was just the dev models, have they confirmed its going to be retail too?


I see, was just wondering why people are making so much noise about them, in this thread and others, when they are only devkits, that is all.
Was leaked from a brazilian and people was wondering if is really a PS5 or a devkit, but in the same week a Codemaster dev was confimed is a devkit in his room. Them this new wired article also confirmed that as well. Sony devkits usally have those weird design, but if you watched the video pretty much don't confirm this will be final design.
Besides that, some art designer are using the leaked paper for doing 'final PS5' design pictures (previous posts), and Rich from DF mention even that as well. He mention that as much as people are worried about the devkit design, make a little sense they're taking care about overheat and noise problems for the final design .
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Looks like a toilet seat. Now if you told me that gap was to wirelessly charge the controllers, I'd say nice touch. Thankfully, final consumer version will most likely not even be close to this.


Was leaked from a brazilian and people was wondering if is really a PS5 or a devkit, but in the same week a Codemaster dev was confimed is a devkit in his room. Them this new wired article confirmed that as well. Sony devkits usally have those weird design, but if you watched the video pretty much don't confirm the final design.
Besides that, some art designer are using the leaked paper for doing 'final PS5' design pictures (previous posts), and Rich from DF mention that as well. He mention that as much as people are worried about the devkit design, make a little sense they're taking care about overheat and loud problems for the final piece.

If sony is smart they'll do something like the ps4, a little different, but not too crazy. If the console is good enough (by that I mean the games), I think people would buy it even if its ugly as that V one. Looking good isn't all that matters, if its more functional, but if they make it even uglier, I dont think even great games would save it lol


If sony is smart they'll do something like the ps4, a little different, but not too crazy. If the console is good enough (by that I mean the games), I think people would buy it even if its ugly as that V one. Looking good isn't all that matters, if its more functional, but if they make it even uglier, I dont think even great games would save it lol
The first base PS4 have a beautiful design. Making a visual more or less like the first PS4 would be great anw.
For casual matters because if they really want to push 4K BD movies , the design need to match the home/room metric.


Gold Member
Looks like shit. Like a cheap $30 modem, even though it's the size of a VCR (looks how small the disc slot is)

But add some black and chrome and this looks awesome.... except for that Lets Go Digital tag???

I agree, the aluminum/titanium and black render looks so much better.

Digital tag is just the name of the website that did those renders.
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