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LTTP Danganronpa 2 : There's no hope in this franchise only despair *spoilers DR1&2*

This thread will openly spoil both Danganronpa 1 and 2. If you haven't played either and are clicking this to see someone's opinion if you wanna check it out the short answer is I don't recommend it. Last warning open spoilers abound below.

I guess I'll start with a mini lttp on DR1 and my thoughts on it. Danganronpa was a series I was really excited to get into, murder mysteries are some of my favorite stories, the set up sounded really enticing, and the promise of a mixture of action gameplay and rhythm based gameplay truly sounded like a lot of things I liked coming together. When I first started playing it I was on board, the set up gave a lot of promise especially the scene where everyone see's their motivation "I WONDER WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FAMILY GRADUATE TO FIND OUT" and like a sucker I was manipulated into liking the idol girl before she was violently murdered. The mystery itself I was able to quickly piece of most it together but it was the first case so that's fairly acceptable and I was excited for the first trial to take part. That's where the seams started to come undone.

I was playing on action hard logic hard and quickly I discovered the only way the game knows how to make action or logic hard is to have the cursor fly around the screen like the player is drunk and throwing lots of obviously incorrect evidence into your gun. As each new minigame or mechanic got introduced, the more I found myself increasingly frustrated since if I turned the action to a lower difficulty they were more time wasters then fun but on the higher difficulty they were far too frustrating to enjoy. Compounded by the fact the murder itself was fairly simple to figure out but I had to wade though tons of interruptions, pointless tangents, and stupid mini games to get to the point where I could actually show how the crime happened. When Leon was executed at the end of the case I already barely knew him and any sympathy for his semi self defense kill was rendered moot by how much needless effort it took to get him convicted.

Each subsequent chapter the pattern began to emerge fairly quickly, because of the games faux dating sim elements where the player can choose who to spend time with the characters I was starting to like were often completely unrelated to the murder victims or killers. To try and create feelings in the player the game frequently gives characters who are about to be killed or be the killer forced extra screen time so that the player is manipulated into feeling something for them when they die. This means half the cast frequently comes across as completely one dimensional outside of the characters who go on to become main survivors (Detective girl, Byakuya, library girl) or as said the ones who'll be featured as a victim or a killer in the upcoming case. This wouldn't matter so much if the mysteries were clever and hard to figure out, but when I was guessing either the killer or victim accurately before a murder even happened I quickly found myself growing bored and frustrated. This issue peaked in case 4 when I instantly guessed Sakura would be the killer or victim and one moment of seeing her dead body said "she killed herself this is a closed room mystery" and was 100% correct. At this point I was only powering though to see the plot explanation for why all this was happening.

Oh boy... the plot. I will admit the twist of the Juunko the player met in the intro being a twin sister to trick the audience was fairly clever, same with using that same dead body later to create a murder, but once Juunko started explaining why this was happening I honestly couldn't believe what I was seeing. Magic despair caused the whole world to go crazy and Juunko despite being some random 15 year old high school girl was able to set up this death game to crush the last remnants of hope by showing the bright future slowly kill each other off. Now I have a pretty high tolerance for out there plot twist, but magic despair breaks that tolerance barrier, doubly so since the game makes little effort to actually explain how such a thing is possible and as the credits began to roll I starred at the screen wondering if I somehow had gotten a joke ending.

So needless to say when Danganronpa 2 came out I had zero interest in playing it, I ended up yolo purchasing it cheap used at gamestop since maybe with a sequel they could fine tune some of the issues I had with the original. I should have learned from the first game, there is nothing but despair to be found.

Quickly into DR2 the same issues with the original quickly popped up in the sequel. The cast was collectively one dimensional and boring outside of the few main cast members (Nagito and Chiaki) along with whoever would be featured as either a killer or victim in the upcoming case. DR2 added another frustrating feature in the form of an in game tomagatchi that you can only raise by running around the island making the fast travel option completely pointless and needlessly padding the games length. The stupid thing doesn't even alert you when it poops so you have to stop every 90 seconds to make sure you clean up after the thing, ignoring it and letting it die over and over gets you an annoying BEEP BEEP sound when it's reborn/hatches/dies. The minigames were somehow even worse and there were more of them. Special shout out to the mind snow boarding thing which just sucked and went on for like 5 minutes. Combine that again with largely predictable cases outside of case 5 which despite making use of nonsensical super luck to happen was actually a fairly clever set up. The case works only because Chiaka and Nagito are the only two characters the player gets extended connection time with outside of free time so having them be the "victim" and "killer" made the ending fairly emotional which was the second time I actually gave a rats ass for a character death in a very long time.

