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Nintendo has shed its ‘childish’ reputation, says Miyamoto


Nintendo director Shigeru Miyamoto has discussed how the company has worked to lose its reputation for being a “childish” brand.

In a wide-ranging interview with Japanese magazine Famitsu, the Super Mario designer said the company made a “great effort” to shed the unwanted perception of it and become more family friendly during the Wii era.

“There was a time when Nintendo was called childish, but after continuous work on our priorities the efforts began to show around the Wii that gave us the image of ‘peace of mind’,” he said (via Siliconera).

He also said during the interview: “If I were to express Nintendo’s qualities in words then it is also ‘peace of mind,’ There’s peace of mind when looking at it as a parent and you can have it in your living room. We’ve put great effort into creating something that can be the centre of family amusement.”

While Nintendo has done as much as any other company to help reposition video games as a family friendly activity rather than a childish pastime, there are further challenges to overcome if the company is to continue expanding its audience and reach its lofty goals, Miyamoto has said.

“Many parents want to keep their children from playing video games,” Miyamoto said in November 2019. “But these same parents have no problem allowing them to watch Disney movies.

“We cannot seriously challenge [Disney] unless parents start feeling comfortable about their children playing Nintendo.”

Elsewhere in the Famitsu interview, Miyamoto said he believes thinking outside of the box is key to Nintendo’s ongoing success.

“What really makes something Nintendo to us comes from truly thinking about the customers. It’s not about the market or the current trends.”

He added: “If you try making something that sells, it eventually ends up becoming like something that’s already out there. If what you make looks like something that might already be out there, then it won’t sell well. That’s why Nintendo makes things that have yet to be seen.”



Last warning for console wars

I’d agree.


LMAO... NO, they have eased access for third parties and Indies to dump their trash.

They have allowed Indie to dump their trash on the console .. I go to eShop and I forget what the fuck I went in for... so much clustered garbage.

At retail they are still kiddy-friendly brand. ..


Gold Member
Nah, I don't think so. I mean, it has games and all, but the perception, their so "focused in all ages games" and mainly the attitude of their users says otherwise.
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Gold Member
I have to disagree. Their biggest franchises are still all aimed at young people.

Yes, I know adults play Pokemon and such, but let's not kid ourselves. The vast majority are kids.
Rumour has it Zelda BOTW 2 will invoke Satan into your home. That's mature for mature gamers right?

Edit: I agree though, their image is still more family friendly, which translates to everyone, which means kids, which means kiddy.
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Silver Wattle

Gold Member
I'd personally love to see them make a darker Pokémon game, not this fluffy G rated child proof container of a game we get now.


I do think a more nuanced take would mention that Nintendo still has a family-friendly focus. However, with the Wii/DS, and Switch they've expanded the tent, similar to how you saw businessmen using Gameboys back in the day.

But many are right, their first-party output is family-friendly. They've tried with stuff like Geist, but they rarely stick to it.


Nintendo never has had a "childish" image to me.

Nes, SNES, n64, gameboy, ds, gamecube era they were really a game company for everyone. They had misteps for sure but they always were a game company that just did their own thing and they always had my respect for it.

Once the Wii came out Nintendo turned more into a "were going to please everyone by being safe, friendly, non threatening and sterile". And ever since then they have just done sequels, re releases and pimped the fuck out of the same old franchises that are accepting of most people, always being safe while putting up people in front of gamers that are nice,soft spoken and gentle. And rarely do they do anything actually new and when they do they quickly abandon it to go back to the same old things.

Nintendo is now a pleaser, that's all they want to do is smile and try to make everyone happy. Soon as you try to make everyone happy then you become generic and a bit lame. And nintendo isn't a bad company, they are just lame and just ride their own coat tails.


I personally disagree. I haven't bought a Nintendo system since the Gamecube (and barring Metroid Prime, that system and its games were a huge disappointment). I refuse to touch anything Nintendo, and I do not understand the hype behind the Switch. But then again, I am not a 7-12 year old, and neither are my children. Perhaps when they are a bit older.


Gold Member
It happened with the Wii/DS. They took a step back with Wii U and 3DS

I see mostly 20/30 years using Switches on the subway.

A lot of Nintendo's issues here are simple branding and packaging.
It happened during gamecube era.

Purplez lunchbox kiddie lolz.

That and wind waker celda.

It was really stupid imo. That 's why people were so happy about the trailer of Zelda TP. And yet its a worse game than wind waker.


