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Digital Foundry: The Witcher 3 patch 1.10 gives PS4 the boost it's been waiting for


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.

The good news first. PS4 benefits hugely from the update, and our first stress- test in Crookback Bog shows the biggest gains in the shift to patch 1.10. This area's fog and water transparency effects push the engine hardest, and notoriously, prior versions of the game locked PS4 to the 20fps line here. But with everything updated fully, frame-rates now stick closer to the 30fps line across the entirety of our run. At points this gives The Witcher 3 a boost of 10fps overall on PS4, and it overtakes a fully-patched Xbox One version in direct comparison.

Drops are still felt, and the graph hits 28fps at points - sometimes lower. But it's fair to say it's a step forward, and a much smoother gameplay experience overall in what were previously troublespots. [...]

Either way, the PS4 version gets a step in the right direction with patch 1.10 installed - but how does Xbox One hold up by comparison? Sadly, across this analysis we get no performance boosts on Microsoft's console at all; Crookback Bog runs at more or less the same frame-rate as before, with a sustained update of around 25fps. Likewise, cut-scenes are note-for-note the same as before the patch in frame-rate levels.

The only real surprise is in how Novigrad City performs with patch 1.10 installed on Xbox One. Much like PS4, there's a downgrade as we follow the same path through the city streets - but in Xbox One's case it's a more stark difference. The drop from patch 1.08 is noticeable; going from a locked 30fps with occasional stutters to sustained performance at 24-26fps. This bears out across multiple re-trials of the same area, using the same in-game time of day and weather state. We have been downgraded - and compared to a fully patched PS4 version, the gap is as wide as 5fps as we canter down the city streets.

A more detailed discussion of framerate scenarios can be found in the article.

Overall, it's a mixed bag. Xbox One takes one step forward, and another step back - with better asset streaming in the city, but a notably worse frame-rate there as well. As for PS4, this is the first patch where the platform is so consistently ahead of Xbox One in performance terms. Previous updates had different scenes favouring one console or the other, but this patch ramps up PS4's delivery across the board; less stuttering while travelling the world, and a smoother return in matching stress-tests.

It's a lead that holds across all scenes on PS4, a version that already benefits from a 1080p resolution, compared to Xbox One's dynamic setup (resolving typically at 900p). Neither platform locks on to 30fps to a tee, but it's fair to say we're bounding ahead of The Witcher 3's shaky launch state. Patch 1.10 gives Sony's console the push in performance fans had waited for, and it's now a far more refined game. For PS4 owners resisting the jump into CD Projekt Red's epic, at least on on technical grounds, this is a moment to reconsider.

Guess it was a good idea to wait with a purchase. Kinda crazy that they are still busy fixing the game.

Was looking damn purty last night. Glad its MUCH improved on PS4.
No major technical inefficiencies to worry about anymore. That's great. Now's a good time to jump into this game. If only it'd get a substantial price cut in the UK, but the publisher refuses to budge even after all this time.


So this falls in line with NXGamer's analysis then?

Finally they've put in some work in the PS4 version and good thing I haven't had time to open my W3 yet. Now looks like the perfect time.

Given the hardware disparity, nobody should be surprised that this is the end result when both platforms were given due attention.


Man wonder if I will ever get back to this game. Still have most of MGSV to finish up, and then Battlefront will likely be out by then anyways. And then Fallout 4.


I was waiting for a patch like this. I can't play this on a PC right now, so I'm finally looking forward to playing it. I hadn't bought it yet thanks to this whole thing.
CDPR doing what FromSoft/Sony won't. I am impressed as i didn't think they would ever improve the framerate significantly.

I think i will get the dlc and finish up the game now.


Considering this game was launched such a long time ago, I was wondering if DF would actually consider reviewing the patch.

Good on them to still do so.
Can anyone with a PS4 take a screenshot of the fog in both versions... perhaps with close ups of the particle effect itself?


