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Google Stadia hits new sales milestone: 550,000 downloads

Were you expecting Stadia to crash and burn this badly?

  • No, I thought it would be a success and shape the future of the industry.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Google said not long ago Stadia was "on fire" or something to that effect, and it was supposedly meeting their expectations, and would be a major influence on the Industry. Despite these claims no numbers have ever been released directly from Google. Bizarre right?

Well some guys at Pocketgamers "exclusively", or so they say, obtained updated information on Google Stadia. I know what you are probably thinking, maybe it did a couple million or something because of all those ads and Google's social media artificially hyping it up, trying to make you believe that everything is going great, right?

Nope, turns out Stadia has only "sold/Downloaded" 550,000 in total.

So let me break things down so you understand what this new information tells us about the terrifying failure that is Google Stadia.

A user here on Gaf made a thread quite some time ago and has disappeared ever since, I guess because of the lack of good news, who revealed that Google had "sold" 175,000(175k) within the first couple launch weeks.

This new source reveals that in the whole month of November Stadia only sold 383,000(383k). So knowing it's currently at 550k, we can conclude that from December until now, Stadia has only sold 167,000k(167k) which is less than half of what it sold in November!

This places Stadia as one of the worst selling gaming platforms out there, and considering how much money Google uut into this I'm sure that they are regretting this decision immensely. To be fair they probably already wrote-off Stadias budget back in November when it was clear this would fail, as there's no way they are going to make any of that money back.

So in short, if you were one of the 3 or 4 people who were still worried about Stadia, or thought it might change the industry, grab a soda, shift your recliner back, put your legs up, and relax. Nothing is going to happen, it's over. Stadia is now more confirmed than ever to be a joke and a flop.

What's funny is I forgot all about Stadia until I saw the Tequila works thread, who were clearly paid-off, and then I thought "I wonder if that thing even sold", and it turns out it didn't, go figure.

Just throw it in with Google Glass and move on.
Can we stop pretending the laws of physics don't apply to Internet real-time streaming now?

I can't wait to see what magic MS will use to break the laws of physics on their game streaming service! LUL
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Very few, the Destiny 2 community is below 7,000. You can hardly find people for a raid apparently.

That 550k figure can be the same people re-downloading the app.... it counts every download. So it is probably inflated far beyond the user total.

No, it's for downloads that are activated through Google and have access to Stadia games, not just downloads.

People questioned that before, but if it were just downloads, the numbers would be closer to 1 million across IOS/Android devices. Since it's only 550k they aren't counting every download. Unless almost nobody downloaded the app and Googles expensive social media and Ad campaigns completely failed much worse than we ever thought possible.

I will say regardless of whether the 500k are activated or just downloads, it is very doubtful that even a 5th of the 550k are still playing Stadia. Most people probably only played it for a few days or a couple of weeks, then abandoned it.

Metro didn't even have 2,000 users, some guys here above say Destiny has only 8,000 or 7,000 active players.

If I was a betting man I'd say only around 15,000 people of the 550k are actively playing Stadia, and I still feel like I may be a bit too generous with that estimate, and in reality it may not be much more than 10,000.

Bottom-line, as a crashed Google Chrome Browser tab would say: "It's dead Jim" ;)


What a damn train wreck!
I predict a stadia decline until they finally shut it down around the summer.

You are probably the most generous man on this forum.

I would say the latest is end of April, and that's pushing it.

It sold 383,000 in November, the launch month and the start of Googles marketing hype, and only sold 167,000, less than half of that, from December until now in January. Most of that has to be from the beginning of December.

How much could it possibly sell in the whole month January? I don't even think it can reach 50,000 since we are seeing Metro having 2,000 active users, and Destiny having only 7,000 to 8,000 users according to some in this thread, so we may see Sub-10,000 sales as early as February or March. No one is buying this thing.

You think they are going to sell a failed gaming platform selling less than 10,000 or 9,000 a month until June or July? You my friend put way to much faith in Google. The same company that released a controller where one of the buttons won't work without an update.


So in short, if you were one of the 3 or 4 people who were still worried about Stadia, or thought it might change the industry, grab a soda, shift your recliner back, put your legs up, and relax. Nothing is going to happen, it's over.
It's good news, but it's not over. Publishers will keep pushing streaming as a way to enforce more control over content and strip users of more and more of their already barebone consumer's rights.


It’s still too costly to be an alternative option in portable gaming.

Free Web-browser version when? Cuz that’s what it should be...
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Either it crash and burned or Google is really in it for the long haul.

Either way I hope it succeeds because Jade Raymond has been getting the short end of the stick in the video game industry for way too long.

You are probably the most generous man on this forum.

I would say the latest is end of April, and that's pushing it.

It sold 383,000 in November, the launch month and the start of Googles marketing hype, and only sold 167,000, less than half of that, from December until now in January. Most of that has to be from the beginning of December.