I personally disagree. I haven't bought a Nintendo system since the Gamecube (and barring Metroid Prime, that system and its games were a huge disappointment). I refuse to touch anything Nintendo, and I do not understand the hype behind the Switch. But then again, I am not a 7-12 year old, and neither are my children. Perhaps when they are a bit older.
Even if you ignore the Nintendo stuff, Switch has a lot of good stuff if you want something portable. There's actually a nice crossover with hardcore PC gamers and Switch users--see the recent cross-save support for titles like The Witcher 3, Rocket League, and so on. Doom Eternal is coming to is soon. You also have tons of great CPRGs on it.

The Alienware UFO is a direct result of that crossover appeal.
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Looking at their N64 era, they really weren't childish. They had games for everyone from kids, teens and adults. Even on the Gamecube. They went to mostly family oriented games on the Wii.
I’m glad Nintendo is still family friendly, for the most part. It’s really nice to have games I can play with my kids. I mean, even within those games there are gameplay options that allow people of differing skill levels to play together. I love the current Nintendo, and I hope they stay how they are. Sony and Microsoft can have the “mature” gaming market. I’m glad Nintendo is here doing their own thing.


it's a bit better.

nintendo have done a good job of getting more games on the Switch. You couldn't get games like Doom, Skyrim, Witcher 3, etc on DS. that i think makes people take it more serious. still, a lot of people see games like Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Zelda, Mario etc as kids games. Doesn't help with the insane amount of shovelware on the eShop.

now it's got a mix of everyone. people who would usually have a PS/Xbox but prefer playing on the go. your usual Nintendo crowd who like Pokemon/Zelda/Mario, and then your 30-40 year old manchild neckbeards who want to play silly little japanese waifu games (thanks to Sony not releasing a new handheld console).
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I't's more like splatoon is made for kids, and played by both kids and mostly nintendo fans that are adults that like those kid friendly style games. COD is loved by everyone. none of my adult friends are really considered gamers yet at one point they were all loving COD.

Herr Edgy

So not 'childish' anymore.. and now 'child friendly'? Cool.

Give me larger titles Nintendo, I don't care for easy, simple and cute games anymore.


If anything, Nintendo gained a childish reputation around the Pokémon era. Until Pokémon came along, you'd see (respectable, well-dressed) adults playing Tetris on a train commute, or queueing up to buy Mario without embarrassment. It was also the perfect time for PlayStation to come along and play its disassociation card, establishing itself as the 'cool' alternative.

People think of Nintendo as a childish platform because of the games which came after the SNES- Pokémon, Animal Crossing, Paper Mario etc. And Nintendo doubled down on that image during the Wii/DS era. Miyamoto may be getting senile.
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Well, I think that in the days of NES/SNES, games were generally seen as entertainment for children.
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The problem with Nintendo is that they only chase sales, the safe and easy million sellers.
And most of those games happen to be kiddie games.

They don't understand that sometimes you have to put out a title - which might not sell nearly as much as another Mario Kart game, and might cost more to make, and if done well - will create and build hardcore following and some serious dedicated fanbase.

See: Metroid. There's more to doing business than just pure raw sales.

Also: fuck Nintendo.

They should spend way more money on bankrolling more "core" games done by competent third parties. Those don't have to be expensive AAA games, that push the envelope in terms of graphics. More like A-AA games with some depth and substance to them, which actually run well on the platform (unlike most multiplat third party ports)
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Neon colored nintendo switches with green and pink controllers would beg to differ.

That you're censoring games because they show leg would beg to differ, even if I understand why they did it.

LMAO... NO, they have eased access for third parties and Indies to dump their trash.

They have allowed Indie to dump their trash on the console .. I go to eShop and I forget what the fuck I went in for... so much clustered garbage.

At retail they are still kiddy-friendly brand. ..

I wanted to like the switch, I really did. I even bought one during launch day while on Vacation in Japan in 2017.

over the course of 3 years I bought


All these companies announced ports of games that I wasn't going to spend 60 dollars on when there are superior versions for half the fucking price.


Where's Shin Megami Tensei V, Metroid Prime 4 and all of those companies who signed on for support? Oh right, they're busy porting old games everyone's already played and forgotten about to make games for current gen consoles they would never port to switch anyway.
I kinda agree when it comes to the third-party aspect, but Nintendo itself is nowhere near “Howard Lincoln-level” of mature output... Remember Turok, GoldenEye 007, and the Star Wars exclusives?

However, I don’t have a problem with their family-friendly output as they are often great games (for everyone)...
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