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Diablo Immortal's Microtransactions Have Made It $24 Million In Two Weeks



"Diablo Immortal's Microtransactions Have Made It $24 Million In Two Weeks.
This is all despite the fan outcry of some of the implementation of Diablo Immortal's microtransactions.

Diablo Immortal appears to be off to a strong start, as the mobile-focused take on the Blizzard franchise has generated over $24 million USD in revenue in its first two weeks.
As reported by PCGamesN, industry tracking website AppMagic has shared some interesting tidbits of data for the free-to-play Diablo Immortal alongside the microtransactions details, including that the USA and South Korea have spent the most money and that the game has been downloaded more than five million times..."





Wow, I think congratularions are in order. Blizzard got laughed at when they announced this game, but who's laughing now? It's possible that Diablo Immortal might be just the thing Blizzard needs to fund its legal defense against its current and formerly employed victims of rampant institutionalized sexual assault and bigotry.
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Gold Member
Jared Leto Haters GIF

💨💨💨💨 is what keeps the lights on.

EDIT: and just for celebration I'm going to download it and play it for at least 30 minutes without spending a dime.
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Genshin Impact had half dressed anime girls that appeal to people into hot cartoon girls. Diablo is dark, grimey and certainly doesn’t appeal to that same market.

Now that they've got a taste of the mobile market, they're just a few skins away from getting that sweet waifu money.
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Fafracer forever
That’s chump change if you can compare it to a $60 release game.
That's 700M/year if sustained.
There's less than a handful 60$ games that approach that in any given year, and even for Gacha games, crossing 0.5B/year is rare.

Also remember that spending goes down from release especially on progression type games compared to waifu collector games.
I trust you have stats for F2P loot-based dungeon-crawlers to prove that?
I'm only familiar with one (DF) and that grew (in spend) for at least 5 years before levelling off, and it was earning over 1B/year at its peak. But I am aware a sample of 1 is not a way to judge trends for a whole genre, so if you have better data, it'd be interesting to see.
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Ok, that doesn't look like much at all. Now it's time to calculate how much having such a terrible product associated with their IP and name will cost them in the long run.
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For the people saying: "Well that's not that much at all". It's because we're still early in. Diablo Immortal's micro transaction scheme is setup so that most of the spending will happen at endgame. Most players probably haven't reached that part yet. There is not much reason to spend anything, outside of the battle pass, before that.
Well considering WoW makes more money now than it did during its peak player count (WoTLK) because of microtransaction i cant say im surprised. People need to just stop paying attention to blizzard and move on.
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Silver Wattle

Gold Member
That's actually quite bad, especially when you consider they will not be able to sustain that rate, many people that try the game leave quickly, the game has garnered a bad reputation for it's greedy policies which turns away many others.


This is bad, the more money this shit makes the more likely they’re going to fuck up Diablo 4 with this shit.

The gaming industry is a dog, it only learns from shit and keeps doing that bad behaviour if ever rewarded for it.


Well considering WoW makes more money now than it did during its peak player count (WoTLK) because of microtransaction i cant say im surprised. People need to just stop paying attention to blizzard and move on.

How is that possible, the game is a ghost town these days, they had to merge horde and alliance servers cause there weren't enough players on to support it. I can't imagine the (by comparison) fraction of players still playing could out earn the 10-15+ million people they had paying $15/mo at it's peak.
How is that possible, the game is a ghost town these days, they had to merge horde and alliance servers cause there weren't enough players on to support it. I can't imagine the (by comparison) fraction of players still playing could out earn the 10-15+ million people they had paying $15/mo at it's peak.
exactly, microtransaction are just that insane. Its why they added them to classic.


That’s chump change if you can compare it to a $60 release game.

Worse if you compare it to the top gacha games.

Also remember that spending goes down from release especially on progression type games compared to waifu collector games.

24m is like the DImmortals sold 400k in 2 weeks. that is a failure in todays market.


There are people who have been spending 20k on this game as a piss take. Someone spent 6 figures.

The whaling isnt a sure thing that can be relied on.


There are people who have been spending 20k on this game as a piss take. Someone spent 6 figures.

The whaling isnt a sure thing that can be relied on.

Could be a good thing. It tells everyone that the game is expensive to play and not worth your time if you are not prepared to get a bank loan to play this game with best character that money can buy.


Gold Member
Good for them I guess? As for any company mission is to profit.

Maybe people really hit the nail hard in the head to even commemorate this type of predatory business. They think they are winning against...whatever their convolunted mind is fighting with, while the company laughs on the amount of fools they can farm.
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Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Genshin Impact had half dressed anime girls that appeal to people into hot cartoon girls. Diablo is dark, grimey and certainly doesn’t appeal to that same market.

Genshin Impact, at its core, is also just a fun game. Diablo Immortal isn’t.


For comparissons sake: Genshin Impact made 60m$ in 1 week. It seems that Gacha games are a much safer bet than loot driven games.

Edit: Someone else already posted this fact. Apologies.
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Sorry everyone, they accidentally released Bobby's two week salary instead of actual numbers. Hopefully they will send out a press release.


Not that great for a mobile gacha. Genshin Impact did 60 million first week, and didn't have the Diablo name to back it. https://www.pocketgamer.biz/news/76...-through-1-billion-in-mobile-player-spending/

For Genshin,
In China alone, the game generated around 42 per cent of its earnings, or rather $25 million. However, from the rest of the world, Genshin Impact has brought in $35 million via player spending, which equates to around 58 per cent of its revenue.
Diablo isn't out in China yet so its a bit of unfair comparison.

I don't think it is doing as good as Genshin or will do but thought it's good to remember that it ain't live in one of the biggest mobile markets.


Why doesnt Genshin Impact get the same treatment?

Double standards, or what? Isnt that actually much worse with the way the gacha mechanics are implemented?


Fafracer forever
I don't think it is doing as good as Genshin or will do but thought it's good to remember that it ain't live in one of the biggest mobile markets.
Also good to remember GI substantially outperformed basically everything on the market, including Fortnite. Treating that as 'standard' would be like measuring every AAA release against GTA5 as success/fail metric.


Why doesnt Genshin Impact get the same treatment?

Double standards, or what? Isnt that actually much worse with the way the gacha mechanics are implemented?
because.....because....blizzard bad! genshin good! /s

it's cool to hate on Diablo Immortal, don't ya know!?

i've been enjoying the game. still haven't spent a single penny on it. it's a F2P mobile game, i knew what i was getting into, and i'm having fun. people just like hating on shit they will never play.
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Could be a good thing. It tells everyone that the game is expensive to play and not worth your time if you are not prepared to get a bank loan to play this game with best character that money can buy.
Thats why the whales say they do it. To show how pay to win it is.
I hope all games become like this. I mean if they keep making so much money it's what most gamers want right? I can live replaying old shit I guess. I'm sure there are quite a lot of gaf users who also bought shit in the game as well so yeah. I mean looking at some posts, apparently, it's fine or this is "a low amount". Jesus...
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