How much could it possibly sell in the whole month January? I don't even think it can reach 50,000 since we are seeing Metro having 2,000 active users, and Destiny having only 7,000 to 8,000 users according to some in this thread, so we may see Sub-10,000 sales as early as February or March. No one is buying this thing.

You think they are going to sell a failed gaming platform selling less than 10,000 or 9,000 a month until June or July? You my friend put way to much faith in Google. The same company that released a controller where one of the buttons won't work without an update.

It also doesn't help they artificially locked the eco system behind that joke of a controller if you want to play it from the couch and then limited the devices which is the EXACT opposite of what you should do to sell the "play anywhere" motif.
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It's good news, but it's not over. Publishers will keep pushing streaming as a way to enforce more control over content and strip users of more and more of their already barebone consumer's rights.
Exactly. I feel sorry for the people who worked hard on it, but fuck this Orwellian shit, let it die.
Misleading thread.

This is only for the Phone apps, the majority of Stadia sales are the Chromecast which somes ith ever boxset and every controller bundle. Wake me up when you find sales for Stadia Chromecast consoles.


Misleading thread.

This is only for the Phone apps, the majority of Stadia sales are the Chromecast which somes ith ever boxset and every controller bundle. Wake me up when you find sales for Stadia Chromecast consoles.

Its ok if you want to sleep in longer. We don't mind.

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I'm surprised to see people blaming the company google. 11 votes at 35% now. Seriously, what about google makes you think it would be unsuccessful? Google not a successful venture? Bad track record? It's worth billions. That's a GOOD track record.

I believe it's the streaming and all its shortcomings that make it unsuccessful at the moment


Misleading thread.

This is only for the Phone apps, the majority of Stadia sales are the Chromecast which somes ith ever boxset and every controller bundle. Wake me up when you find sales for Stadia Chromecast consoles.

Excuse me but wasn’t the phone app required for the setup of the chromecast?

Also... didn’t everyone who bought that kit get a “buddy” code to give to someone for
free 3 months of pro access? So up to half of their users have potentially not paid for anything?
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People are in for a big surprise if they think Stadia is going to fail. It won't. I'm also very happy it exists, as I'm sure it lights a fire under Microsoft to further support an aggressive Xbox business.


I'm surprised to see people blaming the company google. 11 votes at 35% now. Seriously, what about google makes you think it would be unsuccessful? Google not a successful venture? Bad track record? It's worth billions. That's a GOOD track record.

I believe it's the streaming and all its shortcomings that make it unsuccessful at the moment

Hows that google glass doing? or one of the multitude of things they release then let die not long after.
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Hold on guys, look at it from this perspective.

It did better than the first 3 months of the CD32 and the Atari Jaguar, maybe the CD-i too but that's disputable.

See? Not all bad.

:messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_fire: :messenger_fire: :messenger_fire: :messenger_fire: :messenger_fire: :messenger_fire:
I think/hope they are playing the long game, they know this was just a paid beta, since there haven't even been any games that used the exclusive features yet, except Breakpoint had one but that game sucked. Also they invested in game studios that will take at least a year or two before they get any good exclusive games from them out.


Hows that google glass doing? or one of the multitude of things they release then let die not long after.

About the same as google+

In their defense, I do like they taking risks and push tech forward. A lot of the stuff they (and others) are doing are cool ideas but the tech aint there yet, but you have to start somewhere.

Stadia on the other hand can go fuck itself. There is no way the tech is ready for an all out streaming system and the latency that comes with it. The way the make you subscribe + buy the games at no real discount is a piss in the face to consumers. Especially when they will scrap it within 2 years.

Im also worried what they will do with gaming, Google isn't a friendly company, they live on ads and using / selling user-data. Im pretty sure their exclusives will take the dark path of cramming them with ads / googles version of lootboxes or some other shit I don't want in my games.


To Google's credit, not every idea they've had has been a failure.

Google Fi is pretty good from what I've heard. I'm planning on switching myself. Really good alternative for someone like me who doesn't use their data much on their phone.
To Google's credit, not every idea they've had has been a failure.

Google Fi is pretty good from what I've heard. I'm planning on switching myself. Really good alternative for someone like me who doesn't use their data much on their phone.

I use Google Fi and it's great. But they are essentially just a billing department for which ever wireless group you're actually using. For me I am 99% on Tmobile.


I am waiting for that free version. I hope Google won't give up soon and i hope they will bring demos to their store. This will be better than watching a video review or gameplay. And if they can manage to build something like gamepass, this will be an alternative platform for me.

John Day

Any more sources on this? And as someone mentioned, what’s the daily usage average?

