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Does your wife or spouse dislike it when you play games?

Does gaming bother your spouse?

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My wife does not like it when I play video games. Although has no problems if I end up wasting time via TV shows etc. In truth I'm not even sure why it bothers her so much! She previously felt gaming was reserved for losers only however I have a very good job and earn double her monthly salary. Gaming is just so much more fun than watching some garbage on Netflix.
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I personally think your spouse should support any of your interests that aren't illegal or lead to you cheating. Do you support some things she is into that you don't care for? If the answer is yes, it should go both ways. If you play games with a bit more story vs say a team deathmatch, she might not mind watching you play occasionally.

That said, you will get a ton more traction if you could actually interest her in a game or 2, at least then she could understand better why you like it. Even a phone game can help bridge the gap.
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My wife always says she doesn't "understand video games", but I don't think she really cares when I play them. However, I don't go off and play games by myself when my wife and kids are at home because I feel my time is better spent doing family things. I will play games with the kids though. They love it takes two, and we've been enjoying the wii as well.


It depends. She doesn't like it when I get angry and yell playing Warzone. And she doesn't like when I play bloodborne because of its artstyle. The rest she doesn't mind unless as long as I'm not neglecting anything. We even play some coop games together, like it takes two, Rayman Legends and similar.


is on perm warning for being a low level troll
No not at all, she sometimes comments on the music when there's a song she likes. She used to follow along with some JRPGs I played but iPad took over.


I typically play an hour or so of RPGs on Nintendo Switch before sleep and she is fine with it, but I can tell in general she much prefer my other physical hobbies such boxing and rock climbing. It's like gaming is always 2nd tier entertainment if that makes sense lol.

I think the problem is that while we are engaged in gaming at home we might be physically sitting next to them but mentally we are not. We appears to ignore them completely and that's why they felt frustrated. Same cannot be said while I am in a boxing class, she knows I am actually away.

In any case, gaming over the weekend is a big no no, the time should be reserved for the kids which I agree.

EDIT: You need more than just "yes" and "no" for answer, most of the time it depends.
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Gold Member
I switch tv signal to my 34" monitor and she (fiancee) watches whatever she wants when I play on my 4K screen (same room). She doesn't mind really but also doesn't play herself and I don't give a shit about gardening/flowers so we are even :messenger_winking:


Flashless at the Golden Globes
My wife used to be cool with me playing video games. She even got addicted to ftl for months. But now she brings it up wherever there is an argument which is funny because this gen has sucked dick and i barely even play any games nowadays.

She’s literally watched every single TV show on Netflix, showtime, hbo, hulu and Disney. All women are like this. They just don’t like to see us happy and it pisses them off that we can find enjoyment in dumb shit like video games and watching others play sports. But yours is a bit too much. She will only get worse after you have kids so maybe it’s time to bail out now.
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Fools idol

I'm in the lucky camp with this as my wife herself plays games from time to time. Less now since we have a 3 year old however she still enjoys watching me play certain titles once the kid is in bed.

She still plays casual things like Stardew valley + ipad games regularly too. It's a red flag if your other half doesn't support your passions in life, long term that is going to become more of an issue. As long as you both find other things to do together and enjoy, It's not a problem to have different hobbies as well.

Videogames are still seen as a nerdy thing to do, a lot of people still cant get out of that mindset. My mother inlaw constantly comments on my gaming hobby to others like it's some kind of weird taboo that a 35 year old guy enjoys things she perceives as for kids. Just the way it is.


All women in my life have been at least visibly OK about me playing games. What else can they do? I've always stated to them from day 1 that if you have a problem with my 4-5 times gym per week and video games, then it's better not to waste each other's time.

The question is, why the fuck do you care what others think about your enjoyment? Everyone has their timewasters, my girl watches the turbotrash of TLC and I never give shit for her about it.

