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I play PS4 with my Vita instead of a DualShock4…. and I love it

….and I think the DualShock4 is…. a bit overrated :/

*dons flamesuit*


So just got done with a session of this (yes i'm just posting a pic just because the game is that amazing looking) exclusively with my Vita instead of my DualShock4.

Basically I'm one of those crazy-weirdo-oppositeday-kinda guys who plays his Vita A LOT AND find it's form factor to be like immaculate. That's right, I don't need an add-on grip, I don't get hand-cramps, I can manipulate the analogs without hassle. I can hold that motherfucker (A OLED one mind you) for hours on end with only needing to take periodic breaks due to the edges of the front digging into my hands, which I guess the PSV-2000 sorts mitigates anyway

How does this relate to the DualShock4?

Well here comes the scandalous part…. I'm (and I very much know i'm in the minority on this one) someone who actually doesn't think the controller is the second coming of Christ. It's…. a fairly solid controller to hold to be sure, but it's a controller that I never stop thinking about when I'm using it. Why? Because I'm continuously distracted by the following:

- Despite what most think, I actually strongly dislike added resistance in the analog sticks nor do I care for them being moved to concave instead of convex. I don't need the stick pushing back against my thumb so I can supposedly be more accurate/have "more control." If anything, it trips me up and eventually fatigues said thumb (i'm a girly man, I know). So yeah, imagine my utter fucking amazement when I discovered that the XboxOne controller actually is designed with this in mind…. that's right, it went in the opposite direction of the 360 controller (which I wasn't crazy about) by having the resistance levels of the DS3 IE: basically none.
Now one can feather the sticks instead of wrestling with them…. so yeah, it's too bad I won't be getting an XBO anytime soon as I love that controller! …fucking nuts I tell yeah!

- The ergonomics have this half-in/half-out aesthetic where the controller wants to retain it's Playstation heritage, while also obviously going after the 360's market with the triggers, the concave sticks, the added resistance, etc.
…and it doesn't really work for me (and the 360/XBO pad just has flat out better ergonomics anyway) because now my hands can't really grip the fucker like a 360 pad, nor can they cradle it like a DS3. Once again, i'm constantly thinking of using my controller instead of just letting it disappear into my hands.

With that, I feel ever more looney because the masses have spoken and this is to be considered the true heir of the definitive console controller…. and I just don't feel that way.

So back to the Vita. While I playing Tomb Raider, I remembered that basically, hey, I can Wii U this shit (like, play with the Vita as the controller but still utilized my TV as the main screen, not remote play)… and wouldn't you know it, it worked like a charm!
My hands melted back into the configuration that my portable gaming lifestyle has become accustomed to, but on top of that, I lost none of the gaming response.
What I gained?

+ Convex sticks with little to no resistance
+ ergonomics that, at this point in my life, make sense to my hands
+ retainment of all the touch based functionality that's on the DS4
+ Developers who were smart and mapped L2/R2/L3/R3 to the front face, not rear

It's… damn strange I know, but I can't help but feel at total ease with the arrangement as well be smitten with Sony for building this feature into the console that I know most won't give a shit about.
Will I keep playing like this? Maybe…. Who knows, maybe I'll eventually get used to the DualShock4, but as of right now, I've beaten 3 games and have had my hands on the pad since it hit the streets early, and I'm still struggling to live in harmony with it.
It's nuts because I had a very similar dynamic with the 360 controller for years when I owned an Xbox.

Once again, please go easy on me and remember this is a forum were cats should be able to express themselves (^____^)


I've spent a majority of my time on vita for AC4. Love the ability to sail the seas while watching TV. But as far as controls, I do not prefer it over the DS4. DS4 still has better shoulder buttons and analog sticks to me. Trying to aim using the vita sticks in not ideal at all. It has this weird almost clicky movement, and the resistance is off to me. But this is only apparent in games with shooting mechanics. And grips for life.


Neo Member
Post hand pics?

