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MTV Presents: The Next Generation of Xbox Revealed | Xbox 360 Whinging Thread


Watching the program now on CTV, funny how the ads are only adult-phone lines stuff. :lol

I hate all that speculation about the Xbox Live stuff, marketplace, etc...

PS2 was supposed to be all that and more. And look what happened. XBL had more potential but then again, DLC was pretty minimal and now they want to exploit it a lot. But with that content...?

I want GAMES, come on!!!
Well that show completely sucked but I gotta be honest and say that Perfect Dark Zero wasn't as bad as I was expecting it to be. Sure there were some framerate problems but it sure looked a hell of a lot better than those fucking gawd awful screens on 1Up.

There may be some hope.

Agent X

Gold Member
Just a few weeks ago, the X-Box fans were totally applauding the announcement of the MTV "unveiling" of the X-Box 360, saying what a strategic coup this was, how great it was that Microsoft got a huge jump on Sony and Nintendo, and how they have a golden opportunity to score with the masses by revealing it in a star-studded presentation on TV rather than some humdrum media event.

Now that the X-Box 360 "unveiling" (if you can call it that) turned out to be bunch of hollow media hype, the usual Microsoft hornblowers are quick to deliver excuses such as "the games are early in development," "the development tools aren't finalized yet," and so on.

If that's truly the case, then perhaps Microsoft shouldn't have bothered to hype this non-event to high heaven, and waited until the hardware and games were in a more presentable state to make a grand entrance. Instead, they rushed out the door, and squandered their opportunity by making their first impression on the public a bad one.

Oh well, so much for being first. Now Sony and Nintendo have time to react to this when they prepare their presentations for E3 next week.
Datawhore said:
1) Developers are struggling with the Alpha hardware (severely)

How about...

4) Developers unsure of final specs well into development

Not that I'm speaking from X360 experience, but rarely if ever are the specs for console hardware nailed down before first gen development begins. Ram and processing speed vary wildly, sometimes even the number of buttons (cough gba cough)


hyperbolically metafictive
there are no words. but i'll try anyway. with the notable exceptions of test drive and pgr3, which i hope aren't mock-ups, it's as if i'd seen footage of average xbox 1 games. there's a new console involved here? how? this wasn't even the low-point of the show. PIMP MAH XBOX, j. allard returning a jive handshake, two rare employees wilting under the scrutiny of some twitching american retard, the grrrrl gamer saying "bitch" every three or four seconds and planting kisses on the cheeks of every celebrity in reach. i need a drink.
drohne said:
there are no words. but i'll try anyway. with the notable exceptions of test drive and pgr3, which i hope aren't mock-ups, it's as if i'd seen footage of average xbox 1 games. there's a new console involved here? how? this wasn't even the low-point of the show. PIMP MAH XBOX, j. allard returning a jive handshake, two rare employees wilting under the scrutiny of some twitching american retard, the grrrrl gamer saying "bitch" every three or four seconds and planting kisses on the cheeks of every celebrity in reach. i need a drink.

Gears of War sez: STFU


hyperbolically metafictive
i missed gears of war. i was flipping back and forth from the basketball game. i should download the trailer.
drohne said:
i missed gears of war. i was flipping back and forth from the basketball game. i should download the trailer.

Do that man, it puts everything into perspective. Most of these games are rushed crap on old dev kits. UE3.0 is more indicative of the X360's power...and even that is probably running on an older dev kit.


AGGHEFWHUQFHQWERF!!! FUCK! Its on again! Why am I watching this again? Either I just want more confirmation for how absolutely disappointing the 360 is or I'm just a glutton for punishment.

This does remind me of how horrible their brief "history of gaming" segment was. PONG was NOT the first video game! Anyone else notice how they completely skip just about everything from the 16-bit era until the Xbox? They barely mention Nintendo and don't even touch on Sony at all (beyond showing the corner of the original PS in a fly-by).


I haven't seen any of the games yet, but I must say...the actual system looks like a trapper keeper. :lol

Sorry, I'm not very good at trolling. =/

All Hail C-Webb

Hailing from the Chill-Web
Since it looks like what my source told me is correct, you guys don't really have that much to worry about in regards to how PD0 turns out. The graphics might not be up to par (it was only very recently moved over to the 360), but some of the gameplay inovation sounds sick. It was definately a mistake for Microsoft to show PD0 at this early stage, but when it releases, it will exceed everyone's (now much lower) expectaions.

As to what I posted about several days ago:

A major aspect of Perfect Dark 0 will be the ability to alter/destroy environments. Think Red Faction's geo mod shit, but with a much larger scope (Room full of guards you don't want to fight, release water into said room and drown them all).


Keep talking like that and PD0 will sound like Ratchet&Clank360

Crackpot theory.
Nintendo is still paying Rare.
It's under-the-table, so that their Xbox360 games suck. CS:Source with bump-mapping is not what anyone should imagine PD0 to be like.


All Hail C-Webb said:
Since it looks like what my source told me is correct, you guys don't really have that much to worry about in regards to how PD0 turns out. The graphics might not be up to par (it was only very recently moved over to the 360), but some of the gameplay inovation sounds sick. It was definately a mistake for Microsoft to show PD0 at this early stage, but when it releases, it will exceed everyone's (now much lower) expectaions.

