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Do you think Apple will save VR gaming?

Will Apple end up saving VR?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 6.4%
  • No

    Votes: 217 92.3%
  • Samsung will

    Votes: 3 1.3%
  • Dell and HP will

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
In the last 48 hours I've seen a continuous stream of news saying Apple is the last hope for VR, or it's only chance.

When reading these articles which report on the same news, I skip to the writers personal commentary, or the comments and forum posts if the site has one, and the users express the same sentiment as the writers.

It's clear to me that many journalists and gamers, including VR specific ones, have given up entirely.

The sugar on the cake was when I saw older articles from a week ago when Apple revealed the date for their summer showcase.

People where looking at this picture below freaking out saying this shape shows a headset and VR is saved:


Now, I don't know about you but those only look like colorful lines to me.

But like I said it's clear the entire industry has surrendered and has put the entire fate of VR in Apples hands, before they have even officially confirmed they are working on a headset. Yes you heard that right, they still have not confirmed that they are developing VR.

So are these people right? Will Apple "save" VR? Does it need to be saved?


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
I don't think VR needs to be saved. Hardware is constantly progressing and with it use cases are constantly evolving. There is a good chance Apple may be the first to reach the 4K OLED level virtual screen requirement that will make a headset a monitor replacement, but we will get there one way or another.

Buggy Loop

At 3k?

Not on first gen, let’s put it that way

Also if that imagine is indicative of a fresnel lens solution for $3K headset, I’m gonna lose it.
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They might inspire something in the future and help evolve things but that's likely it if it's high priced.


Apple users usually buy anything that Apple shits out, so maybe the insane sales of the headset will bring more developers to develop VR games across all platforms.

that is the best case scenario tho... let's see


VR can only be saved by the game developers. As said in another thread, having a VR headset feels like having a Wii at this point, shovelware everywhere with an occasional AAA rare unicorn game once a year or so. Apple won’t change this. If they’re clever they include VR games in Apple Arcade so we don’t have to actually buy the smaller games we might just play for 15 minutes. But if the headset is $3000 as rumoured then it’ll bomb either way.
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VR will never be mainstream until it’s the default hardware for console/PC manufacturers. Which will never happen. Needs to be cheap, powerful, wireless and a small form factor to be widely embraced. Even then there’s people like me that just don’t want to game with something strapped on my head allowing me no peripheral vision whatsoever, I like seeing my kids reaction when I game.

Without the instal base it’ll never be prioritised by devs, and without being prioritised by devs it’ll never be prioritised by the manufacturers.


Gold Member
In the last 48 hours I've seen a continuous stream of news saying Apple is the last hope for VR, or it's only chance.

When reading these articles which report on the same news, I skip to the writers personal commentary, or the comments and forum posts if the site has one, and the users express the same sentiment as the writers.

It's clear to me that many journalists and gamers, including VR specific ones, have given up entirely.

The sugar on the cake was when I saw older articles from a week ago when Apple revealed the date for their summer showcase.

People where looking at this picture below freaking out saying this shape shows a headset and VR is saved:


Now, I don't know about you but those only look like colorful lines to me.

But like I said it's clear the entire industry has surrendered and has put the entire fate of VR in Apples hands, before they have even officially confirmed they are working on a headset. Yes you heard that right, they still have not confirmed that they are developing VR.

So are these people right? Will Apple "save" VR? Does it need to be saved?

VR doesn't need saving. It's going through a logical timeline of iterations, it's going to take time. So it's still an enthusiast device for now, I don't think even Apple is trying to change that right now. This is their foot in the door to prepare for the future of AR where VR is possibly tagging along. Simple as that. Why are some thinking Apple has gaming as its highest priority, it's so odd. I suspect some people, including you OP, are using the opportunity to chase some clout by constructing controversy.
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Apples device (if rumours are true) is fully designed around AR (or XR, or MR, whatever you want to call it) not VR.

It is not even going to be a gaming device (sure, it will play games) especially when the main source of input is hand gestures.


VR doesn't need saving. It needs time, more affordability and better titles over a period time.

VR is never going to be more affordable than the Quest 2's old $299, $249 (Christmas Sales), or $199 (Refurb Sales) price points for a fully functional out of the box experience. It's was already cheaper than Nintendo's portable console, or a child's first cellphone.
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Yeah apple the people that send regular updates to render your hardware obsolete by crippling them like they do with their shitty phones. Stuff works fine before updating then the battery magically starts draining fast. And your phone starts running super slow just so they can force the next iteration on you.

So all of a sudden your 3 grand vr headset gets an automatic update and magically starts running like shit but it’s ok they will have a pro version coming soon for you to upgrade.

Yeah no thanks crapple the company that couldn’t even get a console out that didn’t bomb like shit. Cough pippin atmark cough they ain’t saving shit.
VR is never going to be more affordable than the Quest 2's old $299, $249 (Christmas Sales), or $199 (Refurb Sales) price points for a fully functional out of the box experience. It's was already cheaper than Nintendo's portable console, or a child's first cellphone.
So in another decade when the technology gets a lot cheaper it will still cost $299 for the most low-cost VR device? Yeah, no.

Also, I would not compare cellphones pricing to VR pricing. Very dumb comparison. Cellphones are a necessity, child or not they are used daily for communication, work, emails and so on. Comparing objects that are used on daily basis versus novelty like VR is very silly and doesn't make sense. Apple to oranges my man.

