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Games you felt like you wasted time playing or games that didn't respect your time?


Horizon Forbidden West as the most recent example. HZD was great though. even platinumed it.
It still annoys me today that I put about 20 hours into HFW, of which I only remeber unbelievable characters and a small, bitchy, arrogant, annoying, know-it-all and snooty brat-protagonist in my head. However, the technical realization was good.
I haven't even played the AC series since Unity, because it's always the same. I don't even need to try it out to see if I like it at all. AC 1 & AC 2 were great, AC3 was exhausting already. But Unity was nice again, great tech and nice climbs, but I lost interest in the series, it's just not interesting anymore.
I'm also sure that I would have felt the same way with GoW Ragnarök, because it just seems to be more of the same and although GoW 2018 was a good game it didn't came nowhere near as captivating as the Greek GoW saga.
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Gold Member
Mobile games the thread. Daily quests, log in, and seasonal microtransactions.

There are some I tolerate due to the game being good by itself but a lot these really irks me. I tend to play in longer chunks and not bite-sized game time daily so it’s definitely counter to my playstyle.

Oh you‘re a returning player? Good luck. All your OP stuff 6 months ago? They’re now dogshit. You have to get the new stuff to keep up.
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Codes 208

Gold Member
Halo infinite comes to mind.

Gotta love how the best cosmetics are behind paywalls and that you generally dont earn jack shit for simply playing
Mobile games the thread. Daily quests, log in, and seasonal microtransactions.

There are some I tolerate due to the game being good by itself but a lot these really irks me. I tend to play in longer chunks and not bite-sized game time daily so it’s definitely counter to my playstyle.

Oh you‘re a returning player? Good luck. All your OP stuff 6 months ago? They’re now dogshit. You have to get the new stuff to keep up.
Pretty much. This and gaas titles
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Video Games GIF by The Game Awards

Fucking waste of time. Sure is pretty though
Horizon Forbidden West as the most recent example. HZD was great though. even platinumed it.
It still annoys me today that I put about 20 hours into HFW, of which I only remeber unbelievable characters and a small, bitchy, arrogant, annoying, know-it-all and snooty brat-protagonist in my head. However, the technical realization was good.
I haven't even played the AC series since Unity, because it's always the same. I don't even need to try it out to see if I like it at all. AC 1 & AC 2 were great, AC3 was exhausting already. But Unity was nice again, great tech and nice climbs, but I lost interest in the series, it's just not interesting anymore.
I'm also sure that I would have felt the same way with GoW Ragnarök, because it just seems to be more of the same and although GoW 2018 was a good game it didn't came nowhere near as captivating as the Greek GoW saga.
Oh, my God. Finally someone put my feelings about HFW on digital paper! I also got the Plat on HZD, but just couldn't stand Alloy on the second one.

I don't care for a third adventure at this point.


Id say #1 is AC Vahalla for me, still have no idea why I put 80 hours into it, still regret it to this day.
Such a good choice. The thing is, the graphics are insane and the world really beautiful. That's something Ubisoft mastered over the time. But then, they have the bad habit to let their world lifeless yet they bloat it with stuff for you to collect until you get sick of running around. Literally makes you put the controller down wandering why you're spending so much of your free time accomplishing nothing but collecting shit in a game that never pays off.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
A vast majority of modern games (especially AAA titles) have sooooo much useless fluff to pad out the play time. I would much rather pay $70 for a 5 hour game I’d want to replay a few times (like the modern RE games/remakes) than spend 20-30 hours in a game that bores me for more than half of the playthrough.

It’s one of the reasons why I keep coming back to a lot of Nintendo first-party releases. Most of the time, they either have already trimmed the fat (Mario Wonder), or the fat is entirely optional.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is the only example of a 50+ hour game (in my case, closer to 150 hours) where almost all of it was quality enough to actually justify that length. Not every side quest, mind you, but I’d argue most of them were unique enough to justify the length.

Counter that against something like Starfield or FF16, and the difference is night and day.


Instead of saying something predictable like Ubisoft games i'm going to go with Yakuza.

It's the second time i'm playing one. First time was 0, and i just finished Ishin.

