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Flynn to Turn Over Business Records to Senate Intelligence Committee


Former national security adviser had initially refused to comply with subpoena
Former national security adviser Mike Flynn will turn over documents from his businesses to the Senate Intelligence Committee, according to a person familiar with the matter, easing the possibility of a protracted legal standoff over his cooperation with the panel's investigation.

According to this person, Mr. Flynn will start to turn over records demanded by Senate investigators from two companies that he controlled, as well as some personal documents as soon as next week. Those records had been subpoenaed by the Senate as part of an investigation into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 election, including questions about whether anyone in President Donald Trump's orbit colluded with foreign agents.

Mr. Flynn initially refused to cooperate with a Senate subpoena, claiming his constitutional right against self incrimination under the Fifth Amendment. The committee then subpoenaed Mr. Flynn's records from two of his businesses, which cannot be shielded by the Fifth Amendment.
Source: https://www.wsj.com/articles/mike-f...s-to-senate-intelligence-committee-1496181428


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I'm sure he will hand over everything, clearly annotate what happened when and with whom, and nothing weird will happen.
When he initially refused to turn them over pleading the fifth, I didn't think you could do that. Now I know that you can't and Flynn, or his lawyers, are idiots.
I'm sure he will hand over everything, clearly annotate what happened when and with whom, and nothing weird will happen.

Exactly. The one thing i really want to know is just how does the process work inside the Senate and House as far as granting of immunity is concerned. I really believe those shady Republicans in Congress, if they believe it helps Trump, will unilaterally move to grant immunity to Michael Flynn.

What I wonder is, is that possible without Democrats going along with it in some fashion?


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
This is like letting the police in after you've flushed the drugs, isn't it?


Exactly. The one thing i really want to know is just how does the process work inside the Senate and House as far as granting of immunity is concerned. I really believe those shady Republicans in Congress, if they believe it helps Trump, will unilaterally move to grant immunity to Michael Flynn.

What I wonder is, is that possible without Democrats going along with it in some fashion?

No. In order for a Senate committee like this to grant immunity, the vote must be unanimous among all sitting members. The Repubs can't just run with it.
Preview of documents:

I'll bet he holds some things back that the IC already has from other sources and then he's just digging a deeper hole for himself.
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