But once again, this game completely falls apart in it's finale when it attempts to explain whats happening. Though most of the game Nagito and his insane hope ramblings are a constant reminder of the terrible back bone that's supposed to hold this franchise together, but the final trial truly takes that half broken glass back bone and shatters it into a million pieces. It wasn't just that magical despair took over the world, but Juunko the antagonist from the first game is actually the root of all despair... and somehow this 15 year old girl managed to infect MILLIONS OF PEOPLE with magic despair by manipulating a bunch of loser high school kids. Somehow our new cast all became infected with magic despair off screen and even went so far as to connect parts of Juunko's body to themselves to keep her will alive... they're all inside a vr video game made by the survivors of the first game in an attempt to rehabilitate them... a game infected with a virus that caused ai juunko to take over the game... and Hajime is able to save the day by going super sayian and creating his own future...................


And to further add insult to injury, leading up to this the game starts trying to be "clever" by having the characters read the actual plot of the series and say "this is stupid something like this could never happen" and "if we're in a video game does that mean my words are appearing on a text box" and "if we don't include a place like this people wouldn't believe this is possible (talking about giant animal robots that serve pointlessly as guards to block off various islands). So not only does Danganronpa 2 have bad gameplay and an awful story, it actively insults the player for sticking with it's nonsensical plot. What's worse is the games ending has a "they'll stay on this island in hopes that they're friends will wake up from their coma" which okay, fine, maybe dying in the game doesn't mean you die in real life but have a slim chance of recovery... why the fuck would you ever let Chef guy, Peko, Mikan, Ghundam, or Nagito ever come back to life when they actively attempted/succeeding in murdering people. It also makes this game feel completely irrelevant when the magic despair plot line is being resolved by the first games cast off screen and the first games cast has to bail out the dr2 cast for being mostly terrible minus SSJ Hajime in the last 5 seconds.

So is there anything I did like in this games? Well I'll admit the sound tracks are good the first game's in particular is outstanding. The art style is very striking and fun with everything bouncing up like paper puppets. Though I didn't find much of either game funny I did laugh at Nagito's "it's called recycling it's better then throwing it out with the rest of the trash" and at the games deliberate attempt to make Sonia Nevermind into the perfect anti waifu (not being virgin, doing tons of lewd things off camera that everyone irl saw, falling for Ghundam). I also appreciate the game being a good value with lots of bonus modes and content for people who want more hours out of their game even if I'm not going to check them out. I also smirked at the blatant advertisement for despair girls that Hajime said "I really want to get this game" which was a far better meta joke then anything they did in the finale.

So in the end, despite how much I want to like Danganronpa, the terrible story line and mediocre gameplay really hold it back. I know the two ongoing anime are supposed to clear up a lot of the loose ends from these games and that V3 is basically a soft reboot. I'm not sure if I'm going to watch the anime though I may play V3 in a few years if I find a cheap copy since my desire for murder mystery games over rides my frustrations with DR.

One final thought/frustration I have is... why don't these games make any attempt to make despair seem like a positive? Juunko is clearly bat shit crazy but when the game is trying to have the DR2 cast in a moral dilemma of hope vs despair endings the game doesn't really do a good job of giving the cast a reason to want to go with the despair route, and it gives zero explanation why anyone became the ultimate despair in the first place. Especially Hajime and Nagito the former who you'd think would want to fight back after seeing his fellow not ultimate's commit mass suicide for Juunko's entertainment and ultimate wanker Nagito's love of hope. I wish I could get what people saw in Danganronpa since it has such a passionate fanbase, I just don't think either game is particularly good they're both 5/10 at best, a fairly average experience that for what little they get right they get a lot wrong.
I really don't how a nihilism cult is apparently so out there an idea. It's over the top, but so's the whole game, considering it's about a magic high school for people who are perfect at stuff.


and somehow this 15 year old girl managed to infect MILLIONS OF PEOPLE with magic despair by manipulating a bunch of loser high school kids.

