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GAF, I need help (warning, don't read if you don't like long posts, prize inside

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All right, first person to post a complete reply to my liking gets that Zelda OOT disc that came with the Wind Waker Gamecube preorder, free shipping anywhere. Mint condition too.

Read the first paragraph, if you don't like my long-ass post fueled by sweet-ass intoxication mixed with a shot or two of lucidness (yeah I feel real poetic ATM, using big words :lol ), along with extreme awakeness, coming from
some "good-shit" nosecandy/cocaine if you haven't guessed already, along with no physical tolerance to drugs anymore whatsoever. Hard to understand if you've been clean all your life, and keep it that way if you have. You don't know what you're missing, but everybody wishes they could go back to complete sobriety afte trying the forbidden fruit. ALSO I DONT ENDORSE DRUG USE. IN FACT, I LOOK DOWN ON ALL DRUG USERS because it's all wasted potential

I want to preface the post by telling you I'm not too terribly intoxicated; I'm alert as ever, and I can probably stay up all night with no trouble... There's quite a reason I've been writing this post for over 2 hours, multitasking with Burnout Revenge on 360 (trying to get all the achievements one day, Burnout 5 better be 60 fps or no sale), editing my sister's university French class essay (living in Quebec as made me perfectly bilingual), and drinking from a bottle of the good ole Sauza (tequila is the only thing I can drink straight. weird, it is).

Note to mods: please don't delete this thread until 11PM EST tomorrow. I want to read how ridiculous it is when I'm sober and I come back from work. I guess you could say this is a "drunk" thread, in the sense it was triggered by a high Frenchy (actually my nickname, look at the avatar for a reason). I also need some help because I've recently relapsed from a 5-month bout of sobriety. I feel like I could post more in general, but since I'm a lurker and my neurons are firing like mad right now, this is like a mega-collection of thoughts.

The inspiration from this post is

1) I had to do something to serve my mental being - I've always been an intellectual - not nerd, mind you - but someone who thirsts for knowledge and loves writing long things. Hell, I have a 3000-word essay from my Grade 4 french class (of course, native French, since I grew up in Sherbrooke, QC) somewhere.

2) I have to practice my English writing. You could consider me a 97% fully bilingual person. There are almost no such people in Canada outside of Quebec, so I'm one of the few who can't decide whether they're Quebecois or Ontarian. Of course, the Leafs can go to hell, but that hardly makes me more a Quebecois, but rather a smart hockey fan.

I've lived equal lengths of time in both provinces. Basically, I can speak French with a little bit more ease than English (although I have zero accent in either unless I'm drunk), but I seriously can't write an essay in English unless I've got some sort of motivation although it's improving. French isn't that great either, but serviceable. I've never had a problem spelling, I even won a provincial TV spelling bee in my district in French (Eastern Townships, go there if you like skiing, screw Tremblant and its all-English Canadian crowd who couldn't get enough of shitty resorts like Blue Mountain. I prefer Americans to Ontarians while in Quebec, because people here assume every Quebecer supports separation. No, most Quebecers want to make money, have a hot wife, a minivan and an inground pool, just like their North American brethren).

It's just that the structure of English and French is so different in terms of sentences, how long they are, how to properly spell verbs according to their tense, etc. I think I'm flawless in spelling, but I want to find a French GAFfer living in Quebec who can rate a 500-1000 word essay I'll write in French. So in short, I want somebody to rate my writing.

I'm going to school for an bilingual air-traffic control position, and I'd rather being proficient in all aspects of language. Writing isn't my forte anymore, and I've been out of school for more than a year. Rather than the nice break I thought taking a "leave of absence" from school would be like, it was just depression in retail hell since there's no jobs here unless you work in Toronto. I'm sure there's a lot of towns in the U.S. that are the same way, only Canada only gets sparser when you get up north. It can get pretty dreadful.