Comparing VR to a Nintendo, PS or even Xbox consoles also doesn't make sense. While they're not a necessity either, they are way more justified for their pricing and provide far more value over a long period of time. Mario is a very massive brand that the entire world knows. VR in general is just a very niche market, so trying to sell it is very different than traditional gaming. Gaming is mainstream, VR isn't.
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I agree with the first replies that VR does not need 'saving'.

Even tough i'm very curious for the apple headset, i believe it could actually have the opposite effect.

It will flop for games (the biggest vr driver imo), and productivity apps will most likely be a gimmick considering the expected price.

The way i see it, it could be a 'touchbar' moment. Looks cool on the unveiling but ends up flopping hard.

Still, if people report a good experience (no nausea, great visuals, AR functional interfaces) it could provide a glimpse into the future.


It's really annoying seeing threads with XYZ new concept needing "saving" because they do not have the momentum of coming from a generation of sales prior in the 100's of millions.

It's comes of as try hard, sensational, "look here, listen to me"..


For 3k? Is this a joke thread?

Also VR needs killer Apps to be saved not a new ultra expensive headset hitting the market.

People talk about VR being niche, well here you have it can’t be more niche than a 3k headset. From what the rumors say this thing is not even made for games so…..Enjoy!
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Simps for Amouranth
Honestly I'm enjoying the shit out of my PSVR2 and technology wise I honestly can't see how it can be improved in any big meaningful way based on current technology, the wire doesn't bother me in the slightest and I'd rather it wired than deal with a battery & limited use and let's face it a £3000 headset ain't revolutionising shit


Sony can't be this actively stupid about vr. If they would just give us a hint of some AAA vr games people would be stocked. You can't just put out a launch Horizon title and call it a day


Simps for Amouranth
Sony can't be this actively stupid about vr. If they would just give us a hint of some AAA vr games people would be stocked. You can't just put out a launch Horizon title and call it a day
Admittedly it would be nice to have something teased for the future but Sony has a big ass marketing department working with multiple ip's, I'm pretty confident they have some cool AF shit in the pipeline and it'll be revealed in due course but all I and I'm sure every owner of a PSVR2 wants is info on when or if we're getting Alyx but if they have closed that deal or are working on that deal they'll be keeping the news secret until its reveal is fully maximised to sell or promote PSVR2 and I'm guessing in the run up to Xmas is when the big push will happen to get this unit on as many Santa lists as possible.

I personally don't need AAA after AAA, with my gaming time, there's enough to last me well into the summer, I've only just hit the big mutant fish thingy in RE8, I'm nearing the end of Horizon and then I've GT7 to get properly stuck into, throw in Switchback and hopefully a proper PSVR2 update for NMS that actually improves the visuals and I'm good...

Still got my fingers crossed for a VR Exploration mode on Hogwarts Legacy, c'mon Sony spend some $$$
You cant save something that's already dead. VR is and always will be super niche and gimmicky. The tech is too expensive for ppl to dip thier toes in and try for themselves.

Worst of all VR just doeant really work how it's intended too and becomes a very paradoxical device. The no1 selling point of VR is immersion. Immersion breaks entirely when your character moves while you're sitting in a chair, getting motion sickness.

AR is pur best hope for truly immersive gaming experiences but seems that's still much further out than we thought.


Admittedly it would be nice to have something teased for the future but Sony has a big ass marketing department working with multiple ip's, I'm pretty confident they have some cool AF shit in the pipeline and it'll be revealed in due course but all I and I'm sure every owner of a PSVR2 wants is info on when or if we're getting Alyx but if they have closed that deal or are working on that deal they'll be keeping the news secret until its reveal is fully maximised to sell or promote PSVR2 and I'm guessing in the run up to Xmas is when the big push will happen to get this unit on as many Santa lists as possible.

I personally don't need AAA after AAA, with my gaming time, there's enough to last me well into the summer, I've only just hit the big mutant fish thingy in RE8, I'm nearing the end of Horizon and then I've GT7 to get properly stuck into, throw in Switchback and hopefully a proper PSVR2 update for NMS that actually improves the visuals and I'm good...

Still got my fingers crossed for a VR Exploration mode on Hogwarts Legacy, c'mon Sony spend some $$$
It's just they are already talking about cutting the price of the thing. I want to buy a psvr2. I think what they've done with gran turismo and they're partnership with Capcom is awesome. Pavlov, moss, thumper... All look great to me.

I've never tried vr and I'm sold. But I've also never tried vr as an older life long video game player. None of my friends have units and there is no way to try this thing in the wild. I want there to be demo stations.

I'm just concerned that it'll "die" before it has a chance to really grow on ps. Having sales just be through Sony must have some advantage?
Quest 2 is selling as many units as the Xbox consoles combined.

The number your thinking of is for all Quest headsets.

No people don't want stuff on their face. Companies couldn't even get people to put 3D glasses on when they were trying to push 3D televisions.

But audio glasses are doing well.

Maybe they need to design a headset that makes the wearer look cool like those Bose shades.

The iPhone was affordable at launch - this if rumors are to.be true - not so much.

It was $750 for 4GB and nearly $1000 for the highest spec In today's dollars. Depends on how you view affordable.

Buggy Loop

Quest 3 will push VR to the next level.

It’ll be hugely popular

The pancake lenses, the resulting small form factor, the auto tracking controllers (ala pro), the new much more powerful chipset.

Only way to stop me from jumping on it would be Valve announcing the Deckard.


Of course not, I don't think they're even aiming at winning gaming.
VR will be niche product for VR enthusiasts, simracers, flight simmers etc.


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