If you think that's bad, wait until you find out how she did it!


But once again, this game completely falls apart in it's finale when it attempts to explain whats happening

Wow, the last two chapters of Danganronpa 2 are so good, it's some of the best stuff I've ever seen in a videogame. The endings of both games are amazing, imma have to disagree with you on this OP.


But once again, this game completely falls apart in it's finale when it attempts to explain whats happening. Though most of the game Nagito and his insane hope ramblings are a constant reminder of the terrible back bone that's supposed to hold this franchise together, but the final trial truly takes that half broken glass back bone and shatters it into a million pieces. It wasn't just that magical despair took over the world, but Juunko the antagonist from the first game is actually the root of all despair... and somehow this 15 year old girl managed to infect MILLIONS OF PEOPLE with magic despair by manipulating a bunch of loser high school kids. Somehow our new cast all became infected with magic despair off screen and even went so far as to connect parts of Juunko's body to themselves to keep her will alive... they're all inside a vr video game made by the survivors of the first game in an attempt to rehabilitate them... a game infected with a virus that caused ai juunko to take over the game... and Hajime is able to save the day by going super sayian and creating his own future...................
The way you talk about the finale, especially this part, makes me completely disagree with you. If you feel that way about the finale you should definitely NOT watch the Despair anime currently running.

Cases 4 and 5 along with the Finale are incredibly entertaining and rewarding.


I agree about the trial minigames being awful, actually makes me prefer the investigation segments. And I'm with you that each game absolutely falls apart during their last respective trial, (which to be fair happens in mystery stories ofter), I find that the point where it gets too caught up in hope vs despair banter.

That said, I'm a sucker for ace attorney style (or I guess VN with trials) games and this fits the bill for a darker version of that. Also Nagito is probably one of my favorite characters in a game in a while (which may make me a hypocrite since I just complained about hope/despair stuff, but it works for me with him).

Case 2-5 is the best in the series by far.

OP if you really want to get upset, you should catch up on DR3 and join us for the conclusion in the coming weeks :)

Edit: I'm probably being a little too negative here since the anime is bumming me out. There are points in the series that hit a perfect blend of darkness/ridiculousness/self-deprecating humor that I appreciate.


DR is an okay series if you don't think too hard. I think I heard this same argument for SAO though, so, that's kinda awkward.

The ending is awful and any attempt at worldbuilding outside of the cases is downright trash. We both agree on this because "oh no world in despair" is awful.

Wow, the last two chapters of Danganronpa 2 are so good, it's some of the best stuff I've ever seen in a videogame. The endings of both games are amazing, imma have to disagree with you on this OP.

I have some better things to recommend you.
I enjoyed these games enough but ultimately found them to weaken as they both went on, banging on about ULTIMATE DESPAIR and showing a world overrun by frickin' cartoon bears was just plain goofy and not in a good way. It's like all the dreary sinister vibes running through the first game in particular went soaring out the window at this point in favour of 2animuu4me.
Junko herself was a decent swerve that fell flat immediately afterwards as she's just kinda boring, having her back for Round 2 just deflated that game's finale for me as well.

Now Nagito, that guy was a magnificent bastard.

... also I'll never get over swimsuit filled with gravel murder weapon.
Danganronpa isn't perfect but I went into the series when the PC ports came out expecting to hate it but I love it.

You brought up the one dimensional characters which is a big problem for the series. Characters are exaggerated tropes for the most part but with a cast that large, you can't give everyone development. The idea is to make them stick out and with how over the top everything is style wise and literally flat characters in game, it just kind of works to me. The designs are loud and sometimes out of place but that is just another aspect of the series' charm.

In terms of thinking about how Junko does stuff, the outside world, and what is really going on, I think the game keeps it vague for a reason. The focus isn't on how Monokumas are rampaging around or how everyone is killing everyone else. You kind need to of suspend your disbelief for that to work, but again it isn't the focus. AI Junko and her Junkoland plan were the closest it came to being super relevant and that my main issue with DR2's finale. What is really important in the finale's to DR1 and DR2 isn't Junko, it's the characters. In DR2 especially where it is about the characters essentially grasping with the moral dilemma of essentially resigning themselves to being vegetables or returning to the real world. There is a lot going on behind the charade of outrageous plot that really makes the endings work.

