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Journalistic integrity hits a new low: Katie Couric covered up RBG's NFL Anthem statements


Gold Member
Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

Queen Generosity herself, Katie Couric, "edited" comments made by Saint RBG, which expressed a distaste for NFL players kneeling during the National Anthem, in order to protect her. A shocking turn of events, if there ever was one.

In snippets published by the Daily Mail, Couric details how she edited a 2016 interview with the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The initial Yahoo! News piece included Ginsburg discussing how those who kneeled during the national anthem were “dumb and disrespectful,” but as Couric poured over her transcript, she elected to remove another comment the justice made. According to Ginsburg, those who kneeled had “contempt for a government that has made it possible for their parents and grandparents to live a decent life, which they probably could not have lived in the places they came from.”

The comment floored Couric, who wondered whether to include it after a SCOTUS press aide asked for it to be removed.
It prompted Couric to think Ginsburg did not fully understand the question. Eventually, she chose to keep Ginsburg’s initial comment but edit her remarks so as not to draw more scrutiny toward the justice. Couric said she “lost a lot of sleep” over the decision.
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Gold Member
I’m sure this won’t get locked

Provided people comment on the story itself, it shouldn't.

The issue here is journalists sinking to new lows. For instance, here's Adam Schefter being a first class coward.

"In this case, I took the rare step of sending the full story in advance because of the complex nature of the collective bargaining talks. It was a step too far and, looking back, I shouldn’t have done it. The criticism being levied is fair. With that said, I want to make this perfectly clear: in no way did I, or would I, cede editorial control or hand over final say about a story to anyone, ever.”

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Gold Member
The media gestapo censoring for their ideology. Color me shocked, shocked I say!
Cbs Reaction GIF by The Late Late Show with James Corden


Omg no way, are you telling me the mainstream media are out and out liars who only want to craft a narrative to make money from their audience?! Next you’ll be telling me Couric didn’t take orders from her male boss to remove the comments.



I don't really see a news story here. Seems like business as usual, really. Omit something that could alienate a large portion (probably the majority) of their viewership/readership. I don't agree or disagree with what Ginsburg said, but omission is at the discretion of the reporter(s). Don't think it helps, but it's legal and ordinary; not a "new low."


Gold Member
I don't really see a news story here. Seems like business as usual, really. Omit something that could alienate a large portion (probably the majority) of their viewership/readership. I don't agree or disagree with what Ginsburg said, but omission is at the discretion of the reporter(s). Don't think it helps, but it's legal and ordinary; not a "new low."

I wonder then why Couric “lost a lot of sleep” over the decision? Especially something so legal and ordinary.

Of course, the answer is obvious.


I wonder then why Couric “lost a lot of sleep” over the decision? Especially something so legal and ordinary.

Of course, the answer is obvious.
I apologize. That was my fault for not being more clear in my reply. When I said "reporter(s)," I meant her employers, who I suspect "urged" her to oblige the request.
Surprised Couric didn't throw her under the bus to increase her clicks/views. "You wouldn't BELIEVE the problematic things RGB said, there is a lot to unpack here."
One of the rare cases of the left actually protecting their own instead of cannibalizing them.
No way the media would lie to protect a person who they have an ideological investment in. The media are bastions of truth and morality.

What is hilarious is this is the same week they leaked private emails from a football coach from 10 years ago to fuck up his life. So on one hand, we’re going through a bunch of private emails related to a football team in case anyone said any naughty words and on the other, we’re hiding the unapproved opinions of Supreme Court media darlings. And people wonder why there is no trust in institutions in the US right now.
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Why would you ever think that a Supreme Court judge, arguably amongst the sharpest people in the land wouldn't understand a question?

This is the cream of the crop right there.


Snake Oil Salesman
Didn't Katie Couric try to score points with the woke mob when Denzel Washington gave her a little resistance in an interview once?

She doesn't seem particularly remarkable.


Gold Member
Didn't Katie Couric try to score points with the woke mob when Denzel Washington gave her a little resistance in an interview once?

She doesn't seem particularly remarkable.
She isn't, her tell all book trashes women and what she did to climb to the top.
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