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Met. Police ignored 'extremist views' of Muslim officers to avoid racism accusations

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The Independent said:
A former counter-terrorism officer has claimed the Metropolitan Police ignored evidence of extremism among its officers for fear of being labelled “Islamophobic”.

Javaria Saeed, a practising Muslim, said she had complained to her bosses after hearing a fellow Muslim officer say FGM should not be criminalised because it was a “clean and honourable practice”.

She said the same officer also said female Muslim victims of domestic violence should go to local Sharia courts rather than the police for help except in the “serious violent cases”.

Ms Saeed, who worked for Scotland Yard for 10 years, told The Sunday Times she had been demonised by some of her fellow Muslim officers for not wearing the veil and was told she was “better off at home looking after her husband”.

The 35-year-old said she resigned in March from the force’s Muslim Contact Unit (MCU) after being fed up of the “political correctness” which allowed an “us and them” culture to develop among the 600 Muslim officers.

“My experiences were that it was Muslim officers being racist towards my individual views; also in private, holding racist views against white officers, and sexist views against females.

“If such views were held and expressed by white officers, they would be fired.”
Ms Saeed said she had been warned by friends and family that she was likely to suffer discrimination and racism from white officers but instead she was warned not to raise complaints about her fellow Muslims because it would “hinder” her career progression.

Throw the book at me if old.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
U.K muslims are kinda nuts. We dont hear about these stories in the U.S. They are the second or third generation muslims too. It's really bizarre how they have digressed instead of adopting progressive values like U.S muslims most of which are still just first or second generation muslims.


Why did you not quote any of Scotland Yard's response?

He said: “The Met is aware of concerns raised by ex Sergeant Javaira Saeed in June 2013.

“At that time and on a number of occasions prior to her leaving to the Met, the full range of options for dealing with her concerns was explained to her, ranging from an internal fairness at work procedure through to a full investigation. Each time she was asked if she wanted to document her complaint so that it could be investigated, she declined.

“Despite Ms Saeed declining to formally record her information as a complaint a full review of the Muslim Contact Unit (MCU) was carried out in 2013, which resulted in a number of recommendations being made. Most of these have been implemented. Since 2013 there have been no further issues or complaints made about the conduct of the officers within the MCU.

“We are also committed to increasing the diversity of our own workforce, and making sure that all our staff feel valued and able to speak out if they come across wrongdoing.

“Our Directorate of Professional Standards investigates all allegations; examines all intelligence and supports reporters of wrong doing.

“Where officers fall below the high standards we will take action. This is vital for public confidence and the confidence of all the men and women of the Met who work to keep London safe.”


Err, these are not extremist views.

They are pretty shitty, regressive and fundamentalist as fuck, but not extremist.

That said, sounds like a really shitty environment to work in.


I honestly do not believe this. It sounds like a jaded former employee.

I believe it I've heard multiple reports of this, and where's there's smoke theirs fire. I don't see if she's jaded this would be the way to get "revenge".


contribute something
Err, these are not extremist views.

They are pretty shitty, regressive and fundamentalist as fuck, but not extremist.

That said, sounds like a really shitty environment to work in.

Defending the slashing of women's vaginas is absolutely an extremist position
Err, these are not extremist views.

They are pretty shitty, regressive and fundamentalist as fuck, but not extremist.

That said, sounds like a really shitty environment to work in.
I think recommending Sharia courts is a pretty extremist view.

Why did you not quote any of Scotland Yard's response?
She said raising complaints might hinder her career. So I can understand not wanting to document it. They say no complaints since 2013, so where there more before that time?
U.K muslims are kinda nuts. We dont hear about these stories in the U.S. They are the second or third generation muslims too. It's really bizarre how they have digressed instead of adopting progressive values like U.S muslims most of which are still just first or second generation muslims.

Any evidence to back this up or is this your findings?


chiefly derogatory
A person who holds extreme political or religious views, especially one who advocates illegal, violent, or other extreme action:


Err, these are not extremist views.

They are pretty shitty, regressive and fundamentalist as fuck, but not extremist.

That said, sounds like a really shitty environment to work in.

Sounds to me like they don't believe in the UK legal system if they want Sharia courts. So that's a pretty wrong position for a policeman.


I think recommending Sharia courts is a pretty extremist view.
She said raising complaints might hinder her career. So I can understand not wanting to document it. They say no complaints since 2013, so where there more before that time?

Defending the slashing of women's vaginas is absolutely an extremist position

Unfortunately, in the UK both these are not considered extreme among some muslim groups
Well FWIW, idk why the hell female circumcision appears to be a hot topic all the time with Muslims when it's not even a religious thing - I'm actually genuinely curious where it inherently comes from? Impoverished cultures? It's barbaric -- enough said.

Also the Sharia Courts thing isn't what some people think in this thread - it tends to settle marital disputes and domestic affairs rather than what's typically associated with Sharia, though don't get me wrong it certainly is a weird ass suggestion.