But yeah fuck the minigames. The trials are super engaging to me but the minigames are ugh.

deliberate attempt to make Sonia Nevermind into the perfect anti waifu (not being virgin, doing tons of lewd things off camera that everyone irl saw, falling for Ghundam).

You are wrong.


Don't worry OP, I didn't much care for DR2 either. Kind of reminded me of VLR. In that both VLR and DR2 were sequels to very strong games. So having a sequel that can meet or exceed that quality was gonna be tough. Neither managed to do so in my opinion. Still on board for the series however. Waiting for despair girls to hit steam (I hope), then i'll watch the anime, and I pray that DR3 isn't as much of a retread on the same ideas like 2 was. Also hope they tone down the mini game stuff for the trials. It started to drag by the end of it.
I would say despair is better put as Nihilism, and from that perspective I find it a bit interesting. Junko finds joy in the absolute futility of events, but she never experienced that futility herself, hence her reaction at the end of D1.

Nihilism as a concept is underexplored from videogames. Why do people embrace it? This is what I think Danganronpa's absurdist world attempts to make sense of.

Now what do I think of the storytelling itself? I think it suffers from the Fire Emblem Support Conversation issues where they're pretty much extremely important to understand the characters and their motivations and whatnot. As a result, I think the organization is overall poor and I think controlling when the player talks to certain characters would be better for the narrative in question before transitioning to a more free form exploration for the trial sections.

Now I also think Ace Attorney has far more creative scenarios for it's crimes than Danganronpa which too often is a little too easy to predict and most of the challenge is getting the minigames on your end to work. Naturally, the minigames are not great, copying Ace Attorney might have been a smarter route, though the games might have ended up shorter.

By far the greatest strength of the series is its presentation, I think it really conveys the absurdist atmosphere that the premise itself is trying to convey. It really is the glue that holds the game together. The Soundtrack is quite varied as well from mellow to high energy electronic tracks. And the Dub ain't half bad.


I disagree with your opinions about the series. DR2 was easily my GOTY when it came out.

Same here. DR2 blew me away and, while I love the series, nothing has yet to come close to how good DR2 was. Gonna have to agree to disagree, OP.


Don't worry OP, I didn't much care for DR2 either. Kind of reminded me of VLR. In that both VLR and DR2 were sequels to very strong games. So having a sequel that can meet or exceed that quality was gonna be tough. Neither managed to do so in my opinion. Still on board for the series however. Waiting for despair girls to hit steam (I hope), then i'll watch the anime, and I pray that DR3 isn't as much of a retread on the same ideas like 2 was. Also hope they tone down the mini game stuff for the trials. It started to drag by the end of it.

But you think 999>ZTD>VLR :V

Same here. DR2 blew me away and, while I love the series, nothing has yet to come close to how good DR2 was. Gonna have to agree to disagree, OP.

Cmon, you guys gotta say why you disagree instead of just saying I disagree, that doesn't help really, since anyone can say that in any thread.
Don't worry OP, I didn't much care for DR2 either. Kind of reminded me of VLR. In that both VLR and DR2 were sequels to very strong games. So having a sequel that can meet or exceed that quality was gonna be tough. Neither managed to do so in my opinion. Still on board for the series however. Waiting for despair girls to hit steam (I hope), then i'll watch the anime, and I pray that DR3 isn't as much of a retread on the same ideas like 2 was. Also hope they tone down the mini game stuff for the trials. It started to drag by the end of it.

The thing about VLR and DR2 though is how they tackle being a sequel to a game that doesn't need one. DR2 takes the core ideas of DR1, plays into your expectations, and then messes with them slowly but surely. It messes with the player in more ways than DR1 did and feels oddly familiar but different enough that you can tell something is off. It also works in DR1's cast and plot points in WAAAAAY better than VLR did with suddenly
having Akane be the leader of this organization that has had this huge plan to stop Radical 6 in the works for years.
VLR's returning characters are meant to fake you out and lower your guard so that stuff like
Junpei being there
come as a "twist" The problem is that the returning characters are annoying as hell and the whole game plays too close to Uchikoshi's usual twists to be surprising.

