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LTTP: Resident Evil 0


thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
I definitely think this is a “must play” game and strictly looking at the next horror month in the future this game has the zombies, and I’m confident in the characters Rebecca and Billy it’s like playing RE1-3 in a different setting (train, primary main mansion, service building etc.)

Nobody mentions this game when resident evil topic comes up, yet they walk right up to re4. Re0 is one of the poorest reviewed resident evil games ever (70)


We’ve seen coop used in resident evil before (re4, re5) this game makes a point of using two characters.

At 5 hours long I thought this game got away with trimming off fat, 75% of the time I’m looking at a guide on YouTube considering how difficult the puzzles are,.

This is a positive review but it has to include capcoms treatment for resident evil games that aren’t re4.
Most underrated game in the series by far, almost 20 years later and I STILL don't get why it's so underrated.

I just played it again last year and it's amazing how stunning the game still looks, it's easily one of the most graphically impressive games ever made.

I also appreciated more than I ever had before how the training facility feels like a cross between the Spencer mansion and the RPD police station.

imo this is where the "real" Resident Evil ends and everything since has been an alternate universe, it sucks we were left hanging, but that final shot of a moth caught in a spider's web was an appropriately spooky note to end on.
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From a purely gameplay perspective its easily a top 3 RE game for me. Only problem is the story and villain are possibly the worst of the franchise. I pretty much skip every cutscene that isn't just Rebecca and Billy banter. I swear had it actually been about bravo team and stayed with the sort of tone and scale as the first RE it could have been a real classic.
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Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
It's up there with the classic RE's
Sure the story could of been better, but it's definitely a quality RE game.
Would had like a RE2 style split campaign instead of the team work but that what makes it different and the game wouldn't have worked without it.


Writes a lot, says very little
Such a great game. Super underrated and I recommend the remaster to all that love RE.

In my top 5 favorite RE titles.

1. Code Veronica (cuz mama ain't raise no bitch)
2.Resident Evil 8 (it grew on me and I fucking love the backtracking being the hoe that I am)
3.Resident Evil 2 remake
4.Resident Evil 7
5.Resident Evil Zero

(I hope we get a remake of Zero and 2002 with over the shoulder and in the new RE engine......Code Veronica first doe) lol
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Reseterror Resettler
I love RE0. Absolutely love. Dog shit bosses beside the pair of Tyrant battles, but awesome game. Partner zapping and being able to drop items anywhere was great. Just keep the Hookshot close and there's really no mean tricks the game pulls with inventory.


Writes a lot, says very little
I love how that generation was the generation of prequels by the 3rd game. MGS3 prequel, DMC3....prequel. lol Resident Evil Zero being a prequel, but not the 3rd game, but still...

That was the generation of "so what had happen was"


What time is it?
I beat it for the first time this year. I'd started it several times over the years, including near launch but just ended up falling off of it for one reason or another. I really enjoyed the train sequence but my enjoyment took a nosedive after the train crash. I grew up with RE so I'm used to a lot of the trappings but the inventory system is just really hard for me to deal with these days. The character swapping is kind of a chore too. And I honestly don't even remember much about the game and it is pretty fresh on my mind. Slightly annoying and largely forgettable.


Aside from dropping item all over the place, its an amazing game

By the way, none of the Resident Evil game require guide, the only exception might be Code Veronica, but still solvable
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Such a great game. Super underrated and I recommend the remaster to all that love RE.

In my top 5 favorite RE titles.

1. Code Veronica (cuz mama ain't raise no bitch)
2.Resident Evil 8 (it grew on me and I fucking love the backtracking being the hoe that I am)
3.Resident Evil 2 remake
4.Resident Evil 7
5.Resident Evil Zero

(I hope we get a remake of Zero and 2002 with over the shoulder and in the new RE engine......Code Veronica first doe) lol
You have good taste my friend



-Rebecca and Billy are great characters
-the train level is fantastic
-solid music
-gorgeous graphics


