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Famitsu: PlayStation Japan had its best first half in19 years


Famitsu First Half: PlayStation Home Consoles


Sales Comparison in Japan

That second bar graph is hilarious

NGL it kinda is 🤣

Still tho, props to PS5. Now if only trackers like Famitsu included Amazon Japan, and we got digital sales numbers, we'd have a better picture on software sales in the region.

Because in more than a few cases I think that would shut up some of the doom & gloomers out there (or the ones who insist like 90% of systems are being scalped to China...which still means the hardware is selling and would just open up questions of what the Chinese software & MTX (for F2P) games are like, but whatever).


Gold Member
Could it be the release of FFXVI? I'm not into japanese RPGs so I don't know how much pull in terms of console sales that could have.
For PS5 FF16 could've been a factor indeed, good point. But the Switch? Is it really TotK? Or are they all big fans of Pikmin and are hyped about Pikmin 4?


They are doing a great job. And this won't be the best year of the console: typically the best year it's the 4th or 5th of the console.

Pretty likely next year PS5 will beat the PS2 record for the first half of the year sales.
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Does someone on here have any insights as to why this is happening? What's different this time?
Could it be the release of FFXVI? I'm not into japanese RPGs so I don't know how much pull in terms of console sales that could have.
For PS5 FF16 could've been a factor indeed, good point. But the Switch? Is it really TotK? Or are they all big fans of Pikmin and are hyped about Pikmin 4?
For the PS5 its the fact that its was finally available after all the shortages, so it went really big in February (helped by Hogwarts) and then has done pretty decently until June when it got the Final Fantasy bump. Its a very weird situation where its doing noticeably better than PS4 hardware-wise but noticeably worse software-wise

For Switch TOTK / Mario movie giving it a 2nd life. Pikmin 4 could have some impact when it comes out, but not a major one.


They are doing a great job. And this won't be the best year of the console: typically the best year it's the 4th or 5th of the console.

Pretty likely next year PS5 will beat the PS2 record for the first half of the year sales.
PS2 and PS3 peaked in their 3rd full year, but PS4 peaked in its 4th. I expect it to be the same for PS5, especially if MHW2 comes out next year (and maybe DQ12?)


PS2 and PS3 peaked in their 3rd full year, but PS4 peaked in its 4th. I expect it to be the same for PS5, especially if MHW2 comes out next year (and maybe DQ12?)
See the first graph posted above. I was talking about that, sales during the first half of the year in Japan.
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I mean, just to name a few...

Demon Souls
Ratchet and Clank
TLOU Part 1
Miles Morales
Final Fantasy 16

PS5 has been beast mode since launch? Could it be because PS has been feeding their audience?


The system has plenty of games. As has the Xbox Series X. It's just that people act like they don't exist any more once they're on PC.

To the everyday man on the street who dgiaf about PC, the consoles have plenty of 'exclusives'.


Gold Member
Spider-Man PS4 has sold about 400K units
in Japan (physical) since its launch, I wonder how the sequel will fare once it releases in October.


Call Nautilus...
You jest but it's still a legitimate question. The only numbers we get from Famitsu doesn't paint a good picture. Software is where all console makers make their money. You can look at the PSP as an example that system sold a lot and was neck on neck with DS but was considered a failure because software sales were bad. (Primarily due to pirating)


Gold Member
If I did a graph like that in my academic publications I'd get the paper rejected in no time by the reviewers :messenger_tears_of_joy:
That...highly depends. I've seen papers being published at some bigger conferences with questionable graphs/charts and some fairly on-point papers being rejected because the authors didn't happen to cite any of the papers by one of the reviewers. The latter criticism is especially hilarious because the reviewers go then out of their way to link some of the papers that should've been cited, essentially giving away their identity.
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