Masafumi Takada DA GOD. I really hope he is back on V3.


...tacked on sequel

Did you play the same game as me
999 sets up VLR. The 2nd game was intended from the start, he did a Q&A that talked about it, he had the characters do stuff with a mini cliffhanger, etc.

DR? DR was done.


I've played both games because of the setting, less so because of the overarching story which is bollocks in my book. DR2 was also a huge step down from 1. They had much less of a reason to murder in DR2 and opening up new islands felt kind of lame. DR1 had a great mystery element to it before it was kind of dragged down to rubbish towards the end. Still, I enjoyed that a lot more. Characters were also more interesting.
...tacked on sequel

Did you play the same game as me
999 sets up VLR. The 2nd game was intended from the start, he did a Q&A that talked about it, he had the characters do stuff with a mini cliffhanger, etc.

DR? DR was done.

Yeah VLR feels like a tacked on sequel. 999 wrapped up its in universe stuff as much as DR1 did. The QA might show that Uchi was looking forward but it sure didn't feel like that playing 999. Beyond that, the way VLR was made makes it seem even more tacked on because you could replace every returning character except
and nothing has changed. They just don't factor into the plot.


While I do think Junko being reused as the big bad in DR2 is lazy and boring I do also think it added to the theme of hope going on in the game.

You (were meant to) believe in all your classmates despite the slew of killings/being killed off. Heck, the "traitor" that was with everyone was revealed to actually be working in their favor.

I was heavily leaning Hiyoko -or I just wanted to because of the gold trash talk- to pull a Junko with the revealed photo in the school showing her older. But then again the game made fun of that trope openly so I knew they wouldn't recycle it.

Mechamaru is still best character.


Yeah VLR feels like a tacked on sequel. 999 wrapped up its in universe stuff as much as DR1 did. The QA might show that Uchi was looking forward but it sure didn't feel like that playing 999. Beyond that, the way VLR was made makes it seem even more tacked on because you could replace every returning character except
and nothing has changed. They just don't factor into the plot.

I feel like we can't give a fair assessment of how VLR was supposed to be considering the things VLR set up for ZTD were kind of completely undone by how badly ZTD was retconned. I get what you're saying, I just think some of the aspects of VLR were very important and related to 999.
I feel like we can't give a fair assessment of how VLR was supposed to be considering the things VLR set up for ZTD were kind of completely undone by how badly ZTD was retconned. I get what you're saying, I just think some of the aspects of VLR were very important and related to 999.

Oh I've thought this ever since I beat VLR which was back when ZE3 was never gonna happen. I agree that ZTD completely fell short and I'd love to hear what Uchi and co had in store for it before it was rewritten. At its best it could have given context to stuff like Crash Keys, their plans, and how much they knew going into the Nonary Game in 999 to better tie it into VLR but now we will never know.

Jury still out on whether or not Zero Time Dilemma or DR3 retroactively fucks the series more

DR3 is getting close

At least DR3 looks decent most of the time. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


...tacked on sequel

Did you play the same game as me
999 sets up VLR. The 2nd game was intended from the start, he did a Q&A that talked about it, he had the characters do stuff with a mini cliffhanger, etc.

DR? DR was done.

iunno man I wanted to know about this great big world of despair filled with despair and tomfoolery while I felt that 999 had a satisfying closure.
Wow, Alice turned out to be a normal ass boring used for one segment person? GREAT.
Years later and I'm still mad

I fucking hated this cunt. The fact that her death didn't even matter was honestly great, nobody gave a flying fuck that her bitch ass died.


Wow, someone with incredibly bad taste! I never knew it was imaginable but I finally found the apex of AWFUL.


iunno man I wanted to know about this great big world of despair filled with despair and tomfoolery while I felt that 999 had a satisfying closure.
Wow, Alice turned out to be a normal ass boring used for one segment person? GREAT.
Years later and I'm still mad


Wow, someone with incredibly bad taste! I never knew it was imaginable but I finally found the apex of AWFUL.

I agree, truly didn't think it was possible for someone to have such awful taste in life as to like that stupid midget bitch.