Seriously though, its cool to see someone take advantage of a feature like that. If it works well for you, more power to you!


war of titties grampa
It's good with assassins creed and some other games. It's so damn hard for NBA and FIFA (unless you play 2 button on FIFA)

Not too practical IMO but whatever floats your boat!
I've spent a majority of my time on vita for AC4. Love the ability to sail the seas while watching TV. But as far as controls, I do not prefer it over the DS4. DS4 still has better shoulder buttons and analog sticks to me. Trying to aim using the vita sticks in not ideal at all. It has this weird almost clicky movement, and the resistance is off to me. But this is only apparent in games with shooting mechanics. And grips for life.

The aiming in TR is super responsive and solid and it translates damn well to the Vita's analogs…. if you have the patience for them I suppose.


Do you play with a grip? Recommend some for the sake of your hands if you prefer vita over ds4. Edit: oops miss that bit, nvm.


I may give it a try down the road should I feel like double dipping on TR. Playing Golden Abyss was a bit of a struggle to get headshots without some heavy concentration, and it seemed the only good way was to use in conjunction with gyro aiming but that is too weird for me to fully be comfortable with.
I may give it a try down the road should I feel like double dipping on TR. Playing Golden Abyss was a bit of a struggle to get headshots without some heavy concentration, and it seemed the only good way was to use in conjunction with gyro aiming but that is too weird for me to fully be comfortable with.

That's because Golden Abyss launched with shit aiming which they patched when no one cared anymore. So yeah, Gyro aiming was a necessity.
Vita's analogs are capable of great range and response.


Super Stardust Delta
Stranger's Wrath
Killzone Mercenary.


Yeah I don't know man I still prefer buttons over touchpad. Also at times the PDP grips pop off the Vita.
I just don't see the appeal of this at all. I already spend too much time hunched over my phone. When I'm at home I just want to kick it in front of a big screen.
Don't you mean 'to don' (a flamesuit)?

Bought both a vita and a ps4. For now I'm playing way more stuff on the vita. Probably has to do with the bite sized stuff I'm able to put in stand-by *snaps fingers* like that.

Looking forward to playing stuff like Diablo 3 on my vita via the ps4 though.

(/edit: I did buy a Hori grip for the vita, cause my hands cramped up just a bit without it)
but I don't hunch over…

I play it like a Wii U pad with me paying attention to my 55inch TV, not the Vita itself :)

OK this makes a little more sense. Still from what little bit I've played with a Vita it was uncomfortable to hold and the buttons too tiny, whereas the DS4 is pretty, pretty good. Different strokes I guess.
This is a feature Sony HAS to drive into consumers minds. I foresee a vita/ps4 bundle competing with xb1 and WiiU. It's just too good. In fact, this, for me, is a case for an all digital library. With that said, I have one question if someone won't mind answering: Can I remote to my PS4 from any WiFi network?

I've gone pretty much all digital on my Vita. I want to do the same on PS4 but I just like having a physical collection too much :/


I like the controls on the Vita (no grip needed), but they don't come even close to the DS4 or even DS3 in terms of comfort for me. :(


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
I love using my as a second FIFA controller. And yes, I agree with you. Killzone is a bit icky because I feel like it was made for the DS4's specific analog range, and War Thunder is icky too. But everything else is awesome when playing with Vita. If the Vita Slim works out well and I get one I may pick and choose certain games to play exclusivly with my Vita. Not to mention that you can Suspend a Vita game and do Remote Play at the same time. And you can have a video application running on the PS4 and Suspend a game on it too. I can instantly switch between any 2 games and a video app. It feels good man.


bish gets all the credit :)
….and I think the DualShock4 is…. a bit overrated :/

*dons flamesuit*
- The ergonomics have this half-in/half-out aesthetic where the controller wants to retain it's Playstation heritage, while also obviously going after the 360's market with the triggers, the concave sticks, the added resistance, etc.
…and it doesn't really work for me (and the 360/XBO pad just has flat out better ergonomics anyway) because now my hands can't really grip the fucker like a 360 pad, nor can they cradle it like a DS3. Once again, i'm constantly thinking of using my controller instead of just letting it disappear into my hands..

