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"In the wake of Charlie Hebdo, Wilders might become PM of the Netherlands"

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Wilders’s name is on the same Al-Qaeda hit list as Stéphane Charbonnier, an editor who was shot and killed during the jihadist assault on Charlie Hebdo, the French satirical magazine, that left 12 dead earlier this month. The massacre, along with the subsequent killings at a kosher supermarket in Paris, was a tragic day for the France. But for Wilders, it only added to his appeal. Since the attack, his Freedom Party has surged in national polls. It was already the most popular party in Holland, but if the 2016 parliamentary elections were held today, he’d pick up 31 seats out of 150, more than double his current figure.

If he found the right coalition partner, Wilders could even become Holland’s prime minister, a once unthinkable prospect. Ten years ago, his proposal to ban the construction of new mosques in the Netherlands was mostly seen as the ravings of a fearmongering extremist who compares the Koran to Mein Kampf. Now reporters call Wilders a “populist,” and they no longer dismiss his xenophobic rants as rubbish.

His consolidation of power here isn’t a foregone conclusion, but Wilders’s growing popularity in Holland is emblematic of a larger trend: Europeans are becoming increasingly hostile to both native-born Muslims and the recent wave of immigrants flooding across their borders. Islamophobes are burning mosques in Sweden, marching by the tens of thousands in Germany and ceding more and more control to those politicians who speak the loudest against the Muslim faith.

Wilders insists he derives no pleasure from his newfound influence, but in the hours after the Charlie Hebdo shootings in Paris, he tweeted “This is war” to his 380,000 followers. By war, he tells me, he means a war with all of Islam. “The Islamification of our society is what’s causing this,” he said of the assault on Paris. “And it’s all inspired by the Koran.”

Quite a good article, explaining particularly well the history The Netherlands has had with Muslim Extremism, and explains where Wilders' got his popularity from. I do suggest you read the article entirely.


So not worth it
No, he won't.

Seriously, he won't find a coalition partner. For another, he'll never win a majority, if anything his support is waning and waning as more people realise he's just a loudmouth fool with no solutions, only fear-mongering.

He basically filled the void Pim Fortuyn left behind, without any of the natural charisma and intelligence Fortuyn displayed.


That's really not going to happen, no cause for alarm. No other party will be willing to work with him, and like previous years, and he always scores well in those early polls. Most of those votes won't actually carry through during the actual election.

Does the Netherlands run the risk of getting a (far-) right ruling party in the near future? Sure. Will it be Wilders? Nope. Not anymore, at least. A couple of years ago that might have been a risk.


No, he won't.

Seriously, he won't find a coalition partner. For another, he'll never win a majority, if anything his support is waning and waning as more people realise he's just a loudmouth fool with no solutions, only fear-mongering.

He basically filled the void Pim Fortuyn left behind, without any of the natural charisma and intelligence Fortuyn displayed.

And even if he would find a coalition partner, the government would probably fall after a couple of months of struggle between said partners


Aside from all the other points made, the next election is probably in 2017. That is too late for the massive shift needed to actually get Wilders into the government.


I dont think so but he couldn't be any worse than whats currently going on even if he tried.

This makes no sense. I'm not particularly fond of Rutte, but this is Wilders we're talking about.

And yeah, I'd agree with those saying that even if it were to happen the government would collapse before it could actually do anything. We've seen it all before.

I miss the days when the LPF turned into a circus of insanity after Fortuyn died. Kopspijkers was on fire back then. A nightmare for anyone who cared about a functioning government, but a great source for comedy.
Ten years ago, his proposal to ban the construction of new mosques in the Netherlands was mostly seen as the ravings of a fearmongering extremist who compares the Koran to Mein Kampf. Now reporters call Wilders a “populist,” and they no longer dismiss his xenophobic rants as rubbish.

The shift in how he's perceived is rather worrying.


The shift in how he's perceived is rather worrying.

I actually don't agree with that quote. It's not that the media started talking differently about him, it's more that they're talking significantly less about him compared to a couple of years ago. Whenever he has one of his outbursts these days the usual group of columnists and politicians are still just as hard on him.

Looking at this article it's actually full of assumptions that I heavily doubt are actually true. His significance has lowered considerably since his early days, and as terrible as the Hebdo attack was, I doubt it will have any actual impact on our elections when they'll happen in a couple of years. They overestimate Wilders' current relevance quite a bit for the sake of the article.


He will not win what so ever even now what happened in france i cannot see it happen. I do not like Rutte but Wilders is another level. When voting comes he will not get collation at all. Wilders is just to me a politician who is a fan of his own voice.


The PVV got 10% in the last election. That makes it less than half the size of two other parties. It makes it about the same size as the next two parties after PVV. The PVV lost 5% in the last election, going from 15% to 10%. He is growing into irrelevance, just like Vlaams Belang for instance.


Islamic terrorists couldn't be happier seeing the strain grow between Europeans and moderate Muslims. The more stigmatized, excluded and segregated they feel the quicker will they consult radical fractions making the job for extreme hate apologetics to indoctrinate and brainwash them to their cause so much easier. Letting people like Wilders win and giving voice to fearmongers and radical xenophobes is one of the best ways to increase the risk of that happening.
I don't see how Wilders could ever be a successful PM. His entire party consists of idiots, racists, liars and people who look like clowns without make-up.


