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Honestly F#@* E3!!

Do you believe that E3 has become bad?

  • Yes

    Votes: 65 38.9%
  • No

    Votes: 74 44.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 28 16.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Shit has been dying a slow death ever since booth babes offended people.

Leaks became bigger than the show and then CGI trailers became the rage.
And then Sony with epic flute guy and XBOX with world premiere exclusive TV TV TV.

It's not that I dont want E3. But that I don't want the current mess.

Who agrees?
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Rage Bait Youtuber
And then Sony with epic flute guy and XBOX with world premiere exclusive TV TV TV.



RSI Employee of the Year
Shit has been dying a slow death ever since booth babes offended people.

Leaks became bigger than the show and then CGI trailers became the rage.
And then Sony with epic flute guy and XBOX with world premiere exclusive TV TV TV.

It's not that I dont want E3. But that I dont want the current mess.

Who agrees?

I don't., There are still going to be plenty of great games at E3, and I think this whole "skipping E3" cool kids trend among media and some industry is mixed with a lot of petty spitefulness and politics. Sad to see some falling for it.

Me, can't care the less about that crap. I'm here for the games, and there's going to be more than enough for the show to be very enjoyable.
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Shit has been dying a slow death ever since booth babes offended people.

Leaks became bigger than the show and then CGI trailers became the rage.
And then Sony with epic flute guy and XBOX with world premiere exclusive TV TV TV.

It's not that I dont want E3. But that I dont want the current mess.

Who agrees?

I think it’s still needed, call me a traditionalist if you want.



Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Only after Sony and Geoff say fuck E3 some ppl suddenly realize it's so true and good, when Nintendo dared to not have an E3 live event it was omfg lol what a ninfail they already lost etc. etc. etc. :messenger_grinning_sweat:

Edit: and no, it hasn't been 10 years since that incident and no, E3 hasn't really changed since, again, it only takes Sony doing it and copying their Direct style announcements for some of you to realize.
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Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'
Wow... Yeah fuck e3, and fuck other stuff that’s good fun that people enjoy. Anything else Sony pull out of that we should boycott?

Come on man get a grip, E3 is bloody good fun. Just do what we do every year, get a few pizzas in, some beers, and just have a laugh.
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What is it about E3 that people dislike? I am genuinely curious. I love getting a smorgasbord of game announcements, even if I will likely only play a minuscule fraction of them. The energy and hype are fun and refreshing to me.

In comparison, everyone seems to bloviate endlessly about the Game Awards, and I cannot care less about them. I don't care what or who wins what award, as I never agree anyways and have rarely played most of them.


E3 period is cool with all the news and new game announcements but the conferences themselves are really bad right now. Mostly CGI or in engine trailers and lots and lots of useless talking.
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lol the responses E3 has been tragic from 2012 on.... I liked it more going back each year the last 2 years where a joke so rather kill it then.


Shit has been dying a slow death ever since booth babes offended people.

Leaks became bigger than the show and then CGI trailers became the rage.
And then Sony with epic flute guy and XBOX with world premiere exclusive TV TV TV.

It's not that I dont want E3. But that I dont want the current mess.

Who agrees?

E3 has always been more about the cringy presenters for me, the more scripted the presentations got the less entertaining they were.
Only presentation I still watch live is Microsoft because they show the most games, so there's less room for boring PR talk like in EA or Ubi conferences.


Gold Member
Shit has been dying a slow death ever since booth babes offended people.

Leaks became bigger than the show and then CGI trailers became the rage.
And then Sony with epic flute guy and XBOX with world premiere exclusive TV TV TV.

It's not that I dont want E3. But that I dont want the current mess.

Who agrees?

You seem so....maaaaaad.

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Only after Sony and Geoff say fuck E3 some ppl suddenly realize it's so true and good, when Nintendo dared to not have an E3 live event it was omfg lol what a ninfail they already lost etc. etc. etc. :messenger_grinning_sweat:

Big Nintendo fan here. Honestly? I’m feeling the same way recently.

Having to put aside multiple hours halfway through every year to get the soul sucked out of you by CG trailers, fake execs talking to you like you’re a toddler, and just an overall unexciting blockbuster game landscape, has really worn on me, with a breaking point approaching.

It’s the same with The Game Awards.

I feel like I’m better off just checking Gaf after, to see if anything cool happened.


E3 has only ever been good for the announcements and the cringe. Since game announcements all feel like they deserve their own special party now, and are much less numerous and frequent outside of Indies, there's not really a need for E3.

