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NYT: Trump-Kushner relationship is showing unmistakable signs of strain


remember me

Over the past week, Mr. Kushner, who at age 36 occupies an ill-defined role somewhere between princeling and President Trump’s shadow chief of staff, has seen his foothold on that invaluable real estate shrink amid revelations that he has faced new scrutiny in a federal investigation into secret discussions with Russian officials during the presidential transition period.

Mr. Kushner, an observant Jew, spent the Sabbath in fretful seclusion with his wife, Ivanka Trump, at his father-in-law’s resort in Bedminster, N.J., unplugged, per religious custom, from electronics. But he emerged defiant and eager to defend his reputation in congressional hearings, according to two of his associates.

What is less clear is how his high-profile woes will affect Mr. Kushner’s hard-won influence on a mercurial father-in-law who is eager to put distance between himself and a scandal that his swamping his agenda and, he believes, threatening his family.

Some Democrats are calling on the president to revoke Mr. Kushner’s security clearances. Representative Adam B. Schiff, the California Democrat who is the co-chairman of the House committee probing Russian efforts to sway the 2016 election, suggested in an interview Sunday that the recent news reports about Mr. Kushner have brought the investigation from the periphery of Mr. Trump’s campaign and transition teams directly into the Oval Office.

“If these stories are accurate” in their description of Mr. Kushner and Michael T. Flynn, Mr. Trump’s ousted national security adviser, “were they acting at the behest of Mr. Trump, then-candidate or president-elect Trump? But whether they were or not, they’re still significant.”

In a statement to The New York Times on Sunday night, Mr. Trump said: “Jared is doing a great job for the country. I have total confidence in him. He is respected by virtually everyone and is working on programs that will save our country billions of dollars. In addition to that, and perhaps more importantly, he is a very good person.”

But in recent weeks the Trump-Kushner relationship, the most stable partnership in an often unstable West Wing, is showing unmistakable signs of strain.

That relationship had already begun to fray following Mr. Trump’s dismissal of the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, which Mr. Kushner had strongly advocated, and because of his repeated attempts to oust Stephen K. Bannon, Mr. Trump’s chief strategist, as well as the president’s overburdened communications team, especially Sean Spicer, the press secretary.

It was duly noted in the White House that Mr. Trump, who feels that he has been ill served by his staff, has increasingly included Mr. Kushner when he dresses down aides and officials, a rarity earlier in his administration and during the campaign.

The most serious point of contention between the president and his son-in-law, two people familiar with the interactions said, was a video clip this month of Mr. Kushner’s sister, Nicole Meyer, pitching potential investors in Beijing on a Kushner Companies condominium project in Jersey City. At one point, Ms. Meyer — who remains close to her brother — dangled the availability of EB-5 visas to the United States as an enticement for Chinese financiers willing to shell out $500,000 or more.

For Mr. Trump, Ms. Meyer’s performance violated two major rules. Politically, it undercut his immigration crackdown, and in a personal sense, it smacked of profiteering off Mr. Trump — one of the sins that warrants expulsion from his orbit.

In the following days, the president made several snarky, disparaging comments about Mr. Kushner’s family and the visas during routine West Wing meetings that were clearly intended to express his annoyance, two aides said.

Mr. Kushner did not respond, at least not in earshot.

His preppy aesthetic, sotto voce style and preference for backstage maneuvering seemingly sets him apart from his father-in-law — but the similarities outweigh the differences. Both men were reared in the freewheeling, ruthless world of real estate, and both possess an unshakable self-assurance that is both their greatest attribute and deadliest vulnerability.

Mr. Kushner’s reported feeler to the Russians even as President Barack Obama remained in charge of American foreign policy was a trademark move by someone with a deep confidence in his own abilities that critics say borders on conceit, people close to him said. And it echoes his history of sailing forth into unknown territory, including buying a newspaper at age 25 and developing a data-analytics program that he has said helped deliver the presidency to his father-in-law.