Just like the 0 it started really well before going down the drain. Not just the repetitiveness of the overall content, but even the damn plot. Ishin's ending was absolutely terrible and didn't make any sense. It was the last straw after so many back and forth and fake twists everywhere.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
Id say #1 is AC Vahalla for me, still have no idea why I put 80 hours into it, still regret it to this day.

That was the first game I thought of. Played 120+ hours, only 80% done. It's such a slog.


A lot of rpg games have stories that are wasssssy too long. I enjoy them but about 3/4 of the way through I'm like fuck it. Skip skip skip. Fight. Skip skip skip. Etc.


Horizon Forbidden West. The story was such a convoluted mess that went fucking nowhere except reveal a new big bad evil at the end, which shouldn't even be an enemy, because this big bad evil helped you find a way to kill the seemingly invincible other new big bad evil introduced in this game. Also, Aloy. I can't describe how annoying she is. "I need to save this planet and humanity, so I'm gonna blow up a mountain fortress which protects countless people to strong arm them into doing what some other dude said so I can get what I came here for."

King Dazzar

Out of all the many, many games I've played over the years. The one that truly sticks in my memory for player time abusement, has to go to Elite Dangerous. I'm sure there are many MMO's that must be up there too....


The Last of Us
Metal Gear Solid 5
Death Stranding
Read Dead Redemption
Demon/Dark Souls and similar.

Games that everyone loves, but never managed to hook me.


Red Dead Redemption 2.

Why did it spend time trying to immerse me with all of these micro systems if it was going to rip me out of its world with legendary pelts that can't be lost and magically appear where they need to? And with urealistic legendary animal encounters?

Shake Your Rump

Gold Member
Horizon Forbidden West as the most recent example. HZD was great though. even platinumed it.
Agreed. They took an awesome game and story, shoehorned in an alternate ending, made Aloy insufferable, and added so much bloat. I bought this at release, got about six hours in (twice) and resigned. The the epitome of ”slog”.


Clash of Clans

Holy balls I ended up spending straight above 100USD on the microtransaction shit, cause of a few min here and there...
What a moron I was.

And the newest cods, with their dumb unlockable weapons.
"Grind THIS OTHER WEAPON THAT YOU ARE TERRIBLE, WITH to unlock attachment for your main weapon"
Eat my tingeling.


Oh, my God. Finally someone put my feelings about HFW on digital paper! I also got the Plat on HZD, but just couldn't stand Alloy on the second one.

I don't care for a third adventure at this point.
HFW is a downgrade in every way (except graphics of course). The writing is insanely bad, the story is terrible, characters are unlikable, gameplay is average at best and the level design is uninteresting.

Oh and I still cant understand how there was no bad buzz against the game: I had to wait several months to play the game as the performance mode was completely broken at launch and made me sick with the worst IQ I have ever witnessed.

And I LOVED the first one, one of the best surprise of last gen.

And to add on topic, I think Dragon Age Inquisition is up there. It is basically a failed MMO revamped to be a (terrible) solo game, bloated with shitty content that you HAVE to do.
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I'm not sure when it started but my eyes roll out of my head any time this (relatively) newfound criticism of games needing to "respect my time" comes up. Immediate go to canned criticism these days.


Good waste of time: Binding of Isaac - starts of painfully slow and if your good ends up in hilarious OP-ness. Satisfying checklist addiction.

Bad waste of time - most recently FF7 Ever Crisis. Tuturial slog for gacha mechanics.


Hold onto your panties
I play demos and will watch early playthroughs if I'm on the fence. Unless it's Steam where I can find games at low dollar risk, I won't bother buying or playing if I feel it's not going to pan out. There's a twist though, my wife is highly skilled and will playthrough anything. Half of my choices for games I opted-in for were because she made the playthrough interesting.

The only time I bit off more than I could chew was with MGSV. Open world didn't bother me. It was the seemingly endless side missions. I don't remember getting to the end. Just got bored of the repetitions.


I'm not sure when it started but my eyes roll out of my head any time this (relatively) newfound criticism of games needing to "respect my time" comes up. Immediate go to canned criticism these days.

Game design has taken a shit, don't get me wrong but Persona 4 and 5 are similar in that regard that you can tell which one definitely respected your agency as a player and which one didn't. Honestly at times in P5 I was just hitting X for several hours and it was ridiculous.
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