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Doomsday Hunters (Previously I, Dracula: Genesis) Does What Other Roguelites Don't


always chasing the next thrill
I was kind of surprised nobody made a thread about this game on NeoGaf so here we go,


If you enjoy your typical Roguelite/Roguelike experience, this is what you’re going to find here - times a dozen. Procedural generation, lots and lots of upgradeable weapons, spells, perks, alien artefacts, strange technological and magical devices, enemies, NPCs, traps, custom events and hidden shops. So many of those, you'll feel overpowered. On the surface it is a beautiful isometric twin-stick shooter, but inside there's a huge emphasis on depth, variety, replayability and discovering all those amazing synergies that make your eyes pop!


The year is 420 a.c. (After Cataclysm). Whatever you knew as the Earth no longer exists. Physics laws as you knew no longer apply. Monsters, demons, aliens, crazy robots are everywhere. Only Hunters can survive this harsh environment. You are one of them. Right now there's a handful, but we're growing new ones in our secret chambers as we speak.


If you don't like guns you have, why not just break them for parts? Or wait until you find the exact mod that takes it to the next level? Tough choice. And they have random affixes too. But wait, there's more.


A hard game to get into, and even harder to master. Just like it should be for your hardcore gaming itch, right? You will die a lot. And more. Don't even think you can get away until you discover all there is to it. If challenge is not for you - beware! Over 160 enemies and 20 bosses, and growing.


Discover and master over 1200 items: relics, weapons, skills, perks, relics, alien artefacts, consumables, actives and passives. Learn how they work and combine, break the game as you like. Build powerful synergies and obliterate everything - enjoy all the marbles! But if you still think something's missing - tell us. Work goes on, we are very greedy, craving to have absolutely everything!


Meet some of the weirdest folks in this Universe, and negotiate to your advantage. Gamble, trade, buy, everything.

Latest News

The game is still in early access but calling it that seems not fair.

https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1175360 Game has a pretty active community and the devs are very active.

My own experience

I have played this game over 12 hours right now and my progress so far is 78 out of 388 according to this game.
If you are a fan of treasure games, binding is isaac ,enter the gungeon or hades this could be sleeper hit for you! (it came out of nowhere for me)

So far i am loving the synergies the possibilities seem freaking endless. As a huge sprite gfx fan this game is as good as it gets. Huge sprites and lots of colors. Reminds me of those old arcade games with giant sprites. (like spinmaster from data east)

The game includes mini games and tons and tons of references to other games.





It is currently on sale on Steam. I dracula genesis for 7 dollars.​
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I'd buy that for... seven... dollars!

id buy that for a dollar GIF

Looks really fun if a little hard for me, I'll buy it for my flatmate instead, whom I share a steam library with and therefore will get access to it anyway!

edit - Did anyone spot the pikachu?
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always chasing the next thrill
I'd buy that for... seven... dollars!

id buy that for a dollar GIF

Looks really fun if a little hard for me, I'll buy it for my flatmate instead, whom I share a steam library with and therefore will get access to it anyway!

edit - Did anyone spot the pikachu?
Damn that didn’t take long xD
The game starts hard as nails but like a roguelite the more your die the more powerfull you get.
It’s pretty rare now the first boss would kill me ;)


Only tried it briefly, but I bought it when it hit early access. I'll give it a proper go when it's done.
There's some Grade A pixel art in there and it reminds me of Bitmap Brothers games, with a less restricted palette.


I'm a huge sucker for Roguelikes but despite buying it on release I only put in about 3.5 hours myself so far. I really love the artstyle but some parts of the game are a bit too obtuse for me. Also the fact that I'm still kneedeep in stuff like Hades, Curse of the Dead Gods, StS and Monster Train probably isn't helping either.

You're right though it definitely deserves more attention. The amount of detail put into pretty much every aspect of the game is staggering. Really impressive stuff all around and the devs keep updating it as well which is another bonus (and kind of crazy considering they already spent around 5 years developing it to get to 1.0).
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How in the holy hell did I miss this, this game looks like it was custom created just for lil ol me.
Issac was my introduction to roguelikes many moons ago, and the genre quickly became one of my favorites. I've since spent countless hours playing Issac, Gungeon, Hades, Dead Cells, and many more.
This game looks to fit the bill quite nicely, thanks for the heads up op.


always chasing the next thrill
How in the holy hell did I miss this, this game looks like it was custom created just for lil ol me.
Issac was my introduction to roguelikes many moons ago, and the genre quickly became one of my favorites. I've since spent countless hours playing Issac, Gungeon, Hades, Dead Cells, and many more.
This game looks to fit the bill quite nicely, thanks for the heads up op.
Great to hear another one discovered this game. I had the exact same reaction... How the hell did i miss this?
I'm balls deep in Repentance on pc and Undermine on Switch currently, I can always throw another one on the pyre.

Does this game have a scoring system and daily runs? If Gungeon would've included those two things it could be the perfect game.
Daily runs keep me hooked forever, I've done Issac dailies for years now.


Gold Member
It's in my wish list.

thanks for the heads up.

Does it have a robust progression between runs ala hades or dead cells? (and i'm not naming these 2 without purpose)
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always chasing the next thrill
It's in my wish list.

thanks for the heads up.

Does it have a robust progression between runs ala hades or dead cells? (and i'm not naming these 2 without purpose)
you unlock more and more items during your runs. The game changes a LOT
in the base you can pick modifiers.. kinda like higher torments etc.


I always wanted this game when it was a mobile game, but really wanted a version with kb/m controls or with options for a controller on the big screen. So glad this came to Steam. I had it on my wishlist and bought it when it first came out. I love the isometric viewpoint and pixel graphics. Even though game is though as nails it has a lot of charm going for it and offers endless gameplay opportunities you won't find in many other games.


Waiting for the Switch version. Then the physical release months later.

Double dipping sucks, but rogue-likes get so much playtime, it’s worth it. Somehow buying twice isn’t much more $ than a AAA dinner for one anyway.

I’m tempted to get the PC version now, then Switch physical, but I know I won’t play it, and it will be left to die in a dusty old steam folder. If it’s sitting on my coffee table in front of me, I’ll pick it up and play it.


buy this game :)

now on sale... new name! Doomsday hunters!
game is twice as big and deep from the first time i posted this game..
Yup it's fantastic and has so much content and secrets.

Much prefer the new name btw. The original one was unique but clunky.
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