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LTTP : Serial Experiments Lain


Well since it seems off topic's been getting a few more new anime threads, I might as well add another one to the list.

First a little backstory, i made this post a while back about how i normally watch anime these days

Currently, my anime watching routine is :

1. Not watching any anime.
2. Few months later, I get linked to a website that provides a TV listing (promo art and synposis) via twitter or some other site
3. Go through TV listing and don't find any upcoming or currently airing show to be any interesting at all.
4. Proceed back to not watching any anime

Of course there are exceptions to this which is mainly getting recommendations of older shows from others. Thanks to the increase in anime threads over the past few weeks, i gotten myself a mental backlog of shows to consider watching in the future. I saw Serial Experiment Lain mentioned a few times in a thread recommending great shows that weren't necessarily popular.

Then I had a friend who came over to visit tonight with a list of shows and movies to watch which included SEL and the plan was set.

You can watch the series free on youtube thx to funimation here : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL29CFFB0C178E4903

The first half of the show, both of our heads were exploding. Everytime an episode ended, 1 question might have been answered and 20 more were asked. Towards the end, more explanations were being given but we never felt questions were truly answered which adds to the massive "surreal-ness" of the show.

After we finished the show, we googled around to see if there was a "definite" interpretation of the show's plot summary, themes, interpretations and it seems that even after 20 years, there's still debate about it. Though it is nice to see that our understanding of the story event at least falls with some common consensus lol

And now some mindblowing moments and revelations i would like to highlight as we watched the show. We finished the show at 2am and can't sleep due to the "just finished a show/game that we can't get out of our heads" phenomenon. Will spoiler in case anyone decides to watch it as well :

Figuring who Lain really is -
Lain being a program that was somehow put into a body in the real world. I believe Eri implied that he was the one who did that to her when he entered the Wired. In a previous episode, she caught on to Taro working for the Knights and tried to get her to install some sort of chip that would alter her memories. After this, she checked her memories and discovered that the reason why she didn't know any of her families' birthdays was because they weren't her real family (she didnt know she wasn't human yet) and the Knights pushed her into their household. The crazy thing is that the show never answers the question of whether or not this was the only memory the Knights/Eri tampered with. This means that potentially, the first half of the show never actually happened and only existed as fake memories in Lain's mind.

Lain and her connection to people in both worlds -
Lain is connected to every person in the Wired. As the Wired world merged with the real world, this allows Lain to be connected to every person in both worlds, giving her major influence and omnipresence in both worlds. Simple revelation but satisfying to piece together. Minds still blown.

Lain and Eri's first face to face moment -
It took both of us a really long time to realize that during their conversation, they were reading each other mind's which essentially flipped the script (Lain was speaking Eri's line and vice versa). This is what happens when you are still trying to finish a show at midnight and beyond lol

God -
Throughout the show, it is mentioned that God only exists as a concept in the real world but potentially exists in the Wired since it is possible to have some sort of being or entity having massive influence or power in that world. Once Eri is introduced, it seems that he is indeed that God of the Wired and has the same voice as the God who Lain kept talking to in previous episodes. The plot twist is towards the end when Lain tells Eri that he is actually a stand-in for the real god but doesn't mention who is really God or if he even exists. The final episode implies that God is actually Lain herself (Goddess) since she is seen as two selves having omnipresence in both the real world and Wired world. She might not have known this or didn't knew till pulling off that plot twist on Eri because of her time spent as a human in the real world. However, you can also interpret her father to be God as well since he was the only member of her "family" to say he loved her and also the only one to revisit her and lift her spirits in the final episode. The biggest evidence of course is that he appears to her again out of the sky covered in light like you would imagine God would do!

Bear Pajamas -
To quote my friend as we watched the show "Why does she keeping wearing that dumb looking bear outfit?" I had to tell him they were probably just kids pjs lol. It was weird seeing a character that is suppose to be in middle school wear those pjs though. However, as the show continued to reveal Lain's character (very shy, introverted, multiple personalities) , I noticed that she tended to wear them when something bad or frightening happens to her. My suspicions were confirmed when we started googling around and saw that it's her defense mechanism to give her comfort during difficult moments such as connecting to the Wired on her new PC, having awkward or cold conversations during family dinners, going to a club for the first time as a massive introvert (bear on her beanie hat!), and her final talk with her father. Dad telling her that she didn't need to wear the pjs anymore in the final episode signaled the eventual acceptance of Lain's decision and role in the world by Lain herself.

Typing all of this finally got me sleepy for tonight. It was a fun ride and would recommend to those who enjoy psychological thrillers

EVOL 100%

So many anime try surrealism and fall on their faces, but Lain pulled it off with so much grace even when it's a bit over the top.

