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Happy 20th birthday Xbox.


Today, 20 years ago, Bill Gates announced Xbox at the GDC. In my opinion one of the best prototype in the history of videogame console.
Tell me your emotions and your opinion. Someone here it was present at the event? If yes, tell me everything <3

A special thanks at Seamus Blackley, Kevin Bachus, Ted Hase, Otto Berkes.

Some specs:

CPU Intel
GPU based on NVIDIA
Massive Online support

History is here.







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Gold Member
I remember reading about it in EGM back in the day and was wanting to see what it was. I really didn’t get excited about the Xbox until SEGA announced their titles for it, especially Panzer Dragoon Orta. What I wanted was another Dreamcast and, for the most part, that’s exactly what we got!
My parents gave an OG Xbox for my birthday even if though I never asked for one since I had a PS2 and GameCube. Got a bunch of good games like Halo CE, Jet Set Radio Futruo, Project Gotham racing 2 and Rayman 3. Bonus, SW and Tetris World's bundle disc. I'm really greatful to experience those games.


Nice! 20 years, wow. I remember playing Halo's campaign for the thousandth time with a fat tv on top of a cardboard box in my wife and I's first apartment. We were so young and she was a beautiful new bride. And now we have a sixteen-year-old! O time, where have you gone.
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I purchased an Xbox after my Atari Jaguar investment turned out to be a foolish one. I haven’t looked back since. The glory days of playing Ghost Recon, Wolfenstein, Burnout, and Halo online were unrivaled.

Happy goddamned birthday, OG XBOX.

Also, this thread needs gifs of Steve Ballmer rampaging around on stage.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Announcement oh, I got confused then cuz it was only the 15 anniversary in Nov 2016
Guess they base it on the launch then.


Xbox Odyssey 2001
November 15, 2001
18 years ago and not 20.

No one gives a wet mega doo doo about prototypes. Didn´t Sony show the PS2 1999?

Yeah, when I saw the thread title I was like wut, 20 years already ? But no, my memory didn't fail me, Xbox was indeed released in late 01 (early 02 where I am).

I mean it's cool and all, like I remember all the buzz surronding this machine that lasted for quite a long time, nearly two years in fact. When Nintendo and Sony released their next machine's specs, Microsoft answered by doubling their own, it was quite funny to watch ! :messenger_grinning_smiling:

But if we go like that, that would mean the Gamecube would be 20 next August, and yeah no, that's not really true, is it.

Nice trip down memory lane tho, great machine :)
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Midtown madness 3, I loved that game.
Some of my best laughable moments was in this game..

Happy birthday xbox
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A few days ago I hacked my OG xbox and put a 2TB hdd in that sumbitch.

Now I've only got 80GBs free on that 2TB drive.

Good stuff.


Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
Damn, cool memories. I wasn't at GDC, but I was at Bill Gates Keynote at CES Las Vegas when the final design for the OG Xbox was shown. At the time I was into MMORPGs plus all the Xbox games looked like "guy" games to me. Never-the-less I spent a lot of time at the MS booth checking it out because I thought it was the coolest thing ever.

I didn't get an Xbox until the 360. Little did I know that one of those "guy" games I was seeing back then at CES was to become my all-time favorite series known as Halo. Happy birthday OG, I've had a helluva lot fun with your younger brothers.


Gold Member
I still remember buying the OG xbox with money I had been saving up since watching the original Halo previews. I had not been that excited for a game since Super Mario 64. Drove my white 1980 something Toyota to the Toys R Us, where I had reserved my console. Brought it home, first layed eyes on the monstrosity of a controller in the Duke. Popped in Halo, set Munch's Oddysee to the side and didn't stop playing until Midnight that night. There was no online then and I had just started college, so I didn't really have a new set of friends yet who lived on campus with me. Imagine my joy when I learned how to do LAN parties in the dorms using their T3 internet. We didn't even have to be in the same room. We had competitions with teams setting up floor by floor in the dorms. Damn those were the good ol days.

Happy Birthday indeed Xbox.


Gold Member
Around 2004......

A bunch of us go to a buddy's place. He brings out his Xbox. We boot it up and it has 100s of Genesis and SNES games on it. WTF?

Bud, load up Contra 3!


Gold Member
Bill Gates trying to look cool, young and trendy for the gamer crowd reminds me a lot of Phil.
Awww come on man, Phil's got some swag. It's not much, but its there. Bill Gates on the other hand...well. He's a fuckin billionaire...he'd buy swag if he cared enough. Hint: He doesn't.
Awesome system! Can't believe 20 years have passed 👴

Some favorites:

- Otogi 1 and 2. My favorite action games on the system.
- Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
- Guilty Gear #Reload
- Burnout 3
- Morrowind
- Jade Empire
- Halo 1 and 2
- Unreal Championship 2
- Dead or Alive 3
- Jet Set Radio Future
- Crazy Taxi 3
- Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath
- Ninja Gaiden
- Battle Engine Aquila


Gold Member
Awesome system! Can't believe 20 years have passed 👴

Some favorites:

- Otogi 1 and 2. My favorite action games on the system.
- Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
- Guilty Gear #Reload
- Burnout 3
- Morrowind
- Jade Empire
- Halo 1 and 2
- Unreal Championship 2
- Dead or Alive 3
- Jet Set Radio Future
- Crazy Taxi 3
- Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath
- Ninja Gaiden
- Battle Engine Aquila

This mufucca just said Otogi. I love you.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Xbox will never be this exciting again. The OG was a great system and was the only Xbox console that felt unique... though I guess that's more a function of the industry changing than anything. Whatever, it was cool.
I bought an OG Xbox strictly for Panzer Dragoon Orta and Jet Set Radio Future. Best 50 bucks i've ever spent, those two fantastic games make the system worth owning.
If they didnt basically give everything away for free in the last 3 yrs OR hang their hats on their "IPs" sales this would be a RIP thread.
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