He is intensely proud of his accomplishments in the private sector and has repeatedly suggested his tenure in Washington will hurt, not help, his brand and bottom line.

That unfailing self-regard has not endeared him to the rest of the staff. Resentful Trump staffers have long talked about “Jared Island,” to describe the special status occupied by Mr. Kushner, who, in their view, is given license to exercise power and take on a vague portfolio — “Middle East peace” and “innovation” are its central components — without suffering the consequences of failure visited by the president on mere hirelings.

Adding to the animus: Mr. Kushner’s aloof demeanor and his propensity for avoiding messy aspects of his job that he would simply rather not do — he has told associates he wants nothing to do with the legislative process, for instance. He also has a habit, they say, of disappearing during crises, such as his absence on a family ski trip when Mr. Trump’s first health care bill was crashing in March.

Mr. Bannon, a onetime Kushner ally turned adversary known for working himself into ill health, has taken to comparing the former real estate executive to “the air,” because he blows in and out of meetings leaving little trace, according to one senior Trump aide. Just as Mr. Trump does, he quickly forms fixed opinions about people, sometimes based on scant evidence. But Mr. Kushner is quicker to admit to others when he has misjudged a situation, and to change course.

Despite the perception that he is the one untouchable adviser in the president’s inner circle, Mr. Kushner was not especially close to his father-in-law before the 2016 election. The two bonded when Mr. Kushner helped take over the campaign’s faltering digital operation, and selling a reluctant Rupert Murdoch on the viability of his father-in-law’s candidacy by showing him videos of Mr. Trump’s rally during a lunch at Fox headquarters in mid-2015.

When asked by friends and associates to describe the source of his influence over the president, Mr. Kushner has offered explanations rooted in loyalty, family and, above all, his acceptance that Mr. Trump is a 70-year-old man of fixed habits who cannot be easily diverted from a course of action he is committed to.

Mr. Kushner is fond of telling friends that he does not have “any vested interests” beyond seeing his father-in-law succeed. Many of the people working for Mr. Trump are not “looking out for the boss, but I am,” Mr. Kushner told a visitor a few days before the Russia news broke.

“My job is to put him in a good place,” Mr. Kushner told another person he spoke to before embarking on the Middle East leg of Mr. Trump’s trip, which he planned.

Oftentimes, that entails soothing Mr. Trump. Other times, he serves as a goad, as he did in urging Mr. Comey’s ouster and assuring him that it would be a political “win” that would neutralize protesting Democrats because they had called for his ouster over his handling of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server, according to six West Wing aides.

His West Wing civil war with Mr. Bannon has been a damaging distraction, and according to several upper level staffers, Mr. Kushner has made it plain that they needed to choose sides or be iced out from an increasingly influential team that included Gary D. Cohn, the director of the National Economic Council, and a handful of other Kushner-allied power brokers like Dina Powell, a national security official.

Mr. Kushner remains infuriated by what he believes to be a series of leaks about his team by Mr. Bannon, who has privately cautioned Mr. Trump against being “captured” by liberal, New York “globalists” associated with his son-in-law, according to three people close to the president.

Mr. Trump, however, has had enough. He recently chided Mr. Kushner for continuing to call for Mr. Bannon’s ouster, saying he wouldn’t fire his conservative populist adviser — who has deep connections with Mr. Trump’s white working-class base — simply because Mr. Kushner wanted him out, according an administration official.

People say that Trump would never get rid of Kushner, but with the heat from last week, who knows. But without Kushner who'll give us peace in the middle east, solve the opiod crisis, streamline government, and reform VA care?

Mr. Trump said: “Jared is doing a great job for the country. I have total confidence in him. He is respected by virtually everyone and is working on programs that will save our country billions of dollars. In addition to that, and perhaps more importantly, he is a very good person.”