Also what's with the smearing and generalisations about UK Muslims? Get that stuff out of there - the vocal minority voices you hear 24/7 on newspapers or TV aren't representative at all. Seriously stop with the painting everyone with the same brush.


U.K muslims are kinda nuts. We dont hear about these stories in the U.S. They are the second or third generation muslims too. It's really bizarre how they have digressed instead of adopting progressive values like U.S muslims most of which are still just first or second generation muslims.

The US is 0.6% Muslim (that number is from 2008) while the UK is 4.4% Muslim (2011) and in London - where the Met Police operate - 12.4% are Muslim (2011). I doubt Muslims in the US have adopted progressive values at a higher rate than those in the UK, it's a pretty simple correlation; the more Muslims a society has the more Islamic extremists you can expect it to produce.


Well FWIW, idk why the hell female circumcision appears to be a hot topic all the time with Muslims when it's not even a religious thing - I'm actually genuinely curious where it inherently comes from? Impoverished cultures? It's barbaric -- enough said.

I know in Somalia, for instance, comes from old pharonich traditions and that's a majority Islamic country. So the link in that case is closer to pagan beliefs rather than islam.

Not sure what excuse other heavily islamic countries that have a history of FGM have.

Absolutely disgusting either way.


The US is 0.6% Muslim (that number is from 2008) while the UK is 4.4% Muslim (2011) and in London - where the Met Police operate - 12.4% are Muslim (2011). I doubt Muslims in the US have adopted progressive values at a higher rate than those in the UK, it's a pretty simple correlation; the more Muslims a society has the more Islamic extremists you can expect it to produce.

As a proportion of total population there are fewer US Muslims but the total US Muslim population is larger than the UK.

FYI, there is evidence to back up what he was saying. There has been a lot of research done on why immigrant populations are able to assimilate into the US so successfully (this includes Muslims).


As a proportion of total population there are fewer US Muslims but the total US Muslim population is larger than the UK.

0.6% x 318m = 1.9m US muslims
4.4% x 64m = 2.8m UK muslims

Great fact bro.

It's easier to integrate people into society when they make up a smaller percentage of the whole, and studies also say immigrants integrate better when they share the religion of their host society. The % of Americans who fit in the "other religions" category (not Christians or Jews) has gone from 5% in 1990 to 6% in 2015, the US has not been dealing with immigration of this sort on the scale that countries like the UK and France have, they aren't better at it.
U.K muslims are kinda nuts. We dont hear about these stories in the U.S. They are the second or third generation muslims too. It's really bizarre how they have digressed instead of adopting progressive values like U.S muslims most of which are still just first or second generation muslims.

Generalisations aren't nice. I'm from a Muslim background (we only practiced the main holidays) and I don't believe I am kinda nuts, nor do I think the many Muslim friends I have are kinda nuts either.

Or do you think we're the good ones?

It goes without saying the police officers comments are abhorrent and he should have been removed from duty as soon as the complaints were made. There is a real problem with Asian communities hiding domestic violence and if one woman ever encountered this police man, he would direct her to a court that would say she should reconcile with her husband, which is completely unacceptable.

FGM is a primarily Somali issue in the UK and it's something we need to tackle head on through education and prosecuting anyone found to have mutilated their daughter.


0.6% x 318m = 1.9m US muslims
4.4% x 64m = 2.8m UK muslims

Great fact bro.

It's easier to integrate people into society when they make up a smaller percentage of the whole, and studies also say immigrants integrate better when they share the religion of their host society. The % of Americans who fit in the "other religions" category (not Christians or Jews) has gone from 5% in 1990 to 6% in 2015, the US has not been dealing with immigration of this sort on the scale that countries like the UK and France have, they aren't better at it.

Way to be rude about something you're completely wrong about.


UK Muslim population is estimated to be at just over 3 million now.
FGM? as in Female Genital Mutilation? that's a freaking extreme view and nobody who advocates it should be working for the police, let alone the section supposedly made to foster relations with the Police and Muslim communities!

Its a problem in a lot of the UK institutions, the Prison sector has issues with guards not wanting to punish Muslim prisoners for fear of being branded discriminatory, something that several exposes have discussed.

Looking at wider subjects of fear of looking racist, the best example is the Rotherham sex scandal where upto 3000 young women were treated as sex slaves over decades and the police and social services ignored reports and cries for help out of this misguided fear.

The fear is real in government - its a biproduct of the litigious society we live in, and perhaps now more of the openly shaming on social media society we live in (which is akin to gladiatorial arenas, watching others suffer for their perverse pleasures)
I'd rather they make things right and just then if someone cries racism prove you aren't than to turn a blind eye to real toxic issues


The UK doesn't take integration seriously. Also we're more likely to take in low-grade immigrants (from Islamic backgrounds) who have no desire to shed their backward views. That's why the UK has more problems with Islamic extremism.


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