I personally hate it though, E3 was like the gaming "superbowl" in terms for hype and excitement, and there hasn't been anything that's stepped up to replace it. Some of my best memories with gaming are based around the lead up to E3, the let downs, the surprises, and the comedy.
There's an 11 year old kid right now getting hyped as fuck about E3 and new announcements and then there are all the old ass Boomers that are bitching and moaning that E3 isn't what it used to be while forgetting that E3 has almost ALWAYS been a mediocre event. Just because it's mediocre doesn't mean it can't be fun either. Then there's the rest of us who will go to work and catch all the good bits from the show when they get home. I like E3 about as much as I did 25 years ago. Will probably enjoy it about the same 25 years from now.
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Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Not a fan of crowds and lines. So I much prefer Nintendo's method of just showing me the games and how they play and not a bunch of goofus doofus's running their mouths which just leads to putting me to sleep.

Also cinematic teaser trailers tend to annoy me and that's mostly what's shown and seems like a waste of time.

If they just sent me a list of games and release dates I'd be fine with just that.


E3 has become the epitome of lowest common denominator bullshit. Whenever i watch segments of it (because i can't stand watching it otherwise) the only question that hovers in my head is "who is this for"? It's definitely not for gamers. If you are a gamer and know two things about them i don't see how this can't make you cringe.

Also, game trailers suck. Trailers suck in general. I don't know why people still watch them. It's the same direction, the same style, the same music, the same thing over and over again. Not to mention most of them don't even represent how the games look or play.



When these where no longer to be seen at E3 that's when it lost momentum

2009 was a time i fondly remember




It was better and this has made it bitter for me. If we can have the old E3 i would gladly say keep it but the writing has been on the wall a while now its coming to an end.


I like E3, it always makes me all tingly inside .Then again I’m a sucker for all gaming related events.
Sure it’s not what it used to be but what is? I still get a kick out of it good or bad.


Bruh...Chill. Don't like it? Simple solution...
Don't watch it?
Only after Sony and Geoff say fuck E3 some ppl suddenly realize it's so true and good, when Nintendo dared to not have an E3 live event it was omfg lol what a ninfail they already lost etc. etc. etc. :messenger_grinning_sweat:

only after it has been going downhill for 10 straight years..... and 2020 is going to be worse without Sony and Geoff? is it not?


E3 is a waste with the high adoption of the internet. Any company can announce anything at anytime and within seconds billions of people have access to to that info and within minutes it will be on gaming sites allover. E3 has no purpose with instant information. It's still from a bygone era of when people relied on printed gaming news mainly and the archaic internet where videos weren't common and people needed someone to interrupt things for them.

The only game shows that are around now and worth a damn is like pax and such because they are for the gamers. They are meant to be a customer based experience. But e3 is for the industry.

Why do we need e3 to announce stuff when any company at any time can announce anything they want? That's all it is, announcements.

Sony and nintendo do their own thing and I'd much rather see that.


Gold Member
I honestly don't care how games get their press. They're for sale whenever they're for sale, and information is out whenever it's out. I don't care about a particular venue.


I love E3. I love the hype, the cringe and the cheese. Yeah it’s not as good as it once was but it’s still a special time. I don’t think it’s dead. It has had bad times before and recovered. This is just another low.

Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
E3 is a waste with the high adoption of the internet. Any company can announce anything at anytime and within seconds billions of people have access to to that info and within minutes it will be on gaming sites allover. E3 has no purpose with instant information. It's still from a bygone era of when people relied on printed gaming news mainly and the archaic internet where videos weren't common and people needed someone to interrupt things for them.

The only game shows that are around now and worth a damn is like pax and such because they are for the gamers. They are meant to be a customer based experience. But e3 is for the industry.

Why do we need e3 to announce stuff when any company at any time can announce anything they want? That's all it is, announcements.

Sony and nintendo do their own thing and I'd much rather see that.
Then go watch it online and nevermind E3. Clearly it aint for you broski! No reason for those of us who still look forward to E3. It's like Christmas for gamers! Some of you mofos are so jaded and miserable it's fucking embarrasing. Go grow a tree or sum shit. Get happy!

Not you personally but the other miserable bastards infecting the thread.


Thread title is a bit much. That said, I don't see it lasting much longer. When the console sales leader says you are not important, the writing is on the wall.


