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New Bayonetta Trailer | Bayonetta 3 - Bayonettas Everywhere?!


Gold Member

Fight your way through the streets of Tokyo, the mountains of China, and many other locales! Along the way you’ll meet a virtual coven of Bayonettas, each more fabulous than the last. You’ll also slash and slay as Viola, a feisty witch in training who fights with a sword and a capricious companion, the demon Cheshire. Find out what fate awaits Bayonetta, and if this arcane alliance can really save reality!
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Anyone else has secured a special edition?

I can't wait to play this, the 2nd was pure bliss from start to finish

trailer miss GIF
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James Earl Jones Reaction GIF

I forgot how insane Japan can be sometimes. Pretty much the only stronghold where games feel like there’s no limit and aren’t going for simulations.
Feeling that way while making my way through Nier: Automata. That game feels like the love child from a Breath of the Wild/Xenoblade: Chronicles/Bayonetta threesome.


Script made almost entirely of incoherent non sequiturs, awesome over the top "anything can happen" action.

Looks great.


not watching. already picking this up. Guess this will win Action Game of the Year. And people thought this game was in development hell.


It's probably coming to the next Nintendo console, also you can buy it legit and emulate.
I'll probably wait tbh, I wasn't the biggest fan of two.
One character annoyed the hell out of me XD
But hopefully it turns out and great and gets ported in the future whether that is other consoles or future more powerful Nintendo devices.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Multiversal Bayonetta.

Just when I though Bayo couldnt get any more crazy.....they dun given her TrainSaw Blades as a weapon.
GunChucks was mad, fucking TrainSaw Blades!
I really like her YoYo weapon too.
(I really dont want to play as Viola, but im sure my opinion will change as soon as I actually play one stage as her).

Game of the year right here.

Plus, customization too....i always like Jeannes white outfit with white hair, So ill probably end up remaking that suit in this game.


Much better videos and trailers than... all those presented so far. It's finally reassuring.
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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
I only skimmed them but will have to watch them all cos at 4:30 in the overview trailer there's a freaking Elevator Action Returns style bit.
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Astral Dog

It's probably coming to the next Nintendo console, also you can buy it legit and emulate.
Bayonetta trilogy no doubt will play and look even better the day it comes out on Switch 2 🤤

But i wonder, how the PlayStation fans could live with themselves during the old God of War 3 launch days, if they were begging for God of War 2 and 3 to come out on PC or shitting on it because it was exclusive to an inferior console.

And if those complaining now are really buying this game when it releases improved on Nintendo's next gen system 🤔or just more goalpost moving?

Bayonetta 1 didn’t had enough support,neither PlayStation or Xbox players weren't even willing to pay $60 for that masterpiece, much less an 'inferior' Nintendo system + the game, i hope this title is recieved well on the actual system it was designed for,Bayonetta is not a Mario,GTA or Pokemon gamers are proud to pirate, every single purchase counts, its for that support alone the series is getting made

Fortunately im not worried about the numbers, im pretty sure Bayonetta 3 will have a nice launch, and the Switch will succeed(at least has a real shot) were the PlayStation, Xbox and Wii U failed.

Bayonetta 3 is almost here! 💜
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
It has sexy design, that means it has zero chance winning in VGA shows.
It was in the running if I recall and got robbed big time by Dragon Age Inquisition. So yeah youre right about that. It'll be on every short list though and may score quite a bit higher than people are expecting. Guess we'll see. Just have 1 tweet to go off of so its still early.


Not a big fan of the too many playable character in a BTA adventure game, best way to kill momentum in this type of game, didn't like it in DMC5 (game is B+ tier but could've been S tier)

....Unless who knows, maybe they handle it better than Capcom did with DMC5, we'll see.


The nicest person on this forum
Not a big fan of the too many playable character in a BTA adventure game, best way to kill momentum in this type of game, didn't like it in DMC5 (game is B+ tier but could've been S tier)

....Unless who knows, maybe they handle it better than Capcom did with DMC5, we'll see.
From gameplay I have seen so far Viola plays vastly better than V in DMC5. She gets her witch time with perfect block and when she summons Cheshire she lose her sword but she can still fight with her fist which makes her feel different than how Bayonetta normally fights.

V in DMC5 felt like much more limited Astral Chain like combat.


Gold Member
It has sexy design, that means it has zero chance winning in VGA shows.


From gameplay I have seen so far Viola plays vastly better than V in DMC5. She gets her witch time with perfect block and when she summons Cheshire she lose her sword but she can still fight with her fist which makes her feel different than how Bayonetta normally fights.

V in DMC5 felt like much more limited Astral Chain like combat.
Yeah it's not much about characters plays, but the way it was displayed. I talked about that back then about what i didn't like about DMC5 https://www.neogaf.com/threads/lets...ree-that-it-was-a-lame-design-choice.1626184/


The nicest person on this forum
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The nicest person on this forum
Fuck that guy. If you're going to be that damn biased then maybe you should fucking quit.
Its exactly why I dont take any of the awards in VGA shows seriously, the awards has become less about awarding great games and more about trying too hard to keep "image" if gaming industry is "serious" as movie industry, so games with "sexy" designs gets in away of that in their eyes.

Also there is huge double standard against Japanese games in western media, in games like Cyberpunk or Last of Us 2 there is full one nudity and sex and yet those are considered "brave" while Bayonetta has zero nudity but only showing little skin its going too far, so much so that in Bayonetta 3 they have to put "naive angel mode" in order for people dont get offended.....I mean am I crazy here? because this shit makes zero sense to me.
Anyone else has secured a special edition?

I can't wait to play this, the 2nd was pure bliss from start to finish

trailer miss GIF
Yup! already pre-ordered! I cant wait for that art book.
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