I agree, truly didn't think it was possible for someone to have such awful taste in life as to like that stupid midget bitch.

hey my dude
it's alright
it's alright to have
have bad
opinions my man
and I'm glad you're brave enough to acknowledge that your opinions are


...tacked on sequel

Did you play the same game as me
999 sets up VLR. The 2nd game was intended from the start, he did a Q&A that talked about it, he had the characters do stuff with a mini cliffhanger, etc.

DR? DR was done.

Uh... The only real loose end in 999 is the All-ice thing, which never ended up being anything important. Danganronpa 1 literally ends with Monokuma waking up again, after his apparent operator was killed. A lot of stuff isn't fully explained either, like details on the most awful event in human history, the actual condition of the outside world, and how despair became so widespread. In terms of loose ends, VLR as a sequel to 999 didn't really have much reason to exist.
Hiyoko could've turned out cool with her Fuyihiko stuff but then she got Ishimaru'd. Fuk u kodaka. I guess if you really want a no limits hard to guess killing game then people on the verge of massive character development are fair game too


I feel like we can't give a fair assessment of how VLR was supposed to be considering the things VLR set up for ZTD were kind of completely undone by how badly ZTD was retconned. I get what you're saying, I just think some of the aspects of VLR were very important and related to 999.

I have a similar opinion that VLR was a tacked sequel, even if I really like the game.

In my mind, I always considered 999 to be some kind of Zero Escape Volume Zero instead of Volume One as it is. The reason for that is almost every mystery in 999 was solved in 999, not leaving much space for a sequel. I think Uchikoshi never expected 999 to be successful, thus the game wasn't planned for a sequel.

VLR was built on top of that, using a few characters and information of 999 while creating it's own thing. ZTD has the opposite problem, being a necessary sequel that had to forget a lot of things that would connect it to it's predecessor.


Uh... The only real loose end in 999 is the All-ice thing, which never ended up being anything important. Danganronpa 1 literally ends with Monokuma waking up again, after his apparent operator was killed. A lot of stuff isn't fully explained either, like details on the most awful event in human history, the actual condition of the outside world, and how despair became so widespread. In terms of loose ends, VLR as a sequel to 999 didn't really have much reason to exist.

oh shit I repressed that, giving you that one then.
Jury still out on whether or not Zero Time Dilemma or DR3 retroactively fucks the series more

DR3 is getting close

Gaf is the only place that I've seen disliking DR3 so much, somehow the series has managed to keep 4chan's /a/ and /v/ talking about it in a positive light (which rarely if ever happens) but Gaf apparently hates DR3 so much that the thread has become full DR3 bashing

Although the one consistent thing is that I've seen is that everyone dislikes VLR


I agree about the trial minigames being awful, actually makes me prefer the investigation segments. And I'm with you that each game absolutely falls apart during their last respective trial, (which to be fair happens in mystery stories ofter), I find that the point where it gets too caught up in hope vs despair banter.

That said, I'm a sucker for ace attorney style (or I guess VN with trials) games and this fits the bill for a darker version of that. Also Nagito is probably one of my favorite characters in a game in a while (which may make me a hypocrite since I just complained about hope/despair stuff, but it works for me with him).

Case 2-5 is the best in the series by far.

OP if you really want to get upset, you should catch up on DR3 and join us for the conclusion in the coming weeks :)

Edit: I'm probably being a little too negative here since the anime is bumming me out. There are points in the series that hit a perfect blend of darkness/ridiculousness/self-deprecating humor that I appreciate.

Agree with both

Nagito is a psycho and he's awesome
Case 5 blew me mind


Gaf is the only place that I've seen disliking DR3 so much, somehow the series has managed to keep 4chan's /a/ and /v/ talking about it in a positive light (which rarely if ever happens) but Gaf apparently hates DR3 so much that the thread has become full DR3 bashing

Although the one consistent thing is that I've seen is that everyone dislikes VLR

The Danganronpa 3 4chan threads are surprisingly productive and entertaining.

This is clearly untrue with the amount of shitflinging that I received on this website.
VLR has a pretty rabid fanbase.


I hate the last cases of both games, and DR3 is just making everything worse for me.

But I do like everything other than those (Heck, I even like the minigames, heh), but I just like weird game mechanics overall. Especially like the one with the Truth Blades.