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
"Now Jared, I want you to be a good boy and help Ivanka's daddy with being President. Maybe then we can use you as the fall guy when all my crazy shit is exposed"
"Sorry, I kind of colluded with the Russians too..."
"WHY YOU LITTLE-" *chokes Jared*


People thought Trump was going to stop tweeting when his lawyers told him to hold off on that while the investigations continue. What does Trump do the first night he is back? Tweets over 10 times all about fake news and leaks. Even said the Montana race was a great win, but didn't mention the assault at all. Of course not.

So never say never, just because Jared is family don't mean shit. He will be thrown under the bus eventually.


We've heard this stuff before. It used to be Bannon and Reince on their way out. Now it's supposedly Kushner because of a couple snide remarks?

I don't buy it.


We've heard this stuff before. It used to be Bannon and Reince on their way out. Now it's supposedly Kushner because of a couple snide remarks?

I don't buy it.
Nothing in the article said anything about being forced out, just things getting strained you perepetual deafetist bitcher, fucking Christ.


We've heard this stuff before. It used to be Bannon and Reince on their way out. Now it's supposedly Kushner because of a couple snide remarks?

I don't buy it.

At this point it's all Bannon disinformation until someone is actually fired. And as we all know Trump has no problem firing people.
Honestly, Bannon seemingly starting to regain control over the admin is what's scaring me the most. I mean, this is basically a fight between Team Stupid and Team Evil we're watching here, and, while there both just awful, I think I'd be slightly more comfortable with Team Stupid.
WaPo has taken public issue with nyt for being too eager to print something directly to do with Jared while not mentioning to readers what they are reading is coming directly from Jared himself, or a "source close to..". I have no idea why they can print this piece while the issue of his request to use Russian internal comms to communicate to putin without risk of interception, is still dangling.


I love how the press pretends the Kushner family has any respect or anything. This is a family who betrays each other. I mean Jareds father hired prostitutes to seduce his Brother In law just so he could turn all the evidence over to his sister and destroy their marriage
Honestly, Bannon seemingly starting to regain control over the admin is what's scaring me the most. I mean, this is basically a fight between Team Stupid and Team Evil we're watching here, and, while there both just awful, I think I'd be slightly more comfortable with Team Stupid.

This is my fear aswell.


Nothing in the article said anything about being forced out, just things getting strained you perepetual deafetist bitcher, fucking Christ.

Pretty sure my post was more reasonable than the people creaming their pants and posting "kiss of death" gifs.
Honestly, Bannon seemingly starting to regain control over the admin is what's scaring me the most. I mean, this is basically a fight between Team Stupid and Team Evil we're watching here, and, while there both just awful, I think I'd be slightly more comfortable with Team Stupid.

better to put it as a fight between team fundie and and team corruptie, if one must.


We've heard this stuff before. It used to be Bannon and Reince on their way out. Now it's supposedly Kushner because of a couple snide remarks?

I don't buy it.

Bannon got kicked off the NSC, nearly quit and had a notably lower amount of influence after reports came out that he was falling out of favor. Trump obviously hasn't been listening to Reince for a long period of time.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
We've heard this stuff before. It used to be Bannon and Reince on their way out. Now it's supposedly Kushner because of a couple snide remarks?

I don't buy it.

Thank you. This is just gossip talk and a waste of everyone's time IMO.


Trump will always blame people around him until no one wants anything to do with him.
People thought Trump was going to stop tweeting when his lawyers told him to hold off on that while the investigations continue. What does Trump do the first night he is back? Tweets over 10 times all about fake news and leaks. Even said the Montana race was a great win, but didn't mention the assault at all. Of course not.

So never say never, just because Jared is family don't mean shit. He will be thrown under the bus eventually.

I don't get it, he cries leakers and is determined to catch dem pesky leakers then all of a sudden calls it FAKE NEWS
Honestly, Bannon seemingly starting to regain control over the admin is what's scaring me the most. I mean, this is basically a fight between Team Stupid and Team Evil we're watching here, and, while there both just awful, I think I'd be slightly more comfortable with Team Stupid.

I'm uncomfortable with both! Purge them all~!