The show gave me a huge sense of dread throughout the whole thing. It's been tears since I watched the show, but a lot of the imagery is still burned in my mind.

It also feels more relevant than ever. Not an easy feat for a Sci-Fi anime made in the 90s to pull off


Sublime show. I watched it when I was 16 and even though couldn't understand a lot of what was happening in the first half, I found the ending great. Couldn't stop thinking about it for days.

The progression of Lain from a shy, nerdy introvert to a powerful force in the Wired was worth it. Some terrific scary scenes in the show as well.

*Present day, present time*
Oh rad, didn't know it was on Youtube for free. It's a bonafide classic. It's like a mix of my favourites like Ghost In The Shell and Paranoia Agent. The writer, Chiaki J. Konaka, makes creepy stuff.

Best theme song and atmosphere in an anime.


Sublime show. I watched it when I was 16 and even though couldn't understand a lot of what was happening in the first half, I found the ending great. Couldn't stop thinking about it for days.

The progression of Lain from a shy, nerdy introvert to a powerful force in the Wired was worth it. Some terrific scary scenes in the show as well.

*Present day, present time*

Yea if anything, that was the significance of her last conversation with her dad. Such a journey to experience.


Oh rad, didn't know it was on Youtube for free. It's a bonafide classic. It's like a mix of my favourites like Ghost In The Shell and Paranoia Agent. The writer, Chiaki J. Konaka, makes creepy stuff.

Best theme song and atmosphere in an anime.

I just wikied that writer and saw he worked with Abe on another anime called Texhnolyze. Gonna add that one to the list.


I just wikied that writer and saw he worked with Abe on another anime called Texhnolyze. Gonna add that one to the list.
Texnolyze is great but it's got such a thick coat of nihilism that makes it a bit difficult to watch. You'll know within the very first episode if Texnolyze is for you and all ten lines of dialog with it.
Glad to see a couple threads on my favorite show lately.

The shows method of questioningredients reality and what makes something real took me two viewings to really get, but when it finally clicked it really clicked.

Not Spaceghost

By the time the last episode rolled around the intro to every episode of "present day, present time hahahaha" took on a very different meaning for me.

I started to realize that to Lain time is fucking meaningless and it's always the present to her no matter when she is because she's experiencing everything at once.
So the laughter felt extremely poignant by the end.

Truly one of my favorite anime. It's just such a ride.




Now I've got that damn B.O.A. song stuck in my head.

It's been a real long time since I've seen this. Reading just the first spoiler tags makes me feel like it needs a revisit. Hmm.
This was the first anime that I really sought out on my own. I can remember downloading subs of this show through kazaa when I was thirteen, and then after I finished it, poring over theories about its themes and symbolism. Its exploration of things like mysticism and the occult even helped form some of my interests for years afterwards. I watched it again a couple of years ago and it was at least as good as I remembered it being. A lot of shows can try to conjure an air of esotericism, but this is one of the relatively rare cases where it isn't just posturing. It's actually pretty hard to imagine all of the factors that had to have aligned for a show like this to have ever been made.


One of my favorite shows of all time. I don't think I'll ever fully understand it, but I love it. If anybody's got recommendations for similar works, I'd love to hear them.


I watched this last spring on Funimation's channel as well. I really liked Lain's character design and how stark and distinct each of her-selves were via Lain's expressions. I felt that the towards the end it was a bit clumsy with all the exposition - especially that one episode where it's just a 20 minute lecture on historical ideas of the internet.


I watched this last spring on Funimation's channel as well. I really liked Lain's character design and how stark and distinct each of her-selves were via Lain's expressions. I felt that the towards the end it was a bit clumsy with all the exposition - especially that one episode where it's just a 20 minute lecture on historical ideas of the internet.
That's what sets Lain apart. One of my favorite episodes.


I have a friend of a friend who, when I first met him, was convinced Lain was real and that he was in a relationship with her. We had fun discussions (on LiveJournal) about how naive I was that I couldn't understand that she was real.

He liked to pull 19 year old socially awkward logic arguments like:

- we can't prove she doesn't exist.
- if she's real to me she must have a consciousness
- isn't all fiction real once it is brought to life via storytelling?
- how do we know we're not the story and she's the real one?

I had SEL on VHS back in the day but could never watch it because he put a bad taste in my mouth.

Speaking of which, He later became a vampire and had the same arguments "but I am immortal because my consciousness can't die" "but my sire IS 100 years old because his consciousness passed to a to a younger body" and "but I do in fact need blood because I know I've needed something and I know I've been dying since birth and now I feel alive".
I tried watching this earlier this year, I think. Maybe it was last year. Don't know. Regardless, I only made it to episode 3 or 4 before calling it quits. Just couldn't get into it. Don't know if I'll give it another go.
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