In fact, I think I'll be the only person on GAF posting from *possibly* above the 70th paraller. Check Frobisher Bay, Nunavut. While I look at it as a worse-case scenario, being posted up that far from family and friends up north for a year or two, It's possible that I go to a place like Timmins, ON. Of course, that would be the best-case scenario for an air traffic rookie, so it probably won't be that town for me. I can picture urban GTAers in the Toronto-Hamilton belt laugh at hoping to be placed in a city of 40,000 (IIRC)

3) I'm terribly disappointed that I'm a much more adventurous person when I'm intoxicated. It's actually kind of scary, and I've been trying to get some for a long time, and it always seems to work when I'm under the influence of anything but weed. Give me some hard stuff, and I'll try to (note: try) to pick up Paris Hilton if I ever saw her at a bar. Of course my high-strung nature means intoxicants are naturally not for me, and I need to get rid of this drug addiction fast before I embark on a job like a AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLER. I just don't think durg behaviour mixes with that. I've been going crazy lately, since the next two months are likely to be my last in southern Ontario aka civilization.

Well, since it was my birthday weekend on, well, last weekend, I went to Toronto to party with all my friends who go to the University of Toronto. My twin sister also goes there. I live in Barrie, which is 90 km north. A nice city, with about 130,000 people. Small compared to the megapolis that is Toronto (5 million, but probably more than that if you count outer suburbs like Hamilton and Oshawa), but still lively.

Since I have a lot of friends in Toronto, and in Barrie, I decided to throw two parties. The Toronto party was kinda lame, since it's the University of Toronto crowd. U of T is the hardest university in Canada to get into, so think of it as Yale or Princeton for the American high school graduates. Okay, maybe that's not accurate, since I don't know how hard those universities are, and I've never gone to a university myself.

Anyways, I've partied hard since I got accepted to a school dedicated to air traffic control. Basically, as long as I pay $1000 tuition (residence included, as well as food, and I've also got a maid to clean my room 2x a week.), and not fail within the course's six-month timeframe, I'm guaranteed to start being an air traffic controller and start at $50,000 a year.

Yes, they may be Canadian dollars, but that's a pretty high figure for someone like me who just turned twenty-one. Not to mention I'll live up north (think Northwest Territories, or some desolate place like Northern Saskatchewan), and be eligible for the government's relocation pay package. I could make an extra 16,000 a year. And be able to ride a snowmobile to work. Win-win.

Anyways, I got real lucky to get that kind of opportunity. I'm a college dropout in Aviation. And I had poor marks in high school due to, ...well... drug abuse I guess I could say. I turned 17, and I just got fascinated by the drug scene. Mostly marijuana at first, but I soon moved to hard drugs. Cocaine was the favourite at the time, and unfortunately, with being so close to Toronto, and most of my Georgian classmates were French-speaking Montrealers like me, I just had way too easy of an access to the good stuff when I moved on to college. I actually used it to stay up all night and study. It worked great in the first semester, and I got the highest mark in my class, despite being a party animal. It was farily easy to hide from my parents and my "clean" friends, since it's not like I was drunk then, I just snorted powder and got a hell of lot more energy.

Of course, all things go to an end, and the second semester was BURNOUT CAPITAL. Basically, I turned 19 and became legal to drink in the province in Ontario, and drank my way from a 92% average to a 49%. Thankfully, the college didn't fully fail me, they put me on probation. That was very lenient I thought, since there was no way I deserved a second chance. But such is the way with community colleges I guess (even though CCs are much closer to universities in Canada than they are in the USA).

After the college put me on a hold status of sorts, they wanted me to pay up front for next year's fees in full, along with the semester of my third year. They also declined to give me a refund for fees I paid for a program I never had the chance to took. The college offered flying classes, but with the huge backlog of people being created but the fact flights kept getting cancelled by inclement weather, which we have a lot of since we are between 2 of the Great Lakes, and the order of flight lessons were determined by alphabetical order (my first letter of my last name [W] didn't fare too well), I never had an opportunity to get those flying lessons. I'm still trying to get $600 in fees, and I haven't gone to Georgian College since April 2006.