I feel the exact same way. My hands just may be too big for the thing.


I don't understand you OP. I'm doing the exact opposite when i remote play in my living room (wife watching tv).

I set up a whole system to be able to use my DS4 on my Vita for PS4 games...


Unconfirmed Member
Shooter games are still a pain in the ass even with a vita grip. Takes ages to aim properly (I'm a beast with a controller :3). So I'm waiting for games like The Witcher


I chop and change a lot. Love the flexibility of the whole setup, it's a killer feature for me. I'm looking forward to playing Tomb Raider over remote play particularly, that shit must look nuts.


Don't you worry OP. I tried the PS4 controller on my PC and didn't like it very much. I was surprised by how tiny the analog sticks are, how much resistance they have and that the controller seems to be so fucking wide. I went back to 360 controller. Maybe I just didn't give it enough time, but it didn't click with me at all.


Do you not miss vibration feedback? It's the main thing I miss from PC gaming with mouse and keyboard.


I've spent a majority of my time on vita for AC4. Love the ability to sail the seas while watching TV. But as far as controls, I do not prefer it over the DS4. DS4 still has better shoulder buttons and analog sticks to me. Trying to aim using the vita sticks in not ideal at all. It has this weird almost clicky movement, and the resistance is off to me. But this is only apparent in games with shooting mechanics. And grips for life.

Yea, I love shooters so Battlefield 4 on Vita wasn't working too well.
It all looks great though.

Resogun on the otherhand is incredible.

DS4>>>>> Vita


My friend's son *only* plays PS4 games on the Vita (he plays Knack, Lego and FIFA). Even if the TV is available he just prefers playing on Vita. My friend loves it of course, the kid doesn't hog the TV anymore.


Neo Member
I need to give this feature a try. I have a Vita but personally I think the DualShock 4 is an excellent controller its comfortable to hold, lightweight, and the R2 and L2 buttons fit nicely for first person shooters. I did use the Vita to help play Deus EX Human Revoltiuon Directors Cut on the PS3 and it actually worked pretty well.


Depends on the game. Anything that makes heavy use of all 4 shoulder buttons is useless on the Vita, attempting to play FIFA is a bit of a joke.

Thinks that have custom Vita control schemes really work though.
Do you not miss vibration feedback? It's the main thing I miss from PC gaming with mouse and keyboard.


I actually stopped using rumble years ago. It was a feature I never cared for with one reason being because I hate how it rumbled against my wedding ring :)

Also, I edited the OP for more clarification that I'm not just talking about Remote Play...
I tried using it with Knack and found it worked well. Definitely useful when you need a second controller and have been too poor to acquire one.
That's cool. Personally, I hate the rear touchpad and would never choose to use a control scheme that required that or the touchscreen when I have a much more comfortable controller that has all the necessary buttons.

Different strokes
More power to you.

I can understand the occasional need for an off-the-screen feature (laying in bed on all that), but I hate, with a passion, small screens and sub-par controls.

And the Vita falls right into that category: sub-par controls (not to mention the lost detail on the smaller screen, even though black-levels and colors sort of make up for it).



I actually stopped using rumble years ago. It was a feature I never cared for with one reason being because I hate how it rumbled against my wedding ring :)

Also, I edited the OP for more clarification that I'm not just talking about Remote Play...

I absolutely love rumble. In games that properly uses it, it feels like an extension of the game to the real world.

Rumble is so every-gen.

Oh, btw, I don't understand how comfortable it could be to emulate the R2 / L2 in the front. Maybe the game doesn't use it extensively?


I primarily game with my Vita as well.

And I actually prefer it as it makes it easier for quick and easy sessions.

Sometimes, to trip me out I have both on during remote play and try looking at one screen than switching to the other. Its highly distracting but its funny as for a split second I lose that momentum when Iook away from the screen. I don't know why I do that haha.

But yeah, if I had one thing I would prefer that they change, is that they add in a peripheral that adds triggers to the Vita R2 and L2. I prefer the Vita controls for everything but really feel uncomfortable using the back touchpad, even though I prefer playing on the Vita.
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