Tears in the rain
Shit I didn't think that this could mean more Bannon power. Fucking Nazi. Still Kushner is filth.


For Mr. Trump, Ms. Meyer’s performance violated two major rules. Politically, it undercut his immigration crackdown, and in a personal sense, it smacked of profiteering off Mr. Trump — one of the sins that warrants expulsion from his orbit.

So that's what it takes.
People thought Trump was going to stop tweeting when his lawyers told him to hold off on that while the investigations continue. What does Trump do the first night he is back? Tweets over 10 times all about fake news and leaks. Even said the Montana race was a great win, but didn't mention the assault at all. Of course not.

So never say never, just because Jared is family don't mean shit. He will be thrown under the bus eventually.

Disloyalty cuts both ways. I don't know what Flynn has told the FBI, but I have no doubt Jared's pretty little ass would sing like a canary.


If he was the driving force behind the Comey firing and Trump wants to save face (the backlack is clearly bothering him) I wouldn't put it past him to "cut his losses" he did the same with Flynn.


Trumpology sells newspapers and gives people something to speculate about but gossip is still nothing but gossip.


do gotta say the soap opera style delivery is getting a little worn, but yes I like that Trump will read this, or have it read to him, and get even more flustered.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Pretty sure my post was more reasonable than the people creaming their pants and posting "kiss of death" gifs.

Hi gutek everyone thinks you're incisively smart and takes your posts very seriously. You should report that on other websites.


Adding to the animus: Mr. Kushner’s aloof demeanor and his propensity for avoiding messy aspects of his job that he would simply rather not do — he has told associates he wants nothing to do with the legislative process, for instance. He also has a habit, they say, of disappearing during crises, such as his absence on a family ski trip when Mr. Trump’s first health care bill was crashing in March.

At some point Trump is going to realize Kushner is living the life he wanted for himself--ability to have influence and power but also fuck off to nowhere and not do boring stuff without fear of recourse, and he is going to be pissed.

The aside about him being up-in-arms about Kushner's sister using the Trump admin for personal gain is hilarious; we know Trump's in favor of it promoting the Trump brand, but that's a blood relation only privilege!


We've heard this stuff before. It used to be Bannon and Reince on their way out. Now it's supposedly Kushner because of a couple snide remarks?

I don't buy it.

The report isn't about Kushner being on the way out though?


Pretty sure my post was more reasonable than the people creaming their pants and posting "kiss of death" gifs.

Your post is about conjecture the article doesn't contain or reference.


People thought Trump was going to stop tweeting when his lawyers told him to hold off on that while the investigations continue. What does Trump do the first night he is back? Tweets over 10 times all about fake news and leaks. Even said the Montana race was a great win, but didn't mention the assault at all. Of course not.

So never say never, just because Jared is family don't mean shit. He will be thrown under the bus eventually.

Trump cut off his nephew from essential medical treatment in a dispute over his dead brother's estate. Family doesn't mean shit to him.


Mr. Bannon, a onetime Kushner ally turned adversary known for working himself into ill health, has taken to comparing the former real estate executive to “the air,” because he blows in and out of meetings leaving little trace, according to one senior Trump aide.
Just read this article in my news feed, this part kind of stuck out to me, Bannon has some clever wit.
this is why you don't hire family and don't work with family members.

unprofessional, too personal

anyway, I hope both land in jail for treason
Anti-Trump news doesn't even make me feel good any more. I've accepted the fact that this is our guy until 2020 at least. He's not getting impeached, and the immediate future of our country is in his hands.

It's fucked up fam.


this is why you don't hire family and don't work with family members.

unprofessional, too personal

anyway, I hope both land in jail for treason

It's all very messy because of the familial ties, but if push comes to shove with the investigations, what are the chances that Kushner would roll over on Trump? Kushner is young and has first-hand experience with seeing his father go to jail. Despite Ivanka, I wonder if he values self-preservation at all over "loyalty" to Trump?
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