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First trailer for the documentary "Video Games: The Movie "



Variance Films and Amplify debuted the trailer for Video Games: The Movie, an upcoming documentary directed and written by Jeremy Snead.

It features interviews with Zach Braff, Chris Hardwick, Wil Wheaton, Nolan Bushnell, Hideo Kojima, Cliff Bleszinski, and Alison Haislip.

“Video Games: The Movie is a feature length documentary which aims to tell the untold story of video games by an in depth look into not only how games are made, marketed and consumed by looking back at the industry’s history, current trends as well as the evolution of gamer culture.

Where is the industry and the audience headed? Is it the same place? The entire story will be told through the eyes of game developers, publishers, and consumers.

The film is not just another film about the games industry but will attempt something much more ambitious: the question of what it means to be a gamer, a game maker and where ‘video games’ will be in 10, 20, even 100 years from now.”

Video Games: The Movie gets a theatrical release in US and Canada on July 15 and It will also be available on iTunes and other digital platforms starting July 15, 2014.




Trailer didn't sell me on it. Made it seem like this self-aggrandizing, masturbatory documentary that's supposed to make people who do not know much about what video games are learn about the medium and appreciate it.

The tagline's even: "If you've played a video game, you know it's more than just a game." Come on.


Unless this is hours long, I don't know how they're going to do justice to the amount of things that trailer touches on.
Seems like too much to cover in a two hour movie. They should have focused on one aspect things like covering e-sports to narrative in videogames ... not going to be easy.

They may be going for a broad look into the industry. If so, there are plenty of documentary series' which do this.


This looks... pointless? I can't put my finger on it.

"I REMEMBER WHEN GAMES HAD LIKE YOU SHOOTING PIXELATED ALIENS! NOW THEY'RE LIKE MOVIES!" Like... what a dull, surface-level way of approaching the topic. This doesn't seem to have a point or anything. It's just kinda explaining "This is what videogames are, in-case you've never heard of them. Oh and we will ask people about games they remember playing when they were young... I guess."

I'm sure this movie does something for someone, but I can't imagine for people who are tuned into the industry or read GAF or whatever will get anything out of this.


This seems like a doc made by people who actually have the wrong idea of where videogames should be going. I don't see anything in the trailer that seems made for me to watch, it seems...misguided.


I'll watch when it hits Netflix I guess. Not sure it will have anything terribly interesting for people who have followed games for a long time.
That's not the documentary about the rivalry between Nintendo and Sega, right ? That one is produced by Seth Rogen I think.


Maybe it's the trailer's fault but it looks unfocused. Like an award show clip package extended to feature length.
Looks alright. There's been quite a few documentaries about video games in the past that have just missed the marked and focused on ridiculous parts of the industry.


I preordered it.
As a 40 year old who has been playing since the Pong console and as someone who actually almost went to NYU film school, I support this endeavor no matter what.
Maybe it will be good. Maybe it will not be.
I do support it though.


Wil Wheaton? How does this guy work his way into everything related to "nerd" culture? He's such an annoying mascot and doens't produce anything tangible or original.


Videogames, The Movie is such a dumb title for this documentary.
You couldn't think up something better than that, Zach Braff?


Wil Wheaton? How does this guy work his way into everything related to "nerd" culture? He's such an annoying mascot and doens't produce anything tangible or original.

LOL, I was thinking a similar thing. I don't have anything against the guy but I don't know how/when he became a spokesperson or gamers/geeks/nerds/etc.

Anyway, this looks like a pretty cool documentary!


Good to see a ton of eras and genres represented, but it seems kind of masturbatory and pretentious. I hope there's at least some critical perspective. On GAF itself there are lot of people unsatisfied with the state of gaming, and we're about as core-audience as it gets.

Will definitely watch though, for the historical overview if nothing else.

Nah not really

Yes really. Jazz Jackrabbit, Unreal, and Gears? That's quite the resume.
Wil Wheaton? How does this guy work his way into everything related to "nerd" culture? He's such an annoying mascot and doens't produce anything tangible or original.

Ha ha, I know what you mean. It's kind of like Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton don't speak for all black people, even though people like Bill O"Reily act like they do. For whatever reason, Wil Wheaton is that way for geeks.
I laughed at them showing footage of the Watch Dogs that never looked as good in the final game. The documentary itself was meh. I don't think there is any surprises for gamer's in there, and I'm not sure it will appeal to non-gamer's either. You can't have an in depth documentary on 30 years of an industry in a 2 hour movie. The history of video games documentary would be better served by a multi-part series ala Ken Burns. The documentary was very console focused, even if they did show a few quick shots of doom and diablo. I'd recommend watching a more focused documentary for that length such as King of Kong or Second Skin.
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