As much as i personally think it is going to fail, i’d want to see some solid data and not gossip. 😉
Can you name these exclusive features? Is one of them having all the buttons work on your controller?
At GDC when they announced it they talked about these:
Stream Connect, split screen games with each screen using a spererate stadia instance, and being able to pull up live streams of other screen of other players in your party online.
Style Transfer ML, edevelopers can easily make big changes to their art style using machine learning.
State Share, Dylan Cuthbert said you can share a link that goes to a specific state in the game, like at a hard level with one life left and low on ammo, and challenge your friends, he said he was so excited about this he was making a whole game around it.
Crowd Play, people watching your stream on Youtube can click to join into your match instantly.
Google Assistant, you are supposed to be able to ask the controller for help and it will pull up youtube videos of exactly where you are in the game.
At GDC when they announced it they talked about these:
Stream Connect, split screen games with each screen using a spererate stadia instance, and being able to pull up live streams of other screen of other players in your party online.
Style Transfer ML, edevelopers can easily make big changes to their art style using machine learning.
State Share, Dylan Cuthbert said you can share a link that goes to a specific state in the game, like at a hard level with one life left and low on ammo, and challenge your friends, he said he was so excited about this he was making a whole game around it.
Crowd Play, people watching your stream on Youtube can click to join into your match instantly.
Google Assistant, you are supposed to be able to ask the controller for help and it will pull up youtube videos of exactly where you are in the game.

Google Assistant came out.

I don't know if Split screen did, you'll have to ask someone who has Stadia and have them test it out.


Why are they saying downloads instead of sales? They either made a sale or they didn't, the only reason to say downloads instead is if you can download the app without making a purchase.
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The real test will be when the free version hits, but last I heard to play it on a TV you have to have their controller. Would expect that to hurt downloads too. I think Microsoft will leave them in the dust.


Gold Member
Why are they saying downloads instead of sales? They either made a sale or they didn't, the only reason to say downloads instead is if you can download the app without making a purchase.
If I recall correctly the app is free but you need a code from your Stadia to operate the app.


Just to point out the obvious, they haven't SOLD anywhere near 550k Stadia "consoles". A vast majority of downloads are people seeing the Youtube, Browser, or TV ads and downloading the app blindly thinking it's free or just to see what it is. You need only look at the some of the tracked player bases to see the number of paying customers is FAR lower than that. Destiny 2, bundled with every single Stadia sold, peaked at less than 20,000 users at launch and has dropped precipitously since. They quite possibly haven't even surpassed 100k units and all but certainly haven't passed 200k. None of this really matters though, the real litmus test is when the free tier launches and the latest *Insert AAA Game* trailer debuts on Youtube and allows people to play the game instantly for $60.
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Yep. And so Google will have to have exclusives to give people a reason to use Stadia. Why would anyone get Stadia to play another version of Tomb Raider or COD?
So just watch Google buy out some big time studios and developers.
They haven't invested what they have to walk away with the L.
They know its a growth market.

Miyazaki’s Slave

Gold Member
While I have had nothing but good experiences with Stadia so far (yeah yeah...burn me at the stake...) It kinda feels like it did back in the day when I had coax/cable modems.....the performance is awesome during the day when no one is at home but at night when everyone gets one that speed is impacted.

I haven't had any issues with performance on my home or office connections but I wonder if that is because there is just not a lot of folks playing yet?

I understand the vast majority of people do not have 2gb fiber running into their homes but if they did I think they would have a similar impression, it feels to me like I am playing my PS4 on a 1080p tv.
While I have had nothing but good experiences with Stadia so far (yeah yeah...burn me at the stake...) It kinda feels like it did back in the day when I had coax/cable modems.....the performance is awesome during the day when no one is at home but at night when everyone gets one that speed is impacted.

I haven't had any issues with performance on my home or office connections but I wonder if that is because there is just not a lot of folks playing yet?

I understand the vast majority of people do not have 2gb fiber running into their homes but if they did I think they would have a similar impression, it feels to me like I am playing my PS4 on a 1080p tv.
Would you see a reason to keep it once the PS5 comes out?
Misleading thread.

This is only for the Phone apps, the majority of Stadia sales are the Chromecast which somes ith ever boxset and every controller bundle. Wake me up when you find sales for Stadia Chromecast consoles.

So it's even less? Because you have to download the phone app to set it up. So there is no way that they sold more Stadia packages than app downloads.

BTW, I own it, although I only really played around with it the first two weeks. As they change/improve things, I'll mess around with it more.

Miyazaki’s Slave

Gold Member
Would you see a reason to keep it once the PS5 comes out?

Full disclosure I don't use it as my primary gaming platform. I am more in it for the tech and I pick up pretty much everything video game related.

I will keep it just as readily as I keep EA/Origin Access, PSNow, Hulu, Netflix, etc. Google has some fantastic infrastructure built (not just for Stadia....in general) and I do think as their tech stack grows Stadia will be a great gaming on the go service if they can match what I have in my home.

Would I play it as much as I would play the SSP (Steam Streaming Platform) I don't think so, I just have so many more games in my steam library. Some of the Stadia exclusives might be great (who knows....it could happen) and that would keep me engaged (or N-GAGE'D if another analogy needs to exist) with the platform.
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