As to what I posted about several days ago:

A major aspect of Perfect Dark 0 will be the ability to alter/destroy environments. Think Red Faction's geo mod shit, but with a much larger scope (Room full of guards you don't want to fight, release water into said room and drown them all).

What did your sources tell you? How does this magically change everything? Are we just getting yet another game with "destructable environments" tacked on more of selling point and less of an actual gameplay mechanic beyond scripted scenes and being able to blow up office chairs?

J2 Cool

It seems my theory was right. The technology is isn't the limit anymore, the limit's on the developers. The good artists have a new plateau to shine on, and the frauds stick out like a sore thumb. It's like this, imagine 2 artists paintings... A good one, and a bad one. With your eyes blurred, they look pretty similar. Neither flaws or strengths stick out as much. Your eyes determine how good it looks. Then let it come into focus. Given 20/20 eyes, your going to be wowed by the great artists, and your not going to want to look at the bad ones.

Anyway, yeah, some good, some bad, some ugly. I don't think that Tiger Woods was even different. I think it was running on PS2 even. Ghost Recon 3, if you could keep the framerate steady, which is microsoft's part of the bargain, you're my title. RedStorm is the shit. Gears of War, rock! Microsoft's let down if that fails to steady the framerate. NBA2k6.... If that is real time....... Sega is above all competition as far as the other developers in art. There's cloth detail, beautiful motion, flexing anatomy... What next gen's all about.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
i thought PD0 looked pretty good in motion imo. The screens though were complete ASS.

And this show absolutely sucked.

Like... i mean...


Bring on the e3 conferences, where the real games begin.

All Hail C-Webb

Hailing from the Chill-Web
Belfast said:
What did your sources tell you? How does this magically change everything? Are we just getting yet another game with "destructable environments" tacked on more of selling point and less of an actual gameplay mechanic beyond scripted scenes and being able to blow up office chairs?

What I have been told, and can mention:

-PD0 was very very recently brought over to the 360, what you saw is probably what it looked like on the Xbox.

-Destructible environments will play a major role in the game (like mentioned in my last post, and confirmed on the MTV special), definately not all scripted, and possibly used in Multiplayer.

I still haven't got anyone to try that thing in Perfect Dark yet (somewhere in my post history), so untill I'm sure of that, I'm not going to give out anymore info.


I just can't belive how massive the hardware is... It is almost the same size as the current Xbox. Who wants something that big sitting out (vertically) in their family room?


J2 Cool said:
It seems my theory was right. The technology is isn't the limit anymore, the limit's on the developers. The good artists have a new plateau to shine on, and the frauds stick out like a sore thumb. It's like this, imagine 2 artists paintings... A good one, and a bad one. With your eyes blurred, they look pretty similar. Neither flaws or strengths stick out as much. Your eyes determine how good it looks. Then let it come into focus. Given 20/20 eyes, your going to be wowed by the great artists, and your not going to want to look at the bad ones.

Anyway, yeah, some good, some bad, some ugly. I don't think that Tiger Woods was even different. I think it was running on PS2 even. Ghost Recon 3, if you could keep the framerate steady, which is microsoft's part of the bargain, you're my title. RedStorm is the shit. Gears of War, rock! Microsoft's let down if that fails to steady the framerate. NBA2k6.... If that is real time....... Sega is above all competition as far as the other developers in art. There's cloth detail, beautiful motion, flexing anatomy... What next gen's all about.

Yep. I just came to the same conclusion myself about 60 seconds ago after looking at the awful pictures of Namco's 360 game. There's no reason it looks like a PS2 game from three years ago, it's just Namco's extremely uninspiring design. Yet for every visual bore like PD0 and Tiger Woods and the Namco game, there's Ghost Recon and Gears of War and PGR3 looking great. Weird. You'd imagine they'd all be more uniform in graphical quality, but that's certainly not the case so far.


Tortfeasor said:
I just can't belive how massive the hardware is... It is almost the same size as the current Xbox. Who wants something that big sitting out (vertically) in their family room?

It's as big as the PS2...


So I watched this.

It was so



I liked how the gamer was asking Rare questions, and instead of showing half the answers, they made it into a "LOL NERDZ" moment.

By liked, I mean hated.


Belfast said:
AGGHEFWHUQFHQWERF!!! FUCK! Its on again! Why am I watching this again? Either I just want more confirmation for how absolutely disappointing the 360 is or I'm just a glutton for punishment.

This does remind me of how horrible their brief "history of gaming" segment was. PONG was NOT the first video game! Anyone else notice how they completely skip just about everything from the 16-bit era until the Xbox? They barely mention Nintendo and don't even touch on Sony at all (beyond showing the corner of the original PS in a fly-by).

WTF do you expect,Microsoft to go into detail about how the PSX brand is number one and kicking ass? :lol
3 USB 2.0 ports for Xbox Live Camera peripheral; to plug in wired game controllers that are also common for Windows PCs; to stream media from any portable media device, digital camera, and Windows XP PC

Wait, does this mean I can only transefer stuff over from PC to X360 with USB? I can't do it through wi-fi? or Ethernet?


Chili Con Carnage!
No, it means you can plug your camera and controllers into your PC.

Edit: Actually it might just be saying the USB ports are the same as the ones on your PC.
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