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German Government: Turkey is cooperating with terrorists

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The German Government believes Turkey has been cooperating with islamistic and terrorist groups from the middle-east and near-east for years. Those politics are actively encouraged by President Erdogan, the report says.

This classified information comes from the Government directly, ARD has the scoop.

Die Zusammenarbeit mit islamistischen und terroristischen Organisationen im Nahen und Mittleren Osten ist nach Einschätzung der Bundesregierung seit Jahren bewusste Politik der türkischen Regierung und wird von Präsident Erdogan aktiv unterstützt. Das geht aus einer als vertraulich eingestuften Antwort auf eine Anfrage der Linkspartei im Bundestag hervor, die dem ARD-Hauptstadtstudio exklusiv vorliegt.

Weitere Informationen in Kürze.

"Die zahlreichen Solidaritätsbekundungen und Unterstützungshandlungen für die ägyptische MB (Muslimbruderschaft), die HAMAS und Gruppen der bewaffneten islamistischen Opposition in Syrien durch die Regierungspartei AKP und Staatspräsident ERDOGAN unterstreichen deren ideologische Affinität zu den Muslimbrüdern." (Hervorgehoben im Original, Anmerkung der Redaktion)

More information:

- supporting the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood
- supporting HAMAS
- supporting the armed islamistic opposition in Syria

HAMAS is a terrorist group according to the EU and Turkey is strengthening its bonds with the group. "[Turkey] has become the central command centre for ismalmistic groups in the near and middle-east."

"Als Resultat der vor allem seit dem Jahr 2011 schrittweise islamisierten Innen- und Außenpolitik Ankaras hat sich die Türkei zur zentralen Aktionsplattform für islamistische Gruppierungen der Region des Nahen und Mittleren Ostens entwickelt."


A bit more information on this:

That statement was sent out by the government to one of the opposition parties (The Lefts). It's an answer to what is called an "enquiry", an inherent part of the German governmental system. Opposition parties can enquire about different topics and the government is obliged to answer truthfully.

The "risky" part of that answer was classified, but it got leaked to one of the public broadcasters in Germany.

The important parts of that statement read as follows (translation by me):

"The numerous statements of solidarity and acts of support for the Muslim brotherhood, Hamas as well as the armed Islamistic opposition in Syria carried out by the AKP and Erdogan emphasise their ideological affinity towards the Muslim brotherhood."

"As a result of Ankara's islamised domestic and foreign policy, starting in 2011, Turkey developed into the central platform for action of Islamistic groups in the Near and Middle East."

If a mod wants to add (Hamas) to the title, feel free. I feel like people read this headline and expect ISIL. When I wrote the OP I didn't see the article with more information.
DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED. You guys don't know anything about Turkey and you're wrong about this too!

Edit: That joke didn't really work like it did in my mind. Not surprised. Stay safe Turkey GAF.
What's the source on this? Can't read German, but my gut reaction would go with misinformation, no love for Erdogan, but this would be a really weird move for him.

El Topo

What's the source on this? Can't read German, but my gut reaction would go with misinformation, no love for Erdogan, but this would be a really weird move for him.

Supporting Hamas or Muslim Brotherhood is not exactly surprising to anyone, nor is it a weird move for Erdogan. The information is from an inquiry directed at the German Department of the Interior.
The interesting question would be to which extent they have supported and/or done business with ISIS.


So... islamistic and terror group are being used as synonyms now? That's kinda ironic seeing as how the West, and in particular the US, actively and publicly support various (Islamist) rebel groups to fight against ISIS. I don't see this scoop specifying which terror groups exactly, so I wonder what the difference is with the US, the West and, according to this report, Turkey? Is it ISIS? A group affiliated with them? Or a group fighting against them?


What's the source on this? Can't read German, but my gut reaction would go with misinformation, no love for Erdogan, but this would be a really weird move for him.

German government. One of the parties in our Bundestag submitted a question, it got answered this way and one of our mainstay news outlets got the information either directly or by members of parliament. Probably from our civil and military information agencies.


But Erdogan is great and mighty and people not from Turkey don't understand how great he is and Turkey is the best country ever.

/several dozen of Turks I know, quite a lot of them female and a few actually studying medicine with me or trained as nurses, so not uneducated fools, but still massively buying into the propaganda.

El Topo

So... islamistic and terror group are being used as synonyms now? That's kinda ironic seeing as how the West, and in particular the US, actively and publicly support various (Islamist) rebel groups to fight against ISIS. I don't see this scoop specifying which terror groups exactly, so I wonder what the difference is with the US, the West and, according to this report, Turkey? Is it ISIS? A group affiliated with them? Or a group fighting against them?

The terrorist group in question is Hamas. They're not lumping groups together here, they're distinguishing.


So... islamistic and terror group are being used as synonyms now? That's kinda ironic seeing as how the West, and in particular the US, actively and publicly support various (Islamist) rebel groups to fight against ISIS. I don't see this scoop specifying which terror groups exactly, so I wonder what the difference is with the US, the West and, according to this report, Turkey? Is it ISIS? A group affiliated with them? Or a group fighting against them?

I updated the OP. It's Hamas.




I'm looking forward to seeing how the rest of the world responds


If it's mainly the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas, then it's bad but hardly revealing, and it seems more like a leak to increase the pressure on Erdogan.


If a mod wants to add (Hamas) to the title, feel free. I feel like people read this headline and expect ISIL. When I wrote the OP I didn't see the article with more information.
Supporting Hamas or Muslim Brotherhood is not exactly surprising to anyone, nor is it a weird move for Erdogan. The information is from an inquiry directed at the German Department of the Interior.
The wording on the article was too vague at first, him supporting Hamas is a given though. Labeling them as a terrorist group is contested a bit though.


A bit more information on this:

That statement was sent out by the government to one of the opposition parties (The Lefts). It's an answer to what is called an "enquiry", an inherent part of the German governmental system. Opposition parties can enquire about different topics and the government is obliged to answer truthfully.

The "risky" part of that answer was classified, but it got leaked to one of the public broadcasters in Germany.

The important parts of that statement read as follows (translation by me):

"The numerous statements of solidarity and acts of support for the Muslim brotherhood, Hamas as well as the armed Islamistic opposition in Syria carried out by the AKP and Erdogan emphasise their ideological affinity towards the Muslim brotherhood."

"As a result of Ankara's islamised domestic and foreign policy, starting in 2011, Turkey developed into the central platform for action of Islamistic groups in the Near and Middle East."


So does this apply to the west as well for supporting Israel? Two sides are in a conflict and both Hamas and Israel are accused of war crimes what is the difference here?


Junior Member
What's the source on this? Can't read German, but my gut reaction would go with misinformation, no love for Erdogan, but this would be a really weird move for him.
It's actualyy not new, Syrian rebels have complained about ISIS fighters retreating into Turkey, getting patched up in border region hospitals and then returning to the fight in Syria. Officially this is now over but... who really knows?


- supporting the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood
- supporting HAMAS
- supporting the armed islamistic opposition in Syria

these groups aren't like ISIS or Alqaeda, as a lot of people in the middle east consider them political parties.
So does this apply to the west as well for supporting Israel? Two sides are in a conflict and both Hamas and Israel are accused of war crimes what is the difference here?

Hamas is Cobra with good PR. They are a textbook terrorist organization.

these groups aren't like ISIS or Alqaeda, as a lot of people in the middle east consider them political parties.

And a lot of people in the west consider then terrorists.


Yeah, I don't think it's really fair to group Hamas with terrorist organizations like ISIS. Hamas was an elected group, and the atrocities committed by the group are similar in scale to those committed by the Israeli government.
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