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Mass Effect 5 is in very early development


It looks like Bioware is working on another Mass Effect under Michael Gamble, who is a project director at Bioware. The game is in very early development, as Bioware is already working on the Dragon Age 4 and the recently announced overhauled Anthem.

Bioware went through a rough patch these last few years and unfortunately no patch was able to fix it. Nonetheless, even if their latest game is a complete disaster, they seem to be pushing forward.
Personally, I have very little faith in Bioware and EA in general. I think it might prove difficult for them to get back on their feet after Anthem. Maybe if Dragon Age 4 is actually great, because it’s been a while since we had an awesome epic RPG experience.
Where do you want Mass Effect to go in the future? #N7Day
— Michael Gamble (@GambleMike) November 7, 2019

There is no information on the release date, since Bioware have not officially confirmed anything at this point.



Well, I really hope they make it right this time. And at least complete the Andromeda story. Overall Mass Effect Andromeda was a bug-mess (at launch) but still a good game at it's core (it had the right atmosphere). But with to many loose ends in the story.


Based on their last 2 big releases "early development" at Bioware is that stage that takes up 80% of the dev time as they throw around and then discard a bunch of ideas as they struggle to find a direction for the game. Then at some point they're like "Oh shit this is supposed to come out next year", at which point it goes into active development where they rush together some turd as fast as possible.


Gold Member
I really hope that it's set in the Milky Way again. I don't care if it is a prequel (First Contact War) or if it takes place after one of the endings.


I’ve had Andromeda on a shelf unplayed for 2 years. Always want to crack it open but with all the negative reception around it I never have wanted to waste my time. Hope 5 turns out better!


Neo Member
When I think of Mass Effect I think of Shepard, the default preset Shepard. There were some very cool dialogue moments with that character, I'd like more of that.


Gold Member
People got excited when Baldur's Gate 3 was announced, and a big reason why was that Bioware wasn't doing it.

The company that made Mass Effect no longer exists - Bioware of 2019 is wearing the skin suit of that company.
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How did this even get approved after the failure of Mass Effect Andromeda? Let the series die like Dead Space or sell the IP to a worthy developer.


Gold Member
Based on their last 2 big releases "early development" at Bioware is that stage that takes up 80% of the dev time as they throw around and then discard a bunch of ideas as they struggle to find a direction for the game. Then at some point they're like "Oh shit this is supposed to come out next year", at which point it goes into active development where they rush together some turd as fast as possible.
I used a similar method for many a school assignment.


What was that character who could reminisce and "feel" his memories? A full game on him as the protagonist would be nice. Forget all this "save the galaxy" crap. Think outside the fucking box for once.


I woder who plays the gay, Asian, Black and trans character in the Party. Bioware loves their token characters and always follows a certain list. Alone that is a reason why I am not caring much about Bioware anymore. They have become boring.

This will not only be a Game past the Witcher 3 but also past Cyberpunk. THERE IS NO WAY it will even come close to these games. Bioware is already dead and the people who are still thre are the talentless guys no one else wants
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Let me have a new Mass Effect game no matter how bad I need it, wtf is wrong with you people saying they should kill the franchise. Bunch of drama queens


Neo Member
Let me have a new Mass Effect game no matter how bad I need it, wtf is wrong with you people saying they should kill the franchise. Bunch of drama queens

So true. Mass Effect as a game means so much to me personally and I will take whatever I can get.
Andromeda was an ambitious prospect it was just poorly made. I have to keep saying the original trilogy wasn't exactly amazing either btw. Pure standard and safe as fuck science fiction outing, get Chris Avellone to write it.
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