That's not right, is it?
No, it is. It's been polling as the biggest for ages.

The PVV got 10% in the last election. That makes it less than half the size of two other parties. It makes it about the same size as the next two parties after PVV. The PVV lost 5% in the last election, going from 15% to 10%. He is growing into irrelevance, just like Vlaams Belang for instance.

If only he was growing into irrelevance, if only he was.


So not worth it
Basically, every currently electable political party?

Seriously, it's like picking the least worst instead of the best lately.

It's not like there's anywhere to go, I get another 5% raise on my rent this year, there's a guarantee additional taxes need to be paid this year when you do your income taxes, I have to go to Germany for gas since it's 25 cents cheaper there, AT LEAST...

And I wouldn't know which party I should vote for that doesn't put extra strain on my income, as I would assume the two leading ones would actually be benefitting the working man the most. I fear that I would need to sell my car just at the thought of someone like the SP coming to power, really.

Dutch Politics are a mess right now.


Seriously, it's like picking the least worst instead of the best lately.

It's not like there's anywhere to go, I get another 5% raise on my rent this year, there's a guarantee additional taxes need to be paid this year when you do your income taxes, I have to go to Germany for gas since it's 25 cents cheaper there, AT LEAST...

And I wouldn't know which party I should vote for that doesn't put extra strain on my income, as I would assume the two leading ones would actually be benefitting the working man the most. I fear that I would need to sell my car just at the thought of someone like the SP coming to power, really.

Dutch Politics are a mess right now.

Things are at an all time low it seems; we have a ministry protecting a pedophile, lies over MH17, a secretary of finances that raises gas-taxes when the facts tell us that the previous increase actually cost the treasury money and this raise will only cost us more money....

I'm surprised these fuckers are still in office.


Never going to happen. He's always big in the polls, but he never cashes it in during actual elections. Even if he become the biggest party, I doubt he'll get the support for a decent coalition.
But maybe It's a good thing he'll become PM, he would crash and burn so hard that we would finally get rid of him.
His party has almost no competent / experienced politicians to speak of (and lots of unqualified opportunists.) So even if, by some miracle, he'd find a coalition to rule with him, his own ministers and the natural compromises of government will cripple him when it comes to actually implementing policy. We also know from polls that many civil servants are vehementely opposed to his ideals so he faces an uphill battle trying turn his notions into action at the ground level. As others have said, such a government is not viable and unlikely to last four years.

What can and probably will happen is that whoever rules next cannot afford to ignore the sizeable anti-immigration/islam sentiment of the electorate and that will trickle down into policy.

So just by being there, whether as part of the government or in the parliamentary opposition, he exerts his influence.
As a Dutch Turkish Muslim I hope he will be prime minister so the Dutch people will see how incompetent he really is.

Also he doesn't give a Fuck about the Netherlands. He is buddies with the right wing USA and specially Israel.


Things are at an all time low it seems; we have a ministry protecting a pedophile, lies over MH17, a secretary of finances that raises gas-taxes when the facts tell us that the previous increase actually cost the treasury money and this raise will only cost us more money....

I'm surprised these fuckers are still in office.

Not only that they even want to chance the health stuff like you cannot pick a hospital or doctor. It is fucked up beyond recognition. Also Own Risk is the worst thing ever invented fuck that.


Not only that they even want to chance the health stuff like you cannot pick a hospital or doctor. It is fucked up beyond recognition. Also Own Risk is the worst thing ever invented fuck that.

While I hate the fact that own risk is effectively a tax on sick people, it's not like things like these are easily avoided. Due to shifting demographics and technological developments, healthcare costs are shooting up and other government expenses are increasing as well, whilst growth in tax revenues has slowed down significantly. As much as we want them to be, things can't be like they were in the past. Government can do one of three things basically, none of which is good: Raise taxes, cut healthcare spending or cut income transfers. Anything else the government does is not going to make enough of a dent. Nobody likes doing any of those things.


While I hate the fact that own risk is effectively a tax on sick people, it's not like things like these are easily avoided. Due to shifting demographics and technological developments, healthcare costs are shooting up and other government expenses are increasing as well, whilst growth in tax revenues has slowed down significantly. As much as we want them to be, things can't be like they were in the past. Government can do one of three things basically, none of which is good: Raise taxes, cut healthcare spending or cut income transfers. Anything else the government does is not going to make enough of a dent. Nobody likes doing any of those things.

Raising taxes isn't really helping either here seeing how less we spend every year. But also removing stuff from the elders they have work there whole life and for our future and the government keep cutting. This government still doesn't know what there doing still isn't aware what to cut or what to raise. Seeing the richer get rich and the poorer get poor.


Raising taxes isn't really helping either here seeing how less we spend every year. But also removing stuff from the elders they have work there whole life and for our future and the government keep cutting. This government still doesn't know what there doing still isn't aware what to cut or what to raise. Seeing the richer get rich and the poorer get poor.

So what would you do? Be specific please.
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