-training facility is decent but does feel like a lesser version of the RE 1 mansion, and the lab is just meh
-the game is designed where you just end up controlling Billy 90% of the time unless you’re going out of your way to make the game more challenging. I felt Revelations 2 did a better job at balancing a partner system
-WAY too many animal enemies. Also, that giant bat boss is one of the worst fights of the franchise
-removing item boxes and replacing it with item dropping was a terrible idea. Also, despite there being 12 item slots altogether, you often have less inventory space as some weapons take 2 slots, plus that FUCKING HOOKSHOT, I HATE THAT DAMN THING!
-the “mystery” of what unleashed the virus never felt that important to me, so this felt like info squeezed in unnecessarily, plus certain moments cause serious continuity errors with RE 1-3. Also Billy and Rebecca barely get any cutscenes in the second half of the game, and Marcus looking like a FF villain was just dumb. Also, I lost my shit when I first heard RE 0 described as “Albert Wesker and William Birkin have the most boring Saturday night ever”.

Overall, it’s a decent game held back by some bad decisions. Would love for both CV and this to get remakes as both have plenty of room for improvement
I love 0 , the only thing that is kinda annoying is switching between characters and i hate having another character following me most of the time , Re for me is a lonely horror experience ! But i still love 0 and i wish they made more Re games with these types of graphics !


Coop mechanic was shit because of shitty AI companion. Game was like "use one character and leave the other one safe in the save room until you cleared the way". I vastly preferred coop in RE5.


Liked it back then but can't get into it anymore. Switching between characters takes too fucking long and it has even more backtracking than OG RE because you have to drop items and get them from there when you're full.

As illogical the stash boxes are in most RE games, there's a reason we still have them.


I loved it. When I heard first heard of a remaster, I dreamed of some kind of online co-op play. Guess I have to wait for outbreak remake for that.

F31 Leopard

Liked it back then but can't get into it anymore. Switching between characters takes too fucking long and it has even more backtracking than OG RE because you have to drop items and get them from there when you're full.

As illogical the stash boxes are in most RE games, there's a reason we still have them.
I dropped any items I didn't need at the moment in the main hall as my "item chest". I basically treated Zero like True Survivor mode in REmake and Director's Cut where your items stay in the exact chest you left them in.
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I‘m the biggest RE fan there is but this one was really mediocre. The story was trash, the lack of item cases bothersome and the bosses unimaginable.

RE Zero is one of the big reasons I didn’t mind the shift with RE4 as it was just apparent that the have run out of ideas with the old gameplay.


I played it right after RE1 remake and it was so bad. In the end, I just used a guide to finish it quick and move on. The only positive thing I can say is it looks bloody gorgeous. But even that isn't that positive because it just makes me think how good RE1 could have looked if they didn't lose the original assets.


I want to play this for the first time soon. I already have the Steam version (got it in a RE humble bundle I think). Is that fine, or would it be best to emulate the GameCube version in Dolphin?


0 and village are the only ones in the series I didn't play. How much of 0 is on the train? My love for Train to Busan wants it to be a lot.


RE0 was a game with a brilliant setup and intro, only to flounder it 2/3 of the way through.

One of my favorites, even though it's deeply flawed; this game cries out for a modern remake. RE2/3 remake style, double the story length with brand new stuff (and fixing some of the goofy stuff), replace the character switching with real 2-player coop/buddy mechanics, and you have a winner.
Billy’s tattoo design inspired a very large tribal tattoo of my own…

I have nothing more to say than I truly am the last of my tribe.

And, fuck you.
Dunno if it's a Tribal tattoo when it says Mother Love which is a Queen song.

I like it a lot but it is full of problems. Once you learn how to play it properly it was fun to go through to get the Plat. But for a prequel it's very toothless and doesn't really do anything, Rebecca went through ALL that and then is expecting free boosts from Chris in the mansion? What the fuck.

Has a lot of anime moments too like Leech Marcus being a Final Fantasy character. The train is amazing then it's just another tired and uninspired Resident Evil game, mansion area to a church to a lab to a sewer and factory we've seen it all at this point.

Frog enemy than can instantly kill you if you're not with your partner character, Eliminators can fucking SAVAGE you.

I like the game but the item management and same old areas we've seen before outside the train didn't do it any favours. But still... Visually it's amazing, potentially the best looking Resident Evil game along with REmake especially the HD Remasters.


