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Earthquake strikes China's Sichuan region, around 100 dead

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A 6.6-magnitude earthquake struck China's southwestern Sichuan province at a depth of 12 kilometres, the US Geological Survey said.

Around 100 people died or were injured in the quake that hit just after 8am (0000 GMT) on Saturday and was felt in the provincial capital of Chengdu 110 kilometres to the east, the state news agency Xinhua reported.

Sichuan, like neighbouring areas, is prone to such tremors and saw one of the country's worst quakes in decades in 2008 that left 87,000 people missing or dead.

Xinhua put the quake at magnitude 7.0 with a depth of 13 kilometres, citing the China Earthquake Networks Centre, while the USGS downgraded the quake from an earlier reading of 6.9.

Earthquakes frequently strike the country's southwest, with twin tremors in neighbouring Yunnan province last September triggering landslides that left at least 80 people dead.



Sichuan, like neighbouring areas, is prone to such tremors and saw one of the country's worst quakes in decades in 2008 that left 87,000 people missing or dead.

Wow that's pretty insane.


Felium Defensor
This is horrible. RIP to the ones that past away.
I know a major quake hit Iran as well this week. Wtf is going on...

Wow that's pretty insane.

Yea, I was also going to react to that 87,000 number. That's beyond insane. Really sad to hear about all those people. I can't even begin to imagine how much those affected are dealing with right now. May all those people rest in peace. This is terrible.

Don't they have an earthquake every five year in that region? People kept moving back to take their chances even though they should value their lives.

I don't think it's quite so simple. They may literally have nowhere else to go.
I find it disparaging how the Boston bombing with less than 200 people, total, affected garners more reaction than a travesty such as that where 87 THOUSAND are affected directly.

Terrorism vs Natural Disasters dude.

Of course both events would elicit different reactions in the MSM, how many ways can you sensationalize a natural disaster (the why,who,what,when,where,how) as compared to an act of terrorism? Especially since it's in a distant far away magical land called China.

The explosion in Texas that killed far more people that the bombings in Boston also had proportionally less coverage.

Out of sight, out of mind.


Terrorism vs Natural Disasters dude.

Of course both events would elicit different reactions in the MSM, how many ways can you sensationalize a natural disaster (the why,who,what,when,how) as compared to an act of terrorism? Especially since it's in a distant far away magical land called China.

The explosion in Texas that killed far more people that the bombings in Boston also had proportionally less coverage.

Out of sight, out of mind.

Yeah. I think it is that pervasive "philosophy" that has been making me more and more bitter over the years.

Dead Man

Terrorism vs Natural Disasters dude.

Of course both events would elicit different reactions in the MSM, how many ways can you sensationalize a natural disaster (the why,who,what,when,how) as compared to an act of terrorism? Especially since it's in a distant far away magical land called China.

The explosion in Texas that killed far more people that the bombings in Boston also had proportionally less coverage.

Out of sight, out of mind.

Pretty much. Doesn't mean the tendency can't be pointed out and discussed as to whether it is a good thing though.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
It's so messed up that 180+ is such a small casualty count compared to other notable Chinese earthquakes. Life is not something to be taken for granted.


Can we just ban April?

Get rid it. Nothing but evil comes from it. Hitler, Lincoln was shot, Columbine, Titanic sank, Bay of Pigs, Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated, Waco, US Embassy in Beruit bombed, 63 killed.

That's just the tip of the evil april iceberg. Fuck this month. I pray for the families and deeply saddened by their loses. They can't catch a fucking break.

Terrorism vs Natural Disasters dude.

Of course both events would elicit different reactions in the MSM, how many ways can you sensationalize a natural disaster (the why,who,what,when,where,how) as compared to an act of terrorism? Especially since it's in a distant far away magical land called China.

The explosion in Texas that killed far more people that the bombings in Boston also had proportionally less coverage.

Out of sight, out of mind.
Mother nature is the queen of terrorism.
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