PS: Nagito is a glorious piece of shit
Agree with both

Nagito is a psycho and he's awesome
Case 5 blew me mind

Nagito is compelling because he's the total embodiment of the absurdity that is Danganropa, the character distillation of the atmosphere that Danganronpa sets up from its presentation down.

His antics are entertaining because they're unpredictable. A complete Wild Card that the first game could never have.

Red Frost

Shame you didn't like it. It's not for everyone, but I guess I'll explain why I love it.

Things outside the actual gameplay play a big part in it. The stylized nature of everything, the atmosphere, the fantastic soundtrack that fits and elevates things, and of course the over the top nature of trials. The conflicted tone is also a big one for me. Trying to keep a sense of humor while terrible things are happening actually makes it more effective IMO, as this is not some comedic universe with no consequences, but rather an awful dark one with a light heart (at times). As Junko says in DR3 (not verbatim) "isn't torture more terrifying when it involves something you're familiar with?" It's pretty much a game that was tailor made for my tastes and it's entered my top 5 series because of that. No visual novel has come close (including Zero Escape and Ace Attorney).

The gameplay at its core has always been merely passable for me, but the little touches add so much as both a vehicle for the plot and its own thing. The "NO THATS WRONG", the crazy shifting styles keeping the fast pace, the closing argument; all pieces to a glorious whole.

As for the story, can't agree that DR2 is bad in any way beyond some pacing issues. That ending is a crazy moral dilemma that really takes the concept of redemption to the extreme. And by keeping things vague, you can let your imagination go wild on just how bad the remnants of despair were (though the anime is giving us some idea now and yeah, they did some terrible shit).

And prior to the current anime, I wouldn't feel bad saying Junko was my favorite antagonist ever. A psychological enigma that represents the very extreme sides of masochism and sadism, trying to lock down her emotions and thought process was fascinating. A Joker style villain, but even more fun to analyze.

So yeah, that's where my enjoyment of the series comes form. Not everyone sees it that way though, and that's perfectly fine.

and it gives zero explanation why anyone became the ultimate despair in the first place. Especially Hajime and Nagito the former who you'd think would want to fight back after seeing his fellow not ultimate's commit mass suicide for Juunko's entertainment and ultimate wanker Nagito's love of hope.

DR3 is explaining the rest of the class while DR2 explained Hajime and Nagito which you must have missed. Hajime was not Hajime, he was Izuru, a Frankenstein monster of talent created by the Steering Committee. All traces of his older personality were excised, so it's hardly far-fetched to believe he would take the side of despair when he was someone else entirely.

Nagito shouldn't be too hard to figure out considering how erratic his behavior is. He'll go to great lengths to create an opportunity for hope to shine through, aka by utilizing its exact opposite. He even says in chapter 0 how much he both loves Junko (for creating the despair that becomes the catalyst for hope) and hates her (for bring that despair in the first place). And I mean, the guy also has dementia, so there's that.



If you take it seriously, it's no fun. I just find the games enjoyable for what they are.
Gaf is the only place that I've seen disliking DR3 so much, somehow the series has managed to keep 4chan's /a/ and /v/ talking about it in a positive light (which rarely if ever happens) but Gaf apparently hates DR3 so much that the thread has become full DR3 bashing

Although the one consistent thing is that I've seen is that everyone dislikes VLR

DR3 also gets plenty of shit on reddit, and you need to keep in mind its really only been the very recent despair episodes that have gotten most of the hate.
Sounds like you have a problem suspending your disbelief. Yes, the story is absurd and ridiculous in a lot of ways, but it's not a series you are supposed to take 'seriously' in terms of how the world works. There isn't much realism for a reason. If you can't enjoy absurd works of fiction, it's not gonna be for you.

Red Frost

Gaf is the only place that I've seen disliking DR3 so much, somehow the series has managed to keep 4chan's /a/ and /v/ talking about it in a positive light (which rarely if ever happens) but Gaf apparently hates DR3 so much that the thread has become full DR3 bashing

Although the one consistent thing is that I've seen is that everyone dislikes VLR

I've definitely seen hate on /a/, and people on reddit (both r/anime and r/danganronpa) have been shitting on certain details that may or may not retroactively screw up other things in the series.

It's become pretty damn divisive in the last few weeks, though future side doesn't get as much hate.
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