My girl only likes playing Puzzle Bobble 4 on Dreamcast. We can spend hours playing that together. She asked me to play through Crash Bandicoot 1 on the original PS1 and I'm having hard time actually getting past the stages after Ripper Roo lol


If a couple can't accept each other hobbies, that's really sad. Never been in that kind of relationship, thank god.
And now almost everyone plays games, on console, on pc or on mobile. IAre all of those losers then?

I would actually consider a break-up because the lack of respect and understanding.
But first I would talk and explain the importance of it.
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My girlfriend doesn't mind at all. She is just bummed that she doesn't like videogames. She tried to play a few times, but it can't hold her attention.
She does however LOVE the old Sonic games and plays those every once in a while.

2 months ago I bought a foldable simrig (playseat and a G29). She said "Why would anyone spend 400 dollars on something like that?"

I kindly reminded her that she bought a fucking 500 dollar Dyson curling iron.

That was the end of that discussion. :D :D She understood.


It doesn't bother my wife (fiancé to be exact) as long as it isn't detrimental to our life (which it never is since I'm not some cave troll who would rather play games all day long than doing anything else). She even plays a bit herself, she bought a switch and use it when she's on vacation. The only thing she hates is when it's too loud lol.
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You should get a wife/girlfriend that either:

Is Asian
Has a penis

Even better if both
Parks And Recreation Nbc GIF by HULU


My gf doesn't care unless if I spend the entire day playing (which I barely ever do) she might comment something, though nothing too hostile.
Lately she has been playing Animal Crossing almost every day though so there's that.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
My girlfriend hates my long sessions of multiplayer games.
Its less of an issue now as I dont ply that many MP games for hours and hours per session.
But back at BF4 and BF1 I would play full rotations of the maps multiple times over....considering each round of BF is some 40 minutes id basically NOT be there for like 4 hours easy work.
If its the weekend even worse, cuz for me a Saturday of nothing but Battlefield wasnt even an issue......until it was.

If im playing story driven games shes actually totally fine cuz atleast she can engage with the story and thats what actually got her into gaming, she'd want to know what happens next and would sneak her own profile and sessions in. Got that Series S, Gamepass and now shes basically a game finishing machine.
Pointless killing then dying only to get up and do more killing....only to die again didnt make sense to her....and shes not very good at shooters so when she tried, it made things even worse cuz she would basically play the respawn screen for 40 minutes.


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
My wife isnt really into games although she played a shit load of Animal Crossing on the 3DS and Pikmin 3 on the Wii U. Besides that she just really isnt into them.


get a divorce

She's alright otherwise - just wish she didn't care so much.

I must admit it's puzzling although I can never see myself giving up playing video games.

I ensure other aspects of my life take priority first though (job, gym) before games mind you.


Neo Member
My wife used to be cool with me playing video games. She even got addicted to ftl for months. But now she brings it up wherever there is an argument which is funny because this gen has sucked dick and i barely even play any games nowadays.

She’s literally watched every single TV show on Netflix, showtime, hbo, hulu and Disney. All women are like this. They just don’t like to see us happy and it pisses them off that we can find enjoyment in dumb shit like video games and watching others play sports. But yours is a bit too much. She will only get worse after you have kids so maybe it’s time to bail out now.

This reminds me of one of my friends ex girlfriends. We weren't able to play games together anymore because his girlfriend at the time didn't want him "wasting" time playing games. But yet she loved watching movies. I tried getting him to see the ridiculous hypocrisy, but it seemed like he was in agreement with her, at least somewhat.


For my girlfriend it depends on what game it is. Our main gaming device is a Switch, and she enjoys playing the Layton game with me. She also enjoys playing the brain training game. She really doesn't like Zelda Breath of the Wild, though. I think it's because it's a bit over her head (or maybe just not to fun to watch and she has no intention of playing it).

On top of that she reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally hates Rocket League. She says the wacky erratic camera movements make her feel sick. She will literally leave the room if I'm playing Rocket League.

