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Hours after Trump signs Muslim ban, Texas mosque goes up in flames

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A Texas mosque was set on fire just hours after Trump signed an executive order restricting migration from Muslim-majority countries.
The Islamic Center of Victoria was set on fire around 2 a.m. on Saturday, according to local reports.
Victoria Fire Marshal Tom Legler told the Victoria Advocate he had no theories about the cause of the fire, but he is seeking assistance from state and federal fire investigators.
”It's a house of worship," Shahid Hashmi, the president of the center, told the Victoria Advocate, as he watched the center burning. Hashmi also said he will not speculate about the cause of the fire, but mentioned the center was burglarized last week.



Yeah, batten down the fucking hatches.

I feel for the muslims living in the US, I really do. If you ever had plans to go somewhere else, this might be a good time to do so.
Good luck America Muslims. It's a headache being a Muslim in the uk but at least the government and the average person isn't against me. I'm expecting post 9 11 responses to Muslims now which is going to include sikhs because trump supporters need to hate anything that looks Muslim.

Won't be surprised when American Muslims just give up because 4 years of trump won't be easy.


*sigh*. :(

Are you happy and feel safe Trump supporters? What does all this accomplish Trump supporters? Do you like to antagonize everyone who does not look like you?

Do you remember USA was made up of melting pot of many different ethnicities and religions. I am sorry, but this is truly sad. :(


Most Trump supporters will denounce this. They wont see how the President's actions is allowing this to happen.

Any Trump supporter denouncing this is full of shit and everyone on the planet knows it by now. We know where their priorities lie. They don't even fucking care about disabled people.


This and all recent events read exactly like the playbook of 1930s Germany.

Yeah I was kinda thinking along the line of "If this continues America will soon have its very own progrom."

Come on Americans, put up a fight against what is happening to your country.
I'm not even so sure about that...

Yeah, even if they find whoever did it and that person says, "Yep I did it because Trump's clearly on my side, his policies speak directly to my cold dead racist heart," you'd still have people who refuse to see exactly how said policies are further dividing people and emboldening assholes to act on their violent impulses. At best I expect lots of false flag cries.


It's not like it's really anything new in the US though...

This is true. And America ever solved it's issues. Just put them under another banner.

Lynching people at picnics, rounding folks up, bombing neighborhoods, is as American as American pie.

But that's why it has to be stopped now. As the writing and the history is on the wall.

That's why it was important to not throw your vote away this election. But ignorant people didn't realize this. The closer it gets to them, maybe they'll be okay with some blocked traffic.
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