It's pretty obvious the PS4 version was an un-optimized mess. I mean simply turning off the camera motion blur gave it a 5 to 10 fps boost was insane.
Interesting. This is usually the case for multiplats (ps4 with higher res and better framerate)... wonder why they couldn't achieve it before.
I should get back to this after making some good progress, but there's MGSV and soon...Fallout 4.

Good that they are finally getting these issues ironed out.
No major technical inefficiencies to worry about anymore. That's great. Now's a good time to jump into this game. If only it'd get a substantial price cut in the UK, but the publisher refuses to budge even after all this time.
Don't worry about waiting for a discount this is one of the few games that justifies paying full price, it's worth every penny.


Did they also improve the graphics a bit on PS4?

I swear they did. I haven't played it much in the past few months, but started again w/ the new DLC out. Plus I wanted to play through it again using different decisions.

But I'm seeing a huge difference in draw distance. Maybe its just me because I haven't played it in a while, but around Crows Perch, it just seems like the graphics have taken a definite bump up.
Glad to see they've improved the Crookback Bog area. That was honestly the only area where I experience noticeable frame drops, everywhere else in the game ran pretty darn good on my PS4. Always rolled my eyes at the incredibly hyperbolic "unplayable" comments every time the PS4 version got mentioned.


Least they actually fixed it unlike Bloodbourne or every souls game with shitty framerate (ignoring souls 2 on ps4 it better)


I've noticed a brief DoF effect after talking to NPC's. Is that new? I don't think I saw that before.

Game feels great and looks beautiful. If anybody is on the fence, now its a great time to jump in.


About damn time for PS4 owners. This is how it should have been from the start. I am not sure what would have been so wrong with releasing this around the holidays instead of coming in so underbaked. I for one am never buying one of their games at launch again. It is a great game and very ambitious but 10 patches deep clocking in at 140+ days to tangibly improve the performance on PS4 is a fact. And not one that anyone should be proud of no matter how much you like this game or how good the base product is. They fixed it so good on them but it should not have launched like this or have dragged on as long as it did.


You could definitely feel the difference the moment you went to the swamps.

Now hoping it won't all go to shit with patch 1.11.


Sounds like it's time to buy the PS4 version, despite what I had said in the Witcher 3 combat thread. Not like I'm going to have a PC able to play this better until next year.


Probably the worst GREAT console game performance wise of the last years, they clearly dont understand how to work on Ps4 but they sure make amazing games.


Yeah, roaming through Novigrad is noticeably choppier than before on Xbox. Same with Oxenfurt honestly. I hope they patch this soon.


Wow didn't expect the game to run better than the XB1 version (thought it would run as good), this is a good answer to anyone who thought that the XB1 version is running better because of a small CPU advantage... it also shows that CDPR really had some trouble with the PS4 hardware, such a huge boost in performance only demonstrate how unoptimzed the game was on PS4 in the first place, a little shame but better now than never and hopefully their next game will run smoothly day 1.


Neo Member
Kind of glad I got distracted from this. It now seems like it the performance is finally where it needs to be on ps4.
For PS4 owners resisting the jump into CD Projekt Red's epic, at least on on technical grounds, this is a moment to reconsider.

Why? Why would PS4 owners have hesitated buying this game only because DF said "it runs at 20 FPS in swamps"? Please, can someone tell me why? A f*cking great game, maybe the GOTY... Just because 3 DF analysis said "it runs bad"? Please.


Just watched the videos on Youtube.

Jesus fucking christ, DF should really disable the comment section, what a cesspool...


XB1 version runs way worse than before now. I really don't get why this is happening. Walking around Novigrad and Oxenfurt feels like shit now. Inventory menu is sluggish as hell now and possibly worse than before. Picking up items causes the game to pause for a split second. It's so damn annoying.

Hearts of Stone runs terrible at times. It's like they just threw the expansion out and spent no time making sure that it performed as well as the main game does(before the patches fucked everything up). There better be an update in the works that gets the amount of attention and care that the PS4 version got.
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