One of my recent little wins was getting her to join me in playing Broken Sword 2. I guess she likes point-and-click puzzle-type adventure games.
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I'm sure there's more to it than what you can put into a forum post, but like others point out, her view of your hobby sounds concerning. No hobby or interest, as long as it does not become an addiction or detriment to your life, should label you as a "loser". Doesn't matter if it's gaming, trainspotting, watching tv, or whatever. Any reasonable open minded person should agree to this. Gaming certainly still has a stigma, and that may be why some people look down on it even though many hobbies aren't really that much different. But I reckon you should talk to her specifically about what it means to you and why it bothers you.

No wife here but my girlfriend enjoys watching me play certain types of games. Currently Elden Ring, which freaks her the fuck out to my great enjoyment. I try to include her in the game I'm playing when she shows interest in it, involving her in choices, commenting on what's happening, asking her what she would do. I think it helps a lot that she understands why I am drawn to games, even though she isn't herself.


Fortunately, my SO loves to play video games too, not as much as I do but she got some games she played for tripple digits hours, so I got that going for me.

And no, she does not play on her phone xD


My wife used to be cool with me playing video games. She even got addicted to ftl for months. But now she brings it up wherever there is an argument which is funny because this gen has sucked dick and i barely even play any games nowadays.

She’s literally watched every single TV show on Netflix, showtime, hbo, hulu and Disney. All women are like this. They just don’t like to see us happy and it pisses them off that we can find enjoyment in dumb shit like video games and watching others play sports. But yours is a bit too much. She will only get worse after you have kids so maybe it’s time to bail out now.
This is very similar to me

Previously my wife didn't give a damn about me playing games.

In fact, early in our marriage I wasted so many hours playing Destiny 2 (which I wholly regret - got 300 hours logged in). She would actually give me time to play! ("You've been working very hard, have time to yourself")

Now I could play an hour a day and it's an issue - and my "gaming" is brought up in arguments. I think I spend 5-6 hours playing games each week at most.


And we will never understand women 😅
My wife is ok with the hobby, actually more than OK she buys me for our special occasions like my birthday or anniversary gaming stuff (( collector edition )) of upcoming games.

But when I play sometimes it is Ok the others just from the sound of turning on the console she starts, we need this, we need that.

And now with Elden ring, from the opening music she starts the nagging, if i watch a TV it is OK but playing video games no !!

There are some occasions where she and my eldest daughter play with me, they enjoy it but within a week or maximum 2 weeks that desire goes
Yep, wife still thinks gaming is for kids or geeks lol,not really her fault, mainstream media are run by left wing fanatics, hate anything male dominated.


My wife enjoy playing games with me. We're still looking for a diablo 3 substitute, but good couch co-ops are hard to find these days. She's into Ghost of Tsushima now, and play some The Witness occasionally.
Minecraft dungeons if you can get past how it looks.


My SO doesn't like it, but accepts it. I think it's fine like that really. She spends a lot of time on social media which I find useless, but if that's how she likes to unwind then fair enough. Its OK to not do everything together. We also work different hours so I can do gaming after work and then we can spend time together when she comes home. Works for me.
This is very similar to me

Previously my wife didn't give a damn about me playing games.

In fact, early in our marriage I wasted so many hours playing Destiny 2 (which I wholly regret - got 300 hours logged in). She would actually give me time to play! ("You've been working very hard, have time to yourself")

Now I could play an hour a day and it's an issue - and my "gaming" is brought up in arguments. I think I spend 5-6 hours playing games each week at most.
So she has an issue with you having a hobby? You aren't siamese twins..... This is slightly toxic behaviour if im completely honest.
Is she overly attached? As in, jealous when you go out with friends? If not, she should just can it.

This behaviour started halfway through my marriage and it was one of the reasons we divorced. I felt guilty if I did something for myself. That's a feeling you shouldn't have.
Everyone should have the oppurtunity to blow off some steam on their own. Just because you are together doesnt mean you should spend all the time together.

Live and let live.
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