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Have you ever had a near-death experience?


I don't know if this has been covered before, but even if it has it is good to get an update on everyone here.

So, have you ever had a near-death experience? A time when you thought it was all over?

I have, and I bet many others have too.

I have had 3 near death experiences, one was when I smashed my head on the side of a swimming pool when no-one was around on holiday, and was drowning, but luckily my family could see me from the window bobbing up and down and saved my ass. Another was when I had a knife held against my throat over an ounce of weed and a fucking I Phone 5S, another was when I was basically hit by a car but only suffered major bruising to my leg and side.
Had an esophageal hemorrhage at the end of my drinking career. Was unconscious in an ICU for 2 days, when I woke up doc said I was lucky to be alive.
I didn't even know where I was. I was thrashing so bad when I was under they had to strap me down,, and I still managed to drag out my intubation tube.
If you ever get intubated, don't pull that shit out on your own. it really hurts and it really pisses off the nursing staff.
Yeah 5-6 years ago I drank home made plum brandy(similar if not this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slivovitz ) more than I could handle. A friends grandfather made it and it was very sweet and you could not taste the alcohol at all so me being a fucking retard I kept drinking without even noticing how much I drank until it fucking hit me and I just dropped down on my knees started puking, and I told everyone there that I am fucking dying. I ended up in the hospital. I touch alcohol maybe once or twice a year on special occasions and no more than a small glass since then. My stomach is fucked ever since.
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i helped save a girl from drowning in the deep end (14ft) of the pool. The moment i got to her, she clung to my neck like a fucking monkey. I couldn't actually swim anywhere, all i could do was try and stay afloat until someone else could come and pull her. Afterwards, all i could do was keep myself above water, it took all the focus/energy i had left.

People were just watching me until i got enough energy to say "Help". Apparently i looked normal, so nobody could tell i was struggling. But if i had went under i know for a fact i would have had lungs of water immediately and in hindsight, i'm confident that nobody could have pulled me up. The lifeguard wasn't even paying attention to the incident, but tbh it probably all happened in the course of about 30-40 seconds. Felt like minutes.
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Gold Member
I've had a knife held to my throat like you op. I don't know if I would classify it as a near-death experience in the NDE sense though. No tunnel. :p

But I am fascinated with NDEs though.

Oh, and I just remembered another one. My child was born very late at night, and after everything had settled I went home to get a couple hours of sleep. I got up very early to go be with my wife and kid and it was on a Sunday morning with no traffic on the roads. I was driving on this 4-lane main artery through the city towards downtown and I was in the far right lane. There was a single vehicle in the far opposite lane that I saw in the distance - one of the few vehicles I encountered in that early Sunday morning. As we approached each other this van suddenly started swerving in my direction. (Again - we're the only two vehicles on road now.) It suddenly passed both lanes separating us very quickly and I had to make a decision whether to accelerate forward, brake, or run off the road over the curb to evade. It all happened so fast, and I found myself braking and turning away from the oncoming van towards the curb. This van suddenly slammed on its brakes, screeching its tires, as it was approaching my driver's side door, stopping only inches from me. It would have been pretty certain death, had they not braked because I had already committed to stopping and was sitting there completely vulnerable. After the van came to a halt right in front of my face, I leaned back towards my door and looked up at the driver who simply smiled, backed up and drove on down the road as I lifted my arms in a "what the hell?!?" pose. I think this driver had fallen asleep and only woke up at the last second. I always wonder if I would have survived that collision had the driver not become alert at the last second, and I don't think I would have. I always took that as a wink from the universe about my impending parenthood, asking me, "Are you sure you're ready for this?"
I was the first person on the scene of a fatal motorcycle accident, and came pretty close to biting the dust myself.

It was on a corner near a popular riding spot (Palomar for any SoCal people in here). What happened at the accident was two guys on motorcycles went into the corner too fast, one went wide and hit a pick up truck head on, he died shortly after the paramedics arrived (This shit haunts me). The other guy laid it down with almost zero gear trying to avoid the accident with the first guy.

Anyway, I come around the corner and the truck is still in the lane and there are bike fairing shrapnel all over the entire scene. The guy who crashed to avoid the first guy is laid out in the middle of the road (hes the only guy I could see at that point). I pull off to the side of the road, jump off my bike, take off my helmet...at that moment I hear the unmistakable sound of sliding plastic and metal. I glance up to see ANOTHER motorcycle sliding down the road straight towards me at who knows what speed (judging by the corner, probably 70mph or so). By the time I see it, its too late to do anything at all. As the sliding bike leaves the road, it hits a bump and goes airborne maybe 3 -4 feet off the ground and misses me by, I swear to fucking god, like 6 inches and tumbles down an embankment behind me.

At the time it didnt even register for longer than a split second as I ran over to assist the guy in the road, but later that day I realized that just a few inches difference I would have had a 400+ lbs machine traveling at 70 mph hit me square in the stomach/chest area and tossed me down a rocky embankment without wearing a helmet. So even if the impact of the bike didnt kill me, surely head trauma from hitting something down the embankment would have.

The 2nd close call was traveling around Europe with my grandparents. My grandpa was driving, we were in Normandy and he flipped a U-turn on a two lane road and obviously did not see the box truck in his mirror. We got really goddamn close to being T-boned.....I drove the rest of the trip.
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Yeah I blocked my windpipe with toothpaste. Can’t have been long before I was going to black out that it started to clear a bit and I could get a small amount of air in.
Work in high voltage. Had a bad meter once, felt suspicious. Got another one. 4160 was still live lol.

Got stuck by 220, fell off a ladder.
It's not the electricity that fucked me, I fell off of a distribution pole.
I forgot to short the wires and ground my place of work, and I got shocked.
The shock isn't really anything serious cuz it's a low voltage line, but I did end up falling off the pole.
Lots of broken bones and splinters, my friend. They kept me in the hospital for 2 days and then released me.
I was off work for almost a whole year. And it's because of my stupidity. If I followed the correct procedure, none of this would've happened.
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When I was a kid I was in the hospital for about a week with salmonella. The days before I got sent to the hospital were really bad, I was hallucinating non-stop. My mom said I my shit was like jello. And then the abdominal pains while I was in the hospital were something else.

Probably not near death, and just kidney stones, but two times in the last 5 years, I suddenly was struck with the worst pain imaginable in my lower back area. Just remember writhing on the floor naked, puking from the pain. It's been a few years since the last time so probably due for another soon.
Was at a bonfire with some friends in one of their backyards, and we were drinking and being stupid. It was a big backyard with lots of trees and leaves, so we had our own logs and tinder.

One of my friends was running around while drunk and stumbled onto the ground. Less than probably an inch away from his face was one of the axes we used earlier, face up. We were too drunk to be mortified at what could've happened, and we just laughed about it. Ever since sobering up, we'll occasionally tell that friend "remember that time you almost died?"


I fell off a apple tree head first when I was a kid , I was up at least 15-20 feet up but one of the branches broke and fell backwards right on the top of my head.
I was temporarily stunned/knocked out ( not unconscious but enough to blackout and not able to see nothing but darkness ) unable to move for about 10 seconds thinking I was paralyzed or maybe even dead but eventually started to regain my senses.
Scariest part was I was by myself just screwing around doing stupid kid shit, I never told anyone because I was really embarrassed trying to get a stupid apple.
I felt perfectly fine the next day with no soreness or anything just a bruised elbow when I hit the ground.
I wouldn‘t exactly call it a NDE and didn’t see my life flash before my eyes but looking back I was lucky it didn‘t have a worse ending.
Yeah I was back climbing that same tree a couple of days later.


Gold Member
Like a year & a half ago or 2 years ago during the week of my birthday i was like between 120 to 130 pounds (I'm 5'9" and was like 165 lbs the year before) i was on weird as$ low calorie/ low protein diet where I like never ate any sodium & no animal products & ate pounds of veggies & kept burning muscle for fuel and one time in the library i felt like something really bad was about to happen like my brain started feeling super weird and I felt like I was going to collapse or something & then natural instinct took over and I drove straight to the grocery store, bought a jar of peanut butter and a loaf a bread & bag of salad with tomatoes and ate like the whole thing right outside i think i had like 10 PB sandwiches and then went to sleep like a few hours later and then ate the same thing again the next day. would end up studying nutrition like crazy. i'm like in the 180s now so itz all good.

one time in the 7th grade i tried jumping over a tennis net and landed on like the back of my head and got knocked out. i think maybe i could've had a concussion. I ended up having a huge as$ bump for awhile.

like when i was 3 or 4 years old i was climbing on a dresser to get some toys that were in the top drawer and a small tv that was on it fell on my head. i think i got knocked out from that too. i then remember waking up and being carried to the hospital and hair was being taken out of my head with blood on it. that is my first memory and one of the only memories I had when my family lived in a apartment.

3 or 4 years ago i was driving too fast on a curve and lost control and got in a car crash with a truck driving the opposite lane and the front of my car got absolutely flattened and crushed. i hit the back of the truck and then like another incoming truck ended up hitting my car spinning my car and drove away. i remember knowing I was about to fukking crash the truck and ended up taking in a big breath, closing my eyes and bracing myself to try and protect my spine. fortunately no one got hurt tho and I was fine physically and went to work like 2 hours later, but I was definitely super shook mentally and became hella more careful driving and not driving too fast anymore. had to thank Jesus for that one.
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Nicked an Artery in my Leg at school when playing sports (someone kicked a stone at me and it somehow sliced through the skin above my ankle) Didn't really think anything of it initially as I had black socks on at the time, however it hurt like hell to I limped over to the Sports Teacher. He pulled my sodden sock down to see and


Blood was just pumping out about 10 ft

Anyway, he had his wits about him held me upside down by my ankle applying pressure and rallied a few kids to help quickly carry me to the medical room, and get me seen to. As it was right next to the Staffroom I kept have teachers wandering in with their tea to see what all the commotion was about the rubbernecking bastards. Pretty scary at the time. I ended up having a week off school till, the doctors were happy that everything was healed fully. Because this was right around Exam time I ended up having to sit all my exams solo one after the other. On the positives as I was bed bound I had nothing better to do than revise so I did quite well in them. Silver linings and all. My only regret is I was a bit too young to fully comprehend how easily I could have just bled out and been one of these sad unfortunate school fatalities that happen once in a blue moon that people remember at reunions ('Hey remember that kid who died on the sports field when we were in Mr Feildings Class?'). so I can't even remember the name of the teacher who saved me now. 🤔
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