Rebecca went through ALL that and then is expecting free boosts from Chris in the mansion? What the fuck.

Considering the ending of 0 suggests she went straight to the mansion, I always assumed this meant she never had a chance to sleep since 0 began until 1 ends. So during 1 I assumed she was feeling some serious fatigue.
Loved this section!

I remember arriving at this location. I was like HOLY SHIT this is RE2! It's official CAPCOM is gonna Remake RE2! Just had to wait 17 more years LOL


Gold Member
You have good taste my friend
I don't know what's worse, someone putting Code Veronica at n.1 or someone commenting they have good taste.

There's nothing underrated about RE0.
The item management system completely destroys the flow of the game, especially once you get to the mansion. On my first playthrough I left the hookshot so far back in the game, I was genuinely surprised I could still get it back and not have to restart. But getting it back wasn't fun in the slightest. No hint at all about which items you may still need later and which you can safely leave behind.

The cutscenes are bad quality compared to REmake, and the Final Fantasy villain is beyond terrible. The retconning of Rebecca's night prior to RE1 was a poor choice, as well.

Some enemies, like the monkeys, are a royal pain in the ass. I still remember getting stunlocked and gangbanged by them after freeing the imprisoned character, with the last save a good 15 minutes away. Some incredibly awful camera angles too, made for the sole purpose of fucking you in the ass, just like in Code Veronica.

Still enjoyable, but easily Classic RE bottom tier.


Resident Evil 0 is easily the worst of all the classic games, the backtracking, the unoriginal bosses, the nonsecical story and above all the absolute mess of an inventory which single handedly ruined the game
I think if the game gave 8-10 slots, it would have been much more enjoyable.
Dropping items should have been a thing since the start of the franchise, but I get memory issues prevent that from happening.


I'll never understand people's gripes with the inventory system. I found it liberating and enjoyed the extra bit of management. It's like an even better version of the Remake's real survival mode.


Gold Member
As a big fan of the series with 10 other beat RE games under my belt, I really wanted to like it, but playing it fairly RTTP on PS4 honestly I couldn't suffer through it.
Got to the bat boss with way too little health and ammo making it impossible to beat. And because I was overwriting one save slot, having the choice to restart the game or quit I chose the latter.
Yes there are probably strats no no hit him with a knife but at that point I just didn't care.
The item management system is atrocious, improvising a storage room littered on the floor with items just not to lose track of anything... I guess someone at Capcom thought that was a good idea.
Don't even get me started on the zombie monkeys, humanoid leeches or the opera-singing lead antagonist.
The dual protag idea was probably really fresh in 2002, but now I just find RE0 way too retro in all kinds of horribly annoying ways to be enjoyable.
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I don't know what's worse, someone putting Code Veronica at n.1 or someone commenting they have good taste.

There's nothing underrated about RE0.
The item management system completely destroys the flow of the game, especially once you get to the mansion. On my first playthrough I left the hookshot so far back in the game, I was genuinely surprised I could still get it back and not have to restart. But getting it back wasn't fun in the slightest. No hint at all about which items you may still need later and which you can safely leave behind.

The cutscenes are bad quality compared to REmake, and the Final Fantasy villain is beyond terrible. The retconning of Rebecca's night prior to RE1 was a poor choice, as well.

Some enemies, like the monkeys, are a royal pain in the ass. I still remember getting stunlocked and gangbanged by them after freeing the imprisoned character, with the last save a good 15 minutes away. Some incredibly awful camera angles too, made for the sole purpose of fucking you in the ass, just like in Code Veronica.

Still enjoyable, but easily Classic RE bottom tier.
Most of the thing you complained are not an issue for me, maybe these game are just not for you

The only thing that is slightly annoying was the item drop all over the place, like I said in my previous thread.

Both Zero and CV are some of the best game of its time.

Zero although experimental, but very innovative for its time, I love the puzzle solving involve character swap

And for CV its universally acclaim for its time when the DC version launch, it improves upon previous RE, the setting and atmosphere is one of the best for its time. the puzzles are the best among classic RE. I still don't understand what all the hate for CV came from after the PS3 remastered version.

It seems our taste of video game are just vastly different, by the way I also have to disagree with you about SH1 is better than SH2 :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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