Basically, if you reside in the province of Ontario, don't go to Georgian College/ Sure, the alumni there is well qualified, and everybody I know from Georgian has a high paying job (mostly cops), but my situation is ridiculous. I think I made a thread about it.


Anyways, that long ass monstrosity I just typed is the result of me being SUPER high on some high-quality grade cocaine, which my friend claims he picked up on a trip to Buffalo, NY. It probably came from Montreal, since I've never seen a drug-infested city such as MTL,and the stuff there is great.

The problem is, I hadn't done cocaine since roughly late '05. I have no tolerance to drugs anymore. I know how to behave on them, but my body is reacting badly to them I think. I didn't even snort that much, maybe .75 gram, and my heart rate is (22 * 6, I check my HR per 10s) 132. I'm definitely not used to that anymore. Even though caffeine is a stimulant and I've got quite the tolerance to it since I've been drinking it since the age of 11 (now 21), it would probably take me 9 cups in a hour's span to reach that. Even then I'm not positive.

Now, obviously I feel guilty about doing cocaine since I've been clean of drugs for so long, and it's honestly the way to be. Before tonight, I had been sober from all drugs (including MJ) for 4 months. And it actually makes a difference. Sure, you'll get all these stoners telling you weed is not bad for you, and in a physical/toxicity realtive to your body's ability, they are quite right. However, you feel much sharper, and much more confident in day-to-day activities. I couldn't have taken the standardized test required to get into an air traffic control school if I still had THC in my brain. I'm convinced of it, because I've seen the gradual increase in cognitive ability every week I quit dope. Of course it's easy to quit dope. My stoner friends think it's hard, but anyone who's had a serious addiction; even someone who's smoked tobacco long-term or someone with a drinking habit will agree that quitting weed is like attempting to stop eating chocolate: not that big of a deal. That post is for a few people who PMed me a few months ago on advice on how to quit smoking cigarettes and weed. As for cigarettes, four months smoke-free, on my sixth quit or so. Each of my quits lasted an average of three months, but this is definitely the one where I have ZERO cravings around people I used to smoke with on a daily basis.

I cheated and used the patch, and believe it or not, I'm still on it. Lower strength for sure, but I don't think I'm quite mentally ready yet to give up the nicotine addiction altogether right now. I'm pretty high strung, and I'm almost always rowdy when I drink, so I can't imagine what it would be like during withdrawal.

Checking on my HR now, it's still in the 130s, and that's one hour after snorting my last line. My HR is the same, although it's not irregular anymore. Good stuff. I still can't believe I tried cocaine after a 18-month hiatus drug users (and I know who you are on GAF, there's been too many drug threads in the past.) This is definitely a wake-up call, because it can't be healthy. I'm usually go to bed at 1AM, it's now 4. It's too reminiscent of my past, but that cocaine is way too good for my brain's dopamine receptors, and I just feel good.

70 minutes after this last paragraph, I can definitely tell this coke's been laced. My body doesn't feel too good, I can't swallow anything if life depended on it, I'm riding a guilt wave, and the area near my heart hurts a little bit.

Now should I go to sleep, knowing I'll wake up at 8 or 9 (essentially 4-5 hours of sleep), or should I just stay awake, trying to fight the hangover?




Eric WK

"We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert, when the drugs began to take hold... And suddenly there was a terrible roar all around us and the sky was full of what looked like huge bats, all swooping and screeching and diving around the car, which was going about a hundred miles an hour with the top down to Las Vegas."


i desperately want to delete this whole thread. im never putting anything up my nose, ever again


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
I should give you that entire post as your tag...


I believe what you said was critique your english... well, it looks pretty amazing, except for one thing I found.

They also declined to give me a refund for fees I paid for a program I never had the chance to took.

chance to take is proper there.

Do I win the prize?
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