I love E3. I love the hype, the cringe and the cheese. Yeah it’s not as good as it once was but it’s still a special time. I don’t think it’s dead. It has had bad times before and recovered. This is just another low.
Can it recover is what i'm too wandering I want it to be the specticle it used to be.


Gold Member
I love E3. I love the presentations, the cringe, but shortly after the intial shows I tune out. This is how I've always watched E3. I turn to the forums like this one for people to report the additional tidbits. Still I wouldn't trade anything for Sony and Microsoft conferences. Nintendo Direct is ok...but maybe it's because I expect less or at least different from them as a company so it doesn't bother me that they haven't had a showing in years. Sony's shows for the past 2 to 3 years have been disasters. From Cirque du Soleil 45-minute presentation to american flute master in traditional japanese garb, to the switching of locations mid-presentation while the talking heads hype up (see stall for time) To the no show in 2019 and now 2020. I mean hell...Microsoft may have not had the block buster games, but they kept to a formula that didn't go too far outside the lines.

I want 2013 E3 back. I know it sucked for Microsoft, but both companies were in it to win it. Here we are now on the cusp of a new generation and the show that used to matter most has been destroyed due mainly to Sony disengagement.
People need their hype, it's an addiction.
I never gave a damn about E3 to be honest, but then again i didn't know what E3 Was before 2004 and didn't watch/read/follow anything about it until maybe 2013-14.


I don't., There are still going to be plenty of great games at E3, and I think this whole "skipping E3" cool kids trend among media and some industry is mixed with a lot of petty spitefulness and politics. Sad to see some falling for it.

Me, can't care the less about that crap. I'm here for the games, and there's going to be more than enough for the show to be very enjoyable.
Yeah fuck them. They wanna stick to half assed episodes and ditch the excitement of conferences and the whole of E3

Fuck them


Tell Sony to stop being scurred lil bitches and show some balls!

Otherwise, I look forward to the Xbos spread every year! Always a good time! So many games! Very little chatter..

I dunno about scarred they are fairly in front at the moment imo. But they need to comeback and anounce shit that comes out soon not in 3-5 years so if the stay out a couple more years and get their launches aligned maybe we can get E3 to be better.
I don't., There are still going to be plenty of great games at E3, and I think this whole "skipping E3" cool kids trend among media and some industry is mixed with a lot of petty spitefulness and politics. Sad to see some falling for it.

Me, can't care the less about that crap. I'm here for the games, and there's going to be more than enough for the show to be very enjoyable.
You must have been living under a rock because this didn't just happen overnight. E3 has been in decline for years run by an organisation that has had issues. Half of the executives either quit the ESA or got fired and they've been having issues replacing those people. Then you have the major data breach that happened to add ontop of this pile of shit they're currently sitting with and it shows an organisation that has lost its way since its inception in 1995. What used to be about games front and centre will now become a show consisting of celebrities and influencers. That is cringeworthy in of itself and there have to be good reasons for Nintendo, Sony and now Geoff Keighly to leave the show.
That is a big blow to E3 to lose Nintendo and now Sony too. This is going to hit the viewership of the show real hard.


10 years of decline bros 10 years!! And no I do want E3to end but it should be fuckn awesome again god I used to stay up all night and watch every fricken conference and video then slowly it eroded to the joke it has become see how many cringe compilations there are nowdays after E3. There is more content for fail than win and that defines the current E3.

Gaming is huge part of my life and when something like this is turning to shite we need to chuck it out start over.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Never followed E3 much anyways, if there was a Direct-like condensed showcase video then I'd watch it otherwise just get the actual game trailers as they cropped up online.
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Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
I dunno about scarred they are fairly in front at the moment imo. But they need to comeback and anounce shit that comes out soon not in 3-5 years so if the stay out a couple more years and get their launches aligned maybe we can get E3 to be better.
At the moment they arent quiet in front due to them being super quiet on the news front regarding their new system. They've skipped two E3 events in a row. If this was Microsoft, everyone would be saying the same thing, "Microsoft ain't confident in their product". Sonys absence doesn't inspire confidence in the least.


All Marxist enthusiast press can go on welfare and sell their possessions for all I care. They went to war with and killed their last reason for anyone to pay any attention to what they had to say.

Companies can bypass them completely and speak directly to the customer from now on. (They’ve been doing it anyway, but we’re 100% there now)

I’ll miss E3 for what it was. Games urinalists and their embedded diversity-hire comrades have been trying to destroy the E3 cultural phenomenon for a long time now. Congrats. You got your wish. Now you’re totally irrelevant.
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