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Hogwarts Legacy: Developer Confirms There Are No Current Plans for DLC


Gold Member

Hogwarts Legacy developer Avalanche Software has revealed to IGN that the studio has no current plans to release additional content for their Wizarding World RPG.

Speaking during IGN Fan Fest, Hogwarts Legacy game director Alan Tew explained that the team was so busy preparing the game for its launch last week that it hasn’t yet planned on releasing any expansions.

“We’ve been really heads down bringing [Hogwarts Legacy] to life,” said Tew, “so at the moment there are no current plans for DLC.” That’s not to say Avalanche Software won’t be supporting the game post-launch, of course, as it has already released a patch for the game that includes several performance improvements and other updates.

Hogwarts Legacy has also already received somewhat of an additional mission thanks to the PlayStation exclusive quest that takes place in Hogsmeade.

Fans will just have to wait and see if Avalanche Software announces any proper extras, but given Tew’s comments, it doesn’t look likely.
They have to. They'd be stupid not to. We need DLC/expansion AND a sequel. It would be criminal to not release more content for this game or do a sequel.

Its cool, I mean the game launch very recently.
Give it time to explore and enjoy the game. And with that they will have more than enought time to think about ideas for DLCs.
Usually DLC/expansions are worked on before the launch of a game. Sure they could still do DLC but if they haven't got plans NOW then either they won't do it at all or we shouldn't expect anything to release for a long while. At best I think we can expect some small DLC like new clothes/brooms/spells, or a side quest. It takes a long time to do story content that requires new animations/voice lines etc. Unfortuantly i don't think we'll be getting any big DLC for the game.
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Honestly this game is perfect to add additional story's/content too and would be a massive missed opportunity to do so.


There will very likely be DLC greenlit now that the game is a proven success, it will fill the gap between now and Hogwarts Legacy 2.


There will very likely be DLC greenlit now that the game is a proven success, it will fill the gap between now and Hogwarts Legacy 2.
Hopefully. I think no DLC was planned because of the controversy surrounding the game and they weren't sure it would be worth it. Now, though, they're just leaving money on the table if they don't.


As much as I want plenty of additional content, after finishing this amazing game I also see some limitations to adding more to it.

A massive part of what makes this game so good, is Hogwarts itself. We have spent hours exploring that now, so it could be difficult to find interesting reasons to make us revisit it.

I would definitely like them to add a new school year expansion, as I loved the game from start to finish, and add new missions and a location or two (ministry of magic maybe), a sequel could be tricky though unless they find a way to make changes to Hogwarts somehow. That would be hard to do though unless maybe they did a prequel to this involving how Hogwarts was built or something?

The room of requirement/vivariums could also be fleshed out a lot more.

I hope they find a way though, the game is astounding


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Game is pretty much perfect and I don't think it needs DLC. I would not be opposed to a expansion that delves more into the ancient magic stuff in say a new expansive zone or wait a couple years and they give you new story quests and sidequests for a plausible sixth year of Hogwarts. But as is the game is a complete package and I see very little reason to add more.

But if they do add more I won't say no.


Gold Member
What’s this? A bug-free, feature-complete videogame that released to critical acclaim from critics and fans alike, with zero DLC or microtransactions planned?

I feel like I’m taking crazy pills.

Hogwarts Legacy, the stuff of fantasy, indeed.
To be fair it does have some bugs, even quests that can’t be completed, but for the most part it is a pretty polished released by today’s standards.

I’m happy they have no plans for DLC, normally by now there would already be DLC ready that was cut away from the game. It doesn’t need it.
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Am sure there is a menu that says additional content for DLC somewhere. Remember seeing Ian’s thinking oh that’s where the DLC will go


Not even in their wildest dreams could they have thought it would sell this well so fast.

Maybe after a break they'll jump back in.
I like that developers care about their games it's like a tree in the spring. Gamers making games for gamers that's the source.


This blows my mind. One of the few games, that while playing it, I want to know what other content is coming for it. I feel like it’s a world they can keep adding to.
Honestly huge missed opportunity….

I think this would have made an insanely profitable game as a service title.


Honestly huge missed opportunity….

I think this would have made an insanely profitable game as a service title.

When GAAS is done right it can be a great model and I think you're right, it would suit this to a tee!

Once the suits get involved after sales figures are in I'm sure this won't be the last release we see regarding this game.

New Mombasa

Neo Member
A Quidditch multiplayer DLC would be so awesome. I hope soon they start to work on Hogwarts Legacy 2 as well. A sequel with better story telling and more spells.
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Gold Member
Honestly huge missed opportunity….

I think this would have made an insanely profitable game as a service title.
I really doubt that if this was a game as a service title it would be as good as it is because it wouldn’t have a focused vision from start to finish.


It's too early for that.

Let them prepare and release the rest of the console versions, and patch the existing ones for bugs and performance issues.

And since the game is selling well, maybe before considering a payable DLC, they could offer some free fun addons /bonus stuff :)
I’m calling bullshit.

The first thing you are basically told in the great hall is that quidditch won’t be happening in the game - so that’ll be coming.

There are also some very convenient gaps in that overworld map.


They would be really stupid for not including quidditch and multiplayer in some form in the future

Read the room, Avalanche/WB. You game is selling way more than Elden Ring.

Surf this wave, stupid
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Apparently the Chamber of Secrets was originally in the game before they cut it, so wouldn't be surprised to see that come out.

Quidditch is also an obvious choice, but it's such a poorly designed sport I don't know how they'd make it fun.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
They would be really stupid for not including quidditch and multiplayer in some form in the future

Read the room, Avalanche/WB. You game is selling way more than Elden Ring.

Surf this wave, stupid

They'll need to make the flying controls easier and accessible to do that tho, the game's flying controls as they are ... kinda suck.


Magic wording being "current plans". They're still working on the PS4, XB1 and Switch versions of the game that aren't due for a couple more months or more.

Let's wait and see what happens after those drop.

hemo memo

Gold Member
I hope the game sells big on Switch. Imagine being nominated for the game of the year and the mentally ill try to cancel Geoff
My hopes is that they make sequels, like 50 years later (1940s), 100 years later (1990s), and also either make it coop or make it party-based. Harry Potter was as much about Harry, as it was about Ron and Hermione. Hogwarts feels somewhat lonely.


Dissapointed . Sometime I wish I can play a different version of this game with gameplay like Harvest Moon or Stardew Valley .
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devs release a complete full featured game without a million microtransactions and gamers complain that they're not releasing more. i doubt the people complaining have even finished the game.

they have said previously that quiddich would be such a big task it would basically be its own game. Also Quddich as a sport is kind of stupid anyways.


I don't blame them. With everything going on with the JK Rowling shit I always got the feeling that WB were holding their breath throughout the whole of the launch cycle. Its just not worth investing a lot of money into a franchise that has the possibility of increased volatility